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Best Friend's Sister, Part Twenty Four

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Offline Jon Grey

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Best Friend's Sister, Part Twenty Four
« on: July 11, 2018, 11:09:51 AM »
My trip up th

"Fgck ff," she muttered. I laughed and took a sip of my coffee. She pushed herself up, letting the sheet slide down and giving me a view again of her delightful breasts. I stared once more.

"You really are a pervert," she noted, taking the coffee and drinking. "Which I guess is good for our relationship." She took a long pull.

"Almost done with the semester," she sighed. "Sorry we can't hang out more." I was always fascinated with how quickly coffee turned her around.

"I'm going to schedule that fight with Annie today. I'll ask her if it's okay that you're there. I might try for after the semester, or at least the last couple of days of finals, where I'll be done with most of the tests. But this time, I'm afraid we really won't get any more time together — well, at least long enough for our expected stuff," she added smugly.

"Yeah. So next week at my parents' house?" Tiffany nodded. "The week after for yours?" Tiffany nodded again, more slowly.

Despite it being only two days of classes (school closed Wednesday to allow for travel), we both felt like we had too much on our plate, and ended up not getting together on that Wednesday. So it wasn't until Thursday afternoon at around 3:00 when I answered the door.

My girlfriend stunned me. She was wearing a demure sweater over her deep burgundy dress, and had a bracelet on her wrist. I ushered her in, and she planted a chaste kiss on my cheek. "I clean up nice," she noted, brushing my cheek with her fingertips. "But close your mouth, seriously. It's getting weird." I took her coat, and grabbed her ass, briefly. She jumped and turned around on me, her eyes wide. "Don't," she whispered.

I laughed.

"Is that our future daughter-in-law getting here?!" my dad bellowed.

"Oh, shit," I said. Tiffany laughed.

"Only if you start paying him better!" my girlfriend shot back. My father and mother both laughed as Tiffany went in to say hello. I followed, shaking my head. This hadn't started well.

"You have grown into a striking young woman," my mother said. "No wonder our son is so smitten."

Tiffany turned to me and gave me an open mouth smile. "Smitten, hmm?" she asked, her voice tinkling. My mother was grinning, too. I sighed, sadly admitting defeat before the meal had even started. While the jokes were mostly at my expense, Tiffany held her own. I enjoyed having her there, and my parents were on their best behavior.

When dinner was over, Tiffany helped my parents with the dishes and I helped my Dad start taking out the trash and doing the other cleaning. When we'd finished in the garage with the trash, both my mom and Tiffany looked at us and laughed.

"Oh, Christ," my dad muttered. "Now we're screwed. They actually like each other. Your mom and grandma did the same thing. Worst thing that ever happened to me. Sorry, son." I looked at him, expecting the punchline. He just went into the bathroom and washed his hands.

We enjoyed a bit more conversation, and Tiff asked if she could meet me at my place. It was so innocent that not even my father made a joke about it, though he was half asleep watching the game.

When we got to my place, Tiffany sighed. "I'm so glad that went well," she whispered as we settled on the couch.

"Me, too," I told her, stroking her arm lightly.

We both woke up at about two in the morning, and after much grumbling made our way to the bed. I checked my phone out of habit, and saw a text. When I typed in my code, I realized I'd picked up Tiffany's phone.

"You have a text, Tiff," I told her.

"K," my girlfriend rolled over and grabbed the phone. She was quiet, slowly reading the text before her eyes widened noticeably.

"It's Annie," Tiff said. "She wants a fight tomorrow night. Well, later tonight, I guess."

"Black Friday boobs?" I asked. Tiffany looked up at me. She glared for a moment, then moved on, apparently deciding the comment was not worth her time.

"She said she could do it anywhere we want — she can't host, though." I nodded.

"My place is available," Tiffany smiled, and she leaned over to let me get a good look down the long-sleeved, baggy shirt she'd worn to bed. Her dark, inviting cleavage drew my eyes.

"Yeah. Four young, firm tits going at it. Can't imagine why my pervert of a boyfriend would want to have that going around in his place," she said. Her eyes twinkled with the laughter I heard behind the phrase. I stuck out my tongue. "But I really don't want anyone else in on it, so thanks, baby. I'll think of some way to pay you back, I'm sure."

"I've already thought of seven," I said pointedly. Tiffany fell back in the bed, laughing. I grinned as I joined her, and she looked at me with a big grin on her face.

"Can I move in after finals?" she asked. I felt the smile on my face widen, and actually felt my face tingle with excitement. I kissed her.

"Absolutely," I said, not knowing what else to say.

"I've never been so happy, Jon," she admitted. "And you cook and clean, so I know you'll be a hell of a roommate." My eyes narrowed and she giggled. "I'll help," she said. I laughed, wondering what it was going to be like living with my girlfriend.

