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Sexy Teacher vs. Hot Mom: Disciplinarian vs. Hell Raiser Pt. 1!

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                               Sexy Teacher vs. Hot Mom: Disciplinarian vs. Hell Raiser Pt 1
                                                                                By: Supporturgoddess

       I’ve known teachers I loved to hate and teachers I hated to love.
       Long ago when I entered the third grade, I met new English teacher, Julie Speck. She was just beginning her teaching career and seemed determined to make her new students understand she was the boss. Miss Speck was a very strict disciplinarian who wouldn’t hesitate to give a spanking to anyone who dared defy her. If she wanted to send a particularly severe message, she would humiliate misbehaving students by drawing a circle on a blackboard and forcing them to put their nose in it and spend the class standing in the corner. She had a confident swagger in her step and an arrogant sneer in her smile. She expected her students to obey her every command, without question. Most of my friends hated her, calling her the meanest teacher ever. I saw her differently. There were certainly more attractive teachers in the school than the thin English teacher with the relatively small breasts. Most of my friends drooled over Mrs. Woods, our tall, leggy, busty music teacher. I don’t know exactly why I found Miss Speck so attractive. There was just something about her. Miss Speck stood about 5’4” (towering over me at the time) and weighed about 110 lbs. She made up for her lack of curves with an artful wardrobe, which included smart--if severe--pant suits, very short skirts, and colorful blouses, always topped off with one of several short, decorative scarves. Those scarves became her trademark, her fashion statement. There were also little things that caught my eye. Miss Speck’s huge, brown eyes were fierce and challenging. She had a habit of running her fingers through her barely-shoulder-length, chestnut hair, while letting out deep sighs. She never seemed to have a hair out of place. There was also the way she would cross her legs and dangle one shoe off the very tips of her silky foot. (She always wore “nude” pantyhose) Though I didn’t dare admit it to my friends, I developed a crush on the “wicked witch” of West Wind Elementary School.
       Miss Speck liked to prove her dominance over any challenger, a fact made clear by a confrontation she had with our aforementioned music teacher, Mrs. Woods. One day my friends and I filed into English class and found a student from the previous class still there, sitting in a corner, trying feverishly to complete an assignment. We took our seats, and class began. A few minutes into class, music teacher Lea Woods entered. She explained that the student in the corner was supposed to be in her class and that due to the part she sang, her other students couldn’t rehearse their parts without her. Mrs. Woods wanted to take the student with her, but Miss Speck insisted she had to complete her English paper first. The two young teachers stepped out into the hallway. A heated argument began. My friends lit up, believing the curvy, 5’7”, 130 lb. music teacher would put strict Miss Speck in her place. Miss Speck stuck out her chin, almost daring Mrs. Woods to take a swing at her! She quickly emerged as the dominant woman, cowing Mrs. Woods, backing her down! My heart raced, as Miss Speck wagged her finger in Mrs. Woods face and told her off. Then Miss Speck snapped her fingers and thrust one toward the music room, forcing the humbled music teacher to slink back to her classroom! Her student would stay for however long Miss Speck desired! When Miss Speck reentered our classroom, I couldn’t miss the confident, victorious, sneering grin on her lips! She had humbled another woman, and she loved it!
       I slowly came to realize Miss Speck handed out far more discipline to girls than boys. She clearly enjoyed teaching members of her own gender who was the boss. She relished the role of dominant female.
       One day Miss Speck caught our class bully, a girl named Jamie Carey, bullying another girl. When Miss Speck tried to drag Jamie to the principal’s office, Jamie dared to fight back! A brief scuffle broke out, but the 3rd grader had no chance. Miss Speck was a giantess next to the girl. Miss Speck put the girl over her knee, bent her other knee so the back of it rested over the back of Jamie’s neck to hold her in place, and then Miss Speck gave Jamie a spanking! I knew Jamie’s twin brother, Ron. Every boy I knew liked to spend time at his house, because his mother, Kathy Carey, was that particularly hot mom every town has, the one who has an amazingly hot body and likes to show off in front of her kid’s friends. I knew Jamie could be obnoxious, but I also knew the public humiliation was hard on the proud young girl. I thought Miss Speck went a bit too far. Miss Speck wouldn’t allow any challenges to her rule.
