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Glam Boxing

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Offline Super Deadly Ham Attack

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    • Super Deadly Ham Attack
Glam Boxing
« on: March 05, 2020, 11:15:59 PM »
“There,” I finished signing my sister’s cast. It seemed a little juvenile, but if it would cheer her up I was happy to do it. “Really, is there anything else I can do? Make lunch? The laundry? It can’t be easy getting the basket down in the basement-”
“Thanks, Dana. Actually, there is something… now, you said anything, right?”
“Yeah…” She was giving me that sweet look I knew all too well and I braced myself for what she was about to ask.

“Can you take my place in my foxy boxing match?”
“What! I meant, like, going shopping-”
“So you won’t do it,” she pouted. “No, it’s fine. Even though you just said anything...”
“Jess,” I sighed. “You know I suck at boxing. I’m a wrestler-”
“You can’t suck more than forfeiting!” she pointed out. “Besides, before you start grappling, you throw punches, right?”
“Yes, but… look, you really want me to do this? I’m probably just going to embarrass us both out there.”
“Oh, no you won’t!” she chirped happily.
“I don’t even have the stuff to wear-”
“You can borrow mine!”

So two days later - not even enough time to cram in some last-second training - here I was standing backstage, looking at my sister’s arch-enemy and my opponent for the night standing impatiently in the middle of the boxing ring. Lisette is a glamourous, dark-skinned Asian boxer, and just now she looked more like she was ready to hit the club with her long false lashes, lavender eye shadow and dark lipstick carefully applied to her pouty lips. Her trunks and boots were coordinated with her makeup, the primary coloring the same purple shade as her eye shadow, edged with the same black as her lipstick. Her hair was long and dark, down to her shoulders, one long strand almost covering her left eye; streaks of purple were weaved into her hair, tying the whole look together.

In contrast, my jaw-length reddish brown hair was cut into a simple flip at the ends; in the excitement I’d forgotten any of my waterproof makeup, so I was going out there without even some lipstick or something. My face is rounder than Lisette’s - I made a note to see if I could frame it with my hair the way she was doing - and I guess I’m a little plain; my best features are my dark, doe eyes - useful for suckering opponents into underestimating me. I’ve got a slightly long nose and thin lips, which really looked better with just a touch of lipstick.

Well, it was too late now. I took a deep breath and came out from behind the curtain, totally naked except for my sister’s scuffed boxing gloves. Her trunks were too big for me, and I couldn’t wear my wrestling one-piece - in boxing matches you had to start topless (nobody could get the tops off with their hands encased in boxing gloves). Lisette’s elegant eyebrows went up as she watched me stride down to the ring, trying to look more confident than I felt as I slid between the ropes.

“Whoa, champ, you forget something? Where’s your shorts?”
“I don’t have any that fit,” I admitted. I found myself looking slightly up at my opponent; she was maybe five seven to my five six. Just to look at the two of us, you could tell who was the wrestler and who was the boxer. Her upper body was ripped - thick, heavily muscled arms, small, perky, round boobs with dark little nipples, and rippling six-pack abs. Her legs were strong as well, but not as defined as the rest of her, and not as impressive as my own; although I couldn’t match her amazing arms or stomach, I was in good shape all over - well defined limbs and a flat tummy, although I didn’t have her six pack. I had bigger breasts, DD to her B’s, natural and with large pink nipples.

“Hey, now wait a minute,” Lisette squinted at me. “You’re shorter than I remember. And younger.”
“Yeah, well, Jess couldn’t make it.” I fixed her with my best sad, doe-eyed stare. “But you’re gonna go easy on me, right?”

"No.” Her face turned deadly serious. "Are you joking? Do you know how long I've been waiting to get your sister in the ring? I was gonna take my time with her; break down her body, then her spirit until she was just my willing fucktoy. But I can't do that to her now. So," she stepped forward until we were nose to nose, "I'm gonna do the next best thing, and that's break you real slow while she watches. I can't get her directly, but I'm going to do twice to you what I had planned for her, and she'll just have to watch every second of it."

