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Tag Team Bikini Catfight. Sunita and Aashi vs Donna and Lucy- May.

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Offline EMW

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Both sets of girls got involved with each other at a beach party. Insults and trash talks with some pushing and shoving.

But that was not enough as the beach party goers egged then on and encouraged them to fight in which both sets of girls agreed. The rules were that one girl had to tag the other to let the other girl in a fight.

A large circle was formed as spectators waited eagerly.

Here we see both sets of women before the fight in their bikinis. Click on the image for a larger view.

So who is going to win ?
Left. Sunita and Aashi.
Right. Donna and Lucy May.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 10:34:29 AM by EMW »