When we woke up again, it was later than I'd expected. I did what I felt like was our normal ritual, making some coffee and a few eggs for breakfast. When she came out, she had the cutest sleepy expression on her face. We chatted, and she made a few jokes about how most of my stuff was going to have to go. When I asked what she just shrugged and made some suggestive moves. We both laughed. After we both cleaned up, Tiffany took her car back to the sorority house to get clothes for the evening and work the mid-shift at the lingerie store.

I worked on all of the stuff I could, including a pretty solid cleaning of the living room, leaving no furniture in the way for the fight. I couldn't believe the fight had happened so suddenly, but it did make sense. I had no idea what Annie did, but she obviously had known Tiffany was a member of Beta Omega, so she'd have known that Tiffany was likely off on Friday night (the mall closed early enough that she'd have made the late appointment).

I found myself excited about the fight, and wondered what stakes both were involved in. I knew Tiffany was unlikely to involve me (save perhaps for watching), but I knew that if she was less emotionally involved that she was likely to make them more entertaining. As I thought through the options, I realized I was assuming Tiffany was going to win.

I hated myself for it a little, but I flashed back to Sabrina crushing Tiff's heavy jugs out, flattening my girl's amazing boobs. I already knew that Sabrina's nipples were superior. I wondered if Tiff would risk another nipple fight. Seeing her proud, perky nipples bend had become something I hated for her, but found arousing. I shook myself from my reverie and went to my textbooks, hoping that the thought of Tiffany losing wouldn't dominate my study session.

I proved myself wrong, and Tiffany called after her shift at the lingerie store.

"I'm on my way to your place, Jon," she said. "Has Annie called? I sent her your number so you could expect her."

"Not yet," I replied. I'll keep my phone on me though.


As soon as I hung up, my phone rang. I laughed before answering.


"Jon?" the woman asked. I gave her the directions to my apartment and as I was hanging up, heard Tiffany come in.

When I saw my girlfriend, I couldn't resist giving her a quick kiss.

"How was work?" I asked. She smiled at me, and told me about a busy night, including a mention that she'd bought a few things for Christmas. She pulled her sweater over her head, revealing an amazingly deep cleavage in her new pushup bra. I felt my eyes widen and Tiffany laughed.

"This one's not even for you," she said in a smoky, smiling voice. She slid up to me.

"I can't believe how hard it's been to be away from you the past couple of weeks," she said. "Good thing that won't happen again," she whispered, giving me a kiss.

"I can't wait," I said, kissing her again. We pulled apart fast at the knock, both of us laughing. I fought the urge to grab Tiffany's tits, but I could already see the look in her eyes begin to shift toward a more determined focus.

I went to the door. When I opened it, Annie stepped in, her blonde hair bouncing around her slightly round face. She was toned, a fit woman, and obviously just a bit older. The passage of time hadn't seemed to affect her much, though at around 25, she might have just hit her prime. I almost laughed to myself as I realized I'd thought of the 25-year-old as "older." I let my eyes follow her neck down to her shoulders — I realized that she was slightly more slender than my girlfriend.

"Jon," Tiffany said, shaking me from my reverie, "Could you get us some water? I'd like a chance to chat with Annie before the fight." I dutifully left, and came back with two glasses of water. Annie thanked me and Tiff smiled.

As they were still talking, I wandered back to my room, wanting to be as unobtrusive as possible. I almost laughed to myself, remembering what Tiffany had done for Amanda, Darla, Sabrina, and even a couple of others In terms of my involvement. I couldn't tell if I was part of this one, but if that was the discussion happening, I wanted to be well away from it and let the two participants work it out.

"Jon, are you going to watch?" I heard Tiff's voice call.

When I came out, I was shocked to see Annie, completely topless, and rightfully proud. Without the hindrance of clothing, I was able to judge more clearly and more effectively how she held up against my girl. Annie's blonde hair was cut right to her shoulders, and with her top off, I could see the smooth slope of her shoulders, and just enough definition to realize she took care of herself. My eyes traced down to the ridiculously symmetrical shoulder bones, and the smooth slope of her skin as I looked at her alabaster breasts. Each sat as high and firm as my girlfriend's impressive chest, round and full.

As I felt my gaze lingering, I looked up to both women. Tiffany was trying not to laugh. Even Annie was snickering.

"I told you," Tiff said, smugly watching. She was still in her bra. "He really appreciates a good set of young, firm tits."

"His lucky day," Annie said, her voice slightly higher than my girl's. "He'll probably love this," she said. Annie looked right at me as her left arm sneaked behind Tiffany. I heard the faint snap as Tiffany's plain black bra slid forward. Tiffany laughed as she shimmied out of it, letting her big breasts shake. Both girls laughed as I stood, awestruck.

