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Amanda vs. Jill

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Amanda vs. Jill
« on: March 15, 2011, 05:51:51 PM »
                                               Amanda vs. Jill

        With a sigh, Shannon put down her magazine and walked over to the

pool where her nineteen-year-old daughter Amanda and Amanda's friend Jill,

also age nineteen were waiting.  All Shannon wanted to do on this sultry

summer day was to lie outside in her bikini, sunning herself, but Amanda

and Jill wanted to have a swimming race and they needed someone to start it. 
        Jill and Amanda stood next to each other at the edge of the

pool, waiting for her to say "Go." Both girls were wearing bikinis; Amanda's

was lavender while Jill's was black. While they waited the girls glanced  at

each other warily.  Shannon could sense the tension between them.  Although

they were best friends they were also fiercely competitive with each other,

especially when they had a bet riding on the outcome, like now.
       Shannon yelled "Go!".  Both girls dived into the water and began

to swim across the pool with smooth, powerful strokes.  Reaching the other

end they both turned around and swam back.  Jill climbed out of the pool

a few seconds before Amanda.  Raising her arms above her head shouting

excitedly, "I won!".

       "You cheated, so it doesn't count," Amanda protested.

       "What are you talking about?" Jill asked.

       "You went before my mom said 'Go,' didn't she, Mom?" Amanda


        "I'm staying out of this," said Shannon,who by now had sat back

down and gone back to reading her magazine.  "You two will just have to

settle this yourselves."

        "Are you going to admit that you cheated?" Amanda asked.

        "No way.  You know I didn't cheat," Jill replied.

        "All right then."  Amanda walked over to where Jill had left her
clothes lying on the ground when she had stripped down to her bikini.   

Picking up Jill's clothes she carried them back to the pool and held them

over the water.  "Now are you ready to admit you cheated?" she asked.

        Jill strode over to Amanda.  "You wouldn't dare," she said.

        "Oh wouldn't I?"  Amanda tossed Jill's clothes toward the water.

Jill attempted to catch them, but she lost her balance and fell into the

water along with her clothing.  Amanda laughed.

       Livid, Jill paddled to the side of the pool and started to climb

out.  Amanda pushed her back in.  Again Jill started to climb out; again,

Amanda moved to push her in, but this time Jill grabbed her and pulled

her in also.  The two girls began to fight in the water, splashing and

dunking each other.  Amanda, who seemed to be getting the worst of the

water fight soon tired of this.  She tried to get out of the pool.  Jill

pulled her back in and pushed her under the water.  Then Jill climbed out

of the pool, Amanda following close behind.  It was obvious that the two

girls intended to continue the fight on dry land. 

        Seeing that she was not going to get any peace now, Shannon stood

up and donned her robe.  "All right.  Break it up, you two," she broke in,

stepping between her daughter and her friend. They both stepped back a few

feet but still stood glaring at each other. Reaching into the pocket of her

robe she removed her cell phone and began to dial.  "Who are you calling,

Mom?" Amanda asked.

        "I'm calling Jill's mother," she replied.
        "Oh come on, Mom. We're both nineteen. We're too old for you to be

calling her mother on us," Amanda protested.

         "You're certainly not acting like it."  Holding the phone to her

ear she motioned for Amanda to be quiet. "Shh, it's ringing," she said.

Then she started talking into the phone. Amanda and Jill listened intently

to her side of the conversation.

        "Hello, Michelle, it's me, Shannon."  The girls listened as Shannon

told Jill's mother about what had happened.

        "You don't understand," Shannon said. "I don't want your help

breaking up the fight. I just thought you might like to come over here

and watch my daughter kick your daughter's butt.

        "Oh you do? Good. Well I'll see you then. 'Bye Michelle."  Both

girls' faces lit up.  At nineteen, Jill and Amanda were both adults, so of

course they did not actually need their mother's permission to fight, but

both women had a lot of respect for their mothers, and probably would not

have fought if their mothers had disapproved.

        Shannon hung up the phone and turned to Jill who, like Amanda, was

grinning from ear to ear.Shannon turned to  "Your mother will be here in

about half an hour. Can you two wait until then?" Both girls nodded.

