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The Schoolgirls vs. The Trucker Bitches by D.G.

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    • Tales From the Underground Women's Wrestling League
The Schoolgirls vs. The Trucker Bitches by D.G.
« on: May 09, 2020, 11:14:02 PM »
Tokyo Takeover, Match #1: The Schoolgirls vs. The Trucker Bitches

   The UWWL tradition of kicking off a pay-per-view with a jobber tag team fight continues with a grudge match between The Schoolgirls (light brown haired Paula and raven haired Carolina) and a new heel team recently called up from the UWWL’s developmental league: The Trucker Bitches - two vicious, trashy, sadistic women who wrestle in simple red bikinis and black fingerless gloves. Dark haired, brown eyed, 5’2” Corvette is a mean little dog with a nasty bite while at 5’7” the dirty blonde, green eyed Tammy is bigger, stronger, and even more sadistic. Years of dirty deeds, back alley brawls, and hard living have honed their toughness and their utter hatred for good girls like a stainless steel blade. In the UWWL’s Developmental League Tammy and Corvette had a feud with a jobber babyface team called Cotton Candy and the Trucker Bitches made the good girls’ lives an absolute, living Hell. Cotton Candy scored a lucky victory early in the feud but the truckers came back to dominate the rest of the feud about as much as a feud can possibly be dominated, with humiliating beating after humiliating beating followed by endless torture that has left the sexy good girl team a pair of broken, shell shocked waifs.
   The heels’ first official UWWL match was against the hapless Hooters Girls, which Monica set as a no disqualification match (the waitresses signed the contract without reading the fine print, as usual). Corvette and Tammy isolated the blonde and beat her so bad that fans could barely watch. Corvette got the battered blonde in a claw hold with her fingerless black glove and squeezed her face until the Hooters Girl was so bloody that the director in the production truck had to blur the screen for those watching at home. The blonde was screaming like a wild animal and the ref called for the bell to stop the fight; the truckers were not happy about this so they beat up the ref and tossed her out of the ring, resulting in a stiff fine. They didn’t care. Tammy and Corvette then beat up the brunette too. The Trucker Bitches are masters of electro torture and the demonstrated their craft to the capacity crowd as the good girls squirmed and screamed in agony. Medics finally took the sexy yet dominated waitresses to a hospital.
   Tonight is the second meeting between The Schoolgirls and The Trucker Bitches, and the two teams already have a palpable hatred for one another. Tammy and Corvette hate and resent Paula and Carolina because of their cushy ivory tower lives and sweet demeanors, while The Schoolgirls find the trucker sluts utterly repugnant and would love to both put them in their place and get revenge for the first match.
   The Trucker Bitches isolated Paula and stripped her down, beating on her severely. Paula managed to escape the beating a few times to crawl toward her corner, but could never make a tag as the heels kept grabbing a leg or a foot and dragging her back to the heel corner for more. Tammy is a bona fide sadist, and after a while she got so caught up in the joy of punishing Paula that she took things too far by pulling brass knuckles from her red bikini bottoms, sitting on the inside of Paula’s knees to press her flat with her legs spread, and then pounding her nylon covered pussy with the brass knucks. The ref had no choice but to ring the bell and disqualify the bad girls – giving The Schoolgirls a rare tick in the win column. Tammy and Corvette couldn’t care less, and Corvette took care of raven haired Carolina as she rushed in to save her partner from having her cxnt tenderized. The Schoolgirls took a hellacious after-the-bell beating and ended up with their legs dangling over the edge of the ring apron with their legs spread and their pantyhose ripped open at the crotch. Most UWWL heels have a torture device of choice, and The Trucker Bitches took out theirs: two electrified tire irons connected to a tractor trailer battery. Tammy and Corvette torture-fucked poor Paula and Carolina on the ring apron with those electrified tire irons as the good girls bucked in their schoolgirl skirts, screamed, and eventually cried as the time keeper continued ringing the bell in futile protest. Security guards eventually pulled Tammy and Corvette away from their crying victims with much difficulty, and the gorgeous schoolgirls vowed revenge.        