"I've never had this much fun before a fight," Tiffany said. Amber nodded.

"He's adorable," Annie said, with the tone of agreement. "Do you want to tell him the stakes? Or should it be a surprise?"

"We'll tell him after I crush your perky titties, blondie," Tiffany said in the same light tone she'd been using. Annie grinned.

"I can't wait to see how much he likes my pair after yours are flattened against your ribcage, whore," Annie said, still smiling.

"Let's find out," Tiff snapped.

I wondered what was going on as both women turned away from me, toward each other. Annie was slightly shorter than Tiffany, and her tits were just noticeably smaller. They were just as high on her chest, though, and just as firm.

"God, this is going to be fun," Annie hissed. And with no warning, the blonde shoved her firm boobs into my girlfriend's proud pair. Both held remarkably well, displacing slightly at the point of contact. Tiffany's face registered the contact more out of surprise than anything, as neither woman seemed put out by the first touch. I leaned against the wall to watch the women go at it.

They were tentative at first, simply pushing and shoving their sizable breasts into each other. As Annie's right would meet Tiffany's left, both would flatten at the point of contact. It was not always tip to tip, and Tiffany's tit sometimes looked as thought it was impaling Annie's boob, forcing the blonde's flesh upward and outward from the point of impact. When Annie's heavy gland pushed against Tiffany's from the exterior, the same thing happened, as my girlfriend's tit seemed to yield momentarily.

Each pair held its shape, though, sometimes just regaining as the invading pair entered, other times springing back. Neither woman said much, save whispers that I couldn't hear. I looked to my girlfriend, who had instigated the stance both women were in. Each had her hands on the other's hips, keeping their breasts in almost constant contact. As their tits slid over each other, sweat began to build. Their boobs bounced and shook as I watched, and Annie noticed the effect it was having on me. Or at least said something.

"Your guy likes seeing my perfect titties wearing yours out, Tiff," the blonde said, just as she lined her tits up and pushed. The move pushed Tiffany's boobs back, and it seemed as though, just for a moment, as though my girl's heavy jugs were making way for Annie's pert, firm tits.

"Yeah, look at those big, soft boobs open up for me," Annie said. She shoved again, and again, Tiff's firm boobs yielded slightly.

"Ok," Tiffany said, and shoved back. This time, Annie's boobs flattened more, receiving more of the blow's force. I wondered if things were about to escalate. I was surprised when they didn't. Both women were wincing slightly, but light shoves forced some of the flesh outward, and the advantage was held with the person beginning the contact. If Tiffany shoved her big tits into Annie's chest, the smaller blonde either saw or felt her perky tits flatten out from the surface. When Annie pushed, Tiffany's ample breasts seemed to allow access, her flesh simply pushing in. I wondered which woman was more uncomfortable, but neither seemed to give any indication that an advantage had been gained.

Tiffany's hands moved first, sliding up to Annie's slender shoulders. Annie stopped pushing, instead leaning down and firing a shot from below. Tiffany's boobs bounced up, jiggling delightfully as Annie continued the blow, shoving her firm tits into the underside of my girlfriend's big rack. Tiffany's big breasts flew up, rolling from the impact, and my girlfriend groaned as she felt the blow connect. I watched as Tiffany's breasts settled on her chest and Annie reared back. I watched as my girlfriend's tits dented at their center before springing back. Tiffany grunted and Annie showed her experience by spearing Tiffany's larger breasts again. Tiffany's hands tightened on Annie's shoulders, but she didn't move in time.

Annie's swing changed again, and I realized Tiffany, unfamiliar with the blonde's strategy, was having difficulty anticipating. A shot from the new girl's firm left breast slammed into Tiffany's right, forcing my girlfriend's perfect boob to wobble. Annie repeated the move with her other breast, and soon Tiffany's tits were both shaking on her frame.

"Let's get them bouncing," Annie laughed. Another shot from Annie's smooth, firm looking left tit followed, and Tiffany's jugs were each shaking independently of the other. As Annie paused to look at her masterpiece, Tiffany took advantage, and slammed her larger breasts into Annie's pair. The blonde's tits almost looked as though they'd been partially swallowed for a moment before Tiffany pulled back, slamming forward again so rapidly that my girlfriend's opponent barely had time to register the blow before Tiffany's next strike. Annie grunted as Tiffany's thrust slammed into Annie's sizable tits. As Tiffany pulled away, I saw that both women's tits had already begun to redden.

Tiffany pressed her advantage, swinging from the left to force her heavy left breast into Annie's left. Annie's flesh shook and wobbled over her chest as Tiffany held her breast against Annie's and began sliding her heavy, firm tit over Annie's smaller counterpart. Annie groaned as she felt the mass of flesh push her own breast inward, shifting both the surrounding tissue and core of her tit. Annie's boob slid back as Tiffany continued, the latter pressing her flesh into Annie's other orb.

