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Who will win the last round of the tit squeeze battle?

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Offline wrdwvr

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Who will win the last round of the tit squeeze battle?
« on: August 09, 2010, 01:21:25 AM »
Here are the first 2 rounds of the fight for you to enjoy!

                           Michelle glared over at her foe as she slowly slipped on her gloves, black colored Opera gloves, the same as her foe already had put on. Karen stood a few feet away, her face twisted in a slight snarl as she watched the other blonde getting ready. I stood in the corner watching them, my finger itching too start taking pictures of match. Michelle finally started walking forward and Karen walked so fast she beat her to the center of the room. "I can't wait to squeeze those fucking tits and hear you beg me to let you go!" purred the English fighter. " You"ll be hearing nothing of the kind, bitch, I will never give in too a cxnt like you!" yelled out Karen. Michelle just smiled wickedly and said, "We will see when I get my hands on those grapefruits of yours!" She cupped her own slightly larger tits as she said it.
                                          I quickly raised my camera and started shooting as both women reached out and grabbed each others tits as the bell rang out! Karen pushed up each breast as she squeezed, while Michelle's hands crushed the fronts of her foe’s firmer boobs! Neither lady would give an inch too the other as they squeezed, the tendons on each of their hands standing out as they gave their attacks everything they had! As the seconds ticked by both women’s brows started sweating and they glared deeply into each others eyes, each searching for any sign of pain to be capitalized on! Each  ladies legs showed that they were pushing hard against each other as they continued to crush . tug and pull. As the first minute passed Michelle grunted as she exerted even more pressure on her foes tits and Karen's left foot moved back an inch, Michelle smiling widely at having forced her foe to give ground first. Her victory was short lived though as Karen started twisting her tits like doorknobs as she pushed them upwards to the limits and beyond, after 10 seconds forcing her back a full step to try and take some of the pressure off them!
                                   “How does that feel you fucking English bitch?!” Instead of responding verbally Michelle ripped each of Karen’s tits outwards as far as they would go, her foe‘s nipples getting crushed in her palms as she twisted and tugged! For another 20 seconds each women concentrated on her attack , but soon Karen’s face betrayed her pain as the last 10 seconds of the round approached! Her own attack had to be taking a toll her foe, her fingers oozing with titflesh as she crushed  and twisted with all she had, but Michelle’s face showed nothing but hate as she now forced Karen back 2 steps with her vicious attack!
                                   “Start begging, you fucking loser before I rip your nipples off!” yelled Michelle, her blue eyes blazing with intensity as she really started twisting the stretched tits back and forth with all she had. Karen was true to her word though and never said anything, though her eyes spoke volumes as the last seconds started to wind down! Karen’s head wobbled back, her shoulder length blonde hair brushing across her shoulders,  as she tried to take the pain that was building up. “Give up before I burst your breasts, cxnt!!” screamed out the English fighter during the last 2 seconds of the battle, her fingers and arms bulging with the effort she was giving! The bell finally rang ending the first round in a draw as both women grudgingly released their holds and started back to their respective corners and the ice packs awaiting them!
                                     Both ladies were sweating heavily, each one’s tits bright with the imprints of the others fingers from the 1st round. Karen looked very relieved at having her boobs freed from Michelle’s obviously powerful grip on them. Michelle looked pissed she had been unable to make Karen at least cry out pain! “I’ll fucking get her to scream next round !” she muttered under her breath as she grabbed 2 ice packs and held them to her now swelling tits! The 2 minute break probably flew for each lady while it seemd an eternity for me as I waited to see them go at it again. Would Karen finally be forced to cry out, or would she take control of the fight and make Michelle scream out first.
                          As I watched intently, the 2 women walked towards each other and stopped nose to nose as they tried to stare down one another. “This is the end for you witch! I’ll crush those shitty tits of yours this time for sure, and leave you crying on the rug!” said Michelle as she raised her hands up in preparation for the bell! “I”ll be the one crushing those flabby tits of yours asshole! You’ll be begging me to let them go in a minute!” said Karen as she raised her own hands upwards.
The bell rang and it was on, both women grabbed handfuls of titflesh and started twisting! For a full minute they twisted away, neither backing down a bit as their boobs were crushed and twisted savagely. I winched for them as they really went at it and was surprised that I had yet to hear a whimper or cry of pain. Either they were extremely tough, or they were both great actresses, or a mixture of both!
                               As the last half minute arrived Karen’s blue eyes started to look pained, but a few seconds later Michelle was finally showing the toll of the battle as her posture changed and suddenly pain flashed across her eyes as Karen pushed her tits together and drove her fingers in deeply! “ Don’t like this do you?!” Karen purred cattily as her fingers dug into the sides of her foe’s soft much less firmer breasts! Michelle started to look in real pain now as Karen took full advantage of her new attack and started forcing the now visibly hurting blonde back step by step! Her more powerful looking arms giving her an advantage now. Michelle was in trouble and desperately she twisted her hands around and dug her finger s deeply into the undersides of her foe’s tits!
                                    Still, she was forced back step by step and soon was trapped against the wall! Suddenly a small cry sounded across the room as Karen’s fingers poked deeply into the sides of each breast and Michelle could not help herself, as Karen looked on triumphantly. The 2 fighters continued the attacks and within a few more seconds Karen was starting to look first troubled then pained as Michelle’s fingers were digging into the undersides of each breast and Michelle’s thumbs pushed painfully into her nipples! Even as she cried out again, Michelle managed to force Karen back 2 steps, her legs actually wobbly from the pain she is having inflicted on her aching boobs now by Michelle. Still, she again forces Michelle to cry out loudly in pain once again, but as the last few seconds tick by she is being forced backwards, her face twisted in agony!
                                “Scream you BITCH!” cries out Michelle as a tear falls from her left eye and travels down her cheek!  the bell rings just before Karen almost drops to her knees, her mouth opened in a silent cry, which she does after the bell and pulls Michelle’s hands from her tortured boobs! Michelle is reeling from the pain coming from her tits, but she still manages to laugh loudly at her kneeling foe as she cups her aching breasts. Tears are falling form both women as they try and recover from the vicious round. Karen takes a another half minute to get to her feet and stumble to her corner! With a draw for both rounds, ots time for the final round with no time limit. This time one of the beauties is going down in defeat. The fight is very close so it’s a toss up as too who will come the winner. Each seems to have found the others weakness so they fight should be short, a matter of who can take the most pain before succumbing to her rivals attack!           