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Could be mother and daughter have a competition.

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Offline ooreach

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Could be mother and daughter have a competition.
« on: June 29, 2020, 04:29:37 PM »
Natalie and Stephanie Part 1:
It was a great resort. Both Natalie and Stephanie worked for the same local television network.
The got along well, being just over a decade and some change apart in age.
Sometimes acting like co-workers, mostly acting like sisters and once in a while acting like mother and daughter.
As most women in public industries learned there are certain requirements for social gatherings.
Both ladies where dressed to the hilt and they very rarely took pictures together.
Megan was a stunning woman. She was in charge of their PR out at the resort and she talked both ladies into taking a picture together.
To say they were powerless over her natural and powerful charisma was an understatement.
Natalie and Stephanie where solid 9’s on a scale of 1-10. Megan was a 10.
“Ok, you two, lets get that photo shoot in before you two start to ‘glisten’.”
All three laughed.
“This one has to look sexy.”  Megan purred.
Both ladies looked awkward until Natalie quickly came up to Stephanie and wrapping a hand around her shoved her glorious rack into Stephanie’s. She than looked at Natalie and did the same to her. Her breasts naturally dominated the others, but neither Stephanie or Natalie cared.
Being intimate the two came in for a ¾ full body hug, both looking at the camera trying to copy what Megan had just shown and done to them.
The problem was, both ladies tried to be dominant.
The fallowing ordeal took place over only seconds, but it seemed like minutes.
Natalie’s slightly less large but firmer breasts where brought into the hug against Stephanie’s larger but decade older rack.
An awkward second later Natalie was having her set pressed down by Stephanie’s.
Natalie backed out of the hug and came back in placing her set on top of Stephanie’s.
It was Stephanie’s turn to back out and “adjust” her girls.
“Mabey we take our shoes off?” Stephanie asked  as they came in for a hug, now pressed solidly breast to breast.
Megan smiled taking her eye off the camera and looking at the two ladies.
They pressed hard enough that first Natalie had to stagger a step backward in her heals as she was breast pressed off balance and then Stephanie as Natalie pressed back compressing their gorgeous lady lumps together. 
They made eye contact as they murmured to each other as each tensed up.
Megan cleared her throat causing both girls to pause and look her way.
“You guys haven’t figured it out, yet?”
Both girls looked at her a bit confused.
“Your boobs are getting ready to fight and you two have no idea what is going on.”
Natalie and Stephanie still looking confused and a bit embarrassed.
She went on to explain “ Listen, you both are the same height, same build and only about a decade apart in age.  You two are competing for alpha position.  Stop where you are and smile.”
Both women obeyed and She took the picture.
“Now, take off your shoes.”  Both women obeyed, again.
“Now, hug.” The two again, obeyed pressing breast into breast in the ¾ pose they had just done.
She came up and began to manhandle the women into facing one another and said “ now, make eye contact.”
Both women did and she put her hand on the small of their backs and pushed the two together so that their ample bosom just brushed. 
Even through the dress and bra each was wearing they could feel each others nipples harden. 
She walked up and put her hand right on top of both sets of breasts causing both Stephanie and  Natalie to shutter.
“Just like I thought. You two are very well matched.”  She smiled.
She pressed her hand into the small of her back and  pressed them together “now, hug.”
Both kept eye contact as the pride of their womenhood was pressed into another women’s pride.
They kept eyes locked only quickly looking over at Megan for approval.
Neither was smiling, now.  Blue eyes staring into brown.
“I have my room right over here, both you fallow me.”
They picked up their shoes and fallowed her to her suit.


Offline caryn1

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Re: Could be mother and daughter have a competition.
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2020, 02:01:56 PM »
they work with many women i would like to see have fights
to my regrets i have had to give up real fights because of injury