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Peg and Jen in Unlimited Boxing - Fight #3

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Offline RJT45

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Peg and Jen in Unlimited Boxing - Fight #3
« on: September 17, 2019, 06:31:31 PM »
My wife Peggy is a voluptuous red head, who loves physical altercations with other women!  It all started 25 years ago, right after our daughter Allie was born.  Having a few stubborn pregnancy pounds that were giving her a hard time, she joined a local gym, and started boxing classes to lose the weight.  She was good at it and enjoyed it, and the classes led to a couple of real fights with other women.  Along the way, she got into wrestling and catfighting too, and now is always looking for an opportunity to "mix it up" with another woman...young or old!

Peggy currently is 52 years old, stands five foot eight, has shoulder length red hair, green eyes, weighs in at 130 pounds, and has a fabulous 36D-24-34 figure!  Many times, younger women have been lulled into a false sense of security in fights because of her age.  Speaking of younger women, this is Peg's third fight with Jen, who is 37 years old, stands 5 foot 9, has very short spiky blonde hair, measures 38-24-36 and wears a 36E bra. The first two fights were catfights that took place in Jen and her husband Rick's back yard (see other fights here... and  Peg won their first meeting but Jen did a number on my wife in their second fight, so now their fight series is tied at one win each.  Peg was looking to even the score and to  show Jen who was the bigger badder bitch.   She invited the younger blond to meet in an Unlimited Boxing match, and Jen agreed.  Let me turn this over to Peg who will provide the details.  Peg...

(Thanks RJ.  So looking to come back from my loss in our last meeting, I called Jen one day recently and wanted to know if she'd like to meet up in five 5 minute rounds of Unlimited Boxing.  In case you're not aware of that term, it's like the Catfighting of Boxing.  There is no ref, and unlike real boxing, if one combatant hits the mat or the ropes, the opponent doesn't have to go to a neutral corner, they can follow right in and continue to attack their fallen opponent.  Jen liked the sound of that, but wanted to change it to three 3 minute rounds with 3 minutes of rest between.  I agreed, and since we are both well endowed, suggested we fight topless.  She liked that idea too and said shoeless and in bikini bottoms.  I also told her that we had friends that had a gym with a regulation ring in Somers Point, and that we could get it after hours one night.  Her only stipulation was that just the two of us and our husbands be present, and I agreed to that.  Sounded like we had a fight!  Then she said she had one more request..."Since you helped me live out a fantasy with our last fight and since I took it to the limit at the end of the fight, I wondered if you'd help me live out another fantasy.  Id like the winner to fuck the loser with a strap on cock right in the ring with our husband's watching."  Well, this young lady had a very active fantasy life, didn't she?  I told her I'd think about that, and have to get back to her.

I found RJ and related the contents of the phone call to him...including her last request.  "How do you feel about that?", he asked me. I told him I didn't even know what she was talking about, so I got my iPad and Googled "Strap On Cock".  Oh My God!  They seems to start at 6 inches and grow from there. They're made from all kinds of material and for some reason the biggest are black...oh, and you can order them from Amazon.  Then I googled pictures of women fucking with them, and another world opened!  Women fucking Men, Men fucking women, and women fucking women!  WOW!  I'd missed a lot, I guess.  "So how do you feel about it", RJ asked me again.  I told him I really didn't want one of those things in me, but since I was going to win the fight, I said I guess I could use it on her!  I called our friend to arrange the use of the ring, and she said next Thursday night at about 10:30 would be the most private. I called Jen back and told her we were on for a week from Thursday, and that was that.  RJ)

Thanks for the set up Peg!  On Thursday evening we drove to the club, arriving about 10:25 and as we were the only car in the parking lot, we knew we'd arrived first.  Peg and I got out of the car, entered the club with the key our friend Pat had given us, and turned off their alarm per the instructions we'd been given.  A couple of minutes later, another set of headlights came into the parking lot and we saw it was Rick's red Mercedes.  I opened the door and Jen and Rick came into the lobby.  Jen was dressed in a beach coverup, but you could tell she was topless underneath.  I could see her red bikini bottom.  Peg, by the way, was wearing a blue spaghetti strap sundress over her blue bikini bottom.  She too was topless under her coverup.

We made our way upstairs and into the ring room, and I turned on the overhead lights.  Jen looked around and liked what she saw.  Both women slipped out of their sandals, pulled their coverups over their heads, and entered the ring, standing in opposing corners topless.  I grabbed a couple of sets of gloves, passed one to Rick, and we climbed into the ring to get the girls suited up.  Once they were all gloved up, I said, "Ok...3 three minute rounds, 3 minutes between rounds, unlimited boxing.  Only rule is that you stop fighting as the round ends, other than that anything goes.  Agreed?"  As they both said yes, we kissed them and climbed out of the ring.  I went to the timer and set the rounds at 3 minutes, the number of rounds at 3 and the rest between rounds at 3 minutes.  When I was ready I called out, "Ready?" and when the both nodded, I hit the start button.