I watched as Annie's right tit was pushed outward, before being covered by Tiffany's breast. Tiffany pulled back suddenly, and I felt myself stiffen as the blonde's jug bounced back into its original position. Tiffany slid back, using her right breast to try to repeat the maneuver.

Annie moved quickly this time, striking without warning by pulling back and slamming into the underside of Tiffany's rack. Her left breast made the most impact, this time slamming into Tiffany's right tit, forcing my girlfriend's meaty flesh up toward her shoulder. Annie followed up by grinding her right tit into Tiffany's left, pushing in so that Tiffany's boob slowly pushed out. I found it kind of hot, watching another girl spear my girlfriend's big, powerful tit, and wondered if it made me a horrible boyfriend. Regardless of what else it made me, it had gotten me harder, and Annie took that into her trash talk.

"Your guy's getting so hard watching me flatten these big titties," Annie said. "I can't wait till I'm finished crushing you," she added. "Maybe I'll just keep bouncing your beaten jugs until he cums in his pants." Tiffany groaned as her other tit was pushed inward slightly, leaving both her tits momentarily impaled by Annie's obviously firm pair. Annie pulled away for just a moment, and Tiffany sighed as she felt her boobs rebound into their original, gorgeous shape. Her relief was short lived as the blonde remained the aggressor, this time lining her smaller boobs up and slamming them forward. Tiffany's, flesh rippled as it was pushed back and outward, and I heard my girlfriend moan as she watched Annie's attempts to invade her big orbs. Annie ground for a second, but pulled away, seemingly looking down to take stock of the situation.

Tiffany pounced, and dipped her waist just enough to send her wrecking ball mammeries into the underside of her opponent's perky boobs. Annie's boobs moved this time, flattening slightly at the bottom while the bulk of her mass shifted upwards, wobbling up her chest. Her pink nipples danced as Tiffany's attack shook Annie's sizable tits. My girlfriend shifted her weight, and before Annie's round, supple looking boobs stopped jiggling, Tiffany's right breast slammed into its counterpart. Annie groaned this time as she felt her right tit mashed inward, and again, Tiffany poured on the pressure. Soon my girlfriend's right breast was burrowing into Annie's left, while Tiffany's left tit was trying its best to flatten Annie's right boob. The look on Annie's face seemed to be between discomfort and pain. Her eyes were narrow, but her mouth was tight and angry looking.

"I can't wait to see what these look like when I'm done," Tiffany said. "I'm going to bet tube socks."

"You fucking bitch," Annie hissed. Annie pulled away with a sudden burst of strength. Tiffany kept her balance but soon the women were circling each other. They both rubbed their sore breasts, and I enjoyed watching their flesh bounce and jiggle as they dropped each boob.

"Can't take the heat, old lady?" Tiffany teased. I'd forgotten about the age differential, but apparently Annie had not.

"You're going to pay for that, you little slut," Annie said, her voice edged with promise. They both took two huge strides, fast and crisp, and both pair of tits slapped against each other loudly enough that I wondered if the neighbors had heard. I watched four young, nubile breasts wobble and shake away from the other, driven by the force of impact and the density of their glands. Both women winced, but both also thrust their chests forward again. While the impact was lessened because of the lack of momentum, neither woman seemed to hold back and both pairs of ample breasts quivered as the women pulled apart.

Tiffany ensured she wouldn't lose momentum through the lack of effort, stepping quickly to her left to bring her torso snapping back. Her own breasts distended for just a moment as the motion pulled them away from her chest, then Annie's right breast flattened at the point of impact, where Tiffany's right breast slammed directly into Annie's. Tiffany's left tit slammed into her other big boob, but I noticed that the blonde whimpered, and Tiffany's grin told me what I needed to know about who got the worst of the arrangement. Annie's right tit dented and flopped inward, meeting Tiffany's left tit as my girlfriend dragged her torso through Annie again. As Annie's tit fell back to its original position, Tiffany let herself pause for a moment, leaving Annie's perky and sore looking right jug between her cleavage.

"Squeeze it," I almost said. Tiffany didn't, but suddenly started shaking. I saw my girlfriend's hands snake outward and grip Annie's hip. As I watched the new tactic, I realized that Tiffany was simply shifting left and right quickly, from one foot to the other. Annie's left breast was pushed outward, bouncing off of Tiffany's big breast, and I felt almost bad for Annie's right tit, trapped as it was between my girl's magnificent pair.

"Shit," Annie groaned as her tits were pummeled. Annie had only been stunned for a moment, and soon her own torso slid back and forth, trying to match Tiffany's blows. In moments, it appeared that every bit of their flesh was in contact, sliding, folding, bending and slapping. Tiffany's big boobs looked almost as if they were bouncing at times, while Annie's were pushed around before bouncing back. Neither woman seemed to be gaining a good advantage. After some impressive moves, both women seemed to be tiring.

