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How long are you catfight fan?

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Offline jimmyfoster

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Re: How long are you catfight fan?
« Reply #60 on: April 19, 2021, 12:56:56 AM »
contributed to this thread before re being 66 and liking the fights for 55yrs but wanted to add a thought that occurred to me when i was older and thinking why catfighting?. there is a common recurring theme about how we all got hooked when we were very young. what if is was a dna issue.......say we just liked what our dad liked. lets go back to the mid 60's .wed/thurs night tv......only one tv in the house you and the old man watching the same stuff......mum busy in the kitchen. on comes the man from uncle/avengers whatever your fave may be. hoping against hope for that fight scene that will get you excited.   and lo and behold it happens.....neither passes comment on what they witness but there is an odd silence. you watch the show to the end.......cant be too obvious then declare at 9 got homework to do i'll be in my room see you in the morning and make your excuses to go have that relief inducing wank. so mum and dad are left alone......what if he likes what you like and mum knows that he likes it......she says.... saw the fight from the hard?......sure am he says......she reaches down opens his was the 60's..... and gives him a nice hand job bringing him the same spunk spurting relief that you are giving yourself in your room upstairs.......just a thought!