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The Trial and Tribulations of Kate the ex model episode 6 by the Masked Writer

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The Trial and Tribulations of Kate the ex model episode 6
4 vs 1 catfight !
By the Masked Writer
continued from the "Wrestling" section

Kate is worried but also proud of herself. Worried because after her last fight, the Mistress told her she was not going to get off easy of the “punishment” she received since she tried to leave the cult. Punishment she received in the form of repeated beating in a ring by : a male boxer, an athletic ex-figure skater and a 300-pounds gigantic strong woman. She took weeks to recover after the last one.
But she also is proud of herself. She was appointed two new coaches: a woman in her forties, a fitness specialist, and a man in her thirties, a martial art champion. To respectively improve her physical form and her combat techniques. And the results are starting to be felt. She realizes how rudimentary and sloppy the methods of Joe, her previous trainer, were. She even begins to build muscles! For the first time in her life, she can see muscles playing under the pale skin of her long frame of 5ft 10 and 115 lbs, when she looks at herself in the mirror. Maybe 120lbs now. Of course she is still far from being an athlete. But finally, when she flexes her biceps, one sees a small egg. Abs begins to be visible on her stomach. She is still a tall, skinny redhead, but she is less and less flabby. Besides, she feels stronger. She can do series of push-ups without difficulty. She has more endurance. In combat her movements are more precise, faster. She begins to feel a confidence that she never felt before.
She left the cell in which she had been held since her return in the sect for a small pavilion complete with kitchen bathroom, bedroom and living room. Nothing fancy but better. She has a greater freedom of movement, which allowed her to see that she is not on “the farm” from where she had escaped before. This is a much larger, sprawling complex with dozens of building for different use. Still it is a gated community and the large gate with bars which is the only opening in the 15 foot high stone wall that surrounds the property, reminds her that she is still a prisoner.

She has just finished a workout with a high jump practice when she hears herself called. She turns around and notices that her trainer has stepped back, respectfully, because none other than the Mistress has just entered the gym.
Approximately 5ft 8in. Abundant blonde hair (maybe a wig?) Waist wrapped in a leather corset, black mid-thigh boots ending in high heels, a whip in hand, a face shaped by plastic surgery.
Master's wife is there, contemptuously looking at Kate.
Kate, dressed in her red gym leotard, stands at attention, as one must in the presence of the sect's No. 2.

Without formalities, the Mistress addresses her.
- "The Master invites you to his lodge this evening. The clothes you have to wear are already on the table in your pavilion. The Master seems to find you to his liking.” Here jealousy pierces through a trembling of the Mistress' voice. And Kate is afraid because she knows that the dominatrix always ends up taking revenge on the girls who attract a too kind attention from the guru. But the Mistress continues;

- “Be in our living room at 8 o'clock in the evening. There will be a few other guests and, of course, your opponents! Without further ado, she turns on her heel.
Kate is confused. Her “opponents” ? Did she hear a “s”, as in : more than one ?
Kate try to focus on ends training for the rest of the day  in spite of the questions haunting her. Are they going to pit her against more than one opponent? How many ? Should she prepare to take a beating worse than anything she has received so far?
At the end of the day, she prepares her dinner in her pavilion. Nothing too heavy, it's better when you have to fight, she learned that. It is only after eating that she looks in the bag that contains her costume. She is a little surprised: bra and panties in red lace, red netting with suspenders. Plus a bathrobe visibly intended to cover the whole.

Wow !

At around 7:30 a.m., she put on this paraphernalia before heading for the Master's lodge, a house three times larger than all the others on the property, located near the wrought iron gate
of the exit.

When she enters the huge living room, she can't help but feel intimidated. Half a dozen people are seated on two long sofas. Among them, Réal the Master, the Mistress and others whom they recognize as close friends of the Master, the Chosen Ones, the highest ranking officers of the sect, all dressed in large white coats, except the Mistress, always strapped in her eternal dominatrix kit.

At the ends of each sofa: a coffee table with bottles of wine and appetizers. The Chosen Ones do not refuse themselves anything.

Along the wall facing the sofas, four women are seated, wrapped in large dresses of different colors.

