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EMILIA_DA_ASS meets Kelly Rohrback resort hotel catfight

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Offline stormbolt7

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EMILIA_DA_ASS meets Kelly Rohrback resort hotel catfight
« on: January 03, 2020, 07:53:14 PM »
Emilia Da Ass n Kelly Rohrbach

It was a holiday get away.
Instead of snow for Christmas, decided on the beach scene instead.

The water clear, with white sands. Places decorated with seashells, instead of tinsel.
Another enjoyable aspect. Some of the ladies, from other parts of the world.
In fact, I was enjoying meeting a very stunning blonde from the UK.
Emilia was gorgeous, with a lovely face. Along with a very curvy figure.
Full, firm breasts, proudly thrust.
A tush, that although big. Was toned, and thick. Not fat and flabby.
Her long hair, hanging down, down by her waist.
Long, dangerous looking nails. Painted a soft shade of pink.

We still were at the beach. Even as it began to empty.
A wall of clouds building out to sea. That would soon head in.
Emilia was not only beautiful. She was fun, and playful as well.
Humming a song to herself.
As she began making art on the beach.
Wearing her barely there. Yellow string bikini.
Emilia was writing on the sand.
Emilia Da She began. Then turning, plopped down, sitting.
Giggling, as she wiggled a bit. Before getting back up.
An impressive imprint of her ass in the sand.
Finished by was here.

Moving back by my side as we eyed her work.
Basic meaning, Emilia_Da_Ass was here.
Briefly turning away, to look back out to sea.
We turn back, just in time. To see a very fine, trim looking blonde.
Wearing a red, front zippered bikini top. The zipper, half undone.
Mixed with bikini bottoms, that were blue in front, and red in the back.

Her cell phone in hand. As not looking at all.
She shuffles through, destroying Emilia's sand art.
Emilia turns to me. Her hazel eyes wide, in surprise at first.
The fingers on her hand curling slightly. As her eyes become angry.
"Why that blonde little, Baywatch want to be bitch!!" Emilia bursts out.
Just as she is about to quick step after, and challenge the other blonde.

Thunder cracks, then rolls from sea.
The wind kicks up fast. Whipping her long blonde hair around.
It was time to get inside. The shift had come.
The storm now heading inland fast.
Emilia protests at first. Wanting some pay back, from the other lady.
Then realizing, the storm would do the same thing soon.
She allows me to escort her back into the resort.

Rain starting to fall, pelting people, and ourselves.
As we just make it, before it cuts fully loose.
Areas of Emilia's toned skin, slightly wet, from rain.
Making me imagine. Just how sexy. This lady from the Uk would look.
Being fully soaked. Her skin glistening, from head to toe.

With our rooms, on the opposite side of the building. Than the sea.
The storm, not supposed to be dangerous, just wet, and loud.
We decided to head back to the rooms.
Maybe a quick change, before going to a dining room.
We began to head down a corridor.
A waitress, carrying a tray of drinks. Heading to us from the other way.
Likely room service. Which was another option.
As we near the hallways crossing point.

The same blonde from the beach, turns into our hall.
Phone to her ear, talking non stop.
Arm gesturing, to try and make her point. To the person on other end, that could not see it.
Before any warning can be given.
Her hand smacks into the tray. The drinks toppling.
Much of the liquid, flying from it. To spatter, and splash all over Emilia,s pretty face, and sexy figure.

Emilia sputtering, liquid streaming down her body, between her breasts.
The waitress apologizing, promising to get something to clean it up. Then hurrying away.
Emilia trying to control herself. Then it gets worse fast.
"I'll have to call back." "Some clumsy bimbo, has made a mess of the place." She informs.

"I'm Kelly Rohrback, sorry no time for autographs." She gets out before a shriek erupts from Emilia.
Kelly standing smirking, at a very wet Emilia.
Then Emilia grabs a handful of Kelly's hair.
Shaking her head side to side.
"Fucking bitch, I've had enough of you!!" Emilia vents. Using hair, to slam Kelly into the wall.
Kelly quick to respond. Grabbing Emilia's hair now.
Their nubile bodies, soon begin pressing together.
I manage to get the door open, just in time.
As they tumble into the room, out of the hallway.
A much more private place.
For what I knew had to happen. A catfight.

The storm outside had landed.
The storm inside, had just gotten started.
Emilia, and Kelly pushing and shoving each other.
Then a slap by Kelly, across Emilia's face.
Emilia's hazel eyes widening, part shock, part anger.

Kelly smiling, proud of herself.
Until her head snaps, from the return slap by Emilia.
Emilia's other hand grasping the zipper on Kelly's top.
Soon Kelly's pert breasts spring free. The zuipper undone.
Her bikini top flying apart. Soon landing on the floor, as it is stripped from her.
Kelly, and Emilia's eyes both going to her exposed breasts.
The nipples engorged, and excited. The firm mounds heaving.
Some from the excitement. Some maybe from arousal.

