“That first fight was really something wasn’t it?” Ref announced.
The holographic crowd showed that they agreed with this by cheering.
“I wonder if these two next competitors will give us an even better show,” Ref said. “We have two of the fighting games heaviest hitters throwing down in the ring today, who will walk away victorious,” Ref pause for a moment to let the crowd scream and shout before continuing “Introducing first the strongest woman in the world the First Lady of fighting games, It's Chun li”
Chun li appeared and began to make her way down the catwalk. She was in her iconic outfit blue with yellow patterns on it. Her brown hair was done up into two buns, Her legs were wrapped up in tights which showed off every muscle. Chun li smiled and nodded to her supporters but it was clear that she was keeping her mind on the fight ahead. Climbing into the ring she stood there stoically the very image of femininity and power.
Blushing slightly Ref walked up to her. “ I’m not really supposed to show favouritism, but I have to say that I’m a huge fan of yours,” Ref said sheepishly.
“Um thanks,” Chun li said looking surprised.
“If I had to put my money on someone winning this whole thing I’d bet on you” Ref added. “Not that I’m into betting and I’m definitely not gonna rig my tournament but I have a feeling that you wouldn’t need me to do that anyway”
“Ok thank you” Chun li answered looking slightly bemused.
Ref gave her a wink and then gestured to the other side of the arena. And her opponent the Princess of outworld, she puts the K in kombat, Kitana.
The beautiful Edenian came out. She was wearing her MK 2 outfit a dark blue leotard with knee-high boots and long gloves. Her black hair flowed down her back and as always she wore a blue mask over her lower face. As she walked forward she threw two-bladed fans over the heads of the holographic crowd. Some of the more wimpy members of the crowd screamed but most of them looked excited. Kitana did an athletic cartwheel and then expertly caught the fans as they return to her striking a seductive pose with them. Chun li scowled at her opponent’s showboating after her own more subdued entrance but the crowd seemed to be enjoying it. Kitana put her fans away and entered the ring then ref gestured for both fighters to come closer.
“All right ladies you know the rules,” she said. “I want a good sexy catfight. Hair pulling, bitch slapping, Clothes ripping, Breast groping, Pussy Kicking are all legal and encouraged, now is there anything you want to say to each other before we begin”
Kitana slowly walked up to Chun li and gently pressed her large breasts against hers. “You think that you’re the strongest woman in the world well I got news for you, I’m not from this world, I’m from outworld and in my realm, we are more tougher then you can handle,” Kitana said.
Chun li pushed back on Kitana’s breasts with her own. “You’ve been chasing me since the 90s and you’ve never even come close to besting me, I don’t care where you come from bitch I’m still going to kick your ass”
“Your silly little street fights pale in comparison to the Mortal Kombat tournament” Kitana snapped. “I will cut your head off and hang it up in my throne room as a trophy”
Ref cleared her throat and gave Kitana a look.
“Oh right no killing, mmm I’ll strip you naked and hang you up from your hair in my throne room as a trophy” she amended.
Ref nodded approving this threat.
Chun li just laughed. “Your all just a bunch of dirty savages, killing anyone who loses a fight, I’ll show you a fate worse than death when you become my bitch after I’ve beaten you senseless”
As they continued to trash talk each other both of these mature curvy women pressed their breasts into one another’s.
Dislodged by the others pair their breasts spread out to either side. Both Kitana and Chun li were taller then Ref so she needed to look up as she said. “Ok, are you ready to start,”
Kitana and Chun li both nodded and they took a step back their breasts separating. They glared at each other.
“Well then, ready, and, Catfight!” Ref shouted excitedly.
Raising her arms in a fighting stance Chun li began to move to the side of Kitana who mirrored her. The two women circled each other not taking their eyes off their opponent. Ref and the crowd watched intensely waiting for the action to start. Just when the tension was at breaking point Chun li attacked. Her leg flashed upwards in a high kick so quickly that it blurred. Kitana just managed to dodge out of the way Chun li’s boot brushing past her ear. The black-haired ninja spun and sent a punch for Chun li’s face hoping to catch her off balance after missing her kick but Chun li blocked Kitana’s strike. Chun li then slammed her palm straight into Kitana’s nose. Kitana cried out and recoiled from the heavy blow. Chun li moved quickly and whirled around sending another heavy kick right at Kitana’s chest. Kitana grunted huskily as Chun li’s foot grinded into her tits flattening them. Kitana hunched over and grabbed her breasts leaving herself wide open for Chun li to bitch slapper across the face several times. Kitana cried out as her head was rocked from side to side her black hair trailing behind it. Chun li paused in her attack for a second but Kitana just stood there stunned from the barrage of powerful attacks her opponent had unleashed on her.