       Fighting tears of pain and shame, Jamie shouted, “I’ll tell my Mommy! She’ll fix you!”
       With an unbelievably arrogant voice, Miss Speck replied, “I’m not afraid of your mother. If she wants to step through the ropes to fight me, I’ll be waiting, but you’d better think twice before you tell her anything. You’ll just get your mommy hurt!”
       That seemed to frighten Jamie. The rest of the year went by without further trouble.
       When the year ended, I was resigned to never seeing Miss Speck again. Years passed. Then, halfway through my senior year, my English Literature teacher had to quit due to health reasons. Her replacement was none other than my old crush, Miss Speck! Having been so young when I first met her, Miss Speck had barely changed. She stood at the front of the class wearing a short, black skirt and colorful blouse, topped off with one of her trademark scarves. At the end of the day, all the students filed past her desk to turn in our papers. As I reached her, I froze. I looked down at a woman who had once towered over me. I stared into those piercing, brown eyes. Her eyebrow rose.
       I stammered, “I--I was in the first class you ever taught.”
       She studied my face. “Mike, isn’t it? Yeah, I remember you. You’ve grown up nicely.”
       My heart pounded. Without thinking, I blurted out, “So have you.”
       That confident, sneering smile I remembered crossed her face. I hurried out of the room.
       The next day, Miss Speck decided to address the class, to tell us what she expected--or demanded--from us. When she spotted the then eighteen-year-old Jamie Carey, she hovered over her, hands on hips. Jamie shrank behind her desk.
       “I’m strict but fair,” Miss Speck said. “I won’t stand for any disobedience.” She looked down at Jamie with a hint of that sneering smile showing, and said, “I’m sure those of you who I’ve taught in the past can explain what happens to students who defy me.”
       Jamie Carey blushed blood red. Miss Speck deliberately reminded the class of the day Jamie had tried to forget, that day long ago when Miss Speck humiliated her by spanking her before her friends. Jamie looked like a volcano ready to erupt, but she kept her cool. Thus began a smoldering battle of wills between student and teacher. Jamie had waited a year after leaving Miss Speck’s class before telling her mom about the spanking, but this time, she confided everything. Jamie’s mother and town “hot mom”, Kathy Carey, by then divorced, told her daughter not to back down an inch. Jamie pushed Miss Speck as far as she dared.
       Miss Speck’s new reign of dominance continued unchallenged until the night of a parent-teacher conference. By then, Miss Speck was well aware I thought she was the hottest woman ever to walk the halls of any school. Far from discouraging my adoration, she encouraged it. When I introduced her to my mom, she seemed to size her up as a potential opponent! Miss Speck was NOT impressed. She walked past her several times, deliberately bumping back Mom’s shoulder with her own, letting us both know who was the boss, teacher over mom!
Fortunately, Mom ignored her.
       The evening went along all right, until Jamie’s mom. Kathy Carey, arrived. The hot blond mom wore her usual attire, tiny “Daisy Duke” shorts, a skin-tight shirt barely capable of holding back her magnificent breasts, tied at the waist to expose her belly, and sandals. Everyone knew a confrontation with Miss Speck loomed.
       Obviously slightly intoxicated, the hot blond mom poked her finger on Miss Speck’s upper chest, telling her, “You better not give my little girl a hard time! If we tangle, you just might get what you deserve!”
       Miss Speck snarled. “So might you!”
       Ms. Carey shot back, “You better watch out! This is your last warning!” Satisfied, Ms, Carey turned to walk out.
       Under her breath, Miss Speck hissed, “Maybe YOU’RE the one I should put over my knee and spank!”