With a shriek, her hand slashes down, nails curved.
Emilia giving a cry of pain.
As Kelly's nails rip her yellow bikini top off.
While scoring thin traces, along her bobbling breasts.
Emilia's tits, larger, firm, and fuller.
Now showing some thin lines, with a light trail of blood.
Her skin just broken, in some places, from the nails.
Now all eyes, shift to Emilia's beautiful, fully exposed girls.
One of the claw marks, just missing her engorged, left nipple.

Before she can recover, Kelly strikes.
Moving her body in close. She begins to slam her proudly thrust tits.
Against Emilia's bare, glistening mounds.
Their hands moving to grapple.
Emilia's breasts larger, and fuller. At the same time, also aching, and clawed.
Kelly's slamming, into them, first from beneath.
Then nipple, to nipple, shoving, and crushing them together.
Adding further pain, to Emilia's proud pair.
As skin grinds against, nail clawed skin.

Outside thunder rumbles, one loud peal. Seeming to shake the ground.
The ladies for a moment, unbalanced.
Emilia using one shapely leg. To hook, and trip Kelly.
Kelly with a shriek of surprise, toppling to the floor.
With a cry of triumph, Emilia launches herself at her opponent.
They begin to kick, hit, and claw. While rolling half naked together, on the floor.
Kelly's bikini bottoms are torn free.
Soon Emilia's yellow bottoms go sailing also.

Fully nude, skin to skin. Blonde hair from both flying, they continue.
At times between breath still trash talking.
"Stupid bitch, I'm going to destroy you." Kelly offers.
"You are so going to be my whore, after I finish you!!" Emilia lashes back.

Emilia manages to land a punch to Kelly's midsection. Knocking air out of her.
As Kelly struggles to roll over or curl to protect herself.
Emilia brings her impressive backside into the fight.
Slamming her bare ass hard, into Kelly's. A cry of pain from Kelly.
Kelly trying to roll free, ending on her back.
As Emilia starts to lift with her hands, and arms.
To drop her ass along Kelly's body. From hips, to chest.
The ladies skin, now slicked with a light sheen of sweat.
One ass drop, not fully hitting the target.
Emilia's bottom connects lightly, then she slides off, hitting the floor.
The impact stunning her for a second, against the harder floor.
Her nubile body jolted, by the impact.

Kelly's arm, snakes around, grabbing her. Bending Emilia back, arching her, over Kelly's own body.
Emilia's tits heaving, glistening, and thrust wonderfully.
Just as Kelly, begins bringing an arm down hard across them.
Kelly targeting Emilia's breasts and belly.
Emilia managing to land an elbow, up against the side of Kelly's head.
Helping to free herself.
Emilia rolls free.

They break, both beaten, aching, and nail marks, showing on their flesh.
Gasping for air, chests heaving they rise.
Moving closer, hands slap tits, and faces.
Then fists follow, the sound of skin, smacking bare skin.
Seeming to compete well, with the softening thunder.
Then they lunge together again.
Emilia's hazel eyes showing her pain. As hard nippled tits, grind together.
Bodies pressed close, legs straining for position.
They move across the floor turning, and spinning.
The image almost of dancers, doing a winning combo step.

Emilia getting the advantage finally. With a shove, and lunge.
Kelly shrieks, as she is shoved backwards.
Kelly landing on the spacious sofa.
Emilia slamming quickly down on top of her.
Their naked bodies, writhing together.
Kelly's struggles, weakening.
A few more punches from Emilia.
Then Emilia slides her lush, nude body up.
Her crotch, now covering Kelly's pretty face.
"I own you whore, now give in." "Lick the kitty slut!!" Emilia gasps out.
Kelly struggles a little bit more. Then she stops trying to punch. Her legs stop trying to kick.
Emilia moans softly.

Emilia lowers herself back. Soon laying splayed, contented, on top of Kelly.
Kelly had lost, and submitted.
Outside now it was just the gentle patter of rain.
Inside, it was the exhausted, yet slightly aroused breathing.
Of two naked beauties, after a catfight.
Emilia now gently working herself from on top of Kelly.
Kelly simply laying still, naked in all of her glory, on the sofa.

Emilia struts up to me, a smile on her face.
Her body having to ache. Showing nail marks, on tender flesh, here and there.
Her hazel eyes on me. Emilia moves in close.
"Get us some drinks Stormy." Emilia says breathily.
The full weight, of her well formed breasts against me.
"I promise, your going to have a wonderful Christmas." She ads, before giving me a kiss.

Then backing away, a playful look in her eyes.
She holds her hand out.
Kelly rises, to take it.
"For right now." "I have to start training my new bitch." Emilia says.
Before leading Kelly off, to the bedroom.

I could only imagine, what she had in mind for later.
As I give the ladies some privacy.
Getting drinks, back, while they enjoyed the bedroom.
If nothing else.
I would always enjoy, having met, and sharing Christmas.
With a tempting beauty from the UK.
Known as Emilia_Da_Ass

The end