Round One

On the buzzer, both women moved out of their corners.  Peg and Jen met mid ring and started throwing punches.  While Jen threw a lot of shots, Peg was able to block better than 90%.  Peggy on the other hand was having a much easier job getting by Jen's defenses, and had made several very nice body shots, including one that did a nice job of tagging the blond's big tits.  You could tell that Jen was frustrated that she was not able to take more of the fight to Peg, and that's basically how round one went.  When the buzzer sounded ending the round, Peg had Jen up against the ropes, but as the buzzer sounded, and Peg dropped her gloves, Jen plowed a strong right into my red headed wife's gut.  "HEY!" Peg yelled out.  "Sorry..heat of the moment", Jen replied.

(What a load of BS...Heat of the moment my ass!  the bitch is going to pay for that shot - which hurt - in the next round!!)  Between rounds the women sat on stools.  Peggy was pissed about that cheap shot Jen had hot her with after the round ended, but it didn't;t cloud her judgement going into round two.

Round Two

Both women came out on the buzzer and met mid round.  They both started to throw lots of punches with Peg's getting the most action.  While Jen had some good boxing skills, they were not up to Peg's and therefore, she was at a definite  disadvantage fighting my wife!  But, Jen surprised Peg when she tagged her right tit with a good left jab that Peg didn't block.  I knew from the look on her face that Peg was not happy with that, and I had serious doubts if Jen would get another shot at my wife's boobs!  Peg, however, did take advantage of several laps in defense on Jen's part, and threw several nice shots into the blond's large chest.  Suddenly, Peg started to target Jen's lower body, and was able to hit her with 4 or 5 shots that got progressively lower, till the last shot was almost in her crotch!  Then Peg hit her with a powerful right uppercut to Jen's big tits, which almost threw her left boob over her shoulder, and sent the blond into the ropes!  As Jen started to get off the ropes, the buzzer sounded ending round two, and Jen dropped her hands.  It was at that instant that Peg slammed a right into Jen's chest that flattened her left tit!  "What the fuck?", Jen yelled out.  "Sorry...heat of the moment", Peg replied, and turned on her heels and walked back to her corner, never again looking at the blond!

Jen went to her corner pissed!  (Oh too bad!  Don't fuck with me and not expect payback!  I don't know what pissed her off more...that I'd flattened her big tit or that I turned my back on her and walked away without another look!  She sat on the stool this time, and we could tell from her body language that all she did for the 3 minute rest was plot her revenge.  Sorry babe, but don't start something if you can't take the heat!)  As the rest period was about to end, Peg gave me a big kiss and said "it ends now!"

Round Three

Jen came out of her corner with smoke practically coming out of her ears.  No doubt what her plan was, and she took a huge right swing at Peg's head, which Peg just ducked under! (I don't know what it is with some fighters, but this bitch had telegraphed that punch practically since her ass left the stool in her corner.  You'd have to have been blind to not see it coming from across the ring!!!)  Had that punch connected with Peg's head. the fight would have been over, but as Peg ducked under the swing, Jen's body was totally open, and Peg hit her with three quick right rabbit punches low in her gut.  Jen I think was shocked that she'd had such little luck in taking Peg out, and was totally unprepared for what was happening, and had apparently forgotten about defense!  Peg had no trouble tagging the blond's big tits, and then went back to her stomach, with a couple of more devastating punches.  An uppercut to her big tits, and the blond bounced off the ropes to the canvas.  As she started to get up, Peg kicked her hard in the stomach, which sent Jen rolling across the ring.  As she started to get up again, Peg was on the younger blond with a right left combo to the head, which sent her to the mat again.  Using the ropes, Jen again attempted to climb to her feet, this time Peg left her and then with a right laid her out over the top rope and started landing punches in her boobs, sending them flying and causing Jen much pain.  Finally the younger fighter yelled out "YOU WIN!!", and the fight was over.  My wife had beaten her younger rival!

As Jen lay across the ropes catching her breath, she said to Peg, "Okay you won.  So where do you want to fuck me with the strap on?"  Peg replied, "Yep..I did win, but that also means you lost.  Sorry sweet heart, but if you want to play out a fantasy by getting fucked by another women, I suggest you find one of your girl friends or a hooker in Atlantic City, or have your husband strap on that cock, because the only one I want to fuck right now is my husband!"  And with that she left the ring room!   Last word from Peg...

(no fucking way I'm helping this bitch live out her fantasy life. We fought, I won, end discussion!  The only price I wanted was RJ...and I got him!  Will we fight again?  Who knows, but in this series, I'm up 2 to 1!)



Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: Peg and Jen in Unlimited Boxing - Fight #3
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2019, 08:32:47 PM »
Honestly, probably not made a difference.  The more I thought about it, the more I was like, why???  As I said, let the bitch find another way to live out her fantasy!  Besides, I think I more than got back at her at the end of round 2!


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: Peg and Jen in Unlimited Boxing - Fight #3
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2019, 06:49:35 PM »
I gotta love your confidence that you would prevail. Boxing appears to be your strong game, but if she had won I am guessing she would have collected her prize and used you as her toy. Did that ever concern you?!!


Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: Peg and Jen in Unlimited Boxing - Fight #3
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2020, 06:04:43 PM »
Honestly, part of the thrill of the fight for me is putting it all on the line.  As the old line goes, don't make promises your body can't carry out!  I was confident that the bitch was mine, but honestly, that's the way I go into every fight!  Boxing was my first woman to woman sport, and I love coming back to it.