         "Of course Jill here will probably wimp out before then anyway,"

Shannon said.

         "I will not!" Jill replied angrily.

         "We'll see," Shannon answered. Jill detected a definite trace

of smugness in Shannon's voice. Shannon turned to her daughter and said,

"You know it's really hot out here. Why don't you come inside and have a

cold drink?" Amanda and Jill both started toward the house. Stepping in

front of Jill Shannon said "Wait a minute, Jill, nobody invited you inside.

You can wait out here in the hot sun." Jill shrugged and walked in the

direction of the pool. "And stay out of our pool. You can just broil out


         As they reached the door Amanda turned around and shouted, "And

keep your butt off of our lounge chairs."

         "Nice touch," Shannon told her daughter. They high-fived each

other and went into the house.  "By the way, you do realize that you're

the one who went before I said 'Go,', not Jill, don't you?"

         "Of course," Amanda replied.  Mother and daugther smiled at each


         Outside Jill sat down on the hard ground. The sun seemed to beat

down hotter than ever. Shannon's mention of a cold drink had made Jill

realize she was starting to get thirsty.  Jill spread her towel out on

the ground and lay down on her stomach, trying to get comfortable.  Soon

she fell asleep.

         Meanwhile inside the house Amanda poured herself a cold drink.

Her mother left the kitchen to retrieve a bottle from the bathroom. When

she returned she found Amanda looking out the back window while sipping her

drink. "Your poor friend must be dying out there in this heat," Shannon

said, her voice oozing with mock sympathy.

         "Yeah, I sure hope she'll be able to fight later," Amanda replied

in the same tone of voice. Mother and daughter both laughed.
         "Here," Shannon said, handing Amanda the bottle. Amanda read the

label: "Baby Oil."

         "What's this for?" Amanda asked.

         "Rub it all over your body. That way, when you and Jill start

fighting you'll be so slippery your little friend won't be able to get

a hold of you."

          Amanda, feigning shock, asked "But mother, wouldn't that be
*gasp* cheating?"
          "No, that's the beauty of this.  You two never said anything

about not being allowed to rub oil on yourselves, so how can this be

considered cheating?  Amanda proceeded to coat her whole body with the baby

oil, starting with her arms and shoulders and then working her way down

her chest and belly. Lastly she rubbed oil on both her legs. When she was

finished she handed the bottle to her mother, who rubbed oil on Amanda's


         "Now wash your hands, and then be careful not to get any of that

oil back on them, or you won't be able to get a hold on Jill." Amanda did

so. "Now turn around." Amanda turned around and Shannon double-knotted her

bikini top. "This is for when Jill tries to go after your top."

         "How do you know she'll do that?"
         "Because you're going to go after hers."  Amanda nodded

understandingly.  "Now let's go out and have some fun with your friend
before her mother gets here."

         Amanda and Shannon went outside.  Immediately they could see that

Jill was asleep. Shannon whispered something in her daughter's ear.  The

two tiptoed across the lawn, careful not to wake Jill.  Shannon opened the

small cooler next to the lounge chair where she had been sunning herself

before all this had started.  She took out a bottle of cold water.  At the

same time Amanda crept silently to where her friend lay sleeping, and

carefully untied Jill's top.

         Silently Shannon mouthed the words, "Are you ready?" to her

daughter.  Amanda nodded.  Shannon removed the cap from the bottle and

upended it, pouring ice-cold water on Jill's back.  Startled, Jill jumped

up, losing her top. Before Jill could notice her top was missing Amanda

snatched it up. 

         "Missing something, Jill?" Amanda taunted, holding Jill's top

out just beyond her reach. 
         Jill reached out for her top.  Amanda pulled it away.  "Give me

that," Jill demanded.

         "If you want it you'll have to come and get it," Amanda replied,

running away.  Jill thought of chasing after her, but she realized that
that was exactly what Amanda and her mother wanted her to do.  They wanted

her to wear herself out now, before the fight.  Amanda continued to taunt

Jill with her top, but Jill did not budge.  Finally they gave up.

