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Mistress in Residence by Felix Gato

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Offline Aleena

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Mistress in Residence by Felix Gato
« on: March 16, 2020, 08:52:55 PM »
Recently I have had the good fortune to collaborate with the great catfight fiction author Felix Gato.  We are working on a project where I provide illustrations for a story he is writing of a catfight between two beautiful women vying to be the alpha female in a high end New York apartment building.  As we communicated on the project, he was kind enough to share a previous story he had written a while back.  I have always been a huge fan of Felix's work so I thought I would share this story with the readers here in FCF.  To add to the fun, I created some images of the two protagonists in this story to heighten the interest.  Hope you enjoy!
Eric Arrow sat at the expensive, white wrought iron lawn table that adorned the largest of the three redwood decks that surrounded his sumptuous vacation house on the northern Pacific coast.  A tall, distinguished and athletic man in his late thirties, he was having coffee this fine morning, savoring the salt air, the sun, and the superb view of the sea.  For a few moments, he idly followed the progress of a large tanker near the horizon, then turned his attention back to the personal ad he was reading in one of the steamier L.A. sex papers.  He smiled to himself.  The reason this ad so held his interest is that the ad was his!

Eric had been placing very special personal ads in the major California sex newspapers for nearly two years now.  The language he used was subtle but provocative, and the money he offered was sufficiently generous that he always received a steady supply of respondents.

Eric Arrow, it seems, had a great fondness for catfights, for watching young women fight, and he had devised a system to provide himself with a steady stream of varied and spirited combatants for his personal enjoyment.

His system was this: he would arrange, via the ads, for one young woman to come live with him for a time at his northern California estate.  He would expansively pronounce her his "Mistress in Residence" and pay her generously for her services.  However, during her tenure, he would continue (with her full knowledge) to advertise for her replacement!  When a promising candidate presented herself, Eric would interview her.  If the first interview went to his liking, the newcomer would be invited to return a week later for a second one.

He had two requirements of each candidate: first, she had to be naturally submissive and fond of S&M games.  She had to agree to become his live in sexual playmate and freely engage in S&M oriented sex.  He explained that, for these services, she would be very generously compensated, and enjoy a life of real luxury.  That was the easy part.  There were many young women eager to trade their bodies for a shot at a life of leisure, even if (and sometimes because!) kinky sex was part of the arrangement.

The second requirement was more demanding, and separated the casual applicant from the women he really sought.  He insisted that his live in playmate fully participate in the interviewing, screening and "testing" of her replacement! This seemed bizarre until he explained further.

The return interview for potentially successful applicants was always conducted by the current Mistress, with Eric present.  That's when the fun always really began, because the only real purpose for the return visit was to carefully explain to the eager new applicant the process by which she might obtain the position.

The current Mistress would explain that, to successfully replace her, the newcomer would have to engage her in a no holds barred, anything goes catfight.  If the new applicant won, she would become the new Mistress and the current one would be retired.  If the applicant lost, she would be given a generous sum of money for her troubles (and scratches and bruises!) and be sent on her way.

If, once she was told all this the new applicant was still interested, arrangements for the upcoming catfight would be discussed by all three, with Eric having final say on all particulars.

The incumbent Mistress always had a decided interest in participating in these catfights.  Eric would pay her a large cash bonus above and beyond her regular retainer for every fight she engaged in.  And to make the reward more exciting and immediate, he always paid it while the sweat and blood of her opponent was still fresh on her body.  She had only to win...

Eric knew that to find women who would agree to such an arrangement was difficult, but he was interested in only those.  He found that those women who were turned on and intrigued by his offer were invariably hotter and more exciting than any others he had ever met.

Now, as a fresh breeze blew in off the sunny Pacific, Eric glanced down at his expensive watch and set down his paper. His latest candidate would soon be arriving!  He poured himself a last cup of excellent coffee and sat back to wait for her.

                  * * * * * * * * * * *

After only a short wait, the doorbell rang and Eric rose to answer it.  After exchanging greetings and a few pleasantries, Eric showed his new arrival to his study.  Candy Drapper, the latest potential new Mistress, had just flown in from L.A.  A ravishing Hollywood actress turned call girl, the 22 year old, 5'4" redhead was endowed with the kind of body for which southern California girls are justly famous the world over.