       Everyone heard her!
       Mouth wide open in disbelief, the blonde spun and marched up to Miss Speck! My heart pounded! Kathy Carey drew back her open palm, threatening to slap Miss Speck. Miss Speck thrust out her chin, daring Ms. Carey to hit her! Ms. Carey shifted positions, threatening palm slaps and backhands, but in the end, she backed down.
       On her way out, Ms. Carey offered a hollow threat. “If you give my daughter any trouble, you’ll be sorry!”
       Miss Speck passed by me, showing that confident grin. I had never been so impressed in my life!
       Emboldened by her mother, Jamie Carey pushed Miss Speck to her limits, but never past them. Months drifted by. Finally, my senior year neared its end. About all that remained before graduation were a few fundraisers held for the younger students and the publishing of the last school paper my graduating class would work on. I noticed Jamie was absent for several days. Then one night, sixteen seniors met after school, to put the finishing touches on our last school paper, meant as a tribute to our class. Miss Speck served as our editor. The rest of the class still thought of her as cold and mean, but my attraction to her grew.
       The evening passed quietly, until suddenly, the doors to the school burst open. Jamie’s mom, Kathy Carey, stormed up the hallway wearing her customary tied shirt, shorts, and sandals. She entered our classroom and shouted, “You mean-spirited, dictatorial bitch! You had my daughter expelled, so she won’t graduate with her class!”
       I couldn’t believe Miss Speck would go that far!
       Miss Speck hissed, “She got what she deserved.”
       Ms. Carey growled. “So will you!”
       Again Kathy Carey pulled back her open palm, threatening a slap. Again Miss Speck stuck out her chin, daring the blond to try it.
       Ms. Carey shouted, “You love dominating people who can’t fight back, don’t you? Well, I have friends on the school board. I’ll have you fired for this! I’ll make sure what happened goes on your record, so no one else with hire you, either! You’re finished!”
       Miss Speck stood, jaw hanging open in shock, watching as Ms. Carey marched out. Something deep in Miss Speck snapped. She ran up behind Ms. Carey, shoving her back and sending the blonde stumbling out into the hallway. Kathy Carey spun and lunged at Miss Speck, shoving her back into the classroom. The brunette disciplinarian and the blond hell raiser circled.
       “Stay in your seats!” Miss Speck shouted. No one had any other thought! Who would want to miss this? Again Ms. Carey threatened to slap. Again Miss Speck stuck out her chin….
WHAP! A tremendous slap across Miss Speck’s lips sent her crashing back against a wall! Instantly Miss Speck charged back, delivering a slap of her own so powerful it sent Ms. Carey spinning completely around and down to the floor! Miss Speck circled Ms. Carey as she rose. Both women had hate in their eyes. The fight was on!
       Miss Speck kicked off her shoes. The women leapt together, pushing and slapping. After a very brief, profanity-laced struggle, Miss Speck came out on top with a headlock. Both women grunted, strained…and then Miss Speck spun Ms, Carey down to the floor. Miss Speck rolled on top Ms. Carey and sat on her. The brunette disciplinarian slammed the blond mom’s wrists down on either side of her head, pinning her. Blue eyes bulging and full of fear and shock, the pinned blond looked up at the dominant brunette. Miss Speck delighted in telling the blond off in front of the class. Then, looking around at all the witnesses, Ms. Carey came to life, kicking wildly. More by luck than skill, she got one foot around Miss Speck’s neck and pulled her off.
       The women rose quickly, exchanging vicious sneers. They ran together and struggled hand-in-hand. Miss Speck slowly forced Ms. Carey back and pinned her top half back over a desk. Ms. Carey strained, but Miss Speck had her!
       Adopting that sneering grin, Miss Speck spat, “I’ve had to teach students who’s boss. I’ll be happy to teach you the same lesson! It’s time I put YOU over my knee!”
