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Smoking Hot Biker Chick Humiliated by Group of Younger Ruffians

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Offline bikemanrick

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  • High school C-Leader (18) Crushes Biker Chick (31)
 :P A few years ago, these high school girls (all of whom were 18) were behind their school ready to confront some hot, slim 31-year-old biker chick about selling drugs on school property. I mean, this blonde was only about 5'4" and 108 pounds -- great for being a stripper like she was but mere fodder for the average school girl today. The woman had just approached one of the girls near the locker room, who had told her to go out by the football field to collect the money. She accompanied the woman because the biker chick wouldn’t give her the drugs without the cash.
Unfortunately, she was escorting the blonde to her potential demise as one of the girls had planned to kill her and make an example out of her to defy the bikers. Her name was Andrea and she was, by far, the fattest girl in the school. She was also mean as hell and known for her brutality. And, believe me, it took several girls to convince her not to kill the woman right there or drown her in the lake behind the school. Instead, she appointed another girl to beat her scrawny little ass as part of an initiation.  However, Andrea had her way with the badly battered, bruised and bloodied woman at the end of the fight. And she even confronted the woman later after the other girls had gone home. But that’s a brutal story for another day – if anyone’s interested in hearing it. For now, here’s the scene that played out after the blonde meekly walked up to this group of vicious and physically superior high school girls, booted legs shaking, heart hammering and bladder ready to burst and soak the front of her tight blue jeans.
“Pop her in the mouth, Tammy!” shouted Andrea. “Come on. Knock her teeth down her throat.”
The tall, stout redhead stood before the slim blonde biker chick whom she’d just knocked against the high chain-linked fence outside the football field. Blood flowed from the woman’s nose and right eyebrow.
“Come on. Take the bitch out!”
Tammy hesitated second as she eyed the hapless blonde. Though one eye was slightly lower than the other, the woman was very attractive. And she felt a little guilty punching her in the eye that was a bit lower. But the bitch had to learn her lesson not to show up around the high school anymore.
Andrea started egging her on again. And before she could yell at her some more, Tammy slugged the skinny blonde in the mouth and sent her reeling against the fence again. With the woman’s back now toward her, which was enveloped in a sleeveless blue and yellow midriff, she lunged forward and delivered a kidney punch that elicited a woeful moan for the victim. Seconds later, she grabbed the back of the blonde’s hair, shoved her face against the fence and dragged it across the rusty silver links.
“That’s it,” Andrea yelled. “F*ck her ass up. Hit her in the eye again.”
Cussssshhh!  Tammy punched the woman in the eye. She popped her in the same spot again.
A punch to the stomach dropped the woman to her knees, then Tammy kneed her in the face and knocked her on her back.
“Next time you show up at this high school, you won’t be going home, skinny bitch,” shouted Tammy.
The tight-jeaned blonde just lay spread-eagled on her back as she gazed up at the fat teen through her swollen eyelid. It was bruised and practically glued shut from the four-minute fight in which she hadn’t landed a blow. Blood pured from the side of her mouth to the soil.
"You're not so pretty any more, are you biker slut?" shouted Andrea.
The biker chick looked over at Andrea through her battered eyelid-- the one that was lower than the other one. She looked pathetic. "Yeah, I'm talking to you, tight blue jean bitch. I can even see your pussy lips through those jeans, they're so tight."
The blonde looked back at Tammy. “Please  . . . stop,” the woman said, but her voice was not much louder than a whisper. “I won’t come back here again. I-I promise.”
“I’ve heard the shit before.”
“I promise. You’ll never see me again.”
Tammy listened as the older chick kept begging her to stop the beating. Ten seconds later, she stepped forward and kicked the hapless biker chick in the crotch.
“This bitch doesn’t have balls, Tammy,” said Andrea, "but I guess you can still kick that tight little cxnt in. It's offending me for sure." She chuckled. A couple other girls laughed.
“Whatever.” Tammy kicked the blonde in the crotch again.
The woman reached forward and rubbed the crotch of her jeans. She was now crying as Andrea stepped over her legs, reached down and pulled her up by her arm.
The blonde staggered as the six-foot-three-inch, three-hundred-fifty-pound girl pulled her toward her. The huge girl snarled, which sent shivers through the biker chick’s slim body. Her throat churned.
“Step foot on school property again and I’ll kill you. You hear me, skinny bitch?”
"We don't take kindly to you biker women selling drugs on school property. You could get your pretty little jeans ass killed, you get what I'm saying?"
“Yes,” the woman murmured. She bit her lower lip as she fought the pain from the beating. “Just let me go. I beg you. I’m beaten and can’t take anymore. Please stop hurting me. I know I'm just a stripper, but I still don't deserve this type of treatment.”
"Stripper?" Andrea looked down at the notable camel-toed jeans and smiled. "I'll have to check out the goods later on but I'm still not done with you yet."
"Please stop.  I beg you."
“I’ll stop if you do me one favor.”
“Tell your friends that they’re not welcome here either.”
“I will. I promise.” The woman looked down. She started sobbing again.
Andrea released her grip on the blonde’s thin arm. The biker chick staggered forward, then fell on all fours.
“Can’t stand on your own two feet, huh, bitch? Let me help you.”
Andrea looked at the other girls. She smirked as she reached down and grabbed the back of the blonde’s hair. The woman screamed as Andrea pulled her up on her boots by her hair.
“Wooooo,” said a couple girls. “Hurt much, biker slut?”
“Oh, God. Please stop. You’re hurting me.”
“Like I f*ckin care,” said Andrea, as she leaned forward and spoke into the woman’s ear. "And I'm just getting started with your bony little ass, stripper bitch."
"No. Oh, please . . . Help me, someone. Help!"
The massive girl chuckled, stomach fat wobbling.  She placed her fat hand over the woman's nose and mouth to stop her from yelling.  "Shut the f*ck up, cxnt! You hear me?" The woman nodded under the girl's tight grip.  Her eyes bulged in extreme fear. Andrea released her grip on the woman's face, pulled her toward her, jerked her body around and slugged her in the eye. The blow elicited a soft mushy sound. Andrea popped her in the lower of her two eyes again out of sheer meaness, then punched her in the gut.
A second punch to the gut knocked the blonde to her knees. She leaned forward, held her stomach and started retching. She then vomited on the grass.
“Puke on your own property, stripper whore,” some girl said. Andrea just looked down at the woman. She grit her teeth.
“You’re so not going to like what I do to you next, biker cxnt.” The woman looked up at her – her face now looking more like a jigsaw puzzle that was missing a number of pieces.
Andrea reached down, palmed the top of the woman's head and pulled her up by her hair again. The biker chick squealed in agony—eyes closed, puke running down her chin—as she slapped at the behemoth’s arms. But Andrea just laughed at her. She then turned around, grabbed the woman’s thin arm, walked her over to the edge of a steep hill adjacent to the woods and hurled her down it. She watched as the blonde tumbled head-over-heels to the bottom of the hill and landed sprawled across the top of a thick log. She'd deal with her some more later.

(Here are pics of the fight - first one is with Andrea later that evening. Second pic is when the same biker chick got leveled by an 18-year-old Catholic school girl (six months earlier) after selling meth to her younger sister)

To be continued if interested . . . . (And to answer the question why the woman's jeans and belt are undone. A true "taken behind the woodshed and humiliated" story.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 05:59:10 AM by bikemanrick »