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Beau Garrett vs Jaimie Alexander

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Offline Interac

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Beau Garrett vs Jaimie Alexander
« on: August 22, 2023, 03:04:50 AM »

Story took place in 2018
Nobody could talk to Jaimie Alexander.  She wanted to fight again, she wanted Elyse Levesque again, but the bitch was somewhere else filming.  Elyse texted her ‘Get over yourself, we fought you lost.’

That only made it worst and a woman at NBC HQ in the elevator with her made a mistake and spoke “So how is that challenge thing going.”  Jaimie was there to get them to cast Elyse in anything just to get at her.

She looked over and it was Beau Garrett.

“You had a terrific fight year back on Chuck” Beau rolled her eyes on that comment and turned and faced Jaimie

“I did and it was well choreographed for intensity which I can bring… You ... I’m not interested in continuing this.”  She turned her shoulder “Fighting is all you actually have.  You base your self worth on it”

Jaimie grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her back and got slapped.   Beau pointed her finger at Jaimie “Don’t! You’ve been broken and you couldn’t beat me before Elyse proved you aren’t as good as you think.”

Jaimie went to slap Beau, but it was blocked, and Beau reached grabbed Jaimie by the throat and shifted her hips and slammed Jaimie.  The door opened and Beau threw Alexander out and walked out like a champ “Stay down or we’ll show NBC where you measure.”

Jaimie got up “Let’s get that measuring stick out then”

Beau ran at Jaimie got her hands on her shirt and pushed her into the NBC insignia on a window “You want the stick you got it”

Beau pulled Jaimie forward then pushed her again.  Jaimie pushed at Beau’s face and got Beau to back up.  Jaimie now grabbed at Beaus shirt turned the blonde and slammed her into the insignia two times then got hit with a punch to the ribs.

Beau hit Jaimie hard enough for her to tighten her body ready for a third punch which loosened her arms.  Beau grabbed Jaimie’s left wrist with both hands and turned it inward which doubled Jaimie over and got a scream “Yell you quit bitch and this ends now.  Longer it goes the more embarrassed you get.”

Jaimie rolled under Beau’s arm and went for a choke but got flipped over the shoulder.  Beau quickly spun over Jaimie’s chest and dropped down hit two punches before Jaimie got her legs up and took Beau from the top

They were up to their feet and Jaimie went to say something but took a jab in the mouth “Talk time”  Beau was cut off by a Alexander jab.

Jaimie and Beau each had a slight trickle of blood coming down from a split lip.  They more cautiously circled.  Jaimie threw a jab which was knocked down and then a follow up straight which Beau hit to the outside of the wrist blocking.  Beau tried to counter after that but Jaimie moved her head back.  Beau went for a left hook which Jaimie rolled under but didn’t see the spin kick to the stomach that followed it

That dropped Jaimie to a knee and she gasped.  More were coming out and Beau grabbed Jaimie by the back of the hair yanked it then got her other hand under the chin “Look at them.  Elyse never broke you I got that wrong she just exposed you to the light.  I’m going to burn you down because you want that.”

Jaimies big eyes looked up at Beau full of rage.  She got both her hands at Beaus right ankle and pulled putting Beau on her ass “Burn me bitch come on and lets burn together.”  Jaimie went to jump atop Beau but ended up flipped as Beau got her left foot on the stomach.

Beau was up first grabbed Jaimie by the waist as she was getting up.  Jaimie grabbed the wrist and dropped her hip and flipped Beau she went for a wrist lock.  Beau grabbed the hair and began pumping knees until Jaimie moved for another attack then Beau pushed Jaimie away and both up to their feet.

Beau threw a punch it got blocked and Jaimie grabbed the shirt and slammed Beau into the glass then hit two punches to the stomach.  Beau hit a stiff palm strike to the ear hit her left knee to the inside of Beaus left leg then stepped her right leg to the outside hand to the back of Jaimies head.  Beau slammed Jaimies face into the glass.

“Hows that cheek of yours.”  Beau put her forearm on the back of Jaimies head grinded back and forth to push the cheek harder into the glass

Jaimie tried to push away but Beau was fighting that “I’m stronger bitch… I’m fucking stronger than you.”