"Can't keep up?" Annie sneered. "Probably from lugging those leather bags around. Let me take 'em off for you," she said, and faster than I had thought either woman would be capable, Annie sent a shot into the underside of Tiff's big boobs. The blonde's attack sent Tiffany's tits shaking uncontrollably upward, and Annie grabbed my girl's shoulders before the latter could move back to regroup. Tiffany's big boobs were wobbling when Annie quickly moved forward. She slammed her tits forward, once again spearing my girlfriend's bigger tits. Both pair seemed as though they'd softened, and while Tiffany's yielded more easily, Annie's compressed more as well.

My girlfriend groaned as Annie's big boobs invaded her larger pair. "Wow," Annie grunted as she tried to work her big tits further in, "They are so fucking firm." Perhaps realizing that it sounded like praise, Annie quickly continued. "Gonna make crushing them so much more worth it."

"You're not going to crush me, Annie. I'm going to flat... Oh fuck," Tiffany suddenly groaned as Annie speared her again. I swallowed, wondering if my girlfriend's tits had just been beaten. I didn't see a visual change in the form of her breasts. I watched Annie pull away, apparently for another blow, and Tiffany moved fast, stepping back to slam forward herself. Annie's eyes widened as she felt Tiffany's big, firm breasts connect with hers. Both pair flattened at the point of impact, and slowly, my girlfriend pushed forward. Annie groaned, but Tiffany's hands slid up from Annie's hip and within seconds, the blonde was pulled into my girlfriend in one of Tiffany's hugs.

Both women groaned as my girlfriend pulled her opponent in. At times, it looked as though Annie's perky breasts were forcing their way into my girlfriend's larger pair, while at others, Tiffany's big boobs seemed to be pushing and pressing the blonde's smaller tits flat.

I remained silent while the two women ground against each other, listening closely to the wet smack of their heavy tits against each other and their grunts and gasps as their nipples scraped against the opposing flesh. At one point after this heavy, consistent contact, Annie dipped low suddenly, seemingly to launch another attack. Tiffany anticipated the blow, I guessed, as she slammed her heavy tits down. It was an intense sight, watching Annie's boobs forced down on her chest, and the blonde's reaction indicated that it wasn't a good thing. Annie's taut flesh stretched down, distending the breasts' tissue against the weight of Tiffany's bigger boobs.

"Oh fuck," Annie groaned. Tiffany raised her own tits again and slammed down once more. Annie swore again as her tits shook, only regaining their original position when Tiffany pulled her firm flesh away. Annie looked down and released Tiffany to cup her tits. Tiffany slammed forward, and the blonde groaned again. Annie's hands fell to her side, and I realized that the last few blows had done the blonde's jugs in.

Tiffany pulled Annie closer so the former could press her larger, heavier right breast into the beaten girl's left tit. Annie's tit jiggled a bit more than it had, but Tiffany wasn't done, I realized. My girlfriend followed suit with her left breast, and I watched as she pushed her tits into and over Annie's amazing rack. At first, I wondered what was going to happen, as Tiffany was moving slowly, savoring her win. Then Annie's tits began flattening earlier than they had been, compressing at the point and moving outward with a more fluid motion. Tiffany had definitely loosened those tight tits, and Annie's flesh simply made way for Tiffany's even as my girlfriend's boobs compressed slightly.

"I want to flatten these," Tiffany said, her voice calm. "But I'll give you the chance to avoid it. Just give it up, Annie," Tiffany told her.

Annie tried thrusting forward one more time. The end result was a slight dent in my girlfriend's big tits, and a noticeable wave of flesh from Annie's breasts, radiating outward from the point of impact. Tiffany dipped her tits down and pushed up, letting her boobs into the underside of her blonde rival. Tiffany shoved her tits up, and Annie's boobs offered no resistance. They pushed up, her tits almost flattening from the bottom as Tiffany humiliated her. Annie's tits eventually slid down, and Tiffany pushed her tits over them until my girlfriend's boobs were once again on top.

Annie groaned as her tits fell, and nodded. "Okay," she said, her voice cracking just slightly. "You win, Tiffany." Tiffany pulled away immediately.

Both women looked at each other, and I realized, in that moment, that I was superfluous to the proceedings. They hadn't done this for me and it wasn't about me. Tiffany leaned forward and rubbed Annie's boobs gently.

"Amazing," Tiffany said to her. Her voice was full of respect. Annie reached out to marvel at Tiffany's heavy breasts.