I opened my mouth to respond to this, but had nothing to say; her words had chilled me to the bone. The referee, Mrs. Sada, came over to break us up; she went over the rules, which was basically no kicks and no wrestling moves. I made nervous eye contact with my sister, the only audience member; she raised her fists high with a whoop, trying to encourage me from her seat.

“Box!” Mrs. Sada shouted. I got my fists up, expecting Lisette to come at me aggressively right from the bell, but instead she put up a strong defense and waited for me to come to her. I took a deep breath to try and stay calm and closed on her, making sure to keep myself protected as I felt out her defense with quick jabs.

She was good; no matter where I aimed my punches, she had them blocked, taking my high ones on her gloves, midrange on her forearms, and she caught the low ones aimed at her belly with her elbows. I got a little too absorbed in trying to crack her defense, and when her counterpunch came I only managed to avoid it by flinging myself backwards, landing hard on my butt with a grunt.

"Wow, I've never knocked someone down without hitting them before!" Lisette laughed. "Come on, get up." She tapped her foot impatiently as I stood and got my guard reset. Having decided my skills were nothing to be feared, she went on the attack; as she strode towards me I backed up slightly, looking for any hole in her guard I could exploit; of course there weren't any.

As she came in range she opened with a low left aimed at my stomach. Trying to copy her, I dropped my arm to take the hit on my elbow, and she almost took my head off with the followup straight right aimed at my jaw; I managed to avoid it by turning 90 degrees, presenting my right side instead of my front to my opponent.

Lisette pounced, swinging her right fist around in a massive gutbuster, and I dropped both arms to catch it on my forearms. I came back at her with a left hook aimed at her head, but my fist had so far to travel she easily blocked this, stepping around so we were face to face again and tagging me with a light jab to my stomach.

Looking back I think Lisette wanted to see how I'd handle getting hit, and I guess I passed the test as I took the blow with a grunt, trying to back her off with a quick left hook aimed at her chest. She stepped back out of the way and came back in with a harder hit to my stomach; I took this one square as well, forced a few inches back but still able to throw a counterpunch.

Lisette ducked and she unleashed her hardest hit, getting all of her power into a right to my midsection. I tried to take this one on my abs, but it had too much force; I bent over, gasping, in shock at the pain radiating from my belly.

I looked up to see her winding up for a knockout hit, coming forward aiming a massive right hook at the side of my head. I just managed to scramble backwards and she missed badly, leaving herself open; I shot forward with my own best gutbuster, but I was still a little weak from her hit, and she braced her abs, taking the blow easily, giving me a bitchy little grin as I failed to inflict any damage.

I assumed Lisette was going to press her attack, but I wasn’t experienced enough at boxing to read her and tell for sure; I knew to look at her shoulders and feet, but I couldn’t tell from her movement what she was up to. I didn’t think I was quick enough to block or dodge whatever she was going to about to do by the time I saw it coming and decided to forestall her, trying to take her by surprise, darting forward and locking my lips on hers.

She gasped in surprise as I kissed her, too stunned to even push me away; I braced my left glove behind her head as my tongue darted into her mouth, wrestling with hers. She collected herself enough to brace her gloves on my shoulders, breaking the kiss as she shoved me back, but I was waiting for this exact move and unleashed my best left hook, my glove smashing into her face and turning her whole body with the impact.

Acting on instinct she turned back to me, but she was holding her hands wide, her entire body open; I had plenty of room to start an uppercut down around my knees, building power until my right fist exploded under her chin. Lisette was knocked down with one punch, falling backwards and hitting the mat with a limp thud, laying there in shock, panting, as I lifted my hands high and screamed with delight.

"Finish her!" my sister screamed.
"What?" I yelled back. "What? She's down!"
"Get her while she's down, stupid!"

