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Team beat down Olga and Carinatits vs Carina72 / Beaten Suneha outdoor cafe

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Offline stormbolt7

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Okay since we have 2 ladies named Carina .. for the story Carina72 will just be Carina.
Nature's best CarinaTits will be Carina T.

That said enjoy.

I was getting to honor a commitment, in the presence of two very young, and sexy ladies.

The team of Nature's best had won another fight, and as offered, I was treating both lovely young ladies to a meal.

Olga had chosen a nice outdoor cafe. The tables spread around, as gentle breezes ruffle the table cloths.
Umbrellas over head, to shade form the sun slightly.
People dressed casual or from the offices nearby, were enjoying a nice day out.

Olga was blonde, and lovely in face and figure. She was wearing a light blue top, that was gently rufled. With short sleeves straps hanging over her otherwise bare shoulders.
Along the top in both front in back, it made a line across her body. Her upper back, and just above her gently heaving breasts bare. Her skin soft, and slightly tanned.
A nice view of the soft swell of the tops of her breasts visible, at the hem line.
Olga also was wearing a skirt that was slightly long, yet slit to swirl around her shapely legs, as she moved. Her long blonde hair hanging down well past her shoulders.

Carina T. was brunette, full figured and beautiful. Her top looked almost hand made. A small ribbon on the front. The slender shoulder straps hanging low, as her firm breasts showed nicely, in the low cut top.
The tan lines from her skimpy bikini, visible, as her breasts rose and fell bra-less yet firmly beneath it.
A short jean skirt the rest of her outfit. As like Olga, Carina T's hair was long and lustrous.

The weather was pleasant, and the three of us were enjoying the day together.

Carina was looking nervously at Suneha. "Are you sure we have time?" She asks, as they get ready to go out for lunch.

Carina was slender, with a pleasing figure. Blonde hair, blue eyed, and very attractive.
Carina wearing a light blue blouse, to compliment her pretty eyes, and a cream colored skirt.

Suneha was almost exotically beautiful. Her skin slightly smooth supple, and creamy. Contrasting with the long dark hair, that framed her lovely face.
Suneha was wearing a white blouse, that was unbuttoned a few buttons at the top.
Suneha had a slender figure that looked very good in her office attire.
Her skirt was knee length, black, and pencil thin.
"You worry to much, what could go wrong?" Suneha says giving Carina a dazzling smile, as she grabs her by the arm pulling her gently along.
"Besides we deserve this." Suneha ads as they head out to get away from the sights and sounds of the office.

Carina T was passing a glass to Olga, as two women try and slide through the tables, dressed for the office.
Olga gasps, as some of the cold beverage spills down the top of her shirt.
Her nipples quickly budding, and hardening, as the liquid spills over them.
Olga standing, as the two ladies try to apologize.
Carina T and I manage to calm the lovely blonde down, as the other ladies find seats at a table nearby.

The blonde that had done the spilling looking over now and again, as she talked with the dark haired beauty with her.

Olga was giving Carina T a naughty look, as she grabs the top of her shirt. "I bet Storm would like to see how wet my tits are." Olga teases, as she seems to be threatening to flash me, right at the cafe.
Not that I would mind. I had the priveledge of seeing both Carina T's and Olgas pert, well formed breasts during some catfights. I would be the first to say, I did enjoy looking at Nature's best now and again.
The fact Olga's breasts were wet, was even more enticing.
Any guy, would be happy getting to lick and suck moisture from them.

"What about you Carina?" Olga asks. of Carina T. "Wnat to get your tits wet, and show them?" Olga asks, as the blonde at the table nearby looks in horror.
"How dare you ask me to show my breasts, you little tramp?" She asks, as her friend begins staring at us as well.

"I was not talking to you bitch, so shut your face." Olga says, as she starts to get up from her chair.
"I heard you say Carina." "How do you know my name?" She asks, as Carina T. now starts to get up.
"She was talking to me, now sit down, shut up, and don't piss us off skank." Carina T ads, as Suneha glares at them both.

"What if we don't you plastic breasted bitches?" Suneha asks, as both ladies now are on their feet.
Carina T slides her shoulder straps down, and bares her very nice sized and well formed breasts. Olga's perky, breasts soon on display as well.
"These are all natural, and natures best, for your information you whores." Olga says, as I enjoy seeing two of the nicest pairs of breasts heaving in front of me again.
Olga and Carina T were honsetly very beautiful ladies. The fact they had such hot sexy bodies, only adding to their over all appeal.
It was just enjoyable having their company. Yet it was always a bonus, that sooner or later I might enjoy seeing them this way.

"Oh cover yourselves up, you cows." Carina says, as Olga's eyes flash.
I had to say, front to back, head to toe. Olga had a very full figured, yet sexy and toned body. The lady was very fine in every way.
Her hand going to the pitcher on the table, as she covers herself, and walks over to the other table, as all eyes seem to be on us.
Carina is sitting watching in shock, as Olga walks over, and pours the water pitcher down over the blonde sitting at the table.

Carina's clothing starting to cling to her, as the water pours down along her body.
 Suneha stands and faces Carina T as smiling she walks over with another pitcher. Carina T's breasts now covered again, as Suneha glares at her. "Don't even think about it bitch!!" Suneha warns her before she begins to get water poured over her as well. Suneha's nipples begin to harden, and show, as the cold water runs over her blouse, and beneath it.
"I didn't want you to feel left out slut." Carina T says, as she sets the pitcher down.

I figure things will settle down now the ladies have had some payback, for the spill on Olga.
Then Suneha grabs Carina T's top, yanking it down. Then slapping her exposed tits, before back handing her face.
Carina T looks surprised at Suneha's attack.
The dark haired beauty standing drenched yet defiant. "How do you like that skank?" Suneha asks, as she glares at Carina T.

