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Kayla's Favorite Jobber: Miranda

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Offline StoneKidman

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Kayla's Favorite Jobber: Miranda
« on: April 28, 2020, 01:19:00 AM »
Kayla's Favorite Jobber: Miranda
By Stone Kidman

I was leaning against the wall of the old boxing gym, the few seats that were there had been otherwise occupied, while I watched my sexy black girlfriend Kayla step into the ring. This was a wrestling club out of Baltimore that encouraged female matches and, after prodding Kayla awhile, she finally agreed to go; the club had strict rules that boyfriends and spouses weren't allowed at ringside but could watch from afar--presumably there was a history of interference. For those that don't know I have a type; Kayla is 27 years old, 5'09" and weighs around 240 with a 40F cup. Despite being thick with a dark complexion and her hair in short braids, her personality matches my nerdy aesthetic but, while normally shy, she looked quite intimidating when she stood in the ring wearing a purple sports bra--that she had to buy from a special website--with white piping as well as matching purple and black short shorts.

Despite being perpetually thick she did work out a lot, mostly cardio and mma style crossfit so her tummy is soft but it's flat despite the girth in her arms, thighs and ass. I was worried about her opponent when she stepped through the ropest, I mean Miranda was introduced at forty six years old but had a twelve win to three loss record. She was this slender 5'6" redhead with a 32C cup weighing 130 pounds; she looked like she spent a lot of time at the gym, not muscular but definitely like an athlete. When the referee told them to begin, my worries instantly vanished as Kayla marched across the mat and grabbed two handfuls of Miranda's shoulder length hair and whipped the bitch around like she was a ragdoll. The women didn't cut any promos before the match, though the redhead had this big shit eating grin like she was going to make Kayla her bitch; once they started fighting the room was just an echo of shouts of advice and rooting for one fighter or another.

"Get her tits, Red," I heard one guy shout as Miranda's hand seemed to hold onto Kayla's sports bra for leverage as she was pulled up off the mat but my girl was the first to instigate a breast claw. The older woman had worn this form fitting green one piece swimsuit, with some kind of swoosh logo across her chest I didn't recognize; it was this symbol that Kayla was digging her nails into as she lifted Miranda up. I thought the milf would use some expert hold to retaliate but my girlfriend seemed to be keeping her off balance with a series of kneelifts, first to the redhead's tits then to her tummy, before flinging her across the mat with another hairmare.

"You can get her, baby," I saw this silver haired dude with a mustache yell a few rows back. It was hard to see with most of the fluorescent lights shining on the mat but my attention was quickly pulled back as I heard someone cry out. When I looked, Kayla was bouncing Miranda by her swimsuit; driving a wedgie up into her snatch.

“This bitch got nothin’,” my girlfriend hollered to Miranda’s husband, “show him, skank.” I smiled so wide as I watched Kayla lift Miranda up with the front wedgie and breast claw until she was over her head with a guerilla presse before slamming her to the canvas with a thunderous boom. It looked like the ring didn’t have much give so it must’ve been like being slammed on a solid wooden pallet; Kayla flexed her arms while the redhead just lay there, moaning and groaning.

I thought my girlfriend was going to kill the older woman when Kayla ran to the ropes and did a body splash, obscuring most of Miranda’s torso under her curvy ebony figure. We never discussed what her finishing move should’ve been but it certainly looked like she could’ve gone for a pin; instead, Kayla lifted Miranda up by her long hair and dragged the milf into the corner.

“Let’s see if she’s still got it,” Kayla yelled, playing to the crowd, before ripping down the straps on her opponent’s swimsuit. They whistled at the redhead’s full C cups while my girlfriend shook her head dismissively.

“Nah, those little things ain’t tits,” she said and proceeded to hammer Miranda’s boobs while she winced and wailed as my girlfriend’s dark fists sank into the pale orbs. Her arms hung over the top ropes, the only thing keeping her up it seemed as her bare feet dangled on the mat, so Miranda couldn’t stop my girl from beating her boobs until she grew tired and yanked up the front of her own purple sports bra.

“These are a real tits,” she said, cupping her huge jugs, “you want a closer look, Red?” I think Miranda tried to shake her head but Kayla grabbed the back of her opponent’s hair, to hold the milf in place, before she smooshed her giant balloons into the redhead’s face. Her legs kicked wildly, as if she were drowning and trying to swim, while Kayla practically lifted the older woman off her feet; backed out of the corner while holding the smother before charging forward and squashing Miranda against the turnbuckles.

“Let’s go for a ride, granny,” my girlfriend laughed after letting go of the smother once the referee began counting. She held two handfuls of Miranda’s long red hair and ran her tits along the top rope, burning them with the cable until they got to the other side of the ring. The audience applauded and my woman took a bow while Miranda rolled about on the mat; rubbing her sore boobs until Kayla grabbed the milf’s feet.

“Guess your old man won’t need this anymore,” she said before stomping her foot down on Miranda’s crotch while the audience groaned almost as loud as the redhead. The ref finally stepped in, warning Kayla against using low blows; my girlfriend nodded then lifted her foot again only to bring it down on the milf’s abdomen. Miranda held her stomach while my woman stripped the old bitch nude before driving her fist into the redhead’s toned tummy a few more times.

“Ohhhh!” Miranda bellowed when Kayla stood on her opponent’s stomach, crushing her under heel so to speak, before stepping off as the redhead rolled over onto her chest; coughing and wheezing. My heavyset girlfriend asked the older woman if she liked giving her abs a workout when Kayla sat on her back.