She had explained to Eric during their first interview that she'd seen Eric's ad in the paper and been intrigued by its veiled language and suggestions of large sums of money.  She further allowed that she was growing bored with the L.A. scene and thought a gig (especially a kinky one!) in the San Francisco Bay area might hold new thrills.  In this, she would prove prophetic!

Now, in Eric's sumptuous study, she sat easily in the white leather chair to which Eric had shown her.  Her long, curly red hair hung to nearly the middle of her back.  The teal silk minidress she wore only accentuated her exquisite body, and her black patent leather high heels set off her long legs fabulously.  Eric was genuinely impressed.  Which was just what she intended...

This was the second interview.  Eric had flown her up from L.A. the first time a week ago, and had been immediately interested.  He had very much liked what he'd seen (and sampled   he could not remember a softer mouth around his cock, or a more pneumatic blow job, in his life!).  Christ   the girl was awesome!  Now he was eager to see how she reacted when his current Mistress presented her the remaining details of the offer...

As if in answer to his thoughts, Genevieve Dumas made one of her customary, dramatic entrances through a side door to the study.  A 19 year old French blonde, she was devastatingly beautiful and obviously well aware of it.  She was elegantly clad in an expensive designer outfit consisting of a short red leather skirt, matching jacket, a black silk blouse flirtatiously buttoned just a bit too low, and seamed black hose.  Beneath the luxurious silk fabric flirted a pair of sumptuous breasts.  Spiked red leather heels completed her outfit.

The blonde walked self assuredly to a large white leather couch across from the new applicant and sat down gracefully. Her short red leather skirt did little to hide her obviously muscular, stocking clad thighs.  She brushed back a strand of long, curly blonde hair from her face, and turned to her guest.

"Eric has shared with me that he likes you.  A lot..." she opened.  The smile that crossed Candy's face said "I know" silently but eloquently.  Genevieve decided to let that pass. "As you know," the blonde continued, "the arrangement at our house is a little   unusual..."  She watched for signs of a reaction.  She saw only curiosity.  "In fact, to be very clear, Eric insists that there be only one Mistress in residence at any given time."  She continued to watch her possible rival.  "And you should know that I am the current Mistress..." she finished.

This had an effect.  Genevieve noticed with satisfaction that Candy involuntarily drew herself up a little straighter in her chair, and became more alert.  As discreetly as possible, the redhead was now looking her interviewer over with renewed interest.  So this was not just some member of Eric's staff she was dealing with!

"You should also know that Eric..." she paused, turned towards him and flashed him an adoring smile, "is very fond of watching women fight..."

The sexy blonde let her voice trail off.  At this, one of Candy's eyebrows arched perceptibly.  Genevieve noted this and continued.  "He runs these ads and arranges these interviews to find women who will indulge him in his favorite 'spectator sport'".  No reaction.  "So the real reason for this second interview is to explain to you that, if you want the position of Mistress in Residence "

"I'll have to fight you for it!"  Candy smiled as she finished her blonde interviewer's sentence for her.

"Exactly."  Genevieve was gratified that Candy seemed unconcerned.  Maybe this redhead would agree to the terms, and then there would be a fight.  Maybe tonight!  Then Genevieve would pick up the ten thousand dollar bonus Eric had promised her.  Of course, losing the catfight never entered her mind...

The stunning call girl looked over at Eric, then back at Genevieve.  "This sounds like a beehive, with one too many queen bees.  And you know how bees select a new Queen..."

Eric reflected a moment on the imagery his new applicant had used.  He thought of the extraordinarily vicious fights the small female insects engaged in for supremacy of their hives, then spoke up.  "That's a very good analogy" he said softly. "Perfect, in fact..."

Candy looked at Eric engagingly, then continued, warming now to her theme. "So if I agree to this, and win the fight..."  Her tone was interested, curious, not at all concerned.  Eric quickly interjected an answer to her incomplete question.