“Well, this was a lot easier than I expected it to be,” Chun li said raising her foot up into the air before bringing it back down like a hammer on the back of Kitana’s head. Kitana fell to the mat landing on her tits and hitting her face off the floor. She grunted as her breasts were squashed by her own bodyweight. Kitana moaned and rolled over clutching her chest. Chun li smiled at her downed opponent. “Come on Princess I thought Mortal Kombat was nothing compared to streetfighter” Chun li raised her foot ready to stomp on Kitana’s stomach but the downed fighter had enough presence of mind to roll away. “Get back here” Chun li snapped grabbing the back of Kitana’s hair and pulling. Kitana moaned as her head was pulled backwards by her hair, she sent an elbow backwards and it slammed into Chun li stomach. Chun li grunted but didn’t let go so Kitana sent more elbows into her. After a few more strikes to her ribs, Kitana’s elbow found Chun Li’s chest and spiked into one of her tits. Chun Li gasped and reflexively let go of Kitana’s black hair.
Kitana put some distance between them and got up breathing heavily. She had definitely come off worse in their first exchange but she had managed to get a few hits on Chun li at least . “Come on bitch, don’t tell me that you’re tired already,” Chun li taunted bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet.
Kitana scowled from under her mask. “How dare you talk to me like that filthy Whore” with a flourish Kitana produced her two sharpened fans. Chun li frowned and readied herself wary of the weapons.
“Hiya” Kitana through both fans at her one after another. Chun li dodged to one side to avoid the first fan but now the second one was heading straight for her she tilted her head to one side at the last second and the fan passed by but on its way it managed to cut through one of her buns in her hair cutting it clean off along with some strands of her’s brown hair. The remaining hair which had been contained in the bun fell down one side of Chun Li’s face giving her a very lopsided look, “No” she cried out raising her hands to feel the damage. Kitana took advantage of her opponents distraction and flew in with a quick punch which collided with Chun li’s cheek and sent her stumbling. Kitana chased after her lashing out with several more kicks and punches which rocked the Street fighters world. Chun li grunted with every hit and made some moves to cover up, so Kitana ducked down and sent an uppercut right between her strong legs.
“AAAAAAMMFFFFA” Chun Li screeched her body jolting as Kitana punched her in the pussy. She staggered backwards and lent against the ropes one hand between her legs, her eyes closed.
Even if you are the strongest woman in the world you’re still vulnerable to a low blow Ref thought to herself bringing
“Take that, you fat leg cow” Kitana snapped.
“That’s muscle bitch, I know you wouldn’t recognise it because you’re so skinny,” Chun Li retorted obviously still in pain.
“Fucking cow” Kitana swore and dived at Chun li. At the last possible second, Chun li dodged out of the way and Kitana sailed past her through the ropes. Kitana managed to catch herself just before she fell out of the ring half of her body in between the middle and top ropes. Before she could pull herself out Chun li straddled her sitting on her lower back trapping Kitana in between the ropes. Kitana’s legs were still in the ring her ass sticking out with the rest of her body dangling over the side of the ring in between the ropes, needless to say, this was a very precarious position, she struggled trying to free herself but Chun li kept her in place with her weight.
“Now let’s see what we’ve got here,” Chun li said smiling. She grabbed Kitana’s leotard just above her large ass and pulled upwards. Kitana squealed as the fabric of her outfit started to dig into her ass and pussy. Chun li grinned stretching the fabric even harder and Kitana’s leotard disappeared into her ass crack and at the same time grinded into her pussy.
Ref was finding this hilarious and was struggling to hold in her laughter. The crowd too were enjoying the show hooting and cheering for Chun li’s brutal wedgie. Kitana, on the other hand, was not having a good time. Not only was this deeply humiliating but it was also quite painful but there was not much she could do to escape because of her awkward position so she had to endure. “How you doing down there,“ Chun li asked conversationally giving Kitana’s outfit another hard yank. Kitana just screamed in pain as a reply. “That’s about right,” Chun li said. She gave another extra hard pull on Kitana’s leotard and the fabric buried itself in her pussy one last time before the clothing finally reached its limit. There was a loud snapping noise and the bottom half of Kitana’s leotard snapped off. Kitana sighed in relief as the pressure on her womanhood was relieved however now her pussy and ass were completely naked. “Well that’s a shame, “ Chun li said “looks like I’ll just have to resort to spanking your ass instead”
“No” Kitana cried.
