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W.S.E.W New York Nightmare: Part-1

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Offline Wormman

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W.S.E.W New York Nightmare: Part-1
« on: May 17, 2020, 11:34:56 PM »
A special thanks to nycwrestlinggym for participating in this match.

Carmen sat with her arms and legs crossed, glaring at Lana.  Paul poured three glasses of whisky from the bar and offered one to each woman.  Lana took hers, but Carmen refused.  Shrugging, Paul drank down her glass before sitting in the chair.

   Tonight W.S.E.W was airing live at the Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, NY.  After last week, Paul would have benched Carmen from a few shows, but with the champ out of commission, he needed someone to be the main header, and Carmen was the obvious choice.  Still she had to be punished in some way, and thanks to Lana’s suggestion, Paul had a good idea how.

   “Regarding the incident last week,” Paul said taking a sip from his glass of whiskey.  “There has been no evidence found of who attacked Rosie in her hotel room.”

   “And I told you, it wasn’t me.”  Carmen snapped getting right to the point.
   “Yes, you made that clear.”  Paul replied.   “And no one here is accusing you without solid proof that you did do it.”  He stared at Lana who kept her gaze on Carmen. 

   “So where does that leave me now?”  Carmen asked hinting at both her title match and her career in the league.  Paul sighed and rubbed his temple.

   “The good news is the match at Devastation will go on as scheduled.”  He said.  “Rosie suffered some injuries, but nothing too serious.  Doctors say she should be good to go in a week or two.”

   Carmen smiled at this.  “Oh, I do hope she’s better by then.  That way, I can send her to the hospital all over again.”

   “If you make it to then.”  Lana said with a smirk.  Carmen’s stare was cold as an ice pick, but Lana didn’t waver her own gaze.

   “And what does she mean by that?”  She said turning to Paul.

   “Just exactly that.”  He replied simply.  “You attacked a league supervisor, in front of several witnesses.  Regardless of the circumstances, that can’t be ignored, and it won’t be!”  His voice raised to a boom and for a moment, Carmen was a little afraid of the large man who often had a more passive demeanor.

   “You want to remain the number one contender? Then you’ll have to earn it.”

   “And how am I going to do that?!”  Carmen asked

   “By surviving the gauntlet.”  Lana said with a smirk.  “You have three weeks until Devastation. And for those three weeks, you will face three different opponents.  If you lose to one, then they become the number one contender.”

   Carmen's mouth dropped.  What were they thinking doing this to her?  She knew that this was all Lana’s idea, and she would’ve ripped the hair out of her scalp if she didn’t know it would make things worse.  But it was tempting to risk it.

   “So who’s my first opponent?”  She asked clenching the arms of her chair.

   “That, my dear, is a surprise.”  Paul said.   “You’ll learn who once you get to the arena tonight.  Until then, I’d suggest you prepare.”

   “And don’t worry, dear.  I’m sure that you’ll do juuust fine.”  Lana said, drinking from her glass with a smug grin on her face.  Carmen stood up and for a moment, Lana expected her to take a swing at her.  In fact, she almost hoped she would.  But instead, she stormed out of the office and straight to the locker room.   

   “Well that went better than I expected.”  Paul said with a sigh of relief.  “So who is she fighting first anyway?”

   “Just leave that to me, hun.”  Lana replied walking over to him while swinging her hips.  She brushed her hand across his chin and whispered in his ear.  “I promise you, it will be the best match of the night.”  With that, she sashayed out of his office and went about her semi-managerial business.

   Finishing up his drink, Paul turned to the TV.   Tonight was going to be a unique night.  Normally the league started off with one amateur match to warm the crowds up.  Tonight, however, the W.S.E.W would host two intense amateur matches.  This was indeed uncommon, but when Paul heard both stories, he knew he had to host both of them.   Both matches were long time rivalries that were about to be settled.

   Hearing this, the crowd was more hyped up than usual.  They never knew what to expect when it came to the non-professional fights, but they always came with some intense brawling.  The stage lights went down and the announcer took his position in the ring.

   “Ladies and gentlemen” He started as the crowd quieted down a bit.  “Our first amateur match will be a falls count anywhere match!  Introducing first, from New York City; weighing in at 136 pounds with a 36 D bust, Dina!!”

   A pop-rock song came on as a dark-haired Arab woman came strutting down to the ramp.  She wore a red bikini with golden straps, and a pair of high heels that she kicked off as soon as she stepped into the ring.  Bending between the ropes, Dina made a sexy pose, raising her hand in V shape while soaking in the cheers of the crowd before taking her position in her corner.