"You become the new Mistress in Residence.  Genevieve " he looked warily towards his ravishing French blonde, "gets to pack her bags and leave within 24 hours.  Unless you want her to stay awhile, to use as your sex slave..." he added, smiling lasciviously.

"So what kind of fight do we have to have?" Candy continued curiously, looking Genevieve over with ever growing interest. The redhead seemed genuinely unconcerned.  "Do you have special outfits you want us to wear?  Do you have special fighting rules you want us to follow?  Are there special things you want us to do to each other?"

Spoken like a pro, Eric thought, delighted. Find out what the customer wants, and be sure he gets it.  Lots of it!  Candy seemed to understand exactly what was being offered and further, seemed very eager to please him.  Eric liked that in a woman.  He looked at her evenly and explained further.

"If you agree, you and Genevieve will fight for me with no rules and for no set length of time.  I will be present to watch, of course, but will not interfere in any way.  You will be free to do to anything you like to one another.  You can bite, scratch, kick   anything at all.  You will continue to fight until you are both satisfied.  This point is most important.  It means that, even if one of you chooses to give up, the other is perfectly within her rights to continue fighting..."

"So giving up doesn't buy you anything..." Candy interrupted, immediately understanding the strategy.  "You might as well keep fighting as long as you can!"

"Exactly..." smiled Eric.

The L.A. call girl smiled to herself, a wicked little smile this time, and she seemed to come to a decision.  Before she spoke, she re crossed her delicious legs, allowing the teal silk hemline to rise high up her solid and shapely thighs. The body language challenge to the blonde Mistress was subtle but definite.  She turned in her chair to directly face Genevieve.  "So when do we schedule this little 'event'?" she asked purposefully.

Genevieve was by now expecting this.  She smiled at Eric, then turned to her self annointed rival.  "If you accept the challenge, we will together decide an arrangement pleasing to Eric..."

Candy barely shrugged her creamy, bare shoulders in a delightful display of insouciance, and one of her silk spaghetti straps slid delightfully down her arm to partially expose a gorgeous breast.

"Oh, of course I agree!" she exclaimed impatiently, coyly rearranging the skinny dress strap while holding Genevieve's eyes with her own.  She looked around the large, sumptuous study, noting especially the deep carpeting.  "If we move some of this furniture out of the way, we should have enough room right here...  So how about it   right here, right now?"  She started to rise from her chair.

"Whoa!" said Eric, amused, as he raised his hand to restrain the eager redhead. "I admire your enthusiasm, but I don't want you two to engage in a common brawl.  Please, sit a moment." He directed her to her chair with his hand.  Candy, slightly put off, returned to her white leather chair but did not relax.  She seemed a coiled snake, ready to strike.

Eric returned to his own chair and contemplated both young women a few moments.  After some reflection, a smile crossed his face and he announced, "I will allow the Mistress an
opinion."  He turned to Genevieve.  "The Japanese soaking tub off the master bedroom   would you like to fight Candy in THERE?"

Genevieve looked at him devilishly and smiled racily.  She could always trust him to think of outrageous settings for her fights!

"Ooo  all that HOT water to make your skin red  even BEFORE it gets scratched!  I think I'd like that...  And we'd get all hot and sweaty and EXCITED!" she purred.

She brought up one shapely, stocking clad leg to dangle a spiked heel, red leather pump.  She looked up at Eric with puppy eyes and feigned distress.  "Every time I fight in the water, I ruin my shoes..." she pouted seductively.

"I'll buy you a hundred more pairs, darling!" Eric replied laughingly, enjoying her teasing.

Eric then turned to Candy. "Very well.  Since you've accepted the challenge, the two of you will fight for me tonight in the soaking tub."  He paused a moment to let his words sink in, then continued.  "I have a room upstairs prepared for you.  You will find in it everything you might desire to outfit yourself for the fight.  It's 4:30 now  be prepared to fight at seven!" His tone did not admit to negotiation.

The redhead smiled, looked seductively at Eric, and answered easily.  "Thank you. I will not disappoint you!"

She then turned towards the blonde.  "If you will show me to my room..." she said haughtily.

