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Carrie's Chaining

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Offline StoneKidman

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Carrie's Chaining
« on: February 16, 2020, 07:20:23 PM »
The Family Wars: Carrie’s Chaining
By Stone Kidman

Carrie came out to a K-pop song while the rest of her family, her parents Margaret and Gene and her older brother Matthew, applauded and cheered for the cute eighteen year old blonde. She wore white sneakers and a white robe with her short blonde hair in pigtails, looking every aspect of the babyface. Her opponent Ashley, nineteen with a mean streak as long as her jet black hair, was leaning in her corner with both arms folded across her chest; her small breasts bulging in the form fitting black one piece swimsuit. She stood barefoot on the mat; the ring was small enough so her shoulders were just above the top rope as she stood at 5'3" weighing 110 pounds.

Carrie removed her robe and shoes, handing them to the time keeper, and climbed the short couple of steps into the diminutive ring. Despite her innocent appearance, she received a lot of wolf whistles when the young woman undressed into her white two piece wet look bikini. Despite being not only younger and more petite, 5'01" and 105 pounds she had a B cup; larger than Ashley's tiny breasts. The blonde had a fit body from playing sports in school and Ashley clenched her fists as the blonde grinned when she waived to everyone cheering for her. The referee called both girls to the center as he held the two leather collars with the six foot steel chain attached to both.

Carrie's parents agreed to the challenge put forth by Ashley's family; that the blondes first fight should be a no holds barred dog collar match. Jack and Beverly Johnson were new to the League so they agreed, thinking their athletic daughter could handle herself despite her opponent being more experienced, not to mention taller and stronger. Both teens stood a few feet apart, Ashley just staring daggers at the small blonde in front of her as Carrie still smiled with the nervous energy of first time.

Ashley's was locked in first, latching like a belt loop behind her neck, but as soon as Carrie's was attached, even before the ref rang the bell, Ashley pulled on the chain with both hands. As Carrie came stumbling forward, knocked off balance by the chain that was now attached to the front of her neck by the thick, reinforced leather collar, and had her head snapped back by Ashley's barefoot punting Carrie under her chin.

As she fell to the mat, Carrie didn't have time to think when she heard the bell ring finally as Ashley lifted her opponent up by her blonde pigtails. She was still dazed as Ashley, who had wrapped the steel dog chain around her hand like a pair of brass knuckles, slammed her fist into Carrie's face, busting her lips and opening a small cut on the younger girls cheek.

Ashley cocked back her fist again and almost broke Carrie's nose with another right to the face. The blonde was almost genuflecting before her opponent when Ashley unclenched her fist and wrapped the chain around the younger blonde girl's throat. Carrie's tongue stuck out as the thick metal links were tightened around her windpipe, just below her delicate chin which was sprayed with dribbles of her own blood from her busted lips.

Carrie gagged as Ashley pushed her barefoot into the back clasp of Carrie's bikini top, tightening the chain more; she clawed at the air fruitlessly as she was several feet from the ropes. Carrie tried to pry the metal around her neck away but Ashley stopped the choke only to deliver a kick to the back of the blonde's head before yanking her up by the hair.

She ran the rookie face first into the top turnbuckle, the padding being so thin it felt like that bolt of metal was driven directly into her forehead. She saw stars and was dizzy from the constant barrage since before the bell even rang. Ashley slammed the younger girls face into the turnbuckle again and again as the crowd counted along. 

"Don't give up yet, pumpkin!" came a man's voice from ringside and Ashley saw the other three members of Carrie's family sitting in the front row. She cracked a sinister grin and wrapped the chain around Carrie's throat twice then picked her up, in what looked like a body slam, but instead dumped Carrie over the top rope. Ashley watched her opponent's family shriek in horror as their blonde daughter was being hung by the chain looped around her slender throat right in front of them.

Ashley held onto the chain with two hands as Carrie's short legs kicked in the air, because the ring was so small and low to the ground, Carrie wasn't able to fully reach the floor so only her tip toes would touch as she made strangled, gurgling noises while clutching at the steel chain around her throat.

Ashley let her drop finally and had to climb over the top rope to follow after Carrie, who was lying on the ringside mat, gasping for breath. She didn't let her opponent rest long, stomping Carrie in the head with her bare feet and kicking the girl in the ribs. She finally hauled up the blonde by the hair and walked her right in front of her parents.

"What do you think of your little girl now?" she asked, slapping Carrie in the face with her free hand, making the girl emit tiny sobs of pain. Ashley looped one of Carrie's arms around her shoulder and lifted the girl up, as if she were setting up a back suplex, but dropped the blonde girl crotch first onto the guardrail.

Carrie's screams drowned out even the audience cheers as Ashley drug her by the chain, sliding Carrie along the steel barrier as the girl howled in pain before Ashley balled up another fistful of chain and decked the blonde, dropping her onto the ringside mat with a wet thump as both girls were covered in sweat.

"Bring her over here, babydoll," came a familiar voice and Ashley drug Carrie by her hair, on all fours, over to the other side of the ring, stopping every couple feet to smack Carrie in the face and calling her a stupid bitch when she stumbled, to where Ashley's parents were.

Picking Carrie up to her feet by the hair, she whipped the young teen into ring apron; her back hit the hard edge, feeling the incredible pain as the square corner of the apron dug into her spine. Ashley walked forward and slammed a knee into Carrie's pussy; the teen fell to her knees, screaming with both hands clutching her girlhood while the brunette laughed.

Ashley picked Carrie up by her blonde hair and whipped her into the guardrail. She hit so hard she flew over and landed in Ashley's parents laps.

Ashley's mom went to work digging her claws into Carrie's still burning crotch as Ashley's old man began crushing the girls small peach sized breasts. Ashley's older brother, who was sitting next to his mother, came over and began punching the helpless blonde girl in her exposed belly, burying his fists into Carrie's flat tummy.

They finally threw Carrie back over the guardrail and Ashley hauled the blonde by her hair, running her face first into the ring post.

She walked around to the other side, pushing Carrie back a couple steps with her foot then yanked the dog chain hard, making Carrie's skull clang against the hard steel post again. She pulled Carrie by her hair around to the other side of the ring, the girl stumbled on wobbly knees, and positioned her facing the ring steps. Ashley locked the girls head under her armpit and executed a vicious DDT onto the ring steps.

The referee came out and declared the match over by knockout once he saw the small blood pool and lacerated forehead of the unconscious blonde girl. Ashley felt cheated and insisted on a rematch; it would only be agreed to by a family vs family elimination tag match next week.
You can read more of my prostyle f/f matches at


Offline tr0tz

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Re: Carrie's Chaining
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2020, 10:47:44 PM »
Did the family vs family elimination tag match take place already?


Offline StoneKidman

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Re: Carrie's Chaining
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2020, 03:01:53 AM »
Did the family vs family elimination tag match take place already?
Never got around to it, maybe someone could sponsor a sequel on Sponsus *hint hint wink wink nudge nudge*