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Prime and Four

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Offline bcw8

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Prime and Four
« on: May 23, 2020, 09:23:33 AM »
Zoe Prime


Earth, year 2120.  It’s hot, yes, but not a dystopian hellscape, not yet.  The Pandemic Years slowed climate change, if you’re the type who seeks silver linings.

The United States is history, for fifty years now.  It split into New Confederacy (Article I makes gun ownership mandatory and the First Amendment is “The Right to Shoot First Shall not be Abridged”) and the two Liberal Havens.  The Second Civil War was brief and less bloody than the typical mass shooting; no one there really wanted to remain united.  The European Union of France, Germany, and BeNeLux survives.  The People’s Republic of Asia calls the shots; everyone else just tries to get along with it.

No flying cars, but the fucking drones are thicker than the remnant of birds.

A CRiSPR home kit costs £10.99.  It was controversial once - can you believe that?  The only thing regulated now in the realm of human genetics is whole-human cloning.  It’s regulated like recreational drug use was once regulated,  Meaning, it happens all the time.

The near-perfection of nanotechnology had at least ended the viruses; had ended routine health care, basically.  The microscopic self-replicating nanos worked better than any innate immune system, better than any antibiotics or vaccine.  They even repaired cellular damage, short of overwhelming trauma.  Life spans went up, but not as much as you might think.  No one really wants to live that long.

The Net is everywhere.  The kids can’t comprehend that you once had to “log on.”  The chip is implanted at birth now.  Netfights streams everywhere.  Two ratings: F and NF.  Guess which is more popular.


Two years ago, Zoe Kincaid lived in South New York, on the border with Philadelphia-Baltimore.  She was semi-famous then, with about 500 million followers.  Now, she was big.  Two billion followers.  They loved her.  Her trademark pixie cut blonde style was copied widely, especially in the PRA.  Her breasts were everywhere, selling everything from cars to veganburgers.

Why bring up two years ago?  That was when she broke up with Arlen Davis, in the most humiliating way possible, and on her live stream.  Now two years later, Arlen was still known as The Scientist That Zoe used to Fuck.

The joke was on her, though.  He still fucked her.  At least, he fucked one of the several versions of her that he cloned.  And now, trending as Coming Soon on Netfights:  ZoeTwo and ZoeThree.  Live from Los Angeles Vegas: Caged Chaos.

Of course Zoe watched it.  Half the world watched it.  Zoe wasn’t even the only one to livestream herself masturbating during it - but she drew far and away the most viewers, almost as many as the fight itself.  Even for Netfights F, the clone fight was savage.  Zoe had four orgasms watching herselves brutally hammer each other.

When it was over, the stream went black for a second.  Then Arlen came on.  An intact Zoe clone knelt in front of him, sucking his cock.  He went right to the point.

“ZoeFour wants the original.  In the Montreal warzone, this Saturday.  Be there, Zoe.”

Four looked directly into the stream.  Her eyes were soulless.  This was Arlen’s revenge.

A hundred thousand clone accounts were created in minutes.  Zoe’s own followers called her Zoe Prime now.  She put the decision to them, of course.  The voting broke all records.


Offline deity17313

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Re: Prime and Four
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2020, 09:45:34 AM »
Very nice. Great start bc. Loving the dystopian future atmosphere, has alot that can be built up as far as theme and plot. ;D
And your decision to go with a scifi genre really drew me into the story as far as breathing some fresh air into your writing. Doesnt feel like the same old anymore and creates a plot where you dont know where the endpoint will be.
And the heroines are damn hot. Margo Robbie, Samara Weaving vibe going on, except hotter.
Ps glad you finally started a twin story.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2020, 10:14:25 AM by deity17313 »


Offline deity17313

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Re: Prime and Four
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2020, 09:48:31 AM »
Funny, i was discussing the future of ai technology with nanotech at work with a coworker of mine. Nice addition haha.


Offline deniseBeresford

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Re: Prime and Four
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2020, 03:32:16 PM »
What a brilliant idea! I just love the setting & atmosphere of this story - so curious who will end up on top, the original or her clone?


Offline bcw8

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Re: Prime and Four
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2020, 11:56:55 AM »
The Island of Montreal was largely uninhabitable, a wasteland of landmine and low-level radiation.  The northern half was in the best shape; some plants were growing again in the Botanical Garden.  The old Olympic Stadium still stood, a blasted shell.  When Zoe’s helicopter landed, the Netfights crew was finishing the ring in its center.  It hadn’t taken very long.  Four steel posts and four drum-tight strands of barbed wire.  Her entourage trailed her as she walked around it to meet Arlen and ZoeFour.

“Millions of men,” Zoe said to Arlen.  “Millions just jerk off to my stream.  You had to do . . . this?  A lot of trouble for a fancy piece of tissue to catch your cum.”