         "Amanda, you're starting to sweat again," Shannon said.  "Maybe

you'd better wait inside.  I'll stay out here and keep Jill company until

her mother gets here."  Amanda tossed Jill's bikini top on the ground and

went back inside the house. 
         "Come over here and give me a hand," Shannon told Jill.  They

each carried a lounge chair to the middle of the yard.  "This will give

us a good view of your fight.  Now I have to run inside for a minute, so

wait right here."   Shannon went into the house and returned with a cooler,

which she positioned between the two chairs.
        Shannon walked over to the swimming pool. As soon as her back

was turned Jill reached into the cooler and took out a bottle of water.

Before Shannon could object Jill opened the bottle and gulped down the ice

cold water.  It felt heavenly. 

        Shannon removed her robe and, wearing just her red bikini, she

sat down beside the pool, dangling her legs into the water.  "Come sit over

here where I can keep an eye on you.

        Jill sat down near her.  "I can't stand this heat anymore,"
Shannon said, sliding into the water.  "Oh, this cold water feels so good."

Jill ignored Shannon, knowing she was only trying to torment her by 

reminding her of the heat.

       "So, Jill, do you want to know why your mother and I aren't trying

to stop you two from fighting?"  Jill remained silent.  "All right, so you

don't want to talk.  I'm going to tell you anyway.  It's because when we

were your age your mother and I had our own fight."

       This got the desired reaction from Jill.  "You seem surprised.  I

guess your mother never told you about it, huh?"  Jill shook her head.  "I

don't blame her.  I know if I got my ass kicked by my best friend I

certainly wouldn't tell anyone about it.  I guess after Amanda kicks your

ass you'll want to keep that secret too.  Anyway, speaking of your mom

I think I hear her car now."  She was right.  Michelle had finally arrived.

Shannon went inside to get Amanda while Jill went out front to greet her


       A few minutes later all four women were standing in the back yard. 

"I hear you've been telling Jill about our fight," Michelle said.

       "Yeah.  I wanted her to know what she was in for, and I knew you

hadn't told her."

       "What exactly did you tell her?"

       "I just told her the truth: that I kicked your ass."

       "Did you happen to mention that you cheated?"

       "Are you going to start that again?  You know perfectly well that

I beat you fair and square."

       "There's no way you could beat me in a fair fight."

       "If you're so sure of that why didn't you ever agree to a rematch?"

       Michelle had nothing to say to that.  Shannon said, "If you want to,

we could have a rematch today, after the girls fight. 

       "I'm not really dressed to fight."

       "I could lend you a bikini."

       "No thanks.  I don't want to stretch out your top." 

       Shannon, who had a nice body but whose chest was noticeably smaller

than Michelle's, was stung by Michelle's remark.  Jill could not help

giggling at Shannon's pique.  "You think that's funny Jill?  With a chest

like yours you shouldn't laugh."  Shannon turned to her daughter

and asked, "Could you do me a favor?"

       "Sure thing, Mom.  What?" 

       "After you whip Jill's butt would you take her bikini top?"

       "Why do you want me to do that?"

       "I thought maybe we could give it to Kim," Shannon said, referring

to Amanda's 14-year-old cousin. 

       "No way, Mom.  Kim would definitely stretch out Jill's top."  Jill

looked daggers at Amanda.  Jill, who had an attractive figure but whose

chest development definitely lagged behind Amanda's, bristled at this


       Shannon turned to Michelle.  "I can tell the girls are anxious to

get at each other, so if you'll have a seat we can begin.  Michelle sat

down.  Amanda and Jill stood facing each other a few feet apart.  "I don't

want either of you starting until I say 'go'.  Understand?"  They both

nodded.  "After all, we don't want anyone whining later that it wasn't a

fair fight."  Shannon looked pointedly at Michelle.

       As Jill stood waiting, it seemed to her as if her heart would beat

right out of her chest.  She had competed often with her friend.  There

had even been a few physical altercations between them in the years they

had known each other, but neither woman had ever tested herself in a "real"

competitive fight.  Jill felt a combination of eager anticipation and

intense anxiety; she knew Amanda was feeling the same way.         