   Tonight is their opportunity. The Schoolgirls’ theme song (“Hot For Teacher”) plays and the sexy babyfaces emerge from the curtain to cheers from the huge crowd. Paula and Carolina are grad students (Paula studies psychology while Carolina is in law school) who wrestle to pay off their enormous student loan debt; they don’t like this life of pain and punishment, but it pays well and they’re tough enough to take it. They wave at the enormous Tokyo crowd and walk down the aisle in their schoolgirl uniforms: skimpy white shirts tied across their chests, white bras underneath, flat, black schoolgirl shoes, and plaid skirts so short that you can see the curvature from the bottom of their ass cheeks. Their outfits are identical except Paula wears sheer nude pantyhose while Carolina has black pantyhose.
    The good girls enter the ring and tug on the ropes in anticipation as they await their hated opponents. “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap”, the bad girls’ theme song, starts playing while sparks shower over the curtain, and Tammy comes through the curtain in her red bikini and red wrestling boots. She’s wheeling a hand truck with one of their dreaded tractor trailer batteries on it, along with some other goodies. Corvette also wheels a hand truck down to the ring, and her outfit is identical except she has a fingerless black glove on her right hand for her dreaded claw hold. 
   Carolina steps onto the ring apron and grabs the tag rope as Paula raises her fists to face a smirking Corvette. The bell rings, and Tokyo Takeover is underway with the capacity crowd roaring. Paula and Corvette circle with their fists raised and exchange a few blows, making the crowd even louder. Carolina yells advice from the apron and Paula knows to not get in a slugfest with these redneck cxnts, so Paula side steps a hard punch, ensnares Corvette’s left leg, takes her down with a drop toe hold, and then quickly puts the raven haired heel in a headlock. Tammy yells insults at the brilliant babyface from the heel corner. Paula wrenches Corvette’s head in the headlock for a bit, but the stronger bad girl works up to her knees, and then up to her feet. Corvette elbows Paula in the bare midriff, eliciting a grunt, and then throws Paula with a hip toss.
   Paula gets up brushing hair from her pretty face, looking dazed, and Corvette pounces – grabbing her hair with a two handed grip. Corvette slowly pulls Paula to her feet with the cockiness of a rookie but Paula knocks her hands away, kicks her in the gut with her black schoolgirl shoe, and then gives Corvette a two handed chop to the throat that drops the diminutive trucker. Good girl fans react. Paula stomps Corvette and then backs into the ropes to deliver an elbow drop… but the red-clad heel rolls out of the way, and Paula’s right elbow connects with the hard canvas. The gorgeous brunette grabs her right elbow and rolls to her side, grimacing.
   Corvette takes advantage by springing up, hammering Paula, lifting her up by the hair again, and then slugging her in the bare gut. Paula doubles over, and Corvette knees her tummy a few times before tossing her into the heel corner. Now it’s time for p-a-i-n pain as Corvette hammers Paula’s pretty face a few times and then tags in Tammy, who enters with a grin. Tammy blasts Paula’s reddening tummy several times, kicks her there, and then kicks her full on in the nylon covered crotch – perfectly legal in a UWWL ring. Paula grabs between her legs and leans forward, moaning, only to be clocked in the mouth and rocketed back to the corner. Paula is in trouble, but The Schoolgirls are no strangers to punishment and have survived some of the most hellacious beatings in UWWL history.
   Tammy climbs up to the second ropes and rains down more blows, then tags in Corvette. Carolina is very concerned as she stands looking sexy holding the tag rope. Corvette knees Paula in the belly and then actually performs a wrestling move by picking her up and bodyslamming her.
   And so it goes like this. The Trucker Bitches are stronger and meaner than The Schoolgirls and Paula is simply no match for their brutality. They strip off Paula’s shoes, her white top, and then rip off her bra so they can work her titties until they’re black and blue. Corvette and Tammy just beat her up, with Carolina occasionally trying to run in to help, but as usual she only makes things worse for her battered partner. One time when the ref is distracted by a Carolina rescue attempt Tammy discretely pulls brass knuckles from her bikini bottoms and slugs Paula right on the left cheek – knocking her out. The ref turns her attention back to the fight just as Tammy covers her, but then the bad girl pulls her up by the hair after a two count.