I turned to look at Lisette; I'd rung her bell pretty good, but her eyelids were already fluttering open as she came around with a moan. She was about to get up as my sister's words echoed through my head.

I'd only managed to knock down Lisette by surprising her; I doubted I could surprise her again, and this might be my only chance. I walked up behind the ref, shoving her out of the way down to the mat, then sat down on Lisette's shoulders and started rocking her head back and forth with heavy hooks. She braced her gloves against my legs, trying to push me up, but she had no leverage.

I switched punches, giving her straights to the face, setting her nose bleeding. The ref had gotten up and now came up behind me, grabbing me under the armpits, trying to drag me off my prone opponent; I backed the Mrs. Sada off with an elbow to her belly, but before she went stumbling away she'd managed to lift me partway off Lisette, who now rolled over onto her chest, preparing to push up off the mat and get to her feet.

I slammed a punch into the back of her head and she collapsed. The match was being taped, and I knew this wasn’t going to make me very popular (not least with the refs who’d be calling future matches), but I didn't care; I was fighting for my life, and I was going to do whatever it took to win.

I landed a second, then a third hit to the back of Lisette's head before the referee tackled me from behind. For a moment it was chaos in the ring as she held me down, screaming that I'd forfeit the match if I kept breaking the rules. She asked if I'd behave if she let me up and I nodded.

Warily, Mrs. Sada let me go and I climbed to my feet. I guess because of my sneak attack, she didn't count out Lisette, instead watching as my opponent rolled over, her eyes glassy. I thought about launching myself at Lisette for a second to get myself intentionally DQ’d - I’d be out of the match and safe.

Of course, that was just delaying the inevitable as my sister would kill me. It was too late anyway; Lisette was already staggering to her feet, shaking the cobwebs off. The ref waved us together, and Lisette was staring daggers at me over her gloves.

"So it's gonna be like that?" she spat as we closed. "Well, I can fight dirty too, girl!" She lunged in with a hit aimed between my legs; this move was so obvious I almost stood there and took it, sure it was a feint, only stepping back out of range when I was sure it wasn't a trick.

Lisette obligingly left herself completely out of position as she whiffed, and I came in and got my own hit below the belt. Lisette froze, her eyes wide in shock, leaving me plenty of room to wind up a right hook to her jaw; I hit her so hard her entire body spun, and she landed on the mat face-first. This time I stepped back to let the ref count, my heart pounding as I hoped Lisette would stay down.  Of course she didn't, and if anything seemed even more mad as she got to her feet.

"You little fucking bitch!" she howled. She threw herself at me with a massive right-handed haymaker; I ducked it, then turned my body out of the way of a wild left straight. Lisette was throwing punches hard enough to knock me out with one hit, but in her anger she wasn't leaving herself protected, and I saw my chance as I came in and slammed a quick left into her stomach.

Lisette wasn't braced and gasped, trying to clinch me, but I brought her up short flashing a straight right into her face. She stepped back, covering up; I could see that her guard was strong, her arms covering from her eyes down to her belly. I thought about another low blow, but I could just imagine her dropping her arm to catch this and nailing me with a counterpunch; instead I closed up with her and started hooking my punches around her arms, hitting her in the side and ribs.

Lisette took a few of these with grunts of pain before unleashing her counterpunch, a left hook aimed at my head. I'd been watching for her counter and ducked it, coming forward with my head low, throwing my hardest hooks into Lisette's ribs; this was too much for her and she got me in a headlock, her free hand raining hammer blows down on my back.

But before she could land more than two or three Mrs. Sada was there, pulling me out of Lisette's grip; I was grateful she came to my rescue, but Lisette had me so tight it felt like my ears were going to get ripped off as the ref yanked me backwards. She got between me and Lisette, wagging her finger in my opponent's face. Lisette was having none of this, yelling back at the ref about how I'd started the whole thing by hitting her when she was down, which, uh, I guess she was right about, actually.