       Jill's reverie was interrupted by Shannon asking both girls if they

were ready.  They both said they were.  Shannon turned to her daughter and

said, "You won't even have to untie Jill's bikini top. The way it's tied on

now, it will probably fall off on its own as soon as you two start."  Jill

reached behind her back with both hands to retie her bikini straps.  While

her hands were thus occupied Shannon said, "Go!", starting the fight.
       Amanda lunged at Jill.  Jill was unable to put her hands in front of

her quickly enough to defend herself.  She was knocked to the ground.

       "That's not fair," Michelle protested.

       "What do you mean, 'not fair'?", Shannon replied, taking her seat

next to Michelle.  "Jill told me she was ready."

        Before Amanda could press her advantage Jill got up.  The two

combatants move toward each other warily.  Neither one seemed sure of

what to do.  As if on cue, they moved toward each other.  Jill grasped

Amanda's wrist and attempted to twist her arm behind her back, but Amanda

was able to slip away, because of the oil she had rubbed on herself before

the fight. 

        "Butterfingers!" Shannon called out.

        "What did you do, cover Amanda's body with oil?" Michelle


        "How did you know?"

        "That's the same trick you used on me, remember?"

        "So what?  It wasn't cheating then, and it's not cheating now."

        Amanda quickly grasped Jill's arm, successfully twisting her

arm.  "Is this what you were trying to do?" she asked smugly.  Amanda

forced Jill into a kneeling position, still twisting her arm.  She

increased the pressure on Jill's arm until Jill was moaning in pain. 

Jill finally managed to twist out of Amanda's hold.  Rubbing her sore arm

she tried to avoid Amanda's grasp, but Amanda was able to grab her and

force her to the ground.  Amanda straddled Jill's chest.  Jill raised her

hands protectively.  Amanda grasped Jill's wrists and pinned them to the


        "That was quick," Shannon said.  "Your daughter is an even bigger

wimp than you."

       "Don't count Jill out yet.  It's not going to be that easy."  As she

said this Jill managed to wriggle out from under Amanda.  Both combatants

got to their knees and locked up again.  By this time enough of the oil had

rubbed off from Amanda's body onto Jill's that both bodies were too slippery

to hold.  They began to roll around on the ground, struggling for control. 

Jill managed to wrap her arms and legs around Amanda's body. By clasping her

hands together she was able to hold Amanda tight in a bearhug, Amanda's arms

clamped tightly to her side. Amanda tried to wriggle out, but Jill held her

too tightly.  Desperately, Amanda began to thrash around, trying to break

free.  They began to roll around on the ground, but Amanda was unable to

escape Jill's grasp.

        Suddenly Amanda shifted her weight, causing it to land on Jill's

right arm, which was still aching from Amanda's previous punishment.

Jill released her hold on Amanda.  Rolling away, she lay holding her sore

arm, whimpering in pain.

        Amanda quickly took advantage of her rival's plight.  Forcing Jill

to lie on her stomach, Amanda twisted Jill's sore right arm behind her

back again.  It was obvious from Jill's screams that the pain was

excruciating.  "All right, I give up!  You win!" Jill yelled.

        Amanda released Jill's arm and stood up.  Jill remained on the

ground, clutching her arm and moaning in pain.  Shannon stood up to

congratulate her daughter.  Michelle started to get up too, but Shannon

pushed her back down.  "Where do you think you're going?" she asked.

        "To take care of my daughter," Michelle replied.

        "Wait a minute.  Amanda might not be done with her yet."  Turning

to her daughter she asked, "Wasn't there something else you wanted to do

to her?"

       "Oh yeah, there was one more thing I wanted to do.  Thanks for

reminding me."  She straddled Jill's back once again.  As Jill lay

helpless, Amanda untied and removed her bikini top.  "Here, catch."

Amanda tossed the top to her mother.  Then she stood up and walked away,

but not before giving Jill a quick kick in the side.

       Shannon held the bikini top up and pretended to examine it.  "You

were right, sweetheart," she said.  "This is way too small for Kim."

Mother and daughter both started to laugh. 