   Tammy pulls the rag doll-like Paula up by the hair and then tosses her across the ring into the good girl corner, daring Carolina to enter the match. The raven haired schoolgirl in black pantyhose cautiously, almost reluctantly tags Paula’s unconscious body and then makes her way into the ring. Tammy has a killer instinct that good girl jobbers lack and she pounces like a jungle cat as Carolina makes her way through the ropes. Tammy slugs Carolina in the ribs, belly, and then face as Carolina is still halfway through the ropes and then the bad girl grabs her hair and drags her into the ring like a fireman pulling someone from a wrecked car. Paula lies motionless on her back in her corner with her gorgeous, bare, sweat covered chest heaving under the bright Tokyo lights.
   Tammy knees Carolina in the face and draws blood, and then picks her up and slams her hard. Tammy tags Corvette, and now it’s Carolina’s turn to be isolated and dominated. The bad girls beat on her for a while and strip her down to just her skirt and hose like her partner. Carolina has luscious tits and the bad girls can’t resist peppering them with bruises, and then they pour on the punishment with double team maneuvers including a sickening double clothesline that almost decapitates the gorgeous law student. The bad girls follow this up with a double slingshot suplex, bouncing Carolina’s black stocking ankles off the top rope and then ramming her back into the mat with huge force. The bad girls exchange tags again as they get ready for their finisher: the “long haul”. They pick up Carolina in a double power bomb position but then toss her halfway across the ring into a neutral corner. Carolina’s back and neck slam hard into the turnbuckles and then she stumbles out of the corner, groggy. Corvette punts Carolina in the pussy to double her over and then the bad girls give her a double DDT that rocks her pretty head into the canvas. Corvette rolls an out cold Carolina onto her back as Tammy gathers Paula. The bad girls repeat their finisher with Paula, and then they make sure to dump Paula atop Carolina’s body in a “69” position with her face stuffed in her crotch and her own crotch atop Carolina’s face. The Trucker Bitches put their red boots on top of the pile of sexy, beaten schoolgirl flesh as the referee slowly counts to three with the huge crowd counting along with her.
   The bell rings.
   Now it’s time for some fun as the victorious truckers slither out of the ring to get their electrified dildo tire irons. They keep The Schoolgirls in the ring this time and set them up so that their legs point in opposite directions with their faces touching; Carolina’s right cheek is nestled against Paula’s right cheek. Tammy rips open Paula’s nude pantyhose at the crotch while Corvette rips open Carolina’s black pantyhose. Then they turn on their buzzing torture fuck devices and roughly insert them home. The Schoolgirls jiggle and writhe as the electrified tire irons work their insides and they eventually start crying with the tears intermingling on their right cheeks. The Trucker Bitches keep this up for a little while.
   Then they go out and strap on their dildos.
   Tammy and Corvette’s punishment dildos are twisted, gruesome shafts akin to something from a horror movie. They go back into the ring freshly strapped up, and they stomp the good girls’ pussies first to get them nice and tender. Then the bad girls drop down to their knees, lift up the good girls’ schoolgirl skirts and tuck them into the waist bands of their hose, and they start to fuck… and fuck… and fuck with their torture dildos – making slapping sounds that get louder as their thrusts get harder. The babyfaces writhe and squirm with wide expressions of disbelief on their gorgeous faces.
   The bad girls finish up the torture fuck, and now it’s time to truss these pathetic schoolbitches up for a dressing room afterparty. Corvette and Tammy bring their hand trucks into the ring and stand them up. Corvette grabs Carolina while Tammy grabs Paula, and they stuff them with their backs against the hand trucks like someone packing up two dolls for shipping. They bind moaning, barely conscious Paula and Carolina to the hand trucks… and then they pick up harsh alligator clamps extending from their tractor trailer batteries. They clamp the crackling clamps onto the clits, labia, and nipples of the poor, defeated Schoolgirls and relish the good girls’ pain as they jiggle and squeal in agony from their sweet spots being hooked up to powerful truck batteries.     
   The Trucker Bitches, triumphant, wheel the jiggling, tortured Schoolgirls back to their dressing room for an evening of fun, as Tokyo Torment progresses.

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