Noises there were people laving offices to watch this and what they were seeing was Jaimie getting owned for the second time in a row.  Jaimie knew this network had significantly more money invested in her than Beau.  There were ways out had to find one.

Jaimie stomped a foot that got a little pressure off, and she threw a elbow back between the tits a little more pressure off and Jaimie was able to slide down.  Jaimie turned into a stomach punch, but her arm got blocked with a elbow strike to the shoulder then Beau turned her arm up forearm against the chest slammed Jaimie into the glass again.

Jaimie pulled her arm away and hit a short-left hook to Beau’s ear then a defensive right knee to Beaus side.  Jaimie turned Beau around and slammed her once then a second time into the glass “You wanted this you bitch.”

Jaimie hit a punch to the stomach and got a grunt.  She then went for a left hook, and it was blocked she realized Beau tightened her stomach and was ready for that gut punch.  Beau hit a left hand then slid her right forward for the back of Jaimies neck.  She slipped outside to pull Jaimie who got her foot up blocked it then threw that leg downward into the back of Beaus leg.

Both went down Jaimie rolled back so she was over Beau’s head and on her knees.  Then Jaimie began to transition and rotate.  Beau popped her hips outward widened her legs turned and both were getting up and traded uppercuts then pushed away.

“You.”  Jaimie went to say something, but Beau wasn’t there to talk and Jaimies uppercut on the way out caused her to bleed.  Beau threw right leg kick getting into Jaimies thigh.  Faked a left kick which Jaimie went to defend but instead threw out a right backhand distract Jaimie again.

Right side kick to the ribs then a left kick to the outside of the thigh.  Jaimie threw two punches as she was backing up to stop Beau.  Beau leaned back and when the second punch missed, she dropped Jaimie with a uppercut

Beau then went for a axe kick but Jaimie moved and the heel hit the ground.  Jaimie got up and dodged a spinng back kick then got dropped with a back fist “Your mystique is gone.”

Jaimie kicked Beau in the shins and that tripped her than Jaimie did a handstand got three quarters up only to move and drop her knees down on Beaus back.  Toes were on the ground Jaimie got up to her feet and went to kick Beau in the ribs.  It was blocked and Beau kept going for trips

Jaimie kept stepping up and away from Beau then rotated away.  She thought about jumping at Beau but then just backed away “Get up bitch.”

Beau got up “Stop acting like this is your idea.”  Beau smiled “You look at these peoples faces, and they know how this fight ends and would have preferred it was me to break that streak of yours than the nobody who did.”

“I’m from the MCU, I’m a headliner and neither you or Elyse are that much.”

“And we’re both going to beat you.”

Jaimie stepped up for a strong jab and Beau threw her right over it.  Both careened into the face of the other.  Jaimie went for a right upper cut after, and Beau hit a short quick side kick to the side of Jaimies thigh stopping the momentum of that punch then came up with a shovel left hook that sent Jaimie into a door.

“You’re not part of that shit no more. “Beau went for a straight kick Jaimie moved and got  her arm under beaus knee and lifted the dirty blonde.

“And you never will be especially with what I do to you here.”  Jaimie was carrying Beau in a Tejada bomb position and Beau slammed her elbow on top of Jaimies head then pushed herself out and down to her feet.

Beau hit a side knee lift to the stomach then went for a suplex but Jaimie fought her way down.  Beau hit a upper cut to the stomach went for the suplex again.  Jaimie fought her way down this time Jaimie hit the uppercut to the stomach and now Jaimie Alexander lifted Beau Garret for a suplex and Beau hit her knee into a tit then got down they each traded punches to the stomach

“Come on with it show me what you really got.”  Jaimie said digging another punch in and people weren’t sure if she was talking about how strong her punch was or how strong her stomach was.

Beau hit one to Jaimies face and Jaimie responded then they hit some more to the stomach and it was clear the core muscles were similar but Jaimie was a stronger core and better puncher.  “This is why you will never be in Marvel.”

Beau like a sniper with her hand shot it forward and got it in the front of Jaimies pants grabbed the panties and pulled up.  “You dumb bitch.”  Beau jumped her feet forward and past Jaimies and hit a snap suplex.