       Tears started to form in Jill's eyes, more from their laughter

than from the pain in her arm.  Jill tried very hard to hold back her

tears.  Shannon, noticing this, turned to her daughter and said, "It looks

like poor little Jill is about to start crying."

       "Yeah, what a crybaby," Amanda replied.

       "Maybe you better give this back to her, if she's going to be such

a baby about it."  Shannon handed the bikini top to Amanda.

       Amanda walked over to Jill and said, "Here you go, you little

crybaby.  You'd better have Mommy help you put this back on."

       Embarassed, Jill could not hold back her tears anymore.  Shannon and

Amanda laughed.  To Michelle, Shannon said, "It's now official.  Your

daughter is an even bigger wimp than you."

       Michelle helped Jill retie her bikini top.  Then, remembering how

badly she had felt after Shannon had beaten her, Michelle sat down next to

her daughter, cradling her in her arms.  "Aww, isn't that sweet?" Shannon

asked sarcastically.  Amanda crouched down in front of Jill and continued

taunting her, calling her "crybaby" and "little girl". 

       "Hey, can you please get your daughter to knock it off already?"

Michelle asked Shannon.

       "Why should she?  She's right.  I thought your Jill was a woman like

my Amanda, but it turns out she's nothing but a little crybaby."

       Jill muttered something.  "What was that, Jill?" Shannon asked.

       "I said, 'I am a woman.'"

       "Well, you're certainly not acting like one.  A real woman would

be trying to get even, not sitting there crying on her mother's shoulders."

        Jill knew she was right.  Wiping the tears from her eyes she got

up and strode over to Amanda.  Looking her straight in the eye she said, "I

want a rematch."

       "Okay.  I'll enjoy kicking your ass again."  Amanda got into a

fighting stance.  "Let's go."

       "I, uh, didn't mean right now."

       "Well then, when did you mean?"

       "I don't know.  Soon."

       "Soon?" Shannon said.  "That's what your mother said when I offered

her a rematch over twenty years ago, and it still hasn't come.  Come on,

Amanda, she's obviously not serious.  We might as well go inside."  Amanda

and her mother started to walk away.

        "Wait," Jill called out. 

        Jill looked at her mother.  "You don't have to do this," Michelle


        "Yes, I do."  To Amanda she said, "Okay, I'll fight you again right

now."  Michelle gave her daughter a quick embrace and wished her luck.

Shannon whispered something in Amanda's ear.  Amanda giggled.  Both mothers

sat down.

        Jill and Amanda stood facing each other again.  Jill hoped that

Amanda could not see how nervous she was.  Amanda herself was standing

with her hands on her hips.  Her posture and the expression on her face

indicated an air of casual confidence, as if she knew she could win easily

without making much of an effort.  Jill knew that Amanda had good reason

to feel that way.
       "What did your mom whisper in your ear that was so funny."

       "She was just giving me some suggestions of things I could do

to you after I beat you again."  Jill swallowed hard.  She knew that

if she lost this time Amanda would really humiliate her.

       Shannon asked both girls if they were ready.  Amanda eagerly said

"Yes!"  Amanda took a deep breath and said "Yes," also.

       "Go!" Shannon yelled.

       Amanda hung back, waiting for Jill to make the first move.  Jill

hesitated, knowing she would only have one chance.  If she failed to get

the upper hand immediately Amanda would surely beat her.

       Growing impatient, Amanda decided to make the first move.  She

lunged toward Jill.  Jill stepped back to avoid her.  "Come on.  Do

you want to run away from me or do you want to fight"  Jill responded

by lifting her right foot and thrusting it into her opponent's midsection.

Stunned, Amanda fell to the ground.  Amanda started to get up. Jill kicked

her again, this time in the side, knocking her back down on her stomach.

Jill straddled Amanda's back.  "Let's see how you like this," she said,

twisting Amanda's arm behind her back.  Amanda screamed in pain.

       Jill kept up the pressure on Amanda's arm for a little while before

releasing her and getting up.  Amanda started to rise, wincing as she put

her weight on her sore arm.  "I'll bet that arm really hurts now, doesn't

it?" Jill asked.  Amanda nodded.  "Good," Jill continued.  "Now that we're

even let's really fight it out."  The two opponents locked up.  After a

brief struggle they fell to the ground together, where they continued to

grapple until Amanda, exhausted, was forced to submit.