* * * * * * * * * *
« Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 08:53:48 PM by Aleena »


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Re: Mistress in Residence by Felix Gato
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2020, 08:55:25 PM »
And here's Genevieve.


Offline Aleena

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Re: Mistress in Residence by Felix Gato
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2020, 07:19:01 PM »
Genevieve showed Candy to her room without incident.  The L.A. call girl had entered it quickly, closed the door behind her and locked it.  She took a few moments to carefully study her new surroundings.  The suite Eric had arranged for her was sumptuous in every detail, and she would soon discover no expense had been spared to furnish its large closets with every possible sexy undergarment and footwear she might desire.  She took it all in, and decided she was going to like it here!  She peeked into the closets and chests of drawers, spying dazzling arrays of garments of the finest quality and fabrics, everything in her size.

On a large and comfortable vanity by one wall was arranged a small collection of costly perfumes and cosmetics, as well as a vase of freshly cut, long stemmed red roses.  Affixed to the green glass was a little handwritten note.  "Welcome!" it started.  "Everything here is for your use.  Should you win the fight, it will be yours to keep!"  The note ended with the admonishment "Fight well!" and "Good Luck!"  It was signed simply "Eric".

The redhead kicked off her black spiked heels and slid her little teal silk dress from her awesome body.  She walked over, nude save for a black silk thong, to the large bed in the center of the room and fell easily onto it.  She didn't have to prepare for the fight for several hours, she thought, and she might just as well rest up awhile.  She propped her head up on a fluffy pillow, reclined with her arms behind her head and reflected anew on the unusual and bizarre offer she had just been made.

Everything about it spoke of money, certainly more than she had been seeing in L.A. working the businessmen's hotels and convention travelers.  Resolutely, she decided she wanted IN!  She didn't know much about the beautiful young blonde she would have to face tonight, but she decided now that she wouldn't let that French bitch get in the way of her winning all this!

Candy was sure this was the best thing she'd ever walked into, and if the price of admission was a little face and-tit scratching then hey!   let the games begin!  The sooner they got down to it, the sooner she'd kick that blonde bitch's ass and take her place!

The determined redhead grew pensive. It wasn't as if she'd never fought with women before.  She had been involved in her share of rough and tumble catfights back there in the mean streets and alleys of L.A., before she had moved up to a higher priced and more sophisticated clientele.  And she had won most of those fights.  She knew herself to be a vicious, aggressive little fighter who knew how to get it on, how to rock and roll!  She could fight as dirty as any street cat, and she was in excellent physical shape to boot!  Satisfied with her assessment, and feeling a little smug, she rolled over to enjoy a short nap.

                    * * * * * * * * * * *

After she had shown Candy to her appointed room, Genevieve had returned to the downstairs study.  Eric was still there waiting for her, now seated on the white leather couch.

"This could be a very tough fight..."  he opened as she gracefully eased herself down beside him.  "She seems very strong and aggressive.  Do you think you can take her?"

Genevieve stretched into his lap like a cat, her short red leather skirt rising high on her luscious thighs.  Her long blonde hair fell from her head and around his hips as she reached for his zipper with her superbly manicured fingers.

"Don't even THINK about HER..." she purred as she found what she was looking for and greedily encircled it with a delicate and well manicured hand.  She parted her full red lips, then briefly met his dark blue eyes with hers before taking his already hard cock into her mouth.

"I'm going to fight for you, my Master!", she said softly but with complete conviction. "I'm going to fight for you like I've never fought for you before.  No cheap L.A. hooker is going to take this delicious cock away from ME!"

And with that, she slid her lush, red painted lips over his rigid cock and eased him completely into her mouth.  Eric lay back, reclining in deep contentment.  Life could be good indeed...

                     * * * * * * * * *

Six o'clock!  Candy awoke from her nap, reclining luxuriously on the large bed.  It was time to think about preparing herself for the upcoming contest. So  what to wear to the party?

She let her mind wander excitedly around the question as she enjoyed a hot, brief shower.  She then dried herself quickly, and shook out the mass of long red curls she had previously carefully wrapped in a fluffy oversized towel.