Chun li scooted forward and began slapping her palm into Kitana’s perky ass. Kitana screamed again as Chun li began to mercilessly spank her, her ass cheeks jiggling with every blow. Kitana blushed deeply under her mask. She was getting dominated by Chun li in this fight, she needed to do something. Chun li had scooted lower down on her back in order to spank her ass so now Kitana had a little more room to manoeuvre then she had before. She stretched her arms upwards and just managed to grab Chun li by her hair. “Ow,” Chun li moaned surprised at the fact that Kitana had found a way to fight back. “AAAAAAAAAAAAFF” With a yell of anger Kitana flipped Chun li over the top rope by her hair and let her crash down to the mat outside the ring.
Finally able to stand up straight Kitana took a moment to compose herself. The bottom of her outfit had been ripped off and her ass and pussy were visible. And they both hurt from the wedgie and the spanking. She ground her teeth vowing she would get revenge on Chun li for this, but if she was already showing off the goods she might as well make the most of it. She slapped her ass lightly causing it to jiggle and the crowd erupted into cheers. Kitana winked at them and then went to get revenge on her opponent.
Chun li had been stunned by her heavy fall from the ring so she just lay on her back breathing deeply her breasts slowly rising and falling. Kitana climbed one of the turnbuckles and stood on the top producing to steal fans from thin air. She posed with them high above her head for a moment and then leapt off using them as stabilisers as she flew through the air towards Chun li’s prone body. Chun li’s eyes fluttered open just in time to see Kitana’s rear flying towards her. Kitana landed naked ass first on Chun Li’s face. The Chinese woman’s grunt of pain muffled under her ass. Chun Li’s nose was slotted into Kitana’s ass crack and she grimaced as she started to feel the hot ass sweat of her opponent dripping all over her. Kitana wiggled her ass slightly rubbing it over Chun li’s face then she turned her attention to the rest of Chun li’s body. “It’s payback time street slut,” she said brandishing her steal fans. With surgical precision, Kitana began to use her fans to shred Chun li’s outfit. Taking her time she first cut a hole around Chun li’s chest so her tits spilled out into the open. She gave them a couple hearty slaps and Chun li squealed from under her ass, then Kitana cut away the bottom of Chun Li’s outfit so that her bright pink panties were revealed. “HA, talk about bad taste in underwear” Kitana mocked. She slid her fan underneath the strap of Chun Li’s panties and pulled up cutting them off her so her pussy was uncovered.
Ref leaned out of the ring watching them both. She might be a fan of Chun li but she was still enjoying the show as Kitana continued to humiliate her. Kitana raised one fan and slapped it across Chun li’s naked tits causing them to jiggle. A screech of pain came from Chun li’s mouth but it was muffled by Kitana’s ass. Laughing Kitana continued to slap her steal fans across her tits, they bounced with every hit and slowly started to turn a sore red colour.
“Enjoying the scent of my ass down there bitch,” Kitana asked pausing for a moment.
Chun li muttered something.
“What was that I can’t hear you?“ Kitana asked. “I think that’s because I’m sitting on your face”
Chun li said something again but it was still inaudible.
“What are you babbling on about,” Kitana asked she raised her naked ass off Chun li’s face but she still hovered it over her threateningly.
Chun li took in a grateful gasp of air and then said “Spinning bird kick”
“What,” Kitana said still squatting.
Suddenly Chun li twisted her body and propelled herself upwards. Her legs swung around and whacked Kitana on the side of the head sending the half-naked Princess flying into the barrier which separated the wrestlers from the crowd. Chun li continue to rise hovering upside down her leg spinning round like a helicopter. Chun li looked good when she normally performed this move but with half of her outfit missing it made it all the more sexier. Her tits jiggled as she flipped upright and came to a halt as the crowd cheered for her impressive escape. Chun li wiped some of Kitana’s ass sweat from her face and glowered at her opponent.
Kitana had fallen roughly against the barrier but now was slowly getting to her feet. With some shock Ref and the crowd realise that her nose had started bleeding from the impact and her blue facemask was now stained crimson.
The two half-naked women took a moment to catch their breath. They were sweaty and hurting but was still determined to win the fight. The front of Chun Li’s outfit was missing showing off her tits and pussy, and one of her buns in her hair was gone.
Kitana was missing the bottom half of her outfit and her hair was all dishevelled. She had a few bruises on her face and her blue mask was stained with her own blood from her nose which thankfully had stopped bleeding now. “I’m going to make you pay for making me bleed you overrated Skank,” she growled.