       Now it was Amanda's turn to cry  while her mother comforted her. 

Jill smiled from ear to ear.  Gleefully she rubbed her hands together.

Revenge was sweet.  She could not wait to laugh and gloat the same way

Amanda had laughed and gloated over her.  "So, who's the crybaby now," she

said mockingly.
       Michelle put her hand on Jill's shoulder and said, "Hold it. I know

you want to taunt her just like she did to you, but if you really want to

show her who the real woman is, take the high road."  Jill nodded at her

mother's sage advice and did not say another word.  She did, however, sit

down where she knew Amanda could not help seeing her, smiling complacently.

       Soon Amanda stopped crying and just sat there glaring at Jill.
Michelle stood between the two daughters.  "All right, now Amanda has won

one, and Jill has won one.  I thinks it's time for you two to call it even."

       "Maybe they don't want to call it even," Shannon chimed in.  "It's

up to you two.  Would you like to call it even, or would you rather go one

more round as a tiebreaker."

        "Tiebreaker!" both girls said simultaneously and without hesitation.

        "Excellent," said Shannon. 

        "You just got lucky last time," Amanda said.  "I'm going to kick

your ass this time."

        "No way.  You're the one who got lucky the first time.  Now that

I've got the hang of this I'm going to beat you, no sweat."

        "Wanna bet?"

        "It's fine with me.  What did you have in mind?"

        Amanda paused to think.  "I've got it," she said, her face breaking

out into a wide smile.  "The winner gets to keep the loser's bikini- top

and bottom.  Is it a bet?"  Amanda thrust out her right hand and waited.

She could see that Jill was wavering.  "Or are you chicken?" she continued.

       Miffed, Jill retorted, "It's a bet."  She shook her friend's hand,

sealing the bet.

       The two opponents got up to begin the final round.  "By the way,

Jill, did you know that your tit has been sticking out of your top for

the last fifteen minutes."

       "Very funny.  I'm not falling for that again."

       "Actually she's right," Michelle interjected. 

       Jill reached down to adjust her top.  "Here, let me help you with

that," Amanda said, reaching out toward Jill's top."

       "Keep your hands off my top!" Jill exclaimed, backing away from her.

Jill bumped into Shannon.  When they separated Jill's top fell to the ground.

She immediately reached down to pick it up, but Amanda beat her to it.

       "Oops," Shannon said sardonicly.  "When Jill bumped into me my fingers

must have somehow accidentally become tangled in her bikini straps."

       "Maybe I should just hang on to this," Amanda snickered. "After all it

will be mine in a little while anyway."

       "You'd better give it back right now!" Jill retorted.

       "Just give her back the top," Shannon said.  "Although I really

don't see why anyone with a chest as small as hers even needs a top."

       "I was just wondering the same thing about you, Shannon," Michelle


        Amanda returned Jill's top.  Michelle started to help Jill put it

back on.  "You'd better hurry up there, Michelle," Shannon said.  "I'm

starting the next round in one minute, whether she's ready or not." 

Michelle's fingers fumbled with the bikini straps as she hurried to finish

tying them before the minute was up.  At the same time Amanda stood in

front of Jill, sipping water and taunting her.  At about the thirty-second

mark Amanda splashed Jill with water from her bottle.  Jill reflexively

lunged at Amanda; in doing so she pulled away from her mother, who had not

finished tying her bikini straps.  Consequently her top was hanging around

her neck but was not fastened behind her back. 

       "If your daughter is so anxious to get at Amanda I guess we'll just

let them keep on going," Shannon said.  The two mothers sat down.  Shannon

turned to Michelle and told her, "By the way, you're going to pay for that

remark you made earlier."

        "Ooh, I'm scared," Michelle replied.

        Neither one said anything else as they both became engrossed in

watching their daughters wrestle.  Neither Amanda nor Jill showed any signs

of fatigue.  To the contrary, they were striving against each other even

more fiercely than before.