Genuinely excited by the task of assembling an outrageous fighting outfit from the huge number of choices available to her, she bounded easily to the wall closet and slid open the
mirrored door.  She silently shook her head in near disbelief.  There had to be thousands of dollars worth of clothing in there!

Underwear sets  bras, panties, garterbelts, all carefully matched and displayed on colored hangers, just the way they were at expensive lingerie shops. Lace teddies. Silk Merry Widows. Satin bras and panties.  Tough leather outfits, some with chains. Underthings every color of the rainbow! Long opera gloves, and short lacy ones. Shoes with high heels and ankle straps, racy sandals, thigh high leather boots... And everything in her size!  She could dress as OUTRAGEOUSLY as she liked.  Wow!

And, she thought, all this would become hers   if she won the fight!  She was now more determined than ever.  She would do whatever it took to dislodge the blonde incumbent and earn for herself this life of ease and luxury!

The young redhead applied herself now to remembering little details about the discussion the three of them had had earlier.  She recalled Genevieve's provocative little comment about ruining her shoes in the water   so it was obvious that Eric liked his women in high heels, even (or maybe especially!) in the tub.  Hey, if that's what the man liked, she was only too happy to oblige!

What else?  She wanted a look that was outrageously sexy for Eric, of course, but also something that would serve to intimidate her rival.  That meant an outfit that suggested toughness, she decided.  Black, maybe.  Where were those black leather things she had spotted before?  She rummaged through the racks.  God, there was SO MUCH stuff in here, she thought.  She picked up a slinky, black lace catsuit, held it at arm's length a moment, then returned it to the shelf.  No. She wanted to show more skin than the catsuit allowed, she decided...

What about this?  She pushed aside several satin babydolls and uncovered a silk covered clothes hanger on which was hung a tiny, black leather thong bikini, a matching silver studded collar, and short black leather gloves with the fingers cut out.  Perfect!

She grabbed the outfit from the rack, and moved to the many racks of shoes and boots.  The choice here was equally difficult because so many sexy things caught her eye, but in the end she decided upon a pair of wicked, stiletto heeled black leather ankle boots with leather laces. Oh, yes!  This would do very well...

Stockings?  She thought a moment.  There was certainly a large selection from which to choose, more colors and patterns than she had ever seen.  But stockings meant a garterbelt, too, and she wanted to appear as naked and unprotected as possible, even while wearing SOMETHING.  The defiance effect alone would be worth it, though she'd probably pay by receiving more scratches later.  No matter. It was a delicate balance, but showing as much skin as possible was more dramatic.  She decided against.

She took her treasures to the vanity, eased her gorgeous nude form lightly onto the tufted bench, and started to dress.  She slipped the tiny black leather thong up her legs, then eased it onto her shapely hips, noting how it’s very high cut made her superb legs seem even longer than they already were.  The slender strip of buttery soft black leather barely covered her luxurious red bush, and her creamy ass cheeks not at all.

She leaned over, dropping her head down to shake her hair loose and placing on her delicate neck the black studded leather choker.  Sitting up, she next slid her pretty, delicate feet into the short, black leather ankle boots, fastening the leather laces securely. She then picked up and slid over her long, shapely fingers the small, black leather gloves.  She wriggled her exposed fingers and long red fingernails as she smoothed the black leather into place.  She clawed her hands menacingly, observed the effect, and smiled to herself.  She couldn't wait now to use those talons on that blonde French bitch!

Now she reached into a drawer in which was arranged several layers of good jewelry.  She impulsively scooped up a pair of large silver hoop earrings and a clutch of thin silver bracelets.  She quickly put those on, then reached for a glass perfume bottle stopper.  Generously, she applied the expensive fragrance to the delicious, deep valley between her large, uplifted breasts.  Finally, she picked up a pearl handled brush and carefully combed out her full mane of curly red hair. It was 6:55.

She walked back across the room, stopping in front of the full length closet mirror to admire herself.  She was stunning.  Perched high on the black, stiletto heeled ankle boots that tightly hugged her slim ankles, she was pleased with the tiny black leather thong that hugged her shapely hips and just covered her trimmed red bush.  She noted with satisfaction the black leather choker clasped securely around her graceful neck, the short, black leather gloves that
allowed her long, red nails to protrude menacingly, the large silver earrings, the silver bracelets at her delicate wrist...

