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High Heel Boxing (Remington Recalls)

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High Heel Boxing (Remington Recalls)
« on: February 18, 2020, 11:14:40 PM »
I used to frequent this seedy bar when I was prowling for quick and dirty fights. I knew that at the time the only girls I'd find there were hot and usually only mildly skilled. The bar was one of a few that I liked but this one was special because it put amateur girls into fights with a regular roster. Not to say the regulars were all that skilled as I had found out one evening when I purposefully induced a disagreement. I'm sure if I looked hard enough I could find her thong in one of my collections.

The bar hosted these fights where they would have girls send in topless shots and the owners would pick their favorite and they'd match one of the random send in with a regular. The fights ranged from boxing, wrestling, to even more gimmicky competitions.

The fight for the evening was straightforward but with an obvious gimmick. The fight for tonight was a boxing match with sixteen-ounce gloves. The extra weight meant that the girls punches packed a bit more and it meant less chance of bruising and injury. This wasn't an uncommon thing when it came to boxing since most of the fights involved a total amateur and someone who had at least been hit before. It kept the fights from being over too quickly and avoided a reputation for injuries that would have dried up the steady stream of college girls boasting obnoxious breasts who showed up to make quick money. Most never came back to fight again as they lost almost all the time. They did however occasionally return with friends who also needed the money and had the goods.

The new thing for the evening was the fact that both of the girls were wearing heels high enough to make fast movements and balancing rather difficult. In addition to this, the rules had been altered concerning the difficult footing.

Both of them would be wearing a two-piece bikini. If either of them were knocked down they would have first their top and then their bottoms removed. The first girl to be knocked down while naked lost. Additionally, a knockout ended the fight with the loser being relieved of her bikini.

The roster girl, Dani, a delicious dyed redhead, whom I would have the pleasure of encountering again,  stood in the corner of the overly padded boxing ring. The ring took up space at the bottom of a second story in the back of the bar. I found out years later this was the basement of the bar and the floor had been remodeled to create a walkway with a railing around the space. It was used for their regular competitions so patrons could readily see. Dani smacked her gloves together as she eyed the cute college girl across the ring. They had announced her as Katherine, a dirty blonde with a curve to her. There had been some sort of exchange beforehand between her and Dani. At least that was what I assumed from what happened next. The "ref", if you could call her that, announced much to everyone's surprise and delight that in addition to being stripped naked and a victory pose picture (customarily they were displayed on the wall behind the bar. You could have them taken down if you won a rematch). The loser would receive a breast smother center ring for a slow ten count.

It was kind of rare for them to add anything other than the victory pose at the end since it was rare enough to have girls come back for round two at all, however it occasionally happened when a "tough girl" mouthed off.

From their stance, it appeared that both of them had incredibly limited experience with boxing but it was straight forward: hit the other girl until she fell. Do it three times. Simple right?

Suffice to say I ordered a drink to mentally lick the eye candy on display.

At a nod from the ref, the two walked into the middle of the ring. Well, perhaps wobbled was a better word. The canvas in question was old and anyone with much experience in a canvas ring will tell you I can be slicker than an oiled sorority girl during rush.

After a rather unnecessarily slow count, the ref backed up and let the two of them start punching. Perhaps that is a generous term for what followed.

Katherine swung hard and wide with her punches from the word 'fight' leading with a right and then left. Classic amateur fighter throwing the strong hand first. Dani seemed to expect some sort of early aggression. No doubt from experience with others like Katherine. Leaning backward Dani managed to avoid the two wide swings at the risk of almost falling onto her butt. It was a lovely display of her mountainous chest as the two big punches sailed over the top of her extended chest; the natural result of her arched back. Standing back up straight Dani popped Katherine in the chest with an uppercut as the amateur girl was still coming forward with her momentum; trying to steady herself on the heels. The punch to her open chest made Katherine stumble as she tried to get her balance on the heels. Taking careful small steps forward Dani popped the windmilling Katherine in the face as her arms closed in on her newly targeted tits. After the hit to the face, Katherine%u2019s hands shot to cover her cute nose which prompted Dani to hit her in the stomach as Katherine%u2019s hands left her body. This exchange continued as Katherine made her way backward, all but falling over her high heels. The chesty blonde finally hit the ropes which pushed her off of them only to have another uppercut from Dani split her guard and catch her in her right breast.

Stumbling further in an obvious disastrous turn of event Katherine turned to take a hook to her face and as she fell Dani got in a humiliating hit right smack on Katherine%u2019s tight college girl ass as she went to the canvas chest first.

My lips made a little %u201Coh%u201D shape as Katherine%u2019s full wait landed smack on her boobs. The smack to the ass sure didn%u2019t help as the crowd roared with laughter and catcalls. Dani pranced around imitating a boxer staying warm even though Katherine was having a difficult time righting herself on the heels.

The ref started the count. It was a fifteen count as the girls were in heels and it would take them longer to get back up even if they weren%u2019t knocked out. If it was by some freak miracle a knockout the extra five seconds wouldn%u2019t matter. Chances were good with the heavy gloves that a true knockout would render the loser out cold for some time. It was a real pity none of them had the arm strength to land a hit like that.


Katherine had to push herself up from the canvas onto her knees using her arms and spent a few precious moments rubbing her squashed breasts to ease away some of the pain in them.