"Oh it is on bitch!!" Carina T says, as she grabs Suneha's long black hair, and takes her to the ground.

Carina rises from the table, and rushes over. Grabbing Carina T's hair, and yanking her head with it.
Suneha clawing at Carina T's heaving breasts, as the two slap, and hit at Carina T.

Olga rushes over and grabs Carina, tearing open her blouse, as she pulls her off. Then Olga's top is yanked down, as Carina claws her breasts, as she swings and tries to hit or slap her.
Olga shoves Carina's bra up, baring her firm, nice sized breasts. Then Olga slaps them, and as Carina tries covering up. Olga takes her down to the ground as well.

As people watch, and move out of the way. Tables and chairs are knocked over, with food and drinks being spilled on all four, as they roll, and struggle in pairs.

Carina T. now has Suneha's blouse gaping open. Suneha's bra stripped, as she punches and slaps Suneha's firm hard nippled breasts.
Carina's skirt having been pulled down, was now fighting basically naked except for her panties.
The skirt kicked away, as soon as she could free herself.
Bare breasts, long legs, and arms glistening, and jiggling, swinging or kicking, as they roll and fight one another.

Olga's skirt pulled in the way, as the full figured blonde rolls free, to strip it, and dive into Carina again.

Suneha and Carina had started out not badly. Yet slowly it was starting to show, that Olga and Carina T would soon own them.

Carina's soiled cream colored skirt is stripped, as her blouse and bra already had been. Red marks showing on the skin of her breasts were Olga had been slapping them hard. The blonde beauty knowing she was the better fighter was toying with Carina.
Not even using her fists anymore, as she soon had Carina begin to whine, and whimper.

Suneha was slapping Carina T's heaving breasts, as Carina T tries to hold her down.
Suneha's skirt being shoved up, as her panties are stripped. Suneha's nice toned ass in view, before her hands quickly smooth her skirt back down.
Carina T manages to slap Suneha's face hard, stunning the dark haired beauty.
Carina T quickly rolling her over onto her stomach, before tying her hands behind her back, with her own panties.
As Suneha begins to cry, Carina T spanks her black skirted ass.

Olga grabs a piece of creamy cheescake, from a tray laying on the ground. Carina lay naked except for her panties. Her breasts hard nippled, and quivering and heaving, as she lays beaten and humiliated for all to see.
"This will shut you up Carina you bitch!!" Olga says, as she shoves the cheesecake into Carina's mouth. Before wiping her hands off, on Carina's pert breasts.

'Hey slut don't use my name like that." Carina T says, as she plays with the half naked, and panty bound Suneha some more. Rolling Suneha onto her back, before rubbing her own panty clad pussy, in Suneha's lovely face.

Carina and Suneha both lay breasts exposed, tear streaked faces, as the crowd looks on, as they lay humiliated by Olga and Carina T.
Blouses, bras, and Carina's skirt, and Suneha's panties strewn about or tying Suneha's wrists.
Both office ladies smeared or wet from food and beverage spilled.
The two ladies coming together, then hugging before giving each other congrats on another victory together.

The two ladies on the ground showing the signs of slaps and punches given to their bare flesh, as the other two showed them what catfighting was about.

Carina T and Olga had some marks on them as well, from the start of the fight.
Yet nothing compared to the beating they had given.

As I stand by our ruined lunch. They slip around me, and hug me between them. Then Carina T's brown eyes catch mine. "Can we go someplace else fr dessert?" She asks, as Olga then moves to catch my eyes, pouting her lips. "Yeah those nasty ladies ruined our lunch, this place isn't fun anymore." She says, as I know we needed to leave anyways before any plice showed up asking questions or having charges pressed against us.

Olga, and Carina T both naked except for their panties, giving me such practiced and pitiful stares. I always found it difficult to ever say no to Nature's best.
I agree, and they both hug me again, before gathering their clothing.
Soon I am taking two very beautiful, and sexy ladies for dessert. Olga and Carina T showing they had been in a fight, by slight bruises and red spots, on their otherwise smooth, and supple skin.

Yet Carina and Suneha left behind, gasping and slightly curled. Make up smeared by their tears of pain and humiliation. Suneha still bound by her own panties. Would not forget being beat down at the outdoor cafe. By Nature's best Carina T and Olga.
All four ladies having a lunch they would never forget.

While I got to enjoy the view and escort the winners away.
I had to admit they had been as much at fault. Yet I had to admit. Suneha was stunning. Her beauty beyond compare, if only she knew how to fight better.
Carina also a lovely woman, that I hoped from now on, would watch where she was going better and who she was bumping against.
In beauty and desirability. Suneha and Carina would definately turn some heads.

Yet for beauty, sex appeal, and catfighting ability. You definately had to enjoy Olga, and Carina T. Nature's best.

The end.


Offline stormbolt7

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Just wondering if you saw this yet??

You can reply on PM if you want. Have heard from about all the ladies but you. Yet I do care about your opinion as well, you know that.



Offline Sherri - Jäger Monster

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i'm sorry for late comments this is greatbut i need long and real beating.

Let's talk...
( > < )

Want to try my Jäger Bomb?

Find me on Trillian - sherri_jagermonster


Offline stormbolt7

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Just so you know, I try and make it close to what you like. You were one of the first to make me welcome here.

Still, with the setting, I figure have to try and keep it real as well.
I am sure if it had gone on too long, the police would be called in or already there. So tried giving you as much as I could, even tying you up with your own panties.

Hope that makes sense.
