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Revenge part 2 (Amanda vs Yuko)

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Offline WS2003

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Revenge part 2 (Amanda vs Yuko)
« on: February 29, 2020, 06:38:07 AM »
Revenge part 2
By: WS2003

This is part 110 in a series of wrestling stories.  The first story was done in 2003.  If you need access to any of my other stories, please email me at the email listed at the end of this story.

The night of the Amanda vs Yuko fight is here.  The arena is packed for this match.  This will be a weapons match and each girl is allowed to bring two weapons with them to the ring.  No other weapons (other than items normally at ringside) can be used.  The first girl to obtain a 30 second out of the ring count out (while they remain inside the ring) will be the winner.  Submissions and pinfalls do not count.  There will be no outside interference allowed during the match.  There are no other rules.

The first to come toward the ring is Amanda.  She has on her favorite blue string bikini and is barefoot.  She heads to the ring as she gets some cheers from the crowd. She is still popular but has seemed to have lost a few fans recently, probably from losing matches to Jenny and Yuko and also Yuko taking her boots.  Amanda seems determined to get her boots back in this match.  Amanda is carrying her weapons with her: some handcuffs and a nightstick.  Amanda gets to the ring and is setting her weapons in the corner when Yuko rushes out of the back and toward the ring.  Yuko has on her black leather bikini and black high heeled boots.  She is carrying a kendo stick and the shock belt.  The crowd cheers loudly, drowning out the sound of Yuko running toward the ring.  Amanda has her weapons set up where she wants them and moves toward the stairs.  Then suddenly...WHAM!  Yuko swings the kendo stick and smashes it across Amanda's lower back...

Amanda cries out in pain from the surprise attack.  Amanda falls against the side of the ring.  Yuko set the belt on the edge of the ring apron and then smashes the kendo stick across Amanda's lower back again.  Amanda cries out in pain again.  CRACK!  CRACK!  CRACK!  Yuko hits Amanda three more ties with her weapon.  Amanda falls to her knees.  Yuko smashes the kendo stick across Amanda's back a few more times.  Amanda drops to the floor, face down and in pain.  Yuko whacks the kendo stick down on Amanda's back two more times.  There are some noticeable red marks across Amanda's lower back now.  Yuko reaches down and undoes Amanda's bikini top.  She then grabs Amanda's long brown hair and pulls the now topless Amanda to her knees...

Yuko places the kendo stick across Amanda's throat and sticks her knee in to Amanda's back.  Yuko pulls back and Amanda starts to choke.  Amanda frantically grabs at the weapon, trying to pry it away from her neck.  Yuko pulls back harder and Amanda gasps for air as she struggles to herself free from the chokehold.  The crowd cheers Yuko on.  Yuko says to Amanda, "So I hear you like ambushing people?  How do you like my ambush bitch?"  Amanda is in trouble early in this match.  She continues to try to pry the kendo stick away but Yuko has too much leverage.  Yuko keeps the hold just a bit longer and then finally releases it.  Amanda drops to her hands and knees as she sucks in much needed air.  Yuko throws her weapon aside and then grabs Amanda by the hair.  She pulls Amanda up and then throws her under the bottom rope and into the ring.  Yuko pulls herself up on the ring apron and slides in after Amanda...

Amanda pushes herself to her hands and knees, trying to recover.  Yuko gets to her feet and grabs Amanda by the hair and yanks her up.  She bends Amanda forward and then drives a knee into Amanda's head.  Amanda drops to the mat as she moans.  Yuko then stomps her boot down on Amanda's back.  She grinds the heel in a bit as Amanda kicks her legs.  As Yuko removes her boot, Amanda reaches her right hand around to massage her back.  Yuko then kick the hand away and jumps in the air.  She tucks her knees and drives them down on Amanda's back.  Amanda lets out a loud moan as Yuko begins to work her back.  Yuko then gets up and grabs Amanda by the hair, forcing the brown haired beauty to her feet.  She then pushes her into the corner, face first.  Yuko lowers her shoulder and drives it forward, hitting Amanda's lower back.  Yuko grabs the middle ropes and thrusts her shoulder into Amanda's lower back again, and again, and again, and again, and again...

Yuko then grabs Amanda by the hair and pulls her out of the corner.  She then bends Amanda forward and then throws her into the corner between the top and middle rope.  Amanda's head hit the corner post with a clang!  Amanda's body slowly drops to her knees and then she falls to the mat on her back.  She is very dazed now.  Yuko smiles as she grabs Amanda and forces her up and places her back first int he corner.  She hangs Amanda's arms over the top rope.  Amanda's head is drooped forward as she hangs off the ropes.  Yuko reaches down and grabs the handcuffs Amanda brought.  She uses them to cuff Amanda's hands behind her.  Amanda lets out a few moans as Yuko has her trapped.  Yuko then lifts Amanda's right leg, placing it over the right middle rope.  Yuko takes Amanda's left leg and places it over the left middle rope.  Amanda is now trapped, with her legs spread open.  Amanda is in trouble...

