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Sidekick/JB57/Anubisx/Hype/Kamafight/Apenman - Such good buildup deserves ending

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Dear Sidekick / Anubisex / Kamafight / Apenman / Hype / Shak,

All credit goes to our friend CIndyF

Every man's childhood fantasy buildup starts from his mom which evolves into seeing her into Catfight or Sexfight.

This great story never got completed in either Catfight or Sexfight Genere.

So that's why I am requesting you to use this premise to finish this story just like JB finished New Neighours earlier with a twist (nastiness in fingers digging in A**h**s - even Shak used this move where they fused in one in iconic Dezerai series).

Of course each of you have your own unique style of these moms and some of you may involve the incestuous theme to it which all will be appealing to different readers ( needless to say the son's involvement )

With respect to each of your hardwork which delights us in times of Quarantine and May all you and your familes remain safe.

PS: You can add the element of quaratine too which will leave long days of moms and sons in a lockdown.