Beau rolled back and was sitting on Jaimies chest she slapped Jaimie in the face “Fantastic four bitch… I already was in one you dumb ass.”  Another slap and then Jaimie shifted right left right and right again sending Beau off her .
« Last Edit: August 22, 2023, 03:09:50 AM by Interac »


Offline Interac

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Re: Beau Garrett vs Jaimie Alexander
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2023, 03:09:03 AM »

“Those don’t count.”  Jaimie said getting up as quick as she could only to be hit with a push kick by Beau.

“Bigger role in that then you had in all the movies.”

Beau threw to punches Jaimie parried the first blocked the second then went inward grabbed Beau by the shirt.  Jaimie turned Beau slamming her into a wall “You got a big mouth bitch.”  Jaimie then ripped the shirt open.   Jaimie was about to say something else when Beau hit a head butt and reached back grabbed the back of Jaimies shirt and pulled it over.

Jaimie pulled back and let Beau have her shirt.  Beau stood there not following up just with a smile on her face “Little stronger than I expected.”  Beau put her shoulders back and allowed her torn shirt to drop and simultaneously dropped Jaimies shirt.

“I could say the same and I might but know what I don’t care what your body is I’m going to put you down all the same.”

“You havent so far.”

They stepped for the other fists back, but Beau actually threw a knee for Jaimies stomach.  Jaimie brought her body back caught the knee ate a elbow to the back of the neck.  Jaimie pushed forward and took Beau Garrett down to her back.

Beau tried to fight it but Jaimie grabbed the bra and pulled herself up.  The bra snapped open, and Jaimie had a sight for Beaus face.   Jaimie slapped Beau twice then sat up more to throw some punches.  Right went up and Beau hands went between Jaimies tits, and the double ax handle sent Jaimie back and Beau turned her hips sending Jaimie off
Jaimie could not get over Beau resilience and as Jaimie tried to get up and turn Beau was on her back.  “You got my bra first.  Congrats to you and this.” Beau grabbed the back of Jaimies bra then slapped her in the ass “Pathetic ass.”

Jaimie had to do wrestling and jiu jitsu training for Blindspot and this was really the first time in all her fights she knew and thought to use it.  She rolled but Beau rolled with her, and it was a chess match with Beau holding onto the back of Jaimies bra.  “Fucking hell.”  After so many counters and rolls Jaimie could hear Beau getting frustrated, she had her feet under her and started to get up.

Beau still had a hold of the bra and dropped to her back throwing Jaimie over her.  Jaimie turned her body going into the crowd.  She heard the snap and looked up and was glad she landed on a couple women but there was some men looking at her “Don’t show them first bitch.  Turn let it drop then lets get back to it.”

Jaimie kept her back turned to Beau.  That woman was clearly wanting this and to be face to face so she was going to get into her head.  Jaimie reached back to reclasp her bra and couldn’t “Its broke now turn around, put your arms out and let it drop.  Don’t let them see those first, let me because I know you don’t measure up.”

Jaimie turned and faced Beau who smiled and mouthed the words ‘Let it drop’  Jaimie kept eye contact put her arms out and Beau smiled and nodded.  Jaimie leaned forward and let the bra fall off her chest then put her arms out her modest 32 Bs and slim wirey build “This what you wanted.”

Beau had a similar build more a beach vibe.  Very tan vs Jaimies pale skin so that made her look stronger especially with that glean of sweat.  “Its how its meant to be.  Hope that makes you feel better that Elyse was first but she wont be last.”

“but you wont be next.”

“Come on and I show you what happens.”

Jaimies hands up she came forward not ashamed of her body.  Beau dropped lower switching the level.  Stepped forward Jaimie threw a uppercut it was blocked and beau grabbed the uppercut after the block pushed back on arm got her other hand on Jaimies elbow and pushed up

Beau did this before and Jaimie had no clue what happened when Beau thrusted upwards.  Beau slapped her tits into the underside of Jaimie Alexanders tits and sent her down.  They both had modest perfectly sized tits to t heir body but Beau being tan and standing over Jaimie with that smile was bothersome “I think the ability to tan made mine firmer.”

Jaimie thought beau was letting her up.  Instead, she ate a hook uppercut and Jaimie covered up ate a knee into the arms.  Beau was laughing as Jaimie tried to get away “You wanted this.  You had an open challenge to NBC guess what bitch.”  Beau grabbed the wrists and hit a knee to the ribs.

