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Teacher Parent conference

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Offline Ener

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Teacher Parent conference
« on: January 20, 2020, 02:44:39 PM »
Teacher-Parent Conference
I have been lurking on these forums for some years now, and thought that it was about time I contributed to the community.
This is my first attempt at writing (or at least finishing) such a story and I would love to hear your (constructive) criticism of my work, but above all I hope you enjoy it.

Emma rose from her and chair stretched, she always hated teacher parent conferences, not only would she have to spend an entire day at the school but there was always at least one parent that would get argumentative and blame her for the troubles the child was facing. She looked down at the list pupils who's parent's she would be meeting with today. "Jamar" she muttered to her self with a sigh, since the summer break his grades had been failing and good days he seemed distant and uninterested during class, most days however he would be outright disruptive, this might just be one of confrontational parents she thought to her self as she slowly walked over and opened the door for the Lashonda, the boys mother.
"Lashonda, please come in" Emma said and smiled, somewhat forced, at the woman who rose to meet her. Lashonda was a heavy woman in her mid thirties about 5'5" and 210 lbs , dressed in a purple shirt with with a deep v-cut, a pair of jeans and open toed shoes with a short heel and her straight black hair cut in a bob that went to about her jawline.She gave slight nod as she walked with Emma in to the class room and seated them selves at opposite sites of the teacher's desk.
"So" Emma started after pouring two glasses of water offering one to the Lashonda "I will be honest with you, we have some concerns regarding your son Jamar so we...".
"What do you mean" demanded the Lashonda cutting of her son's teacher.
Emma forced another tired smile "Well his grades has been failing and lately he has been disruptive in class, and we were wondering if there are any problem's at home that..."
"Perhaps it your teaching that is the problem" Lashonda interrupted again staring daggers at the woman in front of her.
"It is not just my classes that it is a problem" Emma tried again only for Lashonda to interrupt once more
"So just because we are black we must have problems at home ?!" Lashonda yelled at and stood up knocking over her chair in the process.
"What ? no..." was all Emma managed to mutter in response stunned by the accusation
"Racist Bitch!" Lashonda shouted slamming her palms into desk, before she stormed out of the room.
Emma threw her head back with a sigh, she always hated teacher-parent conferences.

"How dare that bitch" muttered Lashonda to her self, she had been sitting on a bench in the school yard trying to to calm her self down but had only managed to incite her temper even more when she saw Emma walking across the school grounds towards parking lot. Sizing up the teacher for a brief moment, she rose from the bench and strode determinedly towards the other woman. Like herself Emma was in her mid thirties roughly 5'4" and 205 lbs, her long brown hair pulled back in a high ponytail and she was wearing white shirt, a black skirt that went to about her knees and black pair of flats.
"You" Lashonda roared as she approached Emma who looked around in confusion for a few seconds before located the furious ebony woman striding towards her. Emma picked up her pace but Lashonda managed to intercept her before she left school grounds.
"How dare you blame my son for you own incompetence" She demanded as the stood before the teacher, hands resting on her wide hips as she blocked her escape route.
"Listen..." Emma tried while holding up her hands but her explanation was cut short as  Lashonda slapped her across the face
"I will teach you so... ouch" Lashonda begun but was cut short as Emma stepped over her toes and turned and ran. Determined to defend her's and her sons besmirched honour Lashonda gave chase.
The teacher managed to get inside the school gymnasium and was fumbling trying to lock the door when Lashonda barreled into the door pushing it open and knocking the other woman on her ass. "You won't get away that easily" she sneered at the fallen woman and grabbed her by an ankle and dragged from the hallway into the gymnasium proper as the heavy door closed behind the them.

Emma shook her head to clear her thoughts as the enraged mother of one of her pupils where dragging her by a foot into the empty gymnasium, she had hoped to locked her self in and call the police but that plan was clearly no longer and option. She kicked out with her free foot and hit Lashonda in the stomach, it wasn't a particularly powerful kick but it was enough to make the angry black woman loose the grip on her ankle.
Emma scrambled to knees when she suddenly felt her head pulled by back her pony tail and found her self looking up at the angry mother.
"You arrogant bitch" Lashonda sneered and punched Emma in face "calling my son stupid" she continued and threw another punch at the teacher "Calling me a bad mother" she began and pulled back her fist for another punch, however before the third blow could land Emma managed fire a straight right into her stomach causing Lashonda to double over.

Dazed and bleeding from a cut above the right brow, courtesy of one of Lashonda's rings, Emma grabbed a hold of Lashonda's shirt pulling it over her adversary's head as she tried to pull her self to her feet. Finding her self trapped in her own garment Lashonda started to back away from her son's teacher in order to free her self from her entrapment.
Seeing her opponent now dressed only in jeans and blue bra, Emma threw the purple the shirt to the side and turned towards the door to the hallway hoping that her opponent wouldn't follow her outside in her state of undress when Lashonda threw her self towards her, using her weight to force her opponent into the wall bars the lined the gym.
Sneering  "you won't be going anywhere" she grabbed Emma by the shoulder spinning her into the wall bars so that they were once again facing each other, and drove her fist into the teacher's abdomen.
Emma gasped as the air was driven from her lungs and felt her knees buckle when Lashonda's fist once again connected with her face, snapping her head into the wooden bars behind her, she clasped her hands on her opponent's shoulder's and swung her forward with all the strength she could muster slamming her forehead into the bridge of Lashonda's nose.