As they argued, a thought came over me; I had no chance of beating Lisette in a traditional boxing match, but it seemed like if I kept surprising her, I could get her flustered and cause her to make mistakes. As long as I didn't do what she expected, I might just have a chance.

With this in mind I went behind her, coming right up to her, pressing my tits into her sweaty back, sliding my gloves around her body and cupping her boobs. Her angry screaming at the ref turned into a high gasp as I leaned forward and started licking her neck.

Lisette seemed to be enjoying this - instead of attempting to escape she started pressing her back against me; between not being able to see what I was doing and wearing boxing gloves, I think I did a pretty good job teasing her tits. At least, I seemed to be doing well enough to keep her mind clouded with pleasure.

After a few minutes it was time to move on, and I began slowly sliding my right glove down her body, but just before I could get it between her legs she made her move, shooting her elbow back into my stomach. Looking back she’d clearly been waiting for this, but at the time I was completely surprised, my stomach unbraced; Lisette had caught me good, leaving me wheezing, and I couldn’t stop her from stepping forward out of my grasp. I was helplessly panting as Lisette turned on me, her face flushed in what looked like both arousal and anger.

"Fine,” she panted. “You want a sexfight? I'll beat you at that too, girl!"
"Haven't beat me at anything yet," I gasped back sweetly. Lisette growled and came at me, flicking jabs at my head. I covered up, but she went low, burying her fist just above my crotch; that was enough to make me drop my hands in shock, but instead of a followup punch, she pulled me into a kiss, her right glove braced on the back of my head as her tongue slipped into my mouth.

This was so distracting I almost missed her trying to slide her glove between my legs; I closed my thighs around it at the last second, and Lisette leaned back, breaking the kiss, grunting with irritation as she tried and failed to pull her hand back.

“Ahh, now what’s the matter? Little stuck there?” I wrapped my arms around her body, squeezing her, just hard enough to press our nipples together. My opponent made a valiant effort to counterattack, thrusting her chest forward against my bigger tits, but I had her outgunned, and I felt a thrill of excitement as she leaned forward and laid her head on my shoulder, a vision of me making her cum and knocking her out dancing temptingly before my eyes.

Of course, I’d have to get my own glove between her legs for this. There was no way to do this with her own glove still trapped between my thighs; I’d have to risk letting go. I slowly released the pressure holding Lisette’s boxing glove, hoping she wouldn’t notice, holding my breath as her arm fell down limp.

I was so close to victory I could taste it as I moved my own glove towards the promised land; just as I was sure I had the match in the bag Lisette hit me with a short right in the stomach, driving the breath I’d been holding out of my body.

She released the clinch and I stumbled backwards, gloves crossed over my stomach. I tried to switch from erotic attack back to boxing, frantically attempting to get my hands up to cover my face, but it was too late as Lisette stepped in and snapped my head around with a hard left hook.

I turned back to face her just in time to eat a follow up right overhand punch, and the next thing I knew I was down on my back, looking up at the bright ring lights swaying crazily in front of my vision.

For a second I wondered why Mrs. Sada wasn’t counting; then I felt Lisette pushing my legs apart. I looked down in horror to see that she had me right where she wanted me, pressing her glove against my bare pussy.

“Oh, don’t get up,” she locked eyes with me. “I’m going to finish you now, little bitch. Get up, and I won’t be so nice.” I laid my head back on the mat with a defeated moan as she began teasing my pussy with her glove. If this was her first time doing it, she was a terribly quick learner; just going off of how great this felt, I have to imagine I wasn’t the first girl she’d finished off like this.

I almost gave up right there, sighing in resigned happiness as Lisette rubbed my pussy. Only my sister screaming at me woke me out of my haze: “Dana!” she howled. “Dana! Fucking get up or I’m going to come in there and kick your ass myself!”
I leaned up at my elbows; Lisette shook her head at me in a mute signal not to even think about it. I took one last deep breath and started getting up, my opponent having to back off with a snarl.