Yuko then grabs the shock belt.  She slides it around Amanda's waist and clicks it.  Yuko then slaps Amanda's face a couple times.  Amanda tries to shake off the cobwebs as she tries to move her arms and legs.  She struggles to get free and realizes she is trapped.  Amanda then notices what is around her waist and cries out, "Oh gawd...NNNOOOO!!!"  Yuko chuckles and reaches out and flicks the switch on.  The belt instantly sends electricity into Amanda's lower back.  Amanda screams, "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!"  Yuko takes a step or two back, and then sends a kick into Amanda's belly with her boot.  Yuko says, "You are gonna pay for putting Jenny in the hospital!"  Yuko continues with her kicks, driving the heel of her boot into Amanda belly as the shock belt continues sending surges of electricity into Amanda's lower back.  Amanda's body is getting weaker with each second, but there is no escape...

After a few more kicks, Yuko stops.  She moves in and switches off the shock belt.  Amanda gasps for air as she deals with the pain in her belly and back.  Yuko then starts to lightly fondle Amanda's breasts.  Amanda's breathing starts to get a bit faster.  Yuko slides one hand down to Amanda's bikini bottoms and starts to rub her.  Amanda lets out a soft moan of pleasure.  Yuko says, "So it looks like you enjoy this."  Yuko continues to play with Amanda as the crowd cheers her on.  Yuko is really humiliating Amanda as she continues to play with the trapped babyface.  Yuko says, "MMMMMMMM...someone is getting wet."  After a few more strokes with her fingers, Yuko stops.  She then takes a step back and drives her boot right between Amanda's legs...

Amanda screams, "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" As Yuko's boots hits her pussy.  Yuko laughs and then sends another kick to the same spot.  Yuko's mix of delivering pleasure and now pain has the crowd really cheering her on.  Amanda's pussy was wet from the sensation of pleasure, now is being destroyed by Yuko's boot.  Yuko sends another hard kick to Amanda's pussy.  Amanda is in agony but there is no way for her to stop Yuko.  Yuko delivers another kick, driving the toe of her boot deep between Amanda's legs.  All Amanda can do is howl in pain.  Yuko is determined to get revenge against Amanda.  Yuko sends another kick to Amanda's hurting pussy.  Amanda is really in bad shape and is in major pain...

Yuko sends one last kick to Amanda's hurting crotch.  Then Yuko moves in and lightly caresses Amanda's right breast.  Amanda continues to moan in agony from the pain in her pussy.  Yuko plays with Amanda's nipple as the crowd continues to cheer her on.  Yuko then reaches down and flicks the shock belt back on.  As Amanda cries out in pain, Yuko drives a hard punch in to Amanda's belly.  Yuko keeps the punches coming, sending each one deep into Amanda's belly while the shock belt continues to work Amanda's back.  After a dozen punches to Amanda's belly, Yuko stops.  She turns off the shock belt and pulls it off.  She then uncuffs Amanda, allowing her to crumple to the mat.  Amanda lies there in pain.  Yuko smiles and pushes Amanda under the ropes, so Amanda's lower back is pushed against the corner post.  OH looks like Yuko will be going after Amanda's back once again...

Yuko slides out of the ring and then grabs Amanda's neck and one of her legs.  She then pulls back, bending Amanda around the metal post.  Amanda screams, "OH GAWD...MY BACKKKKKKKKK!!!!"  Yuko is all smiles as she hears Amanda's screams.  Yuko places her boot on the ring, to give her more leverage to pull back harder.  Amanda is in trouble and there is no way out of this hold.  Yuko keeps up the pressure.  The crowd cheers the sexy Asian girl on as she tries to injure Amanda's back.  Amanda is getting weaker with each passing second.  Yuko has kept the hold for over 30 seconds now.  Yuko give one last really hard pull.  Then she releases her.  Amanda rolls onto her stomach and reaches a hand around to massage her sore back...

Yuko reaches into the ring and grabs the shock belt.  She then grabs Amanda and yanks her out of the ring.  Amanda drops to the cement floor with a thud.  Yuko could go for the count out now, and would certainly get it.  But Yuko has other plans.  She slides the shock belt back around Amanda's waist and then squats down on her back.  She grabs Amanda's arms and slings them over her knees, trapping Amanda in a camel clutch.  Amanda cries out, " back can't take it!"  Yuko grabs Amanda’s hair and as she leans back she says, "Tough shit, bitch!  You should have thought about this before you attacked Jenny in the alley."  Yuko leans back and then reaches down and flicks on the shock belt.  Amanda wails in pain as Yuko bends her back and the belt sends electricity into her lower back...