- "Ah!" Exclaims the Master on seeing Kate enter. "This is the star of our little evening! Come in, my dear! " He is now addressing the other guests: - "You all know Kate Johnson, our ex-model. She wanted to betray us but I think she is starting to realize her mistake! Isn’t it Kate? "
Kate isn’t stupid enough to contradict Master. She takes the most contrite attitude she can and declares; - "Yes, Master, I'm ashamed of what I did. I now know that my place is here! "

Homeric laughter shakes the Master’s obesity, then he adds:
 - “Our Kate will be up against four consecutive opponents this evening! Maybe she will give some punishment instead of receiving it ... "

Kate does not know if this last sentence should reassure her. After all, she can't see herself being beaten 4 opponents, even in succession. Especially since at least one of them, the one with long blond hair and a pretty face, looks pretty beefy. Another, with short, brown hair, is vaguely familiar to her. The other two, a mature lady with long white hair and another with a famished oriental face framed by black hair cut straight, are unknown to her.

The Master continues:
- “After all, these four women also violated the rules of our Church. They also deserve to be punished! We will see if God has mercy on them and grants them victory! "

He turns to Kate:
- "Take off your dress and get ready! It is a catfight ! That means anything goes ! "
Kate obeys, aware of the gaze of men. Then the Master calls one of the adversaries.
- "Sasha! It is the oriental woman which rises and goes towards the center of the living room, covered with a gymnastic mattress. She takes off her long yellow dress and Kate is shocked to see her body, wearing only black panties: this girl is anorexic! The skin sticks directly to her bones. She has no breast, her arms aren't half of Kate's (which is really not much) and her knees are bigger than her thighs! The Master presents her:

- "Sasha Wong refused to do the tasks that were asked of her in the kitchen, saying that our food made upset her stomach. She is 20,  5ft6 in. And weighs 87 pounds! Go, ladies !"

Kate is not sure what to do in front of this living skeleton. She is frankly afraid of breaking her a bone if she hits her. Sasha, however, decides for her. She puts her thin carcass forward and grabs Kate by the hair, trying to drag her to the ground. Kate screams in pain and surprise. Instinctively, she grabs the lean wrists of her opponents and squeezes. To her own surprise, Sasha groans and let go. This is the first time that Kate sees herself as the stronger fighter. She forces Sasha to spread her arms, still hesitating on the what to do next, but the skinny girl does not hesitate and sends her bony knee in the Kate’s crotch, making her release her wrists and, instinctively, protects her sex with her hands. Sasha cease the opportunity to grab her hair with one hand and start punching her in the face.

This time, Kate gets angry for good and sends a straight shot to the stomach of her skeletal opponent. The blow hits hard, in part thanks to Kate's long arms and Sasha loses grip, falling on her knees, bent in half. Actually, Kate almost felt her fist going through Sasha’s sickly-slim waist.

Kate hesitates for a short moment but she knows what is expected of her: she cannot refuse to continue the fight even if she pity this poor girl.  So, she grabs Sasha by the hair, lift her head and sends her a solid punch in the face. The skeletal girl falls to the ground, inert.

Kate glances at the audience and notices that they are obviously waiting for something. Obviously, she thinks about it after a while. It is not enough to win. You must humiliate the defeated opponent. Kate leans over and grabs Sasha's black underwear, sliding it over her protruding hip bones and along her rickety legs, revealing two soft, flat, pancake-like buttocks. She then grabs the wrists of her helpless opponent and ties them behind her back with the tiny garment. The men present applaud.

- "Our Kate has just won her first victory! Exclaims the Master. Then he snaps his fingers and two followers, two fellows with brutish faces, come out of another room and carry Sasha’s scrawny hulk on the bench with the other girls, untying her wrists and giving her back her bathrobe while she regains her senses.

The Master continues: - “Now we will move on to the second game. My dear Kate, you will find that the adversaries follow each other and are not alike! Dany, it's your turn! "
The big blond-haired woman stands up, dressed in a loose blue dress. She has a very beautiful face. Kate wished she could breathe a bit before starting a second fight, especially against this impressive woman. - "This is Dany, who tried to steal food from the kitchens! As if she needed to eat more, she, who at 26, measures 5'10 inches and weighs 380 pounds! " Hearing these figures, Kate feels her heart go down in her stomach. Another giant like the one she once faced. She still hurt all over just thinking about it…
-" Get ready !” Order the Master and Dany takes off her dress. Seeing the body of her new opponent, Kate immediately feels a little reassured. This girl has nothing to do with Olga the Giant. She is simply obese. Rolls of flabby fat overflow between her blue panties and her bra of the same color. White, soft flesh hangs under the enormous arms. Each movement of her big thighs makes the jelly-like fat of her huge belly tremble. Kate nevertheless prepares mentally: appearances can be deceiving.

Kate therefore tells herself that, in front of such a mass, the best defense may be attack. So, when the Master shouts “Go! She doesn't lose a second and leaps toward Dany to sidekick her in her massive belly with all her weight and speed. It feels like her feet sinks into a jell-o dish but the shot hits. Surprise, the BBW emits a painful “Phew! and tilts backwards, crashing outside the mattress on her generous posterior in a great fleshquake.

