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That's *One* Way to End a Rivalry...

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Offline underdogKu

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That's *One* Way to End a Rivalry...
« on: March 13, 2020, 10:55:25 PM »
For the first part of this story: READER DISCRETION: If you're like me. Someone who recoils at the thought of lethal fights, I'd turn away. The mood took over me and I couldn't help but write a more...'total' fight. Anyway, no intro, we're starting straight from Tanya inviting Amanda over for a talk. She gets invited in, they get to talking, things heat up a little, we start the story in the kitchen after a considerable amount of walk and talk...

Amanda extended her right arm, reaching for the vase. Her pulse rising dramatically, lips parting open, starting to hyperventilate, pupils dilating. Tanya continued to talk, but Amanda could only hear the blaring sound of her blood pumping through her veins. She clutched the vase, pulling it off the coffee table and behind her back. Her chest rising and falling, pupils starting to dilate. She tried to question whether she wanted to go through with this, but before she could answer the question, her fight or flight instinct kicked in. An earth-shattering scream ripped through her lungs as she swung the vase. Tanya raised her eyebrow, turning around. "Are you o-AGHHHHHHHH!"

The vase shattered into a hundred pieces as Amanda cracked it against Tanya's skull. The curvier girl dropping to all fours, left hand reaching back to where Amanda struck her. "What the fuck was tha-URGHHHH!" Her sentence cut off as her adversary grabbed two fistfuls of her hair, hauling the silky-haired beauty up to her feet. "We're *never* going to be okay, slut." Amanda coldly whispered into Tanya's ear, sending a shiver down the curvier girl's spine. With a sharp tug, Tanya is sent flying towards the fridge, her back smacking against the door, air rushing out of her lungs. Bent over, Tanya is helpless against her adversary's next move, as Amanda charges in, slamming her body up against her foe and straightening her up. Tanya's eyes pop open wide and her lips part in a silent gasp. Peeling her figure off of the silky-haired goddess, allowing her to fall to her knees, Amanda took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. But she was too far into this to relent now.

Tanya, on the other hand, was shell-shocked, head bowed and panting. She had invited Amanda over in good faith, thinking they could talk out their differences. In classy fashion. But what she was met with was vengeance. In its most pure and unadulterated form. Just as these thoughts started to rush into Tanya's head, she felt another strong tug. "AIEEEE!" She groaned as she was peeled off the floor and up to her wobbly feet again, but she was done ragdolling. Amanda, slamming her into the fridge again, did not expect her adversary to fight back as Tanya reached forward and gripped the collar of Amanda's shirt. Tugged forward, Amanda is caught by surprise as her far stronger opponent turns the tables, pulled into Tanya's rising knee, impaling her tummy. "OOMF!" Amanda groaned out, in hot water now as she is safely in the clutches of her adversary. They quickly traded positions, with Tanya swiftly shoving the smaller Amanda's face into the fridge, her jaw flattened against the door, struggling to free herself.

"Do I REALLY have to beat your ass a second time? Why can't you just talk this through with me? Clear both our consciences?" Tanya tried to talk sense into the haughty Amanda. Little did she know, the words fell to deaf ears. Amanda swung her elbows back, but Tanya was a wrestler, and knew better than to relent right before their opponent is ready to tap, wrapping her arms under her opponents', and pulling them up and behind Amanda's head. Grunting and forced down to her knees, head bowed, her curls all over the place thanks to the sweat she's accumulated through the effort of subduing her opponent, which has ultimately led her to a familiar situation. "I don't want to fight you anymore Amanda. Stop struggling, and we can talk things out. Like adults." Tanya insisted. "Look, I'll even let go of you...We can go back to the living room and talk it out..."