“I thought you guys from Mortal Kombat didn’t mind a little bit of blood, I guess you’re just pathetic even by your own crappy game standards” Chun li retorted.
“I’ll rip your fucking hair out bitch” Kitana screamed.
“Bring it on Tramp”
With a scream of anger, Kitana charged at her opponent her ass shaking. Silently Chun li raced to meet her and the two women collided. Their breasts slammed together and both of them grunted huskily before reaching for the others hair and pulling with all their worth. Despite them both being formidable fighters who knew several different martial arts between them they had apparently decided to settle this in a hair pulling match. And Ref couldn’t have agreed more with this decision. Their sweaty semi-naked bodies strained against each other’s as they screamed obscenities into the others face whilst trying to tear out their opponent's locks. Chun li lost her other bun to Kitana’s fingers and her hair spilled out giving Kitana even more to pull on. With one hand buried in Kitana’s black hair, Chun li brought her other one up and ripped Kitana’s bloodied mask off revealing her face for the first time in the match. Kitana snarled and violently wrenched Chun Li’s head to one side by her hair. Chun li shrieked but replied in kind by pulling Kitana’s head in the opposite direction. As they struggle their breasts grinded against each other’s Chun li’s naked nipple sticking into Kitana still covered pair. Their legs stamped and twisted round each other as they tried to get an advantage. Their hair which was not in their opponent's grip hung loosely around their head and covered their face. Sweat ran down their bodies and dripped onto the floor. The crowd were beside themselves with excitement as the two women tore into each other it was unclear who was winning but both Chun li and Kitana were certainly giving it their all. Ref watched intensely. This was the wildest and vicious exchange she had seen in a while.
Chun li and Kitana continued their fierce hairpulling battle. Hair stretched to the limits they both growled and curse at each other their faces inches from their hated opponents. “I’m going to end you bitch” Kitana shouted spraying some spit on Chun li’s cheek.
“Not if I beat you first slut” Chun li hissed back. They both gave an extra hard pull on each other’s hair causing their head to be wrenched backwards. Screams of pain left both women’s lips but they did not let go of their opponent's locks. Finally, after two minutes of this intense struggle, Chun li finally made a move to break the stalemate. She raised her knee and slammed it right into Kitana’s exposed pussy. The outworld Princess gave a sensual grunt and her mouth hung open. Chun li felt her opponents grip on her hair weaken for a second and that’s all she needed. She wrenched down on Kitana’s hair forcing her opponent to bend double. Kitana grunted and lost her grip on Chun li’s hair completely, wasting no time Chun li stepped over her opponent and trapped Kitana’s head in between her famous thighs. “Game over bitch” Chun li said smiling and then she began to squeeze. Kitana screamed as her head was crushed in between Chun li’s standing legs scissor. She struggled trying desperately to pull her head out but it was like it was caught in a vice there was no escape. As she struggled her naked ass wiggled from behind Chun li giving the audience something to laugh about. Chun li still squeezing her head grabbed the top of Kitana’s hair and pulled upwards adding another layer to her opponents suffering. Kitana’s face began to turn bright red as she started to run out of oxygen. “No, I’m the Princess of outworld, I can’t lose like this” she managed to croak out.
“I’d save my oxygen if I were you” Chun li said grinning widely. “And besides you might be a princess but I’m the First Lady of fighting games this is the only way it was ever going to end for you”. She squeezed even harder with her legs and pulled up on Kitana’s hair.
Kitana moaned desperately she could feel Chun li’s naked pussy pressing into the back of her head. “N No” she muttered weakly but then her eyes rolled back in her head and she slipped into unconsciousness.
Chun li parted her legs and let Kitana’s limp body fall to the ground. “Looks like the Princess is having her beauty sleep” Chun li said.
“And your winner of the second round is, Chun li” Ref announced lifting Chun li’s hand in victory.
Chun li smiled and waved for the crowd. Her hair was a complete mess. The front of her outfit was missing and she was covered in sweat but at least she wasn’t unconscious and humiliated on the floor like Kitana was.
“Congratulations,” Ref said.
“Thank you, it's going to be interesting having a Princess as my bitch” Chun li replied
“Yeah, I’m sure it is,” Ref said.
Then Chun li notice that Ref was staring at her with a hungry look in her eyes. Well, might as well Chun li thought to herself. She reached over and gave Ref a quick peck on the lips. Ref’s eyes widened for a second and she blushed a deep red. Chun li grinned at her.
Ref gently brushed her hands against her lips and then snapped out of her stunned state. “Let’s hear it once again for your winner Chun li” she shouted at the top of her voice. And The holographic crowd cheered.