"So heavy. Like, really heavy," she added. Tiffany snickered and Annie smiled as she realized what she'd said. "I'm torn between being really fucking pissed that you were able to beat me in front of your pervert boyfriend, and how I'm not likely to see a pair of boobs like this anytime soon." Annie glanced at me. I saw a hint of a smile, but she looked back at Tiffany, who was still gently caressing the blonde's angry red breasts.

"Thanks for the fight, Tiffany. It's been a while since I found some competition. I'll be honest, I didn't expect to get beat." Tiffany laughed.

"Lots of girls who fight me say that," Tiffany said, cupping Annie's left breast. Tiffany's hands lightly moved to Annie's nipples. Annie moaned slightly in surprise. "Of course, lots of girls I fight don't have tits like these," Tiffany noted.

I didn't know if it was part of the stakes, but soon Tiffany's hands were lightly teasing Annie's nipples, and the blonde's peaks hardened. Tiffany allowed herself at least three or four minutes of play, pulling and pinching Annie's tips before bringing her to my sofa and sitting down.

"So why did you contact us?" Tiffany asked. Annie still had her eyes half closed, apparently immensely aroused.

"Oh, I had planned on it for a while. My sister had told me about you. I wasn't expecting the show in the restaurant though," she added as Tiffany's eyes widened in surprise. Annie laughed. "Relax," Annie said. "Bianca is my little sister. She told me about you and the fights she'd seen. She told me less about Jon, though apparently he's becoming quite the lady's man from the rumors I've gotten out of her."

"Huh?" I asked, unable to keep quiet at the last comment.

"Amanda," Tiffany said, nodding. I looked at Tiffany. She smiled at me before turning back to Annie. "My appetite for humiliation might have had something to do with that reputation," Tiffany admitted. Annie studied Tiffany for a moment.

"That makes more sense than it probably should," Annie responded, seemingly carefully. "Was it stakes?" she asked, curious. She'd heard a bit more about this than she'd let on, I realized.

"Yep. Took her from a friend and made her our little toy for a bit. Aren't you glad I was nicer to you?" Tiffany asked, suddenly becoming the aggressor. Annie smiled and nodded. She knows she's been found out, I realized.

"Bianca was right. You are good. Now, do you want to tell your guy what he's won?" Amanda asked. Tiffany looked at me, and the surprise was obviously visible on my face.

"I like to show him. He's a pretty visual person. He really enjoys big boobs," Tiffany said. Her voice had dropped slightly, and Annie strode toward the couch and sat down. Tiffany asked me to sit in the chair opposite Annie. The blonde leaned back and Tiffany walked behind her. My girlfriend leaned over and whispered something I could not hear. Annie nodded and Tiffany began slowly rubbing Annie's neck.

"Feel free to... you know," Tiffany told me. I wondered what she meant. It didn't take long to guess. As Tiffany leaned over, she began sliding her hands down Annie's chest.

"Look at them, Jon," Tiffany said. "Look at this blonde loser's lesser tits." Tiffany gently shook them, and Annie grunted, obviously in some discomfort. "Watch these loser jugs shake when I push them," Tiffany told me. I did. And Annie's luscious tits did shake.

"Fuck, Tiffany," Annie groaned. Tiffany slowed the bouncing, which simply heightened the awareness of the firmness my girl's better tits had beaten out of the blonde's pride and joy. Her tits flopped over Tiffany's hands as though limp. Each nipple was going in a different direction as my girlfriend humiliated the blonde.

"Thought you were going to beat me?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah," Annie responded, gasping as Tiffany pulled on her hardening nipples. "I thought I'd flatten you, then I could show Jon how weak your flopping udders were." Tiffany let Annie's boobs drop against her chest.

"How'd that go?"

"You crushed my boobs," Annie said, groaning as Tiffany gathered them up for another splat against her chest. The blonde's big boobs bounced as my girlfriend let them go. "Your big, firm jugs outdid my weak titties." Tiffany pulled on her nipples again, gently, as she'd done at the first contact after the fight. My girlfriend released Annie's beaten tits and sat down next to her.

"Enjoying the show?" Annie asked. "He's very polite," Annie pointed out, even as Tiffany gathered up her tits again. "I expected him to have started stroking... oh shit," Annie suddenly groaned as Tiffany smashed the blonde's tits together. They flattened, creating a deep, dark vertical line between them before spilling back out.

"Again?" Tiffany asked. Annie groaned, but I nodded. Annie actually watched her big boobs smashed together, and this time I groaned. "Pull it out, Jon. This is your show. Watch Annie's big tits get beat on some more." I couldn't resist the request. "Damn, Jon. You must like this," Tiffany teased as I opened my pants. "Well, it's only going to get better."

Annie's eyes were focused on me, and I thought I saw some red in her face as she watched me watch her humiliation. "Wanna know what he really likes?" Tiffany asked Annie, loudly enough to hear. Annie didn't respond, and Tiffany hefted Annie's left tit in her hand and slapped it against her right breast. I grunted as her right breast shook wildly over her chest.