       Ms. Carey whined. Students shouted, “Come on, Ms. Carey! Take her out! Don’t let her treat you this way! Kick her butt!”
       Miss Speck shot her students a very dirty look.
       Ms. Carey got her feet between them and kicked Miss Speck back across the room, sending chairs flying and an empty desk toppling over. The women marched together and traded wicked slaps to the face, four each. Hands on their cheeks and faces bright red, they backed apart, glaring at each other with fire in their eyes. Miss Speck lunged, seizing two handfuls of Ms. Carey’s blond hair. Ms. Carey shrieked, but grabbed fistfuls of Miss Speck’s brown hair. It was the first time I’d seen Miss Speck’s hair a mess. They stood locked in a hair pull and a battle of wills, growling and shaking from pain and strain.
       After taking so much abuse from Miss Speck for so long, my classmates reveled at the idea of watching Miss Speck put in her place. They cheered Ms. Carey on.
       “Stomp her toes! Kick her knee! Bite her!”
       The class went wild as Kathy Carey forced Miss Speck first to her knees and then all the way down on her back. They continued their savage hair pulling, but Ms. Carey sat on top Miss Speck. She slammed Miss Speck’s head to the floor, twice. Miss Speck let out a squeal. She was in trouble! I silently cheered the smaller woman on, hoping she could fight out of Ms. Carey’s clutches. Miss Speck finally rolled out from under the blond. She tried to get to her feet, but Ms. Carey caught her by her blouse. Miss Speck struggled until Ms. Carey tore Miss Speck’s colorful blouse completely off! Miss Speck froze, trying to cover up, mouth wide open as her students roared with laughter! There she stood, reduced to only a small white bra over her flat chest, a short skirt, pantyhose, and her favorite aqua scarf. Ms. Carey shoved Miss Speck out across the top of her own desk and mounted her. Ms. Carey pinned Miss Speck under her and mocked her.
       “So you think you’re a big shot, huh? You think you can ruin my daughter’s life, just because she wouldn’t jump through hoops for you? Well, look at you now! Who’s the boss now, Julie? Ha! Who’s dishing out the punishment now?”
       Miss Speck looked up at the blond with genuine fear in her huge, brown eyes. Miss Speck kicked and turned wildly. The desk flipped over. Both women crawled quickly away.
       They raced to their feet, but Miss Speck proved faster. She landed a tremendous fist flat against Ms. Carey’s mouth. The students moaned, as Ms, Carey collapsed. Jamie’s mom curled up, her breasts lying on her knees, hands over her face. Miss Speck looked right at me, showing her confident, sneering smile. She then reached down and pulled the dazed mom up by her blond hair. Miss Speck dragged Ms, Carey’s face across desktops and rubbed it back and forth on the wall, doing little damage, but keeping control until she could think of what to do next. Finding what she wanted, Miss Speck dropped the blond. Ms. Carey rose, but then fell back to her knees, hands up defensively, crying, “Oh, no, no, no!”
       Miss Speck stood over Ms. Carey, brandishing a heavy, wood yardstick like a samurai sword. Ms. Carey tried to leap up to make a run for safety.
      SPLAT! Miss Speck slapped the ruler across Ms. Carey’s back. Ms. Carey cried out, falling forward over a desk. The position left her wide open. SMACK! SMACK! Miss Speck slammed the yardstick across Ms. Carey’s hips, again and again. The students laughed. WHACK! Miss Speck hit Ms. Carey across the back of her upper thighs, just below her shorts. Ms. Carey shrieked in agony, falling and trying to hide under the desk. Miss Speck leapt up onto the table to dive down on her hurting enemy, but landing only on one corner, Miss Speck merely toppled the desk over sideways. They both crawled off, breathing very hard, gasping for air, exhausted. They turned to resume their battle. A mesmerized group of students watched breathlessly, as a hot mom and a sexy teacher fought for supremacy….

                            To Be Concluded in “Sexy Teacher vs. Hot Mom Pt. 2!!!