Amanda bare feet kick the floor as Yuko continues to lean back.  Amanda's hands feel the top of Yuko's boots.  The crowd is going crazy as they watch Yuko work Amanda in the inescapable camel clutch.  I am not sure how much more punishment Amanda's back can take.  Yuko continues to rock back, bending Amanda a little more each time.  Amanda is in a lot of pain.  Yuko has kept the hold for almost a minute.  Amanda is fading fast and her back is in major pain.  The shock belt continues to send electricity into Amanda's back, weakening her even more.  Yuko leans way back, applying maximum pressure to Amanda's back.  Yuko finally releases the clutch and Amanda's upper body crashes to the floor.  Amanda lies there, unmoving.  Yuko removes the shock belt and then slides into the ring.  She tells the ref to count…

The ref starts, "One...two...three..."  Amanda just lies there, in too much pain to move.  The crowd is cheering and all of a sudden we look and see Jenny on the top of the ramp!  Jenny just stands there, wearing her black leather bikini and over the knee boots.  The ref continues to count, "Fourteen...fifteen...sixteen."  Amanda still has not moved.  It looks like Yuko has the victory now.  The crowd continues to check back on Jenny, who just stays at the top of the ramp.  Yuko parades around in the ring in her boots as the crowd continues to cheer.  The ref finishes his count, "Twenty nine...thirty!"  Yuko is the winner!  As the ref raises her hand in victory, Jenny starts to make her way toward the ring.  Yuko says to the ref, "The match is over...time for you to get out of here."  He slides out of the ring and heads toward the back as Jenny passes him on the ramp.  Amanda is in some serious trouble now...
Jenny makes her way over to Amanda.  She grabs the babyface by the hair and yanks her up.  Amanda groans in pain as she struggles to get to her feet.  Once Amanda is up, Jenny says, "Time for some payback bitch!  I have a hospital room reserved for a week with your name on it."  Jenny then whips Amanda head first into the ring stairs.  Amanda hits with a loud CLANG, and drops to the floor.  There is a gash on her forehead.  Yuko slides out of the ring and her and Jenny engage in a kiss, to the delight of the crowd.  Yuko then goes over to Amanda and scoops her up in her arms.  She holds her across her body and then drops to one knee, while extending her other leg and executes a perfect backbreaker!  Amanda's lower back hits Yuko's leg and she moans in pain.  Jenny has slide into the ring and grabbed Amanda's nightstick.  She slides back out and stands on the top of the metal stairs.  She raises her weapon and then jumps off...

She drives the nightstick down into Amanda's belly, which also drives her back into Yuko's leg.  Amanda cries out in agony from the pain in her belly and back.  Jenny smiles and climbs back up the steps.  She jumps off and once again, drives her weapon into Amanda's unprotected belly.  The crowd cheers the sexy Asian girls on as Jenny continues to jump off the steps, using the nightstick to destroy Amanda's belly.  After a dozen hits, Yuko finally pushes Amanda off her leg and lets her crumple to the floor.  Amanda moans, "My back...can't take anymore..."  Jenny just laughs and says, "Too bad for you that we are not going to stop until you are destroyed!"  Yuko grabs Amanda and brings her to her feet.  She holds Amanda's arms behind her back and Jenny drives the nightstick into Amanda's belly over and over and over and over, and over.  Amanda legs are getting weak and she cannot even stand anymore, only being held up by Yuko.

Jenny then drives the end of the nightstick into Amanda's pussy.  Amanda lets out a shriek.  Jenny likes what she hears and drives the nightstick into Amanda's pussy three more times.  Amanda's head droops forward as she just hangs in Yuko's grip.  Jenny tosses the weapon aside and then grabs Amanda's legs and the girls throw Amanda under the bottom rope and into the ring.  Jenny then comes over to our table.  She winks at the commissioner and then pushes everything off of our table and pulls it closer to the ring.  OH NO!  This can do some major damage to Amanda's already injured back.  I turn to the commissioner and ask him if he is going to stop this.  He says, "Amanda got herself into this mess when she ambushed Jenny.  She has this coming."  The fans cheer wildly as Jenny has the table set up near the ring...

Looking at the commissioner I ask him what if these girls break Amanda's back?  He replies, "Listen to the fans cheering.  Jenny and Yuko are the two most popular girls in the league.  Whatever happens to Amanda, happens."  Looking back at the girls, Jenny and Yuko are inside the ring and lifting Amanda up.  Amanda needs some help quick!  But word is her boyfriend is out of town and her partner, Sarah, is off in training.  No one is here to help her.  Jenny and Yuko have lifted Amanda above their heads near the ropes.  Amanda has no idea what is coming.  The fans are cheering wildly.  Jenny and Yuko then throw Amanda over the top rope.  Amanda's body flies through the air and she hits the table back first...CRASH!!!!!  The table instantly breaks, and Amanda crashes to the floor in the debris of the broken table.  The crowd erupts with cheers as Jenny and Yuko give each other a high five in the ring...

