Hi. My name is Tess. I just turned 18 and am going to fight this 30-year-old rodeo cowgirl this week. She thinks she's hot prancing around in those tight jeans, but I don't care. She used to babysit my sister and me and didn't treat us very nice. She yelled at us a lot and once slapped me in the face when I was 10. She also f*cked her boyfriend once when she was babysitting us. I know because I saw the slut going at it.It was nasty. I told her I wanted to fight her a couple years ago but she just laughed and said, "Wait until you're eighteen, honey. I don't want to kick some baby's ass. Anyway, I'm about three inches taller and 25 pounds heavier than this woman. I'm a little worried but think I have a decent chance to beat her. I'm a cheerleader and have played lots of sports. What do you think /How will the fight end/ I might rip those tight jeans off the bitch if I win. I'll tell you what happens in about a week.