“That was stupid,” she growled. “What do you think you’re even doing, Dana? You’re just delaying the inevitable. You’re just pissing me off!” she howled, charging in under another knockout overhand punch.

I knew I couldn’t take another one of these and weaved to the side; unfortunately, this is exactly what Lisette had intended, and I darted directly into a followup left, Lisette’s glove sinking into my unprepared tummy. I gagged, my hands dropping, and Lisette punished me with a right uppercut, her rising glove smashing into my jaw.

It was all I could do to stay on my feet, reeling backwards; Lisette chased me, growling in satisfaction as she slammed her gloves into my ribs. I backed up, covering up as best I could, until I felt my back hit the ropes.

Oh, shit. I looked up to realize Lisette had trapped me exactly where she wanted. With a gloating smile she came in, ducking my desperate left hook aimed at her jaw, hitting me with a vicious right, her glove smacking into my belly button.

I had to lean back against the ropes to stay standing, and Lisette came around to my right side, leaning down to lick my neck as her left glove came between my legs. I managed to get my thighs closed just in time, but she hit me in the back of the head with her right glove; I sagged against the ropes, my legs opening, and Lisette started rubbing my pussy again.

Mrs. Sada came over, apparently attracted by the illegal hit to the back of my head; a brief discussion ensued, with Lisette pointing out that I had done the same thing first, which seemed to placate the referee. For myself, it was all I could do not to cum right in the middle of them talking; it seemed a little absurd as I moaned helplessly, squirming against Lisette’s glove, as she discussed the finer points of the rules with the referee.

Finally, Mrs. Sada said she wasn’t calling a foul, but Lisette had to get me off the ropes; my opponent unhooked my arms and gave me a hard shove. I landed on my chest with a grunt, rolling and getting up to my feet. My heart was pounding and I was covered in sweat, but I was still in the fight, barely; I was panting, wild-eyed, and my hair a mess. Lisette on the other hand looked calm, cool and collected as she closed up with me.

My opponent aimed for another attack at my crotch, thinking I was ready to be finished off (and who could blame her), but I surprised her by charging in, cutting her punch short and grabbing her with both arms, lifting her off the mat and running across the ring, all the way to the ropes, pressing Lisette up against them.

I had to decide quickly how to attack - I could either try to knock Lisette out cold with punches, or make her cum. The first option seemed impossible, so I went for the second one, pulling her into a kiss and slipping my glove between her legs. She copied my stance, and for a second we stood there rubbing each other’s pussies as our tongues wrestled.

I debated pulling her trunks down, but decided against it; the material bunching and rubbing against her crotch actually seemed to be working pretty well. In fact, her dominating me seemed to have turned her on; when we broke the kiss she was making small, gasping moans, pushing her smaller tits against mine, and as I kept rubbing her pussy, she began bucking her hips back against my hand.

I was no less turned on, feeling my face flush with arousal, an almost insatiable need to finish creeping through my body; I held on as best I could, flexing my stomach, trying to control my breathing, telling myself I just had to last a little longer.

“Dana,” Lisette gasped. “Oh - oh my god. Oh, Dana - Dana-”
“That’s it,” I tried to sensually purr, although it came out as a ragged gasp. “You gonna cum?”
“Yes!” she wailed. “Yes, I’m almost there! Oh, don’t stop!”
“Yeah!” I panted. “That’s right! Come for me!”
“Here it comes!” she barked. “Oooh! Oh, here I go!”
“Come on,” I knew I didn’t have long left. “Come on, you - uhh -” the words wouldn’t come; I realized that she’d tricked me, that I wasn’t going to make it, and then realized I didn’t care; all I wanted to do now was cum, and Lisette forced me there, her soft, insistent, teasing rubbing finishing me off. Warm, numbing pleasure spreading up from my crotch through my body until I was shaking in her grip, my own attempt to make her cum completely forgotten as she inflicted a shattering orgasm on me.