Beau tried to switch levels and Jaimie shot her elbow forward into the top of the head.  That stopped Beaus forward progress and she defended for a kick instead Jaimie changed a level and lifted Beau off her feet and took her down.

Jaimie watched downward to see what Beau would do with her legs so she kept hers wide grinded her chin onto Beaus stomach.  Beau had her legs up in the air and Jaimie popped her hips upward to avoid a full guard now her ass and hips were past Beaus hips she then closed her legs scissoring Beaus thighs.

Jaimie had the legs trapped pinned the arms down and looked at beau “I don’t think being tan or pale has to do with much but hey you wanted to fight me and wanted this… So tell me” Jaimie pressed her tits down on beaus.

“Hows that feel” She pressed down harder and beau groaned but was able to get her arms free and got them around Jaimies head but couldn’t turn her because how Jaimie locked the legs.

“Its over bitch.  Your pinned and tit on tit let me tell you are not what you think you are.”  Small up and down now with the tits.

“I think everyone has seen enough.  No need for more.”  Jaimie said smiled down on Beau who was still fighting back.  “Someone tell her its over and I won at what she thought she was superior on.”

Beau had a tactic left and when Jaimie turned her head to look at the NBC employees and executives Beau opened her mouth brought her head up and had a small bite on Jaimie’s chin.

Jaimie let out a loud gasp and a weird sound because it hurt but wasn’t painful.  Then it got Jaimies body up which got Beaus hands between their bodies and gave the tits a squeeze.  It was enough to feel the legs loosen and Beau was able to lift her hips and push Jaimie away.

Jaimie hit the ground upset she was not in her position no more.  The bite was more of a nibble a grab with the teeth then a full bite.  Jaimie scattered got up to one knee was hinged over getting up and got kneed in the ass then sent into a wall.

Jaimie tried to push off the wall but got splashed back into it She then hit forearms into Jaimies upper back like a gorilla.  Jaimie brought  her arms up and Beau dropped down and underhooked both arms and got her hands behind Jaimies head “FULL NELSON”  Beau got it locked in and looked over and winked.

Pushing at the long neck of Jaimie Alexander.  “Got you bitch I fucking got you.  Overrated egotistical arrogant entitled former movie star bitch.”

Beau brought Jaimie back and wanted to slam Jaimie face first but couldn’t.  Jaimie got her knee on the wall “Predictable bitch.”  Jaimie pushed off enough to get her other foot and pushed both down.  Jaimie rolled back and was able to fully break the full nelson.

Beau never tried to get up, but Jaimie was so Beau raised her hips and hit a kick to the top of Jaimies head with her left.  She took a deep breath and Beau went for a harder one with the right but this time Jaimie caught the leg, pulled it then pushed it down flipping Beau and jerking her up where Jaimie went for her own full nelson

Beau didn’t want to feel this.  She was on her feet enough and was in a bad place still bent over this could end badly.  Losing to this was not acceptable and she got her arms down then was having them brought up again and was being straightened up to.  “I’m stronger bitch.”

“Not losing.”  Beau had talked to much done too much to lose now and lifted her legs up threw them toward Beau and used whatever core muscles she had to bring her shoulders outward.  Beau flipped Jaimie over and both were scurrying to get up.

Got up and both pumped a left knee got the left down for a plant threw a right hand and both slipped to the left.  Jaimie and Beau were also throwing right high kicks.  Beaus leg slightly shorter but connected foot to face.  Jaimie also connected shin to chin.  They dropped down face down ass up knocked out.

Producers, Executive and staff waited to see if there was any movement and there was not so they decided to separate the two.  Let them know it was a draw and tell them to have a rematch to find a winner and maybe it was time for Jaimie to settle up with Elyse as well.  Those executives were who allowed Jaimie to have a open challenge so they had set it up right away.  In a ring a rematch of these two and have Elyse fight someone before that. 

Beau was happy to agree when she recovered the next day promising to get the win.  Jaimie was hesitant not trusting Elyse Levesque but she agreed because not agreeing meant losing to Beau and she had to fight her again and the winner was the winner of both fights.  “Give Elyse a tough opponent and not the little young girl who jumped her.”

(Upcoming: Ashley Greene vs Laura vandervoort rematch; Lacey Chabert vs Scarlet Johannson; Prelude to a Ladder Match)