With that, the sturdy, silky-haired beauty slowly undid her move on the smaller, more vulnerable Amanda, who's hair was now a mess over her cute face. Cowering into the corner, Amanda looked up at Tanya with the look of a cornered tigress. Offering her hand, Tanya leaned forward. "Come on, girl. Let's talk." She spoke softly, unlike anything Amanda had heard before through those gorgeous red lips, but the flight or fight instinct had not left. Scrambling up to her feet, Amanda reached out for the pan resting on the counter. Grabbing hold of the handle, she swung it, and hard, towards her threatening opponent. WHACK! "HUUUUUH!" Tanya stumbled back, hitting the frame of the kitchen door, wiping a trace of blood from the corner of her mouth. "THAT'S  IT, I'M DONE TALKING! YOU WANNA FIGHT, WE'LL FIGHT!" The hurting Tanya bellowed, approaching Amanda with a look of pure menace.

The beast that the paranoid Amanda saw before this had come to life, and she knew there was no going back from this. No talking it out. No civil discussion. Just a fight till one of them is done. Another swing of the pan, but this time Tanya's ready, grabbing hold of Amanda's right wrist and tugging away the utensil, throwing it to the floor. Nostrils flared, Tanya grabs hold of her smaller opponent's throat with both hands, pushing her up against the fridge door and sliding her up. "GIVE UP FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" Tanya demands, but it sounds more like a plea. Even if she wanted to, Amanda couldn't say a word. Her throat slowly being crushed by Tanya's stronger grip. "I don't wanna keep hurting you, Amanda..." Tanya continued, more somber this time. Amanda continued to kick and thrash regardless, her feet having now left the floor. "Garhhhhh..." She groaned, her face contorting, slowly changing complexion, struggling to breath.

"GIVE UP! GIVE UP ALREADY!" Tanya, once again, pleaded her opponent, now pushing up closer, a terrible mistake on her part as this allowed the smaller girl to throw a mean kick her way, smacking her domineering opponent flat in the cleavage and forcing her to let go, her head smashing against the glass cupboard. Amanda, now freed, rubbed her throat momentarily, catching her breath, expecting a retaliation, but there was none. Looking up, she noticed Tanya rubbing her head. Pieces of glass around her, the curvier girl was struggling. Amanda, seeing this as an opportunity, pounced. Grabbing hold of the handle of the pan with both hands, Amanda swung it with all her might at her waning opponent. CRACK! The pan smacked against Tanya's jaw and she dropped to all fours, her silky mane no longer looking pretty, more reminiscent of a mop as the tips trailed on the floor.

Dazed, Tanya looked up at the counter, looking to grab hold of it to get back up to her feet. Reaching out and grabbing it, she need not put much effort into her hands before she's hauled up by the hair once again by her opponent. "Uhhhh...Let...Go.." She groaned out, but the pleads fell to deaf ears as Amanda swung back the pan and once again smacked her dazed opponent, this time on the back of the head. A flash of light temporarily blinds the curvy, weakened fighter as she slumps onto the counter, boobs flattened into the fine marble. Amanda doesn't let her rest for long, the pan coming thundering down over the back of her head again. "UNGHHHH!" Tanya's body spasmed. Feeling the recoil of the pan across her skull. The weapon came crashing down once again on poor Tanya's skull, and this time a flash was followed by complete blindness as she dropped to her knees, still slouched over the counter, seemingly conscious. All she could hear was the thundering sound of her utensil dropping to the floor and rattling off.

Nostrils flared, all reason thrown out of the window, Amanda reached forward and grabbed hold of her opponent's not-so-pretty silky mane, peeling her off the counter and dragging her on her knees towards the coffee table. Her fingers crawling over her kneeling foe's face, Amanda dug her nails into poor Tanya's face, pulling her head back and then SLAM! Right into the coffee table! A pained groan is all her opponent can muster, as Amanda kept on going. Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! With every slam, Tanya's body fluttered on the edge of total collapse, the sixth blow followed up with her slumping to Amanda's feet, dropping to her front, on her own carpeted floor. Amanda's sanity was long gone at this point, and she wanted nothing other than to make the girl at her feet suffer. Attempting to bring her arms around to try and push up to her feet, Tanya noticed, to her dismay, that she could not feel them. Trying to bring her legs into play, she tried to transfer her energy into them, finding no response there, either. A wave of panick followed the only sensation she could feel, Amanda's foot on the back of her head, slowly pressing down and crushing her skull.
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