Ranu vs Preety
Drawing room Cat Fight
Priety 5’6”, Rani 5’4” both like plums around 58-60 kgs.
It was Ranuwho called me home…no problem I can beat her in her own home…what does she thinks?
I m Itching & Eagerly waiting when I hear your ring on the door…
I park my car with a great speed on the ground floor parking…get the keys in my hand…I was in a golden Middy…just below my knees…I know I will find the bitch in similar kind of dress…as I ring the door…& wait twisting my pony at the back….waiting u to open.
I opened the door…in red middy…same just below my knee … not showing u any kind of welcome…not even stared at your face…
I come Insides…threw my vanity on the right which dashed quiet away from me on the right side wall of the drawing room which was queit long…with a length of about 25 fts & 15 fts in width, very neately arranged with a sofa set, centre table & some show cases at the ends
I saw her standing about 10 fts away from me on the opposite direction on the passage with her both hands on her waists…means she is set to fight me in this room only…not a problem I too took my right hand on my waist…what does this Bitch thinks?
I realy want to f**k her today…She eccepted my invitation to come at my place…how can I let her go without being getting f**ked…
I will f**k her in her own house…which will be a great insult to her…being getting f**ked in her own den…I remove my heels & throw them back without using my hands…
So she’s here to fuck me in my own den…poor baby…I also threw back my heels without using my hands…cmon I seemed like saying as I move forward with my claws out…
I too move forward carefully staring at ur eyes…circling a bit at the centre ….with my claws out…I was the first to attack u by trying to nab ur hairs from back in my right hand…
I too pulled ur hairs in the middle in my right hand…& try to kick ur right thigh with my left feet..
Ur kick felled on my right thigh…but I din’t succumb…& try to dig u more closer to me by pulling your hairs forward…while keeping my legs well away from u…
As u try to dig my hair forward…I got another golden chance to kick ur legs…I kick u again on the same spot…& if u don’t leave my hair I will keep on kicking u there…& see how u don’t fall there on ground…my both hands r still holding ur long hairs in my both hands…I think u r in a fix now…
Bitch she is kicking my legs…will kill me…I held ur hairs & I too give u a fearce left legged kick on ur non kicking thigh…my hold on ur hairs intack…I try to pull u near the side sofa…
Gud Kick…but Still gripping ur hairs I try to pull u over the sofa…
It was a final test of strength before any one of us gets on the sofa…
If I sit first & then put my whole body weight on her…I think.., …& I did the same on u,…I first sit on the sofa…getting u sit along with me on my left side…& then put my whole weight on u giving u no chance there …but to get down on the sofa on your back…with me being on top…
BITCH, I get down…& wrestle hard with u with my back on the sofa…before trying to roll & get u down on the floor fallen down straight up from the sofa…
AHHH…I felled down…but continue the heavy wrestling with u…I will not leave this Bitch today as we wrestle hard…
I will f**k this Bitch today then Go…I try to Tan ur hairs hard on the floor…me being on the top…
I head lock u…& press it hard over my boobs…so hard that u sud give up…ehhhh…
Giving up is at very long distance…I know m on top…I also press your neck very hard in my hand lock…my hands are very powerful…
By pressing ur neck hard I try to Roll my Hips on u…
Ur hips are powerful…u rol me down…but I hold u hard in my arm lock…
I try to drag my left knee up with my All strengths so that I can beat u in strengths & then will try to sit on ur chest…
As u try hard…I too try try to Roll my Ass on u…Also I try to tear ur top around ur neck…
“Bitch” as I put my ass on u more strongly…& try to get & control your both the wrists first in my both hands & try to pin them on the floor…
My hands wrestle with u very strongly…as my strong legs try to topple u from my top…I tie your left bicep under my right arm pit…totally paralyzing it to act anymore…next will be your other arm…& next my hipps will be doing the remaining act to throw u from my top…
As u pin my left hand under your hand…my other hand was free…I started hitting u black & blue with that …on your face, left boobs…side chest…also try to clintch ur hairs in my pinned wrist pressed under ur arm…I repeatedly hit u badly with the other hand…
OHHH – I take my hips side ways trying to protect myself with my other hand…I lock ur right leg tightly between my two legs…after wraping your other hand also tightly under my other arm pit I put a hammer lock on your both hands…I try to adjust my hipps again a bit more…so that next I can topple u down.
I know I have beaten this bitch handsomely…now what she will do by putting such a lock on me…I try to free my left hand first from your hold…if I can do it…m going to win this match now…
M a gal from Punjab…(North of India…reckoned with more strong ppl in India)….She has seen nothing of me till now…with ur leg tied between my two legs…I try to break ur hands locked under my both arm pits…& try to make u cry…take this Bitch I think insides…as I press them more hard …
Ohhh no…Its painful….I fight hard & hard…try to get my both hands free…ehhh I try hard…for getting my hands free…next I will beat u black & blue…
I know its giving u quiet a pain…m relishing it…& trying to roll on ur top…
OHH no! U came on top.
