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W.S.E.W Cincinnati Slam: Interim

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Offline Wormman

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W.S.E.W Cincinnati Slam: Interim
« on: February 14, 2020, 06:36:57 PM »
Rosie Rocket grinned into the nightstand mirror as she hooked the expensive earrings, she bought last month.  It had been a long and tiring day, and it was now time for her reward.  In a few minutes, a very well-endowed short-haired brunette was going to walk through that door and fuck her brains out.   
That was one of the things Rosie liked about being the W.S.E.W champ:  The fangirls.   She had met this one at the signing earlier today, and could tell that the little minx was just itching to do more than shake her hand.   She gave the girl her room number, and told her to be there around 8.  Normally, she’d be with the rest of the W.S.E.W divas at the arena, but she wasn’t scheduled to fight tonight.  Which meant she had all night to play with her new associate.
She did one last look over in the mirror to see if anything was out of order.  her hair was done up into a bun, and the green eyeshadow matched her eyes perfectly.  She wore rose red lipstick that matched her silky dress with a long v-neckline.  She smiled widely.  Everything was perfect.
Her eyes darted back to the TV as the opening ceremonies of tonight's show began.  Nash was talking commenting on the matches for the night, one involving a love triangle of some sort.   Rosie licked her lips and began to rub her crotch with her right-hand imagining being there.  She loved the W.S.E.W.  She loved the fights, the wins, the losses, and most importantly, the fucking.  She loved to dominate her opponents both physically and sexually, and she loved that she got paid for it.  Even when she lost, she didn’t mind that much since she would still get a good fucking.  She was a pure nympho at heart, and this company let her indulge in her desires. 
But tonight, was going to be special.  Tonight, she will get all the benefits without any of the work.  That in itself almost made her cum. 
Just as she thought she was going to explode; a knock came at the door.  She smiled and pulled her hand away from her crotch.  “Patience” she told herself. “Patience.”  She walked to the door and did a quick adjustment of her breasts before opening the door with a smile.  She immediately screamed as a stinging hot liquid sprayed from a canister and across her face.  She couldn’t see the fist that came after her next, colliding with her face and breaking her nose.  Blood poured out as she collapsed onto the floor and screamed in agony.  Her lungs lost all air as a vicious kick collided with her gut that forced her onto her back.   
She looked up and saw the blurry outline of someone before another stream of the stinging liquid hit her right in the eyes and mouth, causing her more pain.  She flailed her arms wildly, trying to defend herself from her attacker, but she hit nothing.   She felt pain in her scalp as her attacker grabbed a handful of her hair and forced her to sit up.  She was kneed in the face several times, busting her lip open as well before a hard kick to her tits caused her to fall back to the ground with an umph. 
Before she could clutch her chest, the attacker was on top of Rosie, hands wrapping around her neck and squeezing hard.  Rosie struggles to fight back, but her assailent has her arms pinned down beneath her legs.  She gasps and coughs helplessly as she can feel her lungs ready to burst. 
The assailant waits until she is about to pass out to let go of Rosie’s neck and immediately begins to bombard her with multiple punches to her face.  Bruises and marks begin to appear all over Rosie’s face as her lip busts open gushing out more blood.  The attacker grabs her hair, lipfs her head up into a perfect angle and sends a vicious uppercut to her chin knocking her out.
Getting up, the attacker drags Rosie by the hair across the room to the bed post.  She delivers a heavy stomp to Rosie’s gut which brings her around screaming in pain.  As Rosie curls up into q fetal position, the attacker grabs her head and forces her into all fours.  She then takes two handfuls of her hair and slams her head repeatedly against the wooden bedpost.  Rosie grunts and wimpers as her forehead is busted open from the repeated bashing.  The attacker let’s of her hair and Rosie alumps to the floor. 
She hears some noise that sounds like a person rummaging through a bag, and then feels the hands of her attacker pull the bottom of her dress over her head and rip off her panties.  Before she could register what was happening, a massive object was lodged deep into her asshole.  Rosie screamed in pain as the object was pushed deeper in.  She then felt the object pull itself out and pissed back in repeatedly in a fast thrusting motion.  Despite the beating she received, Rosie couldn’t help but feel pleasure from the assault in her ass.   Soon she was rocking her hips in motion with the thrusts as the pleasure swelled up inside her.  After a few minutes of the anal fucking, Rosie let out a moan as her body exploded into an orgasm.  Her ass quivered from the experience as she began to slip in and out of consciousness.   She begged for the humiliation to end, but her attacker had one more thing to do. 
Grabbed by the hair again, Rosie was pulled up into a bent over position.  The attacker forced her to follow as she ran right towards the nightstand and threw Rosie’s body at it.  The champ collided with the mirror, shattering it before bouncing off the table and onto the floor.  Mirror shards embedded into her body, Rosie heard her assailant leave before finally slipping into unconsciousness.
Lana stormed through the arena with several security guards in toe.  She had just received a call from another wrestler that Rosie was just found brutally assaulted and being sent to the hospital.  A storm of questions whirled in her mind, but one remained in the forefront: where’s Carmen?
After several minutes of searching, Lana found Carmen in the stadium garage coming out of her car.  Wearing black sunglasses and a dark red too with black hotpants,. Carmen seemed surprised when Lana marched right up to her and got face to face.

