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Ladies Pro Wrestling Volume 47

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Offline The Midnight Rider

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Ladies Pro Wrestling Volume 47
« on: May 24, 2020, 03:10:29 PM »
Our opening match is Heaven who weighs in at 145 and is wearing a blue and white two piece. Her opponent is Megan who weighs in at 125 and is wearing a zebra striped two piece. Heaven was able to gain control early on in the match by trapping Megan in a side headlock and keeping her in it for a few minutes. Megan though was able to get free by finally getting to her feet and pushing Heaven into the turnbuckles. Megan then went to work with several kicks to Heavens midsection. From there Megan would whip Heaven into the ropes and attempt a clothesline but Heaven was able to duck it and when she came bouncing back she was able to connect with the rearview straight to Megan's face. With Megan completely knocked out all Heaven had to do was simply hook the leg and pick up the win. After the match as Heaven was celebrating with her victory with the crowd it is announced that on the 50th episode Heaven will face Katie. Heaven then tells the crowd that she knows that Katie has beaten her twice but it's going to be different the next time and when she is done with Katie she will be looking up at the lights. Your winner of the match is Heaven.

Our next match is Mitzi who weighs in at 155 and is wearing a  black and yellow one piece. Her opponent is Hailey who weighs in at 175 and is wearing a pink two piece. Unfortunately for Mitzi she just couldn't get anything going as Hailey completely dominated her nearly three minutes. At one point Hailey had her trapped in the corner and unloaded with several chops that left Mitzi's chest blood read. Finally Hailey told the crowd that it was over was she stuck Mitzi's head between her legs and spiked her with the piledriver. The Hailey simply sat down on top of Mitzi's chest as the ref counted to there. After the match Hailey continued to sit on Mitzi chest as she looked into the camera and said that she thought it was over with Dena but apparently she is going to have to strip Dena one more time and when she does it again she will tear Dena's tits off of her. Your winner of the match is Hailey

Our main event is Gretchen who weighs at 145 and is wearing a yellow two piece. Her opponent is Stephanie who weighs in at 135 and is wearing a purple two piece. Both girls spent the first ten minutes of the match exchanging holds. Gretchen was finally able gain control as she was able to hit Stephanie with a suplex. Then she began to kick Stephanie's legs repeatedly. Gretchen then attempted to put Stephanie in the half crab. But Stephanie was able to block it kicking Gretchen into the corner. Stephanie then quickly got to her feet and wrapped her arms around Gretchen's waist and nailed her with a German suplex. From there Stephanie quickly rolled Gretchen over on to her stomach and applied the fish hook. Gretchen frantically tried to get out of it but finally had no choice but to tap out. Gretchen then raised her arm in victory as Gretchen rolled around on the mat while screaming in pain. Your winner of the match is Stephanie

Next time we will see Dena in action and in the main event Katie takes on McKenzie