“Fuck you, bitch” said ZoeFour, taking a step forward.  Arlen tilted his head an inch and she stopped.

“An interesting thing, actually,” Arlen said.  “Genetically, she’s you, and you’re her.  The same woman.  And yet she’s a much better fuck.”

“How many robots have you built in your toyshop, Arlen?”  Zoe said.  She stared at Four.  It’s disorienting when the mirror doesn’t mimic you.

“Only her, now,” Arlen said.  “I used Two and Three to get your attention.  You saw what Three did to Two.  Unfortunately, Three is dead now as well.”

“I killed her,” said Four.  “Once you’re dead, I’m Prime.”

“There hasn’t been a definitive study,” said Arlen.  “But this has been seen in a significant number of clones - and their primes.  Genetic jealousy, some call it.  A drive to be unique when you obviously aren’t.  A strange form of self-preservation.  Or self-destructiveness.”

Zoe Prime snorted at that, and turned her head toward the ring.  That was odd.  She hadn’t consciously wanted to do that.  She shook her head a little.

“I’m going to hang you on the wire, bitch,” said Four.  “Picture yourself there.”

“I am,” said Zoe.  “Only it’s you.  Confusing, no?”

Two hours to the fight.  Spectators poured in.  Even with the Net in their head, some liked to “be there” - whatever that meant now. 

Zoe had fought twice before, back before she was global, on the NF channel.  She’d liked it.  She’d won both.  In the second one, she’d beaten the bitch nearly to death, which had the producers freaking out.  She smiled a little at the memory, especially the way the girl had begged at the end.  Would I beg like that?  Zoe blinked.  Would Four beg like that, not I.  She pressed her hand against her temple.  What the fuck had happened there?   

“Check my chip,” she said abruptly, to whomever in her entourage was standing there.  They took off, to find the tech.  It took her twenty fucking minutes to get there, and another ten to run the diagnostic.  “It looks fine to me,” she said to Zoe.  Zoe scowled.

“How else am I different?”  Zoe asked him.  Not in your need for attention, he thought, but he didn’t say it.  “I can feel me,” she said, absently.  “Her, I mean.”  He knew.  The chips were connecting.

Forty thousand there.  One and a half billion online.  It was time. 

Four slipped through the wire.  She wore black lace panties and black heels.

Prime was next.  She wore pale blue, translucent except for a panel of lace over her pussy, matching shoes.

How do you fight yourself?  Prime thought. 


Offline deity17313

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Re: Prime and Four
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2020, 07:35:41 PM »


Offline bcw8

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Re: Prime and Four
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2020, 09:15:30 PM »
The hordes around the ring twinkled and flashed - Netfights had given mirrors to everyone there.  The noise was a steady ocean sound, waves rising and falling at times.

Prime and Four met in the center for the countdown.  The surface under their feet was concrete.   The wire caught the light like the mirrors.

“You’re nothing but a shitty copy made by a shitty man,” Prime said. 

Four tilted her head.  “Coming from fucking makes you better, bitch?” 

“I was first,” Prime said.  “I’ll be last.”

The horn blasted, an ear-splitting noise that triggered a roar from the crowd.

Prime’s fist shot forward in a vicious jab at Four’s left breast.  Four shifted just enough for it to miss, and trapped Prime’s arm under her own.

She knew I was going to do that, thought Prime.  Four’s fist smashed into her eye.  At the same time, the clone wrenched Prime’s captured arm.  Her elbow hyper-extended in a bolt of pain, but didn’t snap.  Four hit her again, twice, her mouth and her breast.  She jerked under both impacts. 

Prime saw the knee in her mind before it happened.  She tried to block it but her forearm was too low.  It hit her right in her sternum under her breasts.  She choked on the pain.  The clone still had her arm, and threw her to the concrete with a hip toss.  She rolled to the left just quick enough the Four’s heel didn’t spear through her eye into her brain.  It slashed a bloody trail down her cheek and ear.

Four was grinning when she grabbed a fistful of Prime’s hair and held her head while rifling punches into her face.  Easy, Prime heard in her head.  Fuck you, she thought back.  The next punch would be a hook aimed at her jaw; she ducked forward, headbutting Four in the pussy.  She fell, hard, on her black-laced ass.  Prime’s knee crashed down into her cleavage a split-second later, then a fist in her throat.

Wire wire wire.  Was that the crowd chanting or something else?  Prime dragged Four up and hit her twice in her hard abs, then pulled her stumbling forward and whipped her into the wire.  It was stretched so tight it barely gave.  Four’s head snapped back over its top as the barbs tore into her bare back.  She knew Prime’s heel was coming at her exposed belly; she slapped it aside.  Prime’s leg went between wires, the higher one cut into her waist as she hit it hard.