I Sit on your chest & started beating u black & blue with my both hands…
Already being down, I pull ur hair tightly in my left hand & then I too started beating u black & blue with my other hand…as my right leg try to get u in head lock…
I get down & bring u to my left side…lying face to face parallel to me…I held ur hairs as strongly as u held mine…my right leg trying to push ur legs away from me..so that I can throw them away & then get on top of u…
I also hold ur hairs very tightly in me…I allow u to come on my top…& by using ur momentum on you...I roll u again down…fooling u a bit…& putting my both knees on your both sides of waist, I hold u strongly on the carpet…with my tummy on yours…& hairs pinned down on the floor in my both hands…
I was sweating…no problem…I also get ur hairs very hard in my hands…& again tossing my hipps up I try to get u down from me…I know my hips are so strong…u will be beaten…
But I was not beaten I try to crawl up & bring our bodies in the centre of the carpet….I held u strongly…& by holding ur hairs in my left fist I start bashing u with my right on ur side arms...face…wherever it falls…I bash u hard & hard…Bitch I say inside…as I bash u hard…as if not satisfied…
AHHH….I drew my right leg forward with difficulty …& nail a kick of my heels on ur breasts…Bitch…as I also hit u hard…it felled very hard on u…I wrestle hard with shaking ur hairs on both ways in my hand…& try to give another sound heels kick on ur tummy…
OHHH…I sit on ur boobs…& hit u hard on ur face with my right fist repeatedly…
I push my self ahead…by pushing my heels back…& head lock u in my legs very hard…trying to pin u dawn hard on the carpet…
I try to separate ur locking legs hard with my both strong hands…but meanwhile my strong heavy left leg also kick u on ur chest…& as I try to sit on ur tummy with ur legs in my hands…my face on opposite direction…I will make her to lick the mat today…
I get u down & lock ur waist tightly in my both legs from behind…ur waist wrapped around my groins…our faces are on the same right direction…we are lying on our right side waists…
I get ur feets & try to separate your feets locked over my groins & also in intervals with my right elbow i try to hit u hard on ur right boob repeatedy…trying to make u surrender…
Ahhh, I bear the pain…but soon gripped ur hands very tightly over my tummy…behind ur back…I push u down on the floor on ur face & then getting on my feet’s I start banging on ur back just above ur waist very badly with my right heel…soon she is going to give up…I start kicking u madly…
Ahhh…I roll front…covering my both boobs with my hands…crying in pain…trying to shift my both knees on both ways in pain…but in revenge I smartly fix ur both ankles in my legs & get ur ass getting thudded on the floor again…& in revenge I try to jump on u…& bash u black & blues with my both hands in full revenge…
Both are beating each other heavily…trying to win on counts…I stopped it first making u also stop…& held ur hairs tightly & kicked ur tummy hard with my right feet…
Ahhh…with difficulty…I get on my feets fetching your hairs tightly in my right hand…I again kick ur left boob heavily with my right heel…to see u crying…
Though I cry ..but m not out…I kick ur ankles with my hard kicking legs…& try to get u drop down on me…
But I manage & kick ur ass hard with my right feet …which felled exactly on the middle of your buttocks…I give another two rounds at the same spot… so that to see u pick ur both knees on ur chest in defence like a baby…
I try to fetch ur hairs in my strectched hands…but were queit away…
I pick u up from ground on your feets by fetching ur hairs in my both hands…& try to push & pull u again on the sofa with ur comparatively weakened body now…
I use ur momemtum on u & instead intelligently in reverse turn threw u on the sofa…with a big bump…& then as if not satisfied…again holding ur hairs… I get u up…& try to drag u towards the bathroom....
I allow u…I also get u by ur hairs tightly & I too try to pull u in the bath room first…wrestling heavily we try to win by dragging each other in bathroom first…I drag u inside by hairs…
I too pull ur hairs hard…I kick ur tummy with my right knee & try to make u fall on the water filled Tub first…
I fell on the Tub first…but also get u with me & drentched u too insides in the water tub in my turn…
We wrestle heavily trying to drawn & drentch each other more in the Tub…Finaly I get out of it with your hairs in my both hands…both being completely drentched with water…
I Allow u …as we both went out...of the water…holding each others hairs in our both hands… water pouring down from our bodies & clothes on the floor..
We again dragged each other back in the drawing room…felled together tiredly on the floor again…my loose body felled on u…don’t know when u fainted…as did I…my head lying on ur boobs…
In the morning when I got up…first I threw ur head away from me as if an alien laying on me…but find still u r not woken up by my act…I spit on ur face…& fast went to my adjoining bed room…leaving u laying like a faint in the living room …I quickly get a soft pillow from the wardrobe…get it on the bed pressed hard under my boobs…& I again went fast asleep …don’t know anything what happened next …
& woke up …only when I find my ass being kicked by u saying “Get up!”
OHHH Noahhh!…. I dint get up,…rather wait a while… & using my legs… trip u again on me on the bed…& we wrestled heavily on the bed again for another 15 minutes. Nobody being able to overpower each other…although most of the time u were on top as u felled on me with a nutural advantage.
Finaly after 15 minutes…this is this way or that way now…I lock lock u as hard as possible…let it b a last move now….
I also locked u as hard as possible…let it be a last move now…I try to move my ass as hard as possible on u…if it supersedes it wud come one last time on u…ehhhhh!
Ehhh I allow u to come on my top…but try to throw ur back thudded on the side wall with using my right leg along with power of my whole back & ass.
Ehhh…but my hands & ass don’t allow u blocking u strongly where u were…m sensing a victory now.
Ehhh…M feeling exausted & feel like giving up…after two minutes.
Ehhh! I Sit on ur chest with my big Ass for one last time on u. sensing my victory.
No more… I feel like giving up. AHHH..no more as u press ur hand more strongly on my neck.
I see u like again fainting.
“I Give up!”
& then I enjoyed the whole Day & the Night!
rohit_wildest@yahoo.co.in, Massenger ID- rohit_wildest- for role plays...f2f (with any f or m pal), f2m (only with a f pal), real wrestlings with a female only. Thanks.