"What?" Annie blurted out. "What does that pervy boyfriend of yours want to see?" she asked. Still holding Annie's left boob, Tiffany pushed it up.

"Lick it," she whispered. "Show him what a useless pair of tits like yours is good for." Annie looked down, and I couldn't tell if it was shame or lust, but slowly her tongue fell out of her mouth and began lightly caressing the top of her trapped tit. Tiffany knew me too well. I groaned, unable to stop my hand.

"Last act," Tiffany said quietly. "And it's one of my favorites," she said. The blonde looked up, resigned disgust on her face. "Tell Jon exactly what happens," she said.

"I remember what I said," Annie snapped. Tiffany smiled and put a hand on Annie's hip. I wondered what my girlfriend had concocted. I was unsurprised to see Tiff's leisurely pace. She had been looking forward to this win, I realized suddenly.

Tiffany lined up her big boobs against Annie's and pushed. Annie's tits spilled away, and I heard a grunt before a shaky voice. "Oh, fuck. She's crushing my big, loser tits, Jon. I can't believe how much bigger and better your girl's tits are than my loser boobs. I can feel my tits getting flattened, Jon." Tiffany pulled away before really doing them in, and my girlfriend shifted her hips so that her bigger pair was directly below Annie's sore looking boobs. Without ceremony, Tiffany brought her tits up, slowly, pushing Annie's boobs toward her face.

"Oh, damn, Jon. She's pushing my big boobs up with hers. I can't even tell if they're resisting now," she said, her voice tinged with sadness. She looked down to see her big tits moving independently of one another. "Damn. Look at my loser jugs flop around, Jon. Watch me get bounced by your superior girlfriend," she said. Her voice had lost its edge, but she said things clearly. The demonstration of her humiliation was too much for me. Tiffany noticed and pulled back from Annie. Both women turned to see me explode, grunting and groaning. As soon as I'd come down, I looked at Annie, and I felt a wave of embarrassment flush over me.

"Sorry," I told her. Annie and Tiffany both laughed.

"Those were the stakes, Jon," Annie told me, her voice firm. "The winner embarrasses the loser until you cum. And I only wish you'd lost it sooner," she said, slightly bitterly. "And you know, that I'd won." Annie's eyes flashed to Tiffany, who actually reached for a hug.

"That might have been the hardest fight I've won," Tiffany said. "If you want a rematch, you know where I am." Annie laughed.

"I'll keep it in mind. And keep an eye on your guy. He's special. I've never felt more comfortable fighting in front of a guy than I did tonight." I thanked her, and went into the kitchen to gather some cleaning materials. When I came back, Tiffany was helping Annie get back into her shirt, both women being as gentle and careful as possible. As I cleaned, Annie said goodbye and left. I quickly had my mess cleaned up, and when I came back in, Tiffany looked at me hungrily.

"You have fun?" she asked, smiling. I nodded.

"Me too," she said. "Did you like the stakes?"

"Yeah. Probably more than I should have," I told her. Tiffany shrugged.

"Bitch knows her tits' place now," she said, smiling. "And yes, Jon, she would have done the same to me if I'd lost. I know either way you would have lost it. My gift to you."

"I didn't get you anything," I said, half-joking. Tiffany's look changed almost instantly, and she walked to me, still topless. The look on her face had my attention enough that I barely noticed her free boobs swinging as she walked. She brushed the hair on my temple.

"You really don't realize how great a guy you are," she whispered. "I'm going to live with you, and yes, one day, when we're both ready, we'll get married." My heart started beating faster. "And I'm not letting my claws out of you, Jon. I love you. I've been playing this out in my head all month, and after Thanksgiving with your family, I realize that I want to be with you. And you've never really judged me for my quirks. I can't imagine..." I cut her off with a kiss. We slowly made out, sliding to the couch. When we finally pulled away, Tiffany smiled.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I've never been happier," I said, honestly.

"Because I'm topless?" she asked, an impish grin on her face.

"That doesn't hurt," I conceded.

"Dick," she laughed. Her smile fell away slightly. "So you're not scared off?"

"Tiff, the only reason I haven't said the same thing is that I was worried I'd scare you. I'm really looking forward to having you here all the time," I said. Tiffany let a more wicked smile onto her face as she reached down to my lap.

"Blowjobs on demand?" she asked.

"Better than cable," I said as off-handedly as I could. She tried to look put out but laughed instead.

"Cute," she whispered. "I'm looking forward to dinner next week," she told me, even as her hands undid my pants. I let her work.

"Me too," I told her.

"You wanna preview of every night in our place?" she asked. I felt the cool air as she opened my pants. I groaned and her head fell toward my lap.