“Because now I’m gonna see how flexible you are,” she grimaced and bent Miranda in a Boston crab. The older woman was trying to scream but must’ve had all her air pushed out when Kayla stood on her because she had her face buried in the canvas as my black princess looked like she was going to bend the redhead in half.

“Maybe you’re enjoyin’ it, let’s ask your man if he’s going to need to use a blue pill tonight,” she chuckled. I noticed Kayla was staring at the silver haired dude who called out to Miranda earlier in the match. My girlfriend switched to a single Boston crab as she rubbed and slapped the redhead’s clit; she had a trim firebush which Kayla would occasionally tug on when she wanted to hear the old bitch scream.

Kayla didn’t really know any moves other than what she saw while watching raw with me back in the early to mid 2000’s. Even still I was very impressed when she seemed to bring Miranda to climax then stood up a little disgusted.

“Ew, nasty bitch juice,” she laughed after smelling her fingers and the audience laughed some as my girl hauled the redhead’s nearly lifeless body up. It looked like she had run a ten hour marathon as sweat dripped down her face; thankfully Kayla added a breast claw which, while Miranda winced in agony, it helped get her feet working again.

Continuing to work on her opponent’s back, Kayla lifted Miranda up in a bearhug but made sure the white woman’s face was placed directly between her big black tits. She used them like fists, clobbering the redhead from the right and left, while she lifted the milf up, squeezing her until her face fell into the deep valley of Kayla’s cleavage.

After dropping her opponent to the mat, Kayla nudged the older woman onto her stomach then  sat down on Miranda’s back; her sheer weight seemed to drive the air out of the milf’s body before pulling the redhead onto her knees and locking in a camel clutch.

“You ready for me to break you, bitch,” Kayla roared with a ferocity I had not seen before. I saw Miranda shake her head a little, as best she could, with Kayla rearing back on her chin, while the older woman’s arms were draped over her wide black knees.

“How ‘bout now, bitch, you ready to be my slave?” Kayla had switched to a double breast claw, her purple nails—painted to match her ensemble—sunk into Miranda’s soft white tits and mutilated them so they looked like a couple of rubber stress balls being squashed with the pale flesh oozing out between her fingers.

“Oh god yes please stop I quit oh fuck!” Miranda screamed and thrashed about like she was on fire until the short old referee guy who looked like Mickey Roonie waived for the bell. Kayla threw Miranda to the mat, almost disgustedly, as the short ref could barely reach her chubby arm to raise it.

My girlfriend still stood over Miranda’s beaten body and used a handful of hair to turn the older woman over. “You ready to serve me, slave,” Kayla hissed in this quiet voice I only was able to hear because the audience had quieted down after applauding the winner. I think the redhead must’ve made some tiny squeak of acceptance or maybe nodded slightly; either way she gave some indication to the affirmative as Kayla turned around and slowly planted her big ass on the white woman’s face.

“Don’t move, bitch,” she moaned, gyrating her hips to hump the redhead’s face over her short shorts. Miranda never raised an arm off the mat as my black girlfriend even started pinching her opponent’s stiff nipples as Kayla moaned while grinding her clit against the milf’s chin.

“Oh yeah fuck, lick ma pussy slut ughhhhh!” Kayla groaned loudly and watching her big tits tremble I knew she had a nice hard orgasm as the audience applauded this too. She got up, raising her arms again, and left Miranda to lay there; her face dripping with sweat and possibly Kayla’s juices.

I waited near the exit while my girlfriend got changed, noticed it took Miranda a few minutes to get her legs under her as her husband was allowed to help her exit the ring; putting an arm over his shoulder to balance herself as the redhead rubbed her sore back. By the time my girlfriend came out, wearing a pink batgirl tank top stretched over her enormous tits and leggings, we were about to head to my car when I heard someone tell us to wait.

I saw it was Miranda still using her husband to walk only he was just holding the redhead by the arm now as she came over towards Kayla. I expected some animosity but she had this huge grin on her face, which was still shiny with perspiration, and was enthusiastically grateful.

“Thank you so much for a great match,” she said, at first shaking Kayla’s hand then practically kissing it like she was bowing. “I haven’t had that much fun in a long time, I’ll need a few weeks to recover but could we have a rematch again? I really liked having an opponent as strong and beautiful as you.”

Kayla and I kind of looked at each other puzzled for a moment but she was all smiles. “Sure just pick a date and let me know when you’re back to a hundred percent,” she said in this jubilant voice. Miranda thanked her again several times, as did her husband; saying Kayla was one of the best opponents he’s ever seen his wife against. Normally my girlfriend is very reserved and only busts out the attitude on occasion, I asked what happened in the ring as she’s been friendly with women but never been so bold to whip her tits out in public let alone finger fuck another chick. She seemed almost ashamed, even after I told her I loved it and was dying to see more; she just shrugged and said she got caught up in the moment. Needless to say it was a night of hot sex while we recounted our favorite parts; how much Kayla enjoyed riding “that loser’s face,” as she said while we passionately fucked.

The next day Kayla received nearly a dozen emails from other club members who wanted to get in the ring with my girlfriend; suddenly she had a stable of jobber cougars and I couldn’t be more proud when she asked if I wanted to go watch her beat up some more bitches that coming weekend.
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