Born in Lebanon, Dina was of Arab descent.  Her family moved to the U.S. when she was a teenager, and over time, she became the owner of her own private gym in NYC.  One of her gyms major attractions was its own ring, in which people came to practice Boxing, Wrestling, and even MMA on a regular basis.  Dina herself used the ring for more than one occasion, as she was a huge lover of contact sports.  In fact, it was her love of fighting that lead to tonight’s match.

   “And her opponent, also from New York City and weighing in at 134 pounds with a 38 D bust line, Rachel!”

   A techno song plays over the speakers as her opponent, a long brown-haired vixen of Jewish descent,  came out to the arena wearing a pink two-piece bikini combo with matching high heels.  She strutted down to the arena, waving at the fans along the way.  When she got to the ring, she slipped off her shoes and looked right at Dina and smiled.

   Rachel was a regular at Dina’s gym.  Much like Dina, she liked contact sports and was often seen using the ring to practice her own fighting moves.  It was this mutual love of fighting that started a respected rivalry between the two women.  They have faced off against each other six times so far.  Rachel won the first two matches, but Dina came back with three consecutive victories against the brunette. 

In their last match, Rachel won via ring-out, which led to a huge argument.  Dina claimed if she wasn’t counted out, she would’ve won, and Rachel rebuked that she wasn’t as tough as she thought.   Ultimately, Rachel came up with an idea:  if Dina admitted that she had won, she would give her one last match.  This time, however, it would be in the W.S.E.W, and it would be a falls count anywhere matches.  That way, Dina wouldn’t have any reason to complain if she’d lose.  Dina agreed, and called up the league to make the arrangements. 

The two women were now stood in the center of the ring, shaking hands while having wide grins.  They had long earned each other’s respect, and both knew what the other was capable of.  This match would put all their skills to the test.
The bell rings and the slowly begin to circle each other before locking arms.  Rachel wins this initiative by bending Dina to her side before sending a kick to her gut.  Dina doubles over as a second kick knocks the wind out of her.  Rachel then gets behind Dina and tosses her in a German Suplex.


Offline Wormman

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Re: W.S.E.W New York Nightmare: Part-1
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2020, 05:44:44 PM »
Dina is on the mat cradling the back of her head, but Rachel does not let up.  She grabs Dina’s legs and wraps her around into a figure four leg lock.   Dina is screaming from the pain shooting up her legs.  If this were a normal match, she could have the option to tap out.  But the rules clearly stated that victory could only come from a pin.  Even if she could, Dina wouldn’t.  She wasn’t going to let Rachel have such an easy win.

Mustering what strength she could, Dina grabs for the ropes.  There were no rope breaks either, but they could at the least be used as leverage to ease some of the pain.  Rachel saw what Dina was doing and tried to yank her away from the rope, but Dina clung to them for dear life.

Finally, Rachel let go.  Dina clutched one of her legs whimpering.  Rachel moved in to do more damage, but out of nowhere, the leg Dina was holding shot out and hit Rachel right in her inner thigh.  Dina had played Rachel and was now ready to counter.  While Rachel was stunned, Dina got up and grabbed two handfuls of Rachel’s hair.  She dragged her to the nearest corner and slung her onto the post.

Rachel hit the post with a hard thud, and grunted from the pain in her back.  Dina got a running start and collided with Rachel in an arm cross slam across her throat.  Dina then grabbed Rachel’s top and pulled it off, revealing her large ample chest.  She then sent several arm chops across her exposed tits. 

Rachel grunts and whimpers with each blow until her tits are bright red.  Dina then climbs the rope post and raises her hand to send blows to Rachel’s face.  Dina leaves herself exposed however, and Rachel sends several fists to Dina’s gut.  She then grabs her stunned foe and power slams her into the mat. 

Dina is motionless on the mat when Rachel climbs to the top of the post and jumps off.  Rachel connects with Dina in a frog splash and then scoops up her legs for the pin.  The referee didn’t even get to two before Dina kicked out.  Frustrated, Rachel sends two ax handle strikes to Dina’s gut and tries for the pin again.  Again, Dina kicks out.

Rachel picks Dina up by the hair and slings her into the ropes.  But Dina reverses the sling and Rachel is sent flying.  Dina follows and drop kicks Rachel right in the face before the return, sending her tumbling over the ropes and onto the floor.  As Rachel begins to stand up, Dina dives between the ropes and spears her body right into the guard rails!


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Re: W.S.E.W New York Nightmare: Part-1
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2020, 05:02:55 PM »
Neither one is quick to get up, but Dina manages to stagger to her feet before Rachel.  She takes Rachel by the hair and slams her head against the ring mat.  She repeats this again before dragging her face across it and to the ring post.  There, she attempts to slam Rachels face into the post, but Rachel regains some sense and sends and elbow flying to Dina’s head.  She grabs Dina by the hair and smashes her face into the post with all her might. 

