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Twin Tussle by Catwriter

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Twin Tussle by Catwriter
« on: August 28, 2020, 11:55:29 PM »
TWIN TUSSLE by Catwriter

Young John was a senior at the local high school; football demi-god and voted most popular. What a guy. He had managed relationships with a large number of girls, often several at the same time. But he had never shared intimacies with the stunning Billings twins. Cherie and Diane were so truly fine that they had begun dating college guys while they were still sophomores. With their centerfold good looks, the world (small though it may be) was their oyster.

Their fathers were partners in a contracting business and owned lovely homes at the end of a subdivision, nothing but a pool and woods behind. John had been out of school for several days, not feeling well at all. He looked out his bedroom window to the twins pool and saw them lounging around.

They had pretended to go to school but felt like a little mental health day would be good for them. John put on some gym shorts and sauntered into his back yard. The twins noticed him and invited him over. They figured this could be fun.

John hopped the fence and stood before them. And finally, after these last several years, they noticed something in John's shorts, which caused them both to flush with excitement. John, lucky devil, was hung like a bull. In the presence of such beauty, however, he was speechless.

"Would you like something to drink?" asked Cherie.

"Yes, thank you." replied John and the beautiful blonde bounced sexily to the rear door of the house.

Diane took this opportunity to stand next to John, brushing against him lightly with her full breasts, took him by the hand and they began walking slowly through the yard. Stopping under a huge oak tree, Diane's hand innocently swept across John's crotch, not once but twice. John could feel a swelling and began to get embarrassed. Diane, however, was delighted. She reached into his shorts and began massaging him, pressing her breasts hard into his arm as she lightly licked his neck.

"Here's your drink, baby", said Cherie who had approached them unnoticed. She was not smiling as she came around to John's other side. Diane stepped back and they all took a moment to enjoy some mixed summer drinks, heavily laden with vodka.

Cherie leaned into John, as did Diane with every opportunity. They were giggling after awhile and their hands grew more and more bold. Their hands rubbed his back and face and ass and balls with increasing boldness. They were beginning to flush and breathe more heavily.

Cherie suggested that they lie down in the shade and John felt much like the middle of a sandwich as the twins voluptuous assets surrounded him. As they each rubbed his chest, their hands came into contact. They tried to push the other away without ruining the moment. But each was determined to fuck John first. John, with his eyes closed noticed that the bodies seemed to be straining in and out, back and forth as first one set of breasts, then the other would push and swell against his chest.

Opening his eyes, he realized he'd been missing something. Diane and Cherie were positively glaring at one another. They were hand wrestling furiously. Constrained in their tight bikini tops, Cherie's left breast and Diane's right breast had about wriggled free, exposing beautiful nipples, hard with excitement. John took the opportunity to cup the other breasts in his hands and lightly knead them. The women responded to this added excitement by wrestling even harder. Releasing their handgrips, each took the opportunity to pinch the other's exposed nipple and then squeeze the breast hard.

"You fucking bitch", screamed Cherie as she slapped Diane hard in the face.

"Fuck you whore", bellowed Diane as she returned the slap.

John sat up, intending to separate the women, but they were rising at the same time. They wrapped their arms around John in an attempt to get at the other and managed to secure a fierce double hair pull, jamming themselves into helpless John. The violent tugging of hair caused all three to fall back to the ground in a roiling mass. John tried to extricate himself but the twins were enraged. Screaming at one another, they began wrestling violently on and about John's chest, massive breasts swung free and leapt at one another. They finally rolled to the side and John took the opportunity to jump up and out of the way.

The women were rolling furiously on the lawn. Legs locked, mammoth breasts pressed together, they pulled hair with a fury. Their bikini tops were twisted about their waists now and hands grasped exposed breasts and squeezed furiously. Screaming, twisting, contorting, the women finally bumped into the old oak and separated. Jumping to their feet, they began shouting and pushing one another.

"Back off, Cherie", screamed Diane.

"No way, sis, that dick is mine", shouted Cherie.

And they were at it again. Securing fierce grips on the others hair they jerked and tugged and began stumbling about the yard. Their huge breasts swung heavily on their chests as they battled to the edge of the pool. Cherie got a leg behind Diane and shoved her into the pool. But Diane's secure hairgrip caused Cherie to topple in on top of her. They bubbled to the surface and crashed together, arms about the other's back and squeezed. Their breasts flattened into one another and bulged out from beneath their arms. After several moments of this, the women stepped back and began slapping each other on the arms and breasts. Then they grabbed double handfuls of breast and just squeezed. They were actually yanking one another about the pool using the others breasts for balance. Finally, nearing exhaustion, they fell into one another's arms and twisted their torsos trying to topple the other into the water. Every couple of moments, they would topple each other, never releasing their fierce grips and roll violently beneath the water, breasts bobbing in the watery battleground.