        The two combatants were evenly matched.  Neither one was able to get

the upper hand until Amanda seized Jill's bikini top, which was hanging

loosely around her neck, and began using it to choke her.  Unable to fight

back, Jill submitted.

       Amanda removed Jill's bikini top.  "I guess this is mine now." 

She waved the top in the air, triumphantly.  "And now for the bottom."

       Amanda reached down to take Jill's bikini bottom.  Jill slapped

her hand away.  "I'll do it."   Jill slid her bottom off and flung it at

Amanda.  "There.  I hope you're happy now."

        "Oh, I am," Amanda replied, laughing.

        "Are you all right?" Michelle asked her daughter.

        "I'm fine.  I just want to get dressed and go home."

        "Okay.  Tell me where your clothes are and I'll get them for you."

        "I'm afraid that's going to be a little difficult," Shannon


        "What do you mean?" Michelle asked.

        "Somehow Jill's clothes wound up in the pool earlier, and no one

thought to get them out."

        "Oh shit," exclaimed Jill, who had forgotten all about that.  Amanda

just laughed.  "It's not funny!" Jill protested.

        "Oh yes it is.  Now you have no bikini and no clothes.  I guess you'll

just have to lie there naked until your clothes dry."

        "Don't worry," Shannon said.  "If someone fishes your clothes out

of the pool right now they should be ready to wear before dark."

        "You don't mind lying there until then, do you Jill?" Amanda asked.

        Jill cursed.

        "You know, Jill, if you ask Amanda nicely she might be willing to
lend you something to wear home," Shannon said.
        Jill saw that she had no choice.  Swallowing her pride she asked,

in her most ingratiating tone of voice, "Amanda, may I please borrow

something to wear home?"

        "That depends.  Do you admit that you cheated in the swimming


        "No way.  I beat you fair and square."

        "Suit yourself.  Hey, do you know what would be fun?  I think I'll

go get my camera so I can take a few candid pictures of you to show all

our friends.  Even better, I'll give some of them a call and invite them

over right now to keep you company while you wait for your clothes to dry."

         "All right.  You win.  I admit it.  I cheated in the race," Jill


        "And I won the bet?"

        "Yes, you won the bet.  Now can I borrow something?"

        "No way.  Why should I lend anything to a cheater?"

        Michelle removed her blouse.  "Here, put his on," Michelle said,

handing the blouse to her daughter. Jill put on her mother's blouse.  "It's

not really long enough to cover you, but it will have to do, at least until

we get to the car," Michelle told Jill. "Now let's go."   

       Amanda and Shannon watched as Jill and Michelle walked away. "Should we

warn Jill that we can see right through that blouse?" Shannon asked her daughter.

       The two women looked at each other. "Nah!", they both said simultaneously.
       "Come on, let's go for a swim," Shannon said.

       "There's something I have to do first.  I'll meet you out there in

a few minutes."

       "Okay."  Shannon went into the backyard and dived into the pool.

A few minutes later she was joined by her daughter.  After they had been

swimming for a while they both sat at the edge of the pool talking.

       "Jill and her mother should be arriving home right about now."

       "Yeah.  I wish I could see the looks on their faces when they have

to get out of their car and walk all the way up to the front of their house."

       "Luckily for them there shouldn't be many people around at this time

of day.  If they're lucky they should be able to get from the car to their

house without anyone seeing them."

       "I wouldn't count on that."

       "What do you mean?"

       "When I went inside earlier I called up a few people I know who live

near Jill.  There should be quite a little crowd waiting to see them when

they get home."

       Shannon put her arm around Amanda's shoulders affectionately. 

"That's positively wicked.  I'm glad you're on my side."

       "I learned from the best," Amanda replied, smiling.


Offline peccavi

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Re: Amanda vs. Jill
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2011, 10:13:27 AM »
This is one great story, Shannon and Amanda are grade A bitches. Women after my own heart.

Well done
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


Offline Kayla

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Re: Amanda vs. Jill
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2011, 09:31:26 PM »
Nice & sexy!  ;D But seem to recall Jessie showing me this one a few years ago at another site: are you the original author?

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Amanda vs. Jill
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2011, 11:05:54 PM »