Dina is kneeling on the ground, her body leaning against the post.  Rachel decides to get some revenge and rips Dina’s top off.  Both women are now topless, much to the crowds delight.  Rachel then grabs Dina’s hair and drags her to the nearest set of steps.  She slams her head into it once, before resting her chest on the top.  She then climbs the steps and begins to stomp on Dina’s tits.  Dina is screaming and crying from the pain, but Rachel wants payback for what Dina did to her breasts. 

After a while, Rachel gets off of Dina’s tits and pulls her up by the hair.   She tucks her head under her arm; ready to suplex her off the steps.  Dina realizes what’s about to happen and fights for her life, sending blow after blow into Rachel’s gut.  Rachel finally lets go and clutches her stomach.  Dina takes action and pushes her foe off the steps.  Rachel lands with a splat and clutches her sore back. 

Dina jumps off the steps and stomps both feet into Rachel’s tits.  Rachel’s eyes bulge out of her head from the pain and she passes out.  Dina could pin her right then and there, but she decides to up the ante.   Grabbing her legs, Dina Drags Rachel across the arena and stops at the announcers table.  She slaps her rival across the face to wake her up, and then picks her up by her hair and tosses her onto the table. 

Lying motionless on the table, Rachel is unable to stop Dina from sending hard elbow blows to her gut and tits.  The impacts bring Rachel back around and she grunts with each blow. Dina then rubs her elbow across Rachels face, relishing the screams that the brunette let out.  She then grabs two handfuls of Rachels hair and slams the back of her head onto the table, leaving her foe in a daze.

Dina then climbs the table herself and begins to scoop Rachel up, ready to finish her off. But Rachel acts quickly and sends her fist right into Dina’s crotch.   Dina stares with her mouth agape from the pain as Rachel winds up and sends a second blow to her twat!  Dina’s legs buckle under her, and Rachel grabs her by the arms and tucks her head between her legs.  With all her might, power bombs Dina right into the table. 

The table shatters to pieces and both combatants fall to the floor.  Rachel is able to get to her hands and knees with some effort, but Dina is completely unconscious.  Slowly, Rachel drags her body over Dinas and goes for the pin.  The referee comes over and slaps the mat once, twice, three times!  The bell rings and the crowd roars with cheers as the announcer calls the match.
“Here is your winner; Rachel!!”  Clutching her sides, Rachel slowly rises to her feet and thrusts her fist in the air.  The rush of victory rejuvenated her as she looked down at the unconscious Dina and laughed.  She had beaten her, now she can have her way with her.


Offline Wormman

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Re: W.S.E.W New York Nightmare: Part-1
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2020, 12:33:30 AM »
The referee comes over and waves a packet of smelling salts under Dina’s nose.  She wakes up and clutches her head, wincing from the pain. “Wakey Wakey, Princess.”   She looks around and finds Rachel with her hands on her hips and a wide grin on her face.  It all sank in and she swore under her breath.

Rachel grabs a handful of Dina’s hair and then grabs a mic from the broken table.  “Now then,” Rachel says loudly into the mic.  “I want you to tell me, and everyone else, who beat you?”

Dina gives her a pouting glare, but speaks into the mic.  “You did.”

“I did what?” Rachel replies.

“You beat me, okay?”  Dina says back.

“Yes, yes I did.  And who’s the best?”

“You’re the best, Rachel.”

“Good job.  And who’s a loser?”

“I-I’m a loser…”  Dina was almost to tears. 

“Oh don’t cry yet, babe.”  Rachel says patting Dinas head.   “I still get to have my fun with you.  First, I want you to pucker up and kiss my ass!”  Rachel turns around and pushed her rear right into Dina’s face.  Dina paused for too long and Rachel spun around and slapped her across the face.  “I said: Kiss my ass, bitch!”  She snarled.  Dina whimpers, but obeys.  Slowly she brings her lips to Rachels left cheek and kissed it.

Rachel laughed “Good job.”  She said while taking off her panties.  “Now, I want you to eat my asshole like the slut you are.”  Dina looks at her shocked and shakes her head, but Rachel grabbed her head by the hair and shoves her face deep into her ass.  “Eat my ass, or suffocate.”  Dina couldn’t resist, so she obeyed.  Slowly she stuck out her tongue and began to lick and massage her asshole.  Rachel began to moan and thrusted back into Dina’s face.  “Mmm! That’s a good slut.  You’ve done this before haven’t you?” 