“Where the hell have you been?!” Lana shouted at her.  Carmen’s lips twisted into a scowl as Lana got inches to her face.
“I was out enjoying the city “. Carmen crosses her arms and leans on her car.  “What business is it to you what I do?”
“Someone attacked Rosie Rocket.  She’s on her way to the E.R. right now.”
Carmen’s haw dropped for a moment, before she burst out laughing.  “And you think I did it?”
“You’re the number one contender.” Lana replies.  “You gain the championship title if you beat her in a match and a battered foe easier to take that from.”
Carmen stopped laughing, but still had a smile on her face.  “Except for one thing: I can’t take it from her while she’s hospitalized. As long as she’s in a body cast, I don’t get my title.  Besides, I’m sure that the place you have us all shacked up in has tons of security.   Look at the videos, and you can see I’m telling the truth.”
“Oh don’t worry, we will.   And as far as your innocence; I don’t buy it.”  Lana spat.  “You have a long history of winning matches by jumping your opponents beforehand.  Maybe you decided that the champ is too much for you to take in a fair fight.  Maybe you went over there to rough her up a bit and things went a little too far.”
Carmen’s smile vanished.  She glared right at Lana.  “I said I didn’t do it.  And you best remember which one of us earned her dues by putting bitches on floors and not her ankles behind her head.”
Lana stared at her with a smirk. “Oh don’t worry, I know how 'tough' you are. And the cops know as well.  They are on their way to ask you some questions.  These fine men are here to make sure that you stay put and not go anywhere.  Consider yourself suspended for the next few weeks while we figure out what happened.  Just don’t work the corners too hard to cover rent dear.  We need your snatch as fresh as possible, laughable as that is.”
Carmen threw a slap across Lana’s face and continued to attack her by pulling her hair and hitting the back of her head cursing in Spanish.  Lana for her part tried to retaliate and landed two blows to Carmen’s face and tits during the scuffle before security was able to separate them.  “Cuff the bitch”. Lana shouts walking away.  “And if she moves, shock her ass!” She continued to walk back to the manager’s room, ignoring the insults Carmen shouted.
“And that’s what happened” Lana sighed as Crystal popped her head from between her legs and pouted.
“It sounds like a real problem”. Crystal said.  “One wrestler hospitalized and the other in police custody on the night you’re left in charge.  What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to fix this…. Somehow.”  Lana replied while rubbing her temples. 
“I might have an idea” Crystal chimed in.  “A really good idea.”
Lana laughed a bit.  “I doubt whatever you think of will be able to solve this.”
“Want a bet?”  Crystal smirked and then crawler up and whispered something into Lana’s ear.  As she listened, Lana’s eyes went wide.   It was perfect
“I stand corrected.” She said with a smile.  “You are full of surprises my dear
Crystal giggled “Keep me around lover, and you might just find out how many” She kissed Lana deeply wrapping her arms around her neck.
“Mmmm I just might have a position available for you to fill.  Several, in fact.”  She snaps her fingers and points down.  Crystal obediently slips back between Lana’s legs and continues her work while Lana makes a phone call.