John, who had been amazed at the fury of the fighting sisters finally jumped into the pool and separated the battlers saying, "There's gotta be a better way to settle this." The sisters glared at each other and had the same thought. "There is" they said in unison. They led John to the huge upstairs bedroom and disappeared to dry their hair. John sat on the edge of the bed and couldn't believe how aroused he was. Two fantastic females willing to battle for his dick had him at the boiling point.

After several moments, the sisters emerged from the bathroom, hair dry and hanging beautifully around their shoulders. Both were totally naked and approached him slowly. They sat on either side of him and began licking his nipples while their hands explored his crotch. He lay back and Diane began kissing him as Cherie licked greedily on his rod. She rubbed his balls and Diane licked his nipples and he had never felt so good. He leaned over and began licking Diane's huge breasts. Diane got to her knees and sat on his face as he tongued her insides. Cherie slowly sat on his dick and began riding. The sisters again faced each other. Their breasts were bumping into each other as they rode big John. He reached up and felt the four breasts marveling at their weight as he cupped them in his hands.

The nipples touching further inflamed Cherie and Diane who began kissing, just licking tongues at first then probing deeper.

"Let me ride that big dick for awhile", said Diane.

"Just wait until I'm through, bitch", smiled Cherie as she thrust forward hard, causing John to moan.

Diane matched her motions to those of Cherie and each forward thrust brought their bounteous globes into rough contact. Then just prior to contact, they began swinging their breasts and John could hear a strange slapping sound as the tit fight escalated. Both women were thrusting as hard as they could and grasped each other by the forearms for balance. And then they were just straining forward as hard as they could, grinding their nipples and breasts together. Diane finally managed to push hard enough to cause Cherie to fall off the bed. She promptly leaned down in the 69 position and engulfed John's raging member in her mouth and began to bob her head up and down as she licked furiously, trying to get John off. Cherie on her knees grasped Diane's hair and yanked, pulling her head away. Cherie then gulped John's dick in her mouth, still holding Diane by the hair. Diane grasped Cherie's hair roughly and they were at it again. Neither could complete the blowjob and they reached a standoff. Both looked magnificent as their arms were straight out in the classic hair pull position. John was finding it more and more difficult to eat Diane because of the rough movements caused by the furious hairpulling. He slowly extricated himself from the battlers and the raging sisters were at it again. Kneeling on the bed, Cherie and Diane had one arm around the other's neck and pulled hair with the other. The bed bounced rapidly as the sisters went at one another. A strong double hairpull caused both to fall backward on the bed and then they were really into each other. Slapping and squeezing breasts, they toppled off the bed and began rolling about the room, screaming. Four huge breasts banged together, slaps caused red marks to appear on faces and shoulders and then they lunged at each other flattening their breasts in a powerful, torso wrenching bearhug. Their nipples were perfectly aligned and jammed and poked at one another in the midst of the breast flesh. Their cxnts were jammed together, grinding.

John crawled into position so that he could lick them both. The sensations were too much for the battling siblings. They ground together harder and harder, loving the sensation of John's tongue but still pulling hair and squeezing each other's ass checks and slapping each other's asses. John marveled at the quivering ass flesh as it snapped back erect after a rough slap. They were concentrating totally on this ass slapping while John continued directing them toward the brink.

As they were both about to come, their lips mashed together in a hard, furious kiss. Nibbling each other's lips and moaning, they finally went over the edge and came.

After catching their breath, still wrapped in each other's arms they realized that John was still in need of attention.

They lay him on his back and working in unison on either side, worked their lips up and down the length of his shaft, licking as they went. They worked together perfectly (having done this before) and maintained perfect leverage as their heads went up and down, lips pursed and occasionally touching when they reached the tip. They would lick each other's lips and the top of John's dick simultaneously before moving slowly back down his dick.
After the incredible excitement of the afternoon, John couldn't have been hotter. After only five minutes of this incredible nurturing, he came like never before. Cherie and Diane had come on their lips and faces as they licked him like thirsty cats. Cherie cupped and massaged his balls as the last drops came free and the women tongue wrestled trying to lick it up.

They then lay down beside him and continued stroking until he was hard once more. The ate each other and blew John again and sexually exhausted, closed their eyes and enjoyed a most satisfying sleep.