The girls slide out of the ring.  Yuko grabs the handcuffs at Jenny moves over to Amanda.  Amanda is just lying there, unmoving.  Jenny grabs Amanda by the ankles and drags her out of the wreckage.  Jenny says, "How does your back feel Amanda?"  Amanda offers no response and Jenny says, "Time to make sure you are done."  Jenny and Yuko then lift Amanda up and carry her toward the crowd.  They hold her up high and then drop her down, back first, right on the crowd divider.  Amanda lets out a soft moan as her back hits, bending her body over the divider.  Yuko takes the handcuffs and quickly secures Amanda's arms to the divider.  Amanda's body is draped over the divider, half on one side and half on the other side, with her lower back resting on the metal divider.  Jenny leans down and says, "Enjoy your stay at the hospital Amanda.  And Yuko is keeping the boots...FOREVER!"  Jenny and Yuko are facing each other, with Amanda in the middle.  Jenny raises her hands up, clasps them together, and then drives then down and smashes Amanda's belly...

Yuko raises her hands and as soon as Jenny moves her hands from Amanda’s belly, Yuko drives her double fisted punch into Amanda’s belly.  I am not sure how much more Amanda can take.  Her back must be ready to give out.  The crowd cheers loudly and the sexy Asians feed off the energy as they continue to alternate slamming double-fisted punches into Amanda's belly.  Each punch seems to drive Amanda's back deeper into the metal divider.  After a few hits, Amanda finally passes out.  The girls notice but continue, each driving two more hits into Amanda's belly.  The girls then stop and look down on Amanda's broken body.  They turn to the crowd and raise their hands in celebration.  The crowd takes pictures and cheer wildly.  The two sexy Asians, wearing their black boots, posing with Amanda's destroyed body still secured and draped over the crowd divider.

Yuko says, "Should we uncuff her and throw her to the fans?"  Jenny says, "No, let's just leave her the way she is.  Leave her displayed for the crowd.  Her back will continue to bend over the divider, injuring her more with each passing second.  Without her boyfriend and tag team partner here to save her...she will be finished!"  The commissioner comes over to the girls and gives them each a kiss.  The three of them walk back toward the locker-room as the crowd cheers…

As they leave, the creepy janitor comes down the aisle and moves over to Amanda.  He runs his hand over Amanda's trapped body.  He uses some bolt cutters and cuts the handcuffs.  He then scoops Amanda's lifeless body off the divider.  With a smile on his face, he carries her down the aisle.  He is met half way down by medical personnel with a gurney.  The head medic says, “Walter, you need to gently put her on the gurney, she is injured.”  He sets Amanda down and then quickly moves his hands to Amanda’s hips.  In one quick motion, he slides Amanda’s bikini bottoms off and stuffs them in his pocket as he rushes down the aisle toward the back.  The medics take Amanda to the ambulance… 

The End.

Please send any comments or suggestions to:


Offline Maizenblue

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Re: Revenge part 2 (Amanda vs Yuko)
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2020, 07:22:19 PM »
Great job as always.

Would love to see Jenny and Amanda be forced to work as a tag team for the good of the company be rival promotion and get destroyed.



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Re: Revenge part 2 (Amanda vs Yuko)
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2020, 04:31:40 PM »
...nice having a full revenge on that bitch Amanda....!!!


Offline York

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Re: Revenge part 2 (Amanda vs Yuko)
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2020, 06:06:49 PM »
Happy to see Yuko winning it and having Amanda pay for her assault on Jenny !! Well done and nicely written, as usual !! 


Offline watchingwomenrumble

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Re: Revenge part 2 (Amanda vs Yuko)
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2020, 06:12:00 AM »
YES!!!!  Yuko crushes Amanda and keeps the boots.  Then Jenny comes in to get revenge and helps finish Amanda off!  I see no specific mention of Amanda's condition at the end of the story.  Maybe her back is too badly injured...she could be out for a loooooong time.  or maybe it turns out the sexy Asians finished her off for good....


Offline SunnyB

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Re: Revenge part 2 (Amanda vs Yuko)
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2020, 09:09:18 AM »
Great story with exciting action!  ;D ;)

Mmm, glad to see that Yuko & Jenny (Fawn) performed better here than when they faced Lucy & myself in:  ::) ... LOL!  8) :D
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


Offline Maizenblue

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Re: Revenge part 2 (Amanda vs Yuko)
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2020, 10:14:06 PM »
Hope we see Revenge part 3 soon. Love seeing Amanda beaten.