Kate temporarily lost her balance, surprised by the inertia of the weight to be moved, but gets back on her feet without difficulty. Dany, for her part, shows a red, congested face, and takes several seconds to recover from the blow. The men laugh and make sarcastic comments on the "deflating balloons" and the "shaky ground". He face still red, but now with shame and anger, Dany gets up not without difficulty. She has to help herself with her hands and, on all fours, lift up her big ass so that she can then get up, puffing like a steam pump.

She comes back onto the mattress, her eyes fixed on Kate, her elbows tight against the body and her hands at waist level, ready to intercept a second kick.

But Kate knows one doesn't use the same tactic twice in a row. So she’s looking for a new angle of attack.

But this time,  Dany takes the initiative, rushing towards Kate head first, arms spread to try to hug her but the young ex-model, much faster, easily dodges the charging BBW and tries to make her trip. The fat girl stumbles, falters but, finally, manages to regain her balance.

Before she can turn around, Kate leaps onto her and grabs her pudgy neck in a chinlock. Dany tries to loosen the grip with her hands but Kate was right: this fat girl is not very strong and however hard she grabs the arm around her neck, she cannot break the grip. She then begins to try to elbow Kate but her own mass prevents her, Kate's thin body being out of reach in the middle of the fat woman's back.

She then tries to lean forward to project Kate over her shoulder or push her back with blows from her huge buttocks and is more successful. The grip loosens a bit, Kate’s 115-pounds body do not have enough strength to immobilize such a mass. Kate then leaps onto Dany's back, wrapping her around the waist of her long legs to take her breath away with a scissor grip, without loosening the chinlock. Kate’s weight suddenly on Dany's back is enough to make her bend her knees and collapse. At the last second, she rocks backwards, crushing the slim girl under her 380 pounds of flabby flesh!

This time, Kate, breathless, must let go. Dany has no trouble spreading the arms around her throat, and Kate's long legs instantly let go of her waist when her back hit the ground while her long chest was crushed under her opponent's weight. A suffocating Kate is desperately trying to get out from under the mass of flesh that smothers her. Dany rolls on the side, which gives the ex-model time to take a breath but the fat girl immediately lets herself fall, face first, her huge soft torso on that of Kate who seems a twig in comparison . She tries to grab Kate's fidgeting wrists.

Fortunately for our redhead, Dany is clumsy and manages to grab only one of Kate's slender wrists, the left one. She nevertheless undertakes to pass one of her huge thighs over her opponent's narrow pelvis in order to overlap her.

Kate struggles frantically. Her face buried between the enormous breasts, she strikes with her free fist the masses of soft flesh that surround Dany's chest. The big girl groans in pain but continues to crush her with all her mass. Kate scratches, gropes and finally grabs a handful of her opponent's long hair and pulls with all her might, trying to make her roll over to the side. Dany screams and lets go of Kate's left wrist in an attempt to force the right one to let go of her hair. Kate then starts hitting the chest and the soft breasts that suffocate her. She pulls on the bra, releases a nipple and bites it as hard as she can. Screaming in pain, Dany finally moves to the side, helping with her hands to move her huge fat body, and Kate can at last take a deep breath.

Our redhead is starting to be seriously exhausted from this hand-to-hand fight against this mass of soft flesh. She must finish if she wants to win. Gathering her remaining strength, she leaps onto the back of Dany who tries to get up. The fat girl falls on her stomach, letting out a sigh. She too is out of breath.
Kate, overlapping her, grabs a handful of blonde hair and repeatedly strikes Dany's head and face on the floor and then, holding her hair in her left hand, grabs Dany's right wrist from the right and, twisting it, bring the big flabby arm of her opponent behind her back in a perfect chickenwing.

Dany tries to extricate herself, screams, fidgeting, making her flab tremble all over, but does not have enough strength to free herself with the weight of the slim young girl on her back. Exhausted, she ends up moaning miserably:
-   " I give up ! Stop! You win! "
With a sigh of relief, Kate lets go and drops on her back, exhausted, her ribs lifting in deep breaths.

Dany gets up crying, visibly humiliated by a loss to an opponent who is a third of her weight. Men jeer at her, teasing with comments on the “good for nothing fat cow”, “mass of useless fat” and so on.

Kate, exhausted, dehydrated, would need a glass of water. But Master's voice announces:

- "Now the third fight!" "

Already? Kate had no time to rest and she  feels discouragement winning her.

To be continued…

« Last Edit: January 31, 2020, 11:25:26 AM by maskedwriter »