I leaned against her helplessly as I finished and then came down, sliding down her body in slow motion until I was laying on my chest in front of her. I dimly heard the ref come over and start counting, but Lisette had fried my brain, and the most I could do before the ten count was groggily roll over and look up to see my victorious opponent staring down at me. At ten, Mrs. Sada shrieked “Knockout!” and grabbed Lisette’s right wrist, holding the winner’s hand over her head, doing a slow turn.

After that Lisette walked over to me, shimmying her trunks down and off. She stood over me, leaning down so were face to face.
“Oh, Dana,” she tenderly moved one sweaty strand of hair that had become plastered to my cheek behind my ear. “You fell for it. That means you’re mine now. So just lay back and enjoy what’s coming to you now.”

I did as she said, too beat to resist, as she slowly lowered her pussy over my face. Before I could start eating her out she began riding my face heavily, rocking her hips back and forth as she ground her crotch over my mouth. Her ride wasn’t long - I really had gotten her pretty close - but it was so rough I thought I might pass out under her pussy; it got even worse as she came, her hips pushing down heavily on my nose and mouth.

By the time she climbed off me I was beyond ready to go home. I’d lost, I’d been forced to cum, and I’d had my face used as a fuck rag; that was plenty for one night. But as I rolled over and got on all fours, crawling towards the ropes, I heard Lisette giggling behind me.

“Dana, where do you think you’re going? Ohh, you don’t think we’re done already, do you?”
“Please,” I gasped as I felt her straddling my body. “You won already.”
“Oh, of course. But I’m not through with you yet.” She flipped me over onto my back. “Now, Dana, don’t try to get up, or I’ll have to mess up that painfully plain face of yours. Here,” she laid down on the mat across from me, scooting forward. “How about this? Think you can out-fuck me?”

I realized what she was doing a second before her pussy brushed mine. I tried to fight back, but it was all I could do to raise my head off the mat; Lisette was in control from the first second, dictating when and how our crotches rubbed together. At first she was content with a thrusting motion, roughly humping me, pressing for a second, then backing off and going for it again; as she realized I wasn’t fighting back, she leaned up a bit, getting her right leg over my body, leaning forward and making clit to clit contact.

That did it for me; I lay back with a moan, closing my eyes and letting her finish me. It didn’t take long before my hips were bucking back against hers, and she quickly forced me to a finish even bigger than the first; the climax blew through my body, my toes curling into the mat, my gloved fists hammering helplessly, a long, loud scream of ecstasy bursting out of my mouth.

Lisette didn’t stop when I finished; she got herself off, using my body for her own climax as I lay there helpless, beaten, and fucked out. This was not going to be one for the highlight reel. I just wanted to go to sleep, and waited out Lisette finishing herself off. Finally my horrible night could end, but she still wasn’t done with me. She stood up, pulling me up as well; I could barely stand, my right arm draped over her shoulders to keep me vertical.

“Smile!” she giggled. I looked up, and the last thing I remember that night is Lisette’s final slow motion punch; she drew her right arm back, her glove becoming larger and larger in my vision until it exploded on my face, knocking me out cold and leaving no doubt who the winner was.


Offline CA Sleeper

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Re: Glam Boxing
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2020, 09:14:47 PM »
Nice story!  I enjoyed the twists and turns as each girl looked likely to finish her rival.  Normally I would have pulled for Lisette to lose, but by the end I surprisingly found myself pulling for her. 


Offline SunnyB

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Re: Glam Boxing
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2020, 09:02:01 AM »
Wow that was a fabulous story!  ;D ;) Loved how it went back & forth ... the outcome not clear until the the end!  :D Also loved the POV, which was really excellent ... it made one feel involved in the fight!  8) :P :-*
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


Offline Alana Quill

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Re: Glam Boxing
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2020, 09:18:48 PM »
I love this kind of boxing just for the record. Thanks for the writing.