Climbing up off the canvas the ref motioned Katherine into her corner. Normally Dani would have gotten to remove her opponent's top in a fight where they weren%u2019t wearing gloves. It was something the regular girls loved doing since they often taunted the amateurs while they were doing it. Most of them were not used to going topless or nude in front of such an audience of strangers. Due to the boxing gloves, the ref did so matter of factly untying the string bikini and pulling it away from Katherine%u2019s substantial chest. The audience cheered at her now topless state, I did not bother to cheer, but the view was certainly much improved. Sadly I doubted I%u2019d get to see Dani%u2019s rack and made a mental note to seek her out at some point. I can assure you, having Dani might have been the favored fighter but Katherine's hot body and girlish demeanor meant she had more than the majority of the fans.

Dani licked her lips. %u201CLooks like I%u2019m going to have a new bikini when we are done. I hope it fits!%u201D The mountainous red head hefted her boobs to make a point. The crowd loved it. Katherine's only response was to tap her gloves and put them up. Snickering Dani did the same thing; two more knockdowns and Katherine's nubile college girl body would forever grace the bar back in her moment of defeat.

The two closed quickly and exchanged a flurry of punches. The luckiest hit I've ever seen in my life caught Dani in the stomach and sent her stepping backward as she sucked air. It must have been right on her solar plexus. There was no way Katherine meant to do it but she had. As Dani staggered backward holding her stomach Katherine put her elbows up and did her best to punch Dani in the tits over the top of her folded arms. The punches had nearly no form as she just tried to hit Dani as much as possible. The high heels were the only thing letting her get away with it. Finally, the redhead staggered and caught the top rope as Katherine moved in for the kill to put the other girl on the mat and claim her top.

As Katherine edged forward on her heels she moved for a bigger hook to Dani's head but the other girl swung an uppercut into the college girl's waistline. Since Katherine was still wearing her bottoms hitting her between the legs would have been an illegal shot but the punch hit right on the top of her bottoms which were low enough that a fair bit of the glove made contact with Katherine's womanhood.

Gasping Katherine doubled over in pain, her breasts hanging down as she tried to get her breath back from the cheap shot. Before she realized what was happening Dani with a furious look on her face swung an uppercut right into Katherine's exposed chest popping her back up before a punch connected with her stomach. The college tough girl immediately crumpled towards her knees holding her aching breasts. Right before she hit the ground the ravaging red head got in another parting shot to Katherine's left cheek knocking her onto her back. Laying there Katherine arched her back in pain as she tried to massage her smarting breasts with one gloved hand and desperately tried to stop the aching between her legs with her other gloved hand. The site made the crowd roar in approval. It looked for all the world like the poor abused boxer was trying to get off in the middle of the ring laying on her back rubbing at her pussy and exposed breasts.


For the barest of moments, I thought perhaps the "unintentional" pussy punch was it for the college amateur. Katherine finally managed to sit up and crawl into her feet. Beating the count by a mere two numbers. Walking over to her corner Katherine was bright red and hurting from the punches. Dani had cheated her of a win this round and it stung as the Ref untied her bottoms pulling them away to expose her pussy to the crowd who roared at this. I couldn't help it as my tongue ran over my bright red lips. The best part of a "best of five" fight was seeing one of the fighters finally end up naked. Even better when it was against a fully clothed opponent. The new girl would have to fight at least one round naked and up to three rounds naked if she wanted to win. I could tell from her face and bright red complexion this was the most exposed she%u2019d ever been and the crowd loved it. They never got to see the send in photos and they only had a requirement that they are topless. I learned later that they only found out they would be nude for the final photo or any part of the fight when they sat down to sign the forms. It was usually enough of a surprise and pressure for a broke college girl to just sign on the line since the money was guaranteed.

Dani bounced a little in her corner posing for the crowd. Katherine carefully held her hands over her breasts and pussy. Nothing in the agreement said they couldn't cover up and it made the crowd jeer and roar for the next round knowing she'd need to remove her hands again.

Stepping out of their corners the two girls met again in the middle of the ring however it was clear Katherine's priority lay in minimizing her exposure. It cost her as Dani backed her across the ring and drove her into the ropes. Suddenly Dani let go with a huge one-two punch which sent Katherine bouncing off the ropes; as she rebounded Dani stepped forward and dropped her hands. Thrusting her chest forward she slammed her massive tits into Katherine's naked breasts. The force of the impact knocked Katherine to the mat. She lay there stunned and humiliated as Dani put her foot on the now defeated college girl's naked breasts the heel digging into her unprotected chest adding to the humiliation. 

Dani posed and the crowd cheered at this. %u201CShall I show  this loser who has the better tits?!%u201D The crowd roared their approval. The full chested redhead looked down at the defeated college girl she had pinned to the mat with her stiletto "Hope you learned your lesson slut. Come back if you want to try and get that picture taken down.%u201D Pulling her top down she managed to keep her tits hidden as she straddled Katherine and lowered them into her opponent's face. A slow ten count later she hoisted her bikini, took her heels off, collected Katherine's discarded bikini, and left her opponent gasping for air on the mat. I smirked as I watched the various patrons snap photos of the loser in only her high heels and boxing gloves.

I'd never be caught dead doing such a thing but the urge was strong. Finishing my drink as the defeated college hottie peeled herself off the mat and crawled from the ring I lick my lips one last time as the retreating curve of her ass. It had been a good night so far.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2020, 11:27:49 PM by Remington »
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Re: High Heel Boxing (Remington Recalls)
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2020, 10:47:01 AM »
...nice....I always love fighting in heels...!!  :) :) :)


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Re: High Heel Boxing (Remington Recalls)
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2020, 08:48:37 PM »
Lovely stuff.  But by the comments as you are viewing does this mean your own boxing skills are far in excess of these two?   :)