As the black woman took a step from the blow Emma hooked her leg around the her's and placing her both her hands on Lashonda's amble breasts and pushed with all her might. Finding her self stumbling Lashonda grasped for anything to prevent her fall, catching only the collar of Emma's shirt, a fabric far from durable enough to hold the heavy woman, sending buttons flying all over the gym as the shirt was torn open and Lashonda fell to the floor.
Again eyeing a chance for escape, Emma turned to run from the enraged mother, She only managed a step or two however before Lashonda grasped a hold of her skirt in order to halt her escape and pulled it down around her knee's causing the white woman to fall face first onto the mable wood floor with a loud thud, barely managing to brace the fall with her hands.

To her delight Lashonda noticed her desperate grasp and at Emma's skirt had also managed to pull down her panties and while the white woman was desperately trying to kick her self of her ensnaring garments Lashonda grapped a handful of her opponent's lush bush and twisted, causing to the teacher to howl in pain, as she crawled up to straddle her opponent continuing to punch the pinned teacher in the mouth, splitting her lip and sending her head into the mablewood floor, Emma however managed to cover up and the second and third punch merely graced her arms, infurated Lashonda got back up and stomped Emma in the stomach. As the air was forced from her lungs the teacher darted up greedly gasping to replace the lost oxygen, Lashonda grapped Emma's pony tail and throw another punch at her snapping her head to the side and turning her away from her opponent. Reaching down Lashonda grapped Emma's bra and pulled it up around the white woman's neck pulling back on it while pressing her knee into the teacher's back between her scapula.

Gasping for air Emma abandonded any idea of escape and threw an elbow behind her striking Lashonda in the pubic bone, the angry mother gave a grunt and loosened her grip enough for Emma to get to position her self between Lashonda's leg rather than braced against one of them, wrapping her arms around the back of the enraged mother's knees and slammed her head backwards with all the force she could muster she once again impacted with Lashonda's pubic bone causing another pained exclamation from her. Straining as she lifted Lashonda's legs under her causing her opponent to topple backwards impacting with the mable wood floor with a loud thud, the bra around her neck however pulled her down along with her falling adversary bouncing her head off the Lashonda's pubic bone causing another outburst of pain from the black woman, finally free from the ensaring bra Emma rolled off her adversary gettip up on all four coughing and gasping for air.

Lashonda rolled to her side, cusping her sore womanhood with both hands holding back "I am going kill you bitch" she snarled and pushed herself to her knees, seeing the naked teacher still gasping for breath on all four beside her she grasped Emma's hair, and slammed her head into the floor, while the dazed teacher shook her head to recover Lashonda got to her feet, took a few steps back and soccer kicked Emma in the stomach rolling the teacher into the back, Lashonda strode over to the dazed teacher and raised her foot over the fallen woman's head.

Seeing Lashonda's foot barreling down towards her Emma rolled to the side, barely evading the foot as it crashed into the floor where her head was less than a second before, getting to her knees Emma wrapped her arms around Lashonda's knees, pressing her shoulder into against her opponent's thighs causing the Lashonda to tumble back on to the floor with a loud thud, all thoughts of escape evaporated as Emma crawled up to straddle her stunned opponent, grabbing her by her black locks she slammed Lashonda's head into the wooden floor "how do you like it ?" Emma sneered as she once again slammed her opponent's head in to the floor. Emma again yanked her opponent's head up by her hair again but before she could slam it back into the mable wood floor Lashonda retaliated with strike to Emma's chin allowing her to dislodge the woman.

Laying on her side with Emma's hands still entrenched in her hair Lashonda grasped her opponents hands and twisted them in the direction of their pinkies causing the white woman to release her grip as she was being subjected to the wrist locks, struggling to her knees Lashonda tried to keep up her grip as she attempted to again straddle the struggling teacher, but found it necessary to release one of her opponents hands as Emma rolled on to her back, using her free hand Lashonda fired a punch in the stomach of her opponent an as the white woman gasped for breath she placed one of her knees her opponents abdomen she started hammering punches into the teachers amble breasts.

Emma found her self in a precarious situation, her opponent holding her right hand in a painful wristlock, and trying to pin her to the floor with a knee on her stomach while hammering her left fist into her breasts, Emma reached up and digged her nails into the black womans breasts while bucked with her all her might trying to free her self, Lashonda managed to land three punches to her breasts, the small stone on her ring leaving small cuts with each vicious blow before Emma’s efforts finally bore fruit and managed to dislodge her opponent. In the process of freeing her self from her tormentor the teacher had managed to tear of the black woman’s bra, as Emma got to her knees she threw it garment at Lashonda, it serving as a distraction as she hurled her self at the black woman her shoulder ramming into  her opponents breasts as she took her to the ground. Eyeing her chance for revenge the white woman trapped her advesary’s right hand under one of her knees and dug the claws of her left hand into the amble bossom of the black woman while balling her right into a fist and hammered into the face of opponent.