Four was on Prime’s back, bodying her into the wire now, arms snaked under hers, bending her over in a full nelson.  The second wire slashed her stomach as the clone slowly crunched her, forcing the undersides of her tits down on the top wire.  Prime screamed as barbs bit into her flesh; she screamed louder when the clone dragged her back and forth and then tore her off of the wire.  The barbs slashed the bottoms of her tits, and tore her leg from knee to ankle.

Prime spun across the concrete, bits of dirt and grit stuck to her sweat-streaked body.   Her panicked followers flooded her stream with OMGs and emojis, imploring her to get up and fight!  Thousands others switched allegiance to Four, just that quickly.

Prime pushed up and Four’s knee hit her in the chest, knocking her flying onto her back again.  The clone landed astride her and smashed her fist into her face.  Blood spurted from Prime’s mouth.  Four had her hair again, forcing her face to the right, and pounded a fist into her temple, where her chip was embedded.  She hammered Prime’s skull against the concrete. 

Even dazed, blood and sweat in her eyes, Prime knew the timing.  She jerked her head away and Four’s fist shattered against the concrete.  She screamed, and Prime threw her off. 

They circled.  The nanos were working furiously.  The wire cuts on Four’s back were nearly healed; so was the heel slash down Prime’s face.  Prime’s elbow was half-strength.  The bleeding was slowing on her tits.  She closed on Four; hurt her before her hand healed.  The clone staggered under a savage onslaught of fists into her body, backing to the wire as Prime beat her ribs and belly.   The pain was scrambling her, her second sight going blind.  She hit the wire and Prime lashed punch after punch into her tits.  Four tried to push off and ducked straight into a brutal uppercut that drove her back into the wire, her head and shoulders well over the top strand, her battered tits pointing at the sky.  Zoe felt Four’s presence flicker, like a badly connected light.


Offline deity17313

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Re: Prime and Four
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2020, 11:51:38 PM »
wonder how it progresses


Offline bcw8

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Re: Prime and Four
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2020, 07:59:11 AM »

Forty thousand mirrors flashed as the crowd cheered savagely as Zoe cut Four’s face to ribbons on the wire, then beat her senseless against the concrete.  She dragged her by her hair,  blood streaming from a dozen deep cuts, to every camera around the ring, displaying her to the world.  “She looks nothing like me!” she screamed to each one.  She would again, of course.  The nanos worked without even a scar.

She was Zoe, just Zoe, not Zoe Prime.  There could be no other.  She draped Four in a corner, facing out, her arms over the wire, the steel post between her tits, her cheek against it as she hung there.  Zoe hammered fist after fist into the clone’s back, driving her sternum into the steel, her tits flopping with every brutal impact.  She reached around the post to grip Four’s hair, twisting her head sideways and half-around, then hit her over and over where her neck flowed into her shoulders.  She’d watched ZoeThree do this to ZoeTwo; it did feel good.

Arlen watched in a silent fury.  Fucking Four.  He should’ve picked Three for this.  He slipped his hand in his pocket for his phone, thumbed open the app.

Zoe staggered from the sudden burst of pain in her temple.  At the same time, Four seemed to suck power from her, whipping an elbow back into Prime’s jaw.  The Net surged globally as Four turned, her slashed face healing but a mask of hate, and kicked Prime in the pussy with everything she had.  She heard Prime’s scream more in her brain than her ears, and she enjoyed it more that way.

Prime collapsed in total agony.  I’m Zoe, she thought, but was it her thought?  Four was on her, stomping her.  Her collarbone cracked.  Her tits were beaten to pulp as Four straddled her with two good hands now and drove her knuckles into her nipples more times that anyone counted.  I’m Z - , Prime tried to think it now, but it was cut off by Zoe’s hands on her throat, choking her.

Zoe could’ve killed the bitch that way, but not with gleaming cutting wire all around her.  Simply choking her was not spectacle enough.  Netfights expected more - her followers expected more!  She jammed Prime tits-first into the steel ribbon, slashing her nipples, then did to her face what the cxnt had done to her.  For one second, they were identical again; as the last cut healed on Zoe’s cheekbone, she opened the same cut on Prime’s battered face.  Finally satisfied with her artwork, she slung Prime’s tortured form back into the ring.  Prime lay there sobbing, covered with grit and blood and sweat. 

Can be only one.

Not you.  Me.

The nanos are a modern wonder.  Cuts healed, even as fists rose and fell.  But the nanos can’t work miracles.  Zoe hit the thing under her until her own strength gave out.  The F rating was earned well before that.  She was unique in the world, more famous than ever. 


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Re: Prime and Four
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2020, 02:47:14 AM »
Wow that was brutal. Wasn't expecting that ending! Interesting premise and hot fight. Thanks!