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She Kicked My Ass, a short story

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Offline VickyCD

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She Kicked My Ass, a short story
« on: November 16, 2019, 07:37:41 AM »


Over the years I've had the misfortune, or the good luck, depending on your point of view of being brutally beaten by tough girls, women and ladies. Here's one of them.

The first time I got my ass kicked by a tough girl I was in middle school. One Friday a bunch of us cut last period and made our way to the local park. Once there we started smoking cigarettes, talking smack with each other, acting tough trying to impress the girls. You know, being stupid! At one point I turned my attention to "Julie Winters" Julie was a cute girl maybe 5'8", 175lbs, big but not fat, broad shoulders and big arms, C cups and long black hair. I started innocently teasing her, making fun of her, mocking her and she did the same to me. Well the teasing and mocking soon escalated into insults, the insults got nastier and nastier as we started to get angry. Finally I got so pissed I said "shut the fuck up you sleazy cxnt or I'll shut you up". Well that seemed to do the trick cause she got quite but she also got really, really mad. Getting in my face I could see the fire in her eyes as she asked "what did you call me?"......"well fuck you bitch, let's see you shut me up!" To which I reply "I'm not going to fight a girl, I'd hurt you". Then she starts saying that I'm a chicken shit pussy, egging me on in front of about 20 classmates who by now are all staring at me. Well I had no choice, couldn't look like a pussy so I reluctantly  raised my fists and said "okay bitch, don't say I didn't warn you". She reacted to my warning with an evil grin and a blank stare that went right through me. She raised her fists and held her guard in a manner that suggests she's done this before. So we're standing toe to toe, our fists raised, slowly circling each other, I notice how wide her shoulders are. How big her biceps and forearms are and then as I'm about to throw a punch WAHM!!!!! She nails me with a big overhand right to my cheek, snapping my head back, buckling my knees, seeing stars and trying not to go down. I can hear all the kids laughing and yelling, I can hear Julie mocking me "aw sweetie, you should learn to duck, you'll last longer ". Then she connects with a right, left, right combo to my head sending me backwards wobbling, seeing stars. Julie patiently waits for me to stop wobbling, and with her left index finger she slightly raises my chin then reaches back as far as she can with her right and smashes my chin with a vicious fist that drops me to my knees. She takes a small step back while winding up a brutal right uppercut to my chin sending me flat on my back. Not finished with me Julie tells two of her friends to stand me up, which they do, but not really standing more swaying, fists not really up making my face an easy target for Julie's fists, pummeling my face at will until I go down again. This time Julie straddles my chest, pinning my arms with her knees, slowly starts to ground and pound my face with alternating fists, just beating the hell out of me. Well she must have gotten bored cause I woke up sometime later, alone bruised and bloody.