The shoulder tackle that took her the ground momentairly winded Lashonda, and the teacher did manage to connect with two solid shots to her face before managed to collect her self enough to relatiate with a left to face of the teacher, her ring once again leaving a small cut on the face of the other woman, stunning her momentairly. Using this respite rolled up and landed another left in a breast of the teachers while pulled her right hand free from under the white womans knee. Getting up on her own knees Lashonda reached out and dug her hands into the teacher’s hair holding her place as she repayed the earlier headbutt with one of her own, before struggeling to her feet and balling her right hand into a fist.

Stunned by headbutt Emma was abruptly brought back when Lashonda’s fist collided with her face, snapping it back as much as the black woman’s grip in her hair allowed, another hit send the teacher’s mind reeling, desperate to escape her predicament she reached out and grabbed the waistband of the tormentor’s jeans pulling them and her panties down around the black woman's knees as the third blow landed, shaking her head to clear it Emma shoved the black woman with both hands causing her fall over as her pants where now restricting her balance, as the enraged mother hit mable flooring with slam the teacher seized the oppertunity and rolled on to her legs using her weight to press the other woman's knees into her breasts. Emma balled up her fist again and fired a vicious blow into her trapped opponent’s crotch. One, two, three such punches did manage each resulting in a stastifying howl from her opponent before Lashonda managed to kick out of the pin, and both women staggered to their feet.

The two women stared dagger's as they circled each other for a few seconds when suddenly one stepped forward and with  jab snapped her opponent's head back and quickly followed up with hook to the ribs of the second woman causing her grunt in pain as the staggered back a step, smelling blood  the woman threw a wild right hook to her opponent's face but the other dropped to a knee, ducking under the punch and threw a vicious uppercut at her opponent's womanhood in retaliation. The struck woman yelped in pain and sunk to her knees, briefly locking eyes with her opponent who was rising from her own kneeling position. The standing woman reached down and grasped locks of her stunned opponent's hair, twisting her head to the side  giving her a clear view of the knee she was swinging into her face.  There was an audible crack as the knee connected with kneeling woman's nose, and a loud thud as the beaten woman fell on the maple wood floor of the empty school gym.

Emma looked down and surveyed that damage done to her beaten opponent, somehow not quite satified with her victory, she raised her right foot and with a sneer stomped her heel into the womanhood of the barely conscious Lashonda. It seemed to Emma that the eyes of the ebony woman bulged from pain as she darted up in response to the heel smashing into her pubic bone.With a swift jab to her already broken and bleeding nose Emma send her opponent back into the mable flooring and then started gathering up the clothes that had been discarded during the fight. With a last look over her shoulder back at her beaten opponent Emma left the gym, "Bitch is gonna have a cold walk to the parking lot" she mused to her self as tossed Lashonda's clothing into a container and walked to her car.


Offline Ener

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Re: Teacher Parent conference
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2020, 06:12:18 AM »
Thanks for kind words
I feel that I should give a shout-out to Kelci1990 who's story Hard Fought battle of big girls heavily inspired the ending section of the fight


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Re: Teacher Parent conference
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2020, 03:50:17 PM »

Here are my two cents. The easiest part is to run the mistakes through a simple spelling check. One avenue of growth is to gain in-depth knowledge, meaning to familiarize oneself with the local parlance to give back authentic turns of phrases. It also means to avoid high controversy, in case you which to reach a wider audience. Meaning it serves one well to not choose names that are used in a negative context. A few years ago sociologists ran an experiment concerning African American job applicants with real degrees but with highly aggravated "ghetto names" to gauge how people can see past a name and look at their actual merit. Unsurprisingly, not only did these companies fail in calling applicants back, but they also called back applicants who used their real names with a fake resume. In short, America has a few problems and one of them is pretending things like these don't exist.

I'm not sure if you know this, but "disruptive" is a heeeeavily loaded term. In practice, where kids can go to school without lunches, which does very much influence productivity, the outcome is labeled disruptive (and cops have been called on students), while in private schools it's called attention deficit and kids are pumped full with ADHD medication. The pupil is a British English, and I know we use this a lot here in Europe, but they don't, I've only ever heard the term student.

In a similar fashion, while you're technically correct that it's a gymnasium or fitness center for the fancy, it's only ever called a gym, not by its full name. You don't have to follow the advice, but African American women have a required step before a fight, and that's removing their earrings so that the opponent can't rip it out of the ears, and it also means business. In future stories, you may incorporate the fact, that many African American women wear hair extensions, and it's a major disgrace to lose them in a fight.
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Re: Teacher Parent conference
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2020, 08:59:04 PM »
That was very informative Catfighterlover40, and I’ll gladly admit that you touch on a few controversial subject I hadn’t given a second thought when I wrote this, but seems obvious in hindsight, and I’ll try to keep that in mind in the future.

The removal of a compromising jewelleries such as earrings in preparation for a fight is another, and presumably less controversial, point that I hadn’t thought about, but you are right in that it would help set the atmosphere.

So thank you for your two cents