She was ready.  She strode purposefully to the opposite end of the large room and opened the door that gave onto the master suite.


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Re: Mistress in Residence by Felix Gato
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2020, 05:45:29 PM »
After Genevieve had thoroughly satisfied a very aroused Eric on the smooth white leather couch, and then happily received a facial of delicious warm cum, she had been instructed to repair to her own quarters to reflect on the upcoming contest and imminent challenge to her authority.

She knew that Candy was a strong, well built girl, and apparently fearless to boot.  Well, she smiled to herself, she was equally strong and equally well built, and she had the advantage.  It was HER house and HER Master she was fighting for.

She also took comfort in thinking of the last fight, when she had been challenged by, taken on, and beaten, a fiery Puerto Rican girl in a bloody two hour cage fight down in the basement.  She knew herself to be a ferocious and tireless fighter, and she did NOT want to lose this position!

Ensconced now in her own quarters, she drew a hot bubble bath in the sumptuous, black marble, step up tub eased herself in gently.  She soaked a long time, reading and listening to music.  At one point, she reflected on the irony of preparing for a fight in hot water by bathing in hot water, then dismissed the thought.  Instead, she turned her attention to what she would wear for the contest.

Genevieve had an incredible body that looked fabulous in just about anything.  Still, tonight had to be special!  She was the current Mistress in Residence, after all, and she was fighting for Eric, her lover.  Not just any outfit would do...

She didn't know what kind of outfit that cheap L.A. hooker would put together, of course  that was part of the game that Eric so enjoyed.  When the combatants entered the designated fighting area, they would surprise Eric as well as each other with their daring and creativity.

She had a feeling the redhead bitch would wear black tonight, or maybe green or blue.  She grudgingly admitted to herself that the teal dress Candy had worn earlier had been devastatingly effective paired with her long, red curls...

She would wear red, then.  Pulse racing red.  The color of passion, the universal signal of danger, of violence.  The color of blood.  It would telegraph Genevieve's intentions with force.  Yes, red.  But what?  She wanted to surprise Eric.  She wanted something really exotic, something that would at once turn him on and issue a clear challenge to her rival.  She wanted it to communicate forcefully that she was not shying away from her rival, hiding behind her outfit.  It would have to be arrogant and bold and daring.  She thought a moment.  Wait...she knew just the thing...

Genevieve rose from her bath, dried off carefully, then wrapped her long blonde hair in a large, rose colored towel. She powdered herself, put on a short silk robe, walked to her huge closet, and slid open the door.  She pulled open a drawer and retrieved a pair of butter soft, opera length red leather gloves.  Of course, these had the fingers cut out to allow long manicured nails to protrude.  Next, she then moved to a nearby rack and selected a pair of thigh high red leather boots.  They sported nearly 6 inch heels.  She smiled to herself and walked with her treasures to the bed in the center of the room.

She sat on the edge of the bed and slid her long, shapely legs into the boots, smoothing the leather that rose up to over most of her thighs.  She next slid her delicate arms into the long, red leather gloves, pushing them all the way up, nearly to her armpits.  She smoothed the leather around her fingers, making sure she could claw her hands in complete freedom.  THAT was essential for tonight, wasn't it?  She took a moment to admire the long fingernails she had just had freshly manicured.  Those nails were going to busy tonight... She smiled wickedly, arose from the bed and walked over to her vanity.

She sat down and quickly dried her long blonde hair.  Next, she expertly applied bold eye makeup and her deepest shade of red lipstick. She then selected a long, heavy, hooped gold chain from a drawer and fastened it wantonly around her slim waist, allowing perhaps six inches to dangle provocatively. Finally, she selected matching long, dangling gold earrings and attached them securely to her small earlobes.  She was ready.

She got up, shook out her long blonde mane and headed for her own entrance to the master suite  where awaited a Japanese soaking tub, her Master and a rival eager for combat!