Dina was barely able to breathe, but she kept going, desperate to get the job done before she passed out.  Several moments of ass eating go by before Rachel lets go and spins around, shoving Dina’s face into her crotch.  “Now, I want you to eat my pussy.”  Dina didn’t resist this time and began to lick and suck on Rachel’s pussy lips and clit.  Rachel moans and shoves Dina’s face deeper.  “That’s right, fuck me you cheap whore!”  Dina complies, getting equally aroused and starts to lick and suck harder. 

Soon, Rachel grabs her head and clings tight as she cums, squirting her pussyjuice all over Dina’s face.  Dina laps up the juices and collapses into a heap as Rachel lets her go.  Rachel is panting, and shaking from the orgasm, but she wasn’t finished yet.  She grabs Dina by the hair “You lost, so now you’re my bitch for the night.”  She tugs her along forcing her to crawl on her hands and knees.   
Going to her corner, Rachel rummages through her duffel bag of victory goodies and pulls out a large purple vibrator.   She rips off Dina’s panties, leaving her stark naked and forces the vibrator up her ass.  Dina screams from the pain and begs “Please! Don’t!  It’s too big!”

“I don’t think so, slut.”  Rachel replies, thrusting it in deeper.  “It’s just the right size for a whore.”  With that, she takes her foot and slams it all the way in.  Dina’s eyes roll into the back of her head and she collapses from the pain. 
Rachel then pulls out a riding crop and lifts Dina’s ass into the air.  “Now then.”  She says before striking Dina’s ass.  The crop makes a lout crack noise as it connects.  Dina screams and tries to crawl away, but Rachel plants her foot onto the back of her neck and holds her down.  She strikes Dina’s ass again, and again Dina screams. 
“From now on, I’m in charge!”  Rachel says.  “I get to use your gym whenever I want, and I don’t have to pay a membership fee ever again!”  She strikes Dina’s ass several times as she talks for emphasis, enjoying the dark haired woman squirming underneath her
“I get to play with you, whenever I want, and you will always be ready for me to have my way with you.”  She continued.  “You will refer to me as Miss Rachel at all times.  You will lower your head when I am present, and you will not speak unless told to.  Do I make myself clear?”  Rachel continued to whip Dina who was now moaning and drooling from the pain.
“Yes.”  Dina said meekly, but Rachel struck her ass harder than before bringing a squeal out of the Arab girl.

“Yes what?!”

“Yes, Miss Rachel!!”  Dina shouted.  Satisfied, Rachel slaps her ass one more time before removing her foot.   Dina remains where she is.  Partially out of obedience and also because her mind was a fog from the pain and pleasure she just felt. 

“Now then, it’s time for you to show me how useful you are.”  Dina looks up and see’s Rachel has put on a large green strap-on dildo.  “On your knees!”  Rachel barks, and Dina complies quickly.  She grabs the back of Dina’s head again and shoves the fake cock into her mouth.  “Suck on it good, slave!”  Dina does as she’s told, sucking and gobbling up the plastic dick with eagerness.   Rachel begins to thrust, face fucking Dina and bringing her to gag slightly.  Despite this, Dina kept going, utterly aroused by the situation.

Finally, Rachel pulls her off the cock and tells her to turn and bend over.  Dina does, presenting her dildo filled ass and her pussy. Slowly, Rachel pushes the strap-on into Dinas waiting cxnt until it reaches the hilt.  She then begins to thrust back and fourth slamming the fake dick in and out of her former-rivals pussy.   She even took the large vibrator inside Dina’s ass and started to ram it in and out as well. 
Dina moaned and groaned as both pain and pleasure rocked her body.  “Miss Rachel, please!”  She shouted.  “Please not so hard!”  Rachel ignored her pleas and started to fuck her even harder.   Several minutes went by as Rachel fucked and insulted Dina thoroughly, bringing the poor girl to multiple orgasms.
Finally, Rachel lets go of Dina who flops onto the ground in a heap of sweat.  She takes off the strap-on and spreads Dina’s legs, and begins to grind her pussy against hers.  Both girls are panting and moaning as Rachel gyrates her hips over and over again, pressing her clit against Dina’s.   “That’s it, slave!”  Rachel shouts.  “Fuck me like the horny bitch you are!”
Dina grips Rachels legs and screams as she cums harder than before.   Rachel can’t help but cum soon after.   Both girls lay on the ground panting and exhausted.   Until Rachel gets up and picks Dina up on her wobbly legs.  “You’re not done yet, slave.”  Rachel says as Dina tries to keep her legs from buckling.  “You’re going to service me for the rest of the night until I’m fully satisfied.  Understand?

Dina nods her head “Yes, Miss Rachel.”  Rachel smiles and leads Dina out of the arena by her hair.  Smiling and thinking of all the things she had planned and how the poor Arab girl will never be the same by the end of the night.