"Tiff, we can..." my voice trailed off as I felt Tiffany's mouth on me.

"We can what?" she asked lightly. I groaned as I felt her fingertips dancing. "Thought so. Now just relax. You're mine tonight."


Offline papillon

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Re: Best Friend's Sister, Part Twenty Four
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2020, 06:16:24 PM »
Some kind of glitch at the start of this chapter? It begins:

My trip up th

"Fgck ff," she muttered.


Offline Augur

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Re: Best Friend's Sister, Part Twenty Four
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2020, 04:59:43 PM »
You are absolutely right, Papillon - it seems the first two thirds of the chapter are missing! Including one titfight!

I'll post the complete BFS 24 here:

Best Friend's Sister, Chapter 24
By Jon Grey

My trip up the stairs was a good one. I really couldn't believe how intense the fight had been, nor could I shake the feeling that something more had been going on. I knew one thing — I was going to let Tiffany dictate what happened that night. She'd been through a lot. I also felt oddly proud. Watching her tits dominate Tanya's big rack was far too impressive a fight for me to ignore. When we got into the room, Tiffany looked at me with exhausted eyes.

"Can we just do the sex and talk about how awesome I am tomorrow?" she asked. I chuckled and nodded. "Sorry babe. I just don't feel good about this one." She saw the question in my eyes.

"Tomorrow. Tonight, I just want to celebrate the one right I was really fighting for tonight. Will you stay?" I kissed her and we both lay down in the bed. I woke to my girlfriend kissing my neck.

"Good," she whispered. "I was hoping you'd eventually get up. I finally get what I want," she said, her voice playful and sultry at once. She paused, biting her lip and pulling at the neck of the t-shirt she was wearing.

I bit. "What's that?" I asked, sitting up and letting my hands go to her curving hips. She leaned in to delicately lick my earlobe.

"Someone to get me coffee and donuts," she breathed. I sputtered and buried my head in her neck, kissing her shoulder before pulling away. She was giggling and I grinned. "Hey," she said defensively. "I earned it." I nodded my agreement and leaned over to pull on my pants and shoes.

I got the requested breakfast and made my way back to the house. Corey answered the door, looking at me strangely.

"Hi," I said to the redhead.

"Hey," she said back. "Breakfast at Tiffany's?" she asked, deadpan. I shook my head, and Corey giggled. "Couldn't help it," she said. I nodded.

"Well played," I acknowledged. As I headed for the stairs, I realized that it was likely an effort on both our parts to relay any awkwardness for Corey's part in the stakes with Sabrina. I was glad that I'd been able to push her away, but our encounters were always terribly brief and impressively awkward.

I marched up the stairs, hoping that our interactions would be at the fights only, as the awkward moments were becoming a bit more frequent. When I knocked on the door, I heard a cold voice answer. "Come in."

When I came in, I was a bit surprised to see Michelle. Tiffany was standing, still in the t-shirt and wearing a pair of shorts. She hadn't put on a bra, and I let my eyes linger a bit on her nipples before turning my gaze to Michelle. She was much more modestly dressed than she had been at the party, and her full breasts were hidden behind both a long sleeve sorority shirt and the bra beneath it. Her jeans fit her snugly, but not too snugly, and looked like they were worn more for comfort than for appearance.

"Hi." I said. Another awkward moment. I looked at Tiffany questioningly and Michelle turned to look at me. Her smile seemed pleasant, but her tone was chill.

"Ah. Speak of the devil," the slender brunette said. "How are you, Jon?" I looked to Tiffany, whose eyes never left the senior.

"Not feeling particularly devilish," I said, trying to remain relaxed. Michelle's blue eyes bore into me. Suddenly, I felt my anger flash. "Otherwise fine. You're up early. Everything okay?" Tiffany snorted and Michelle shot her a withering look. I realized I was going to have to be careful. Michelle could likely make life difficult for my girlfriend.

"No. You being here is doing some damage to the sorority. Most specifically to some of our pledges. Does the name Amanda mean anything to you?" she asked. I nodded.

"We've hung out a few times," I said. I was going to make her earn the answers she wanted.

"I don't have time for this. Have you two had sex?" Tiffany nodded.

"Yes," Tiffany said. "But you knew that when you came in here. What's going on?" Tiffany's tone was guarded, but warmer than the reception I'd received when I knocked.

"It came to light last night that Amanda may have felt pressured into accepting this deal. Did you ever threaten her?" Tiffany's eyes flashed and I felt my own eyes narrow.

"Not once," I said, clearly and coldly. "Neither did Tiffany." Michelle glanced at me.

"Says the horny little puppy dog that would have fucked anything," she said, rolling her eyes.

"It's true, Micky," Tiffany concurred, trying to hide her own anger. I could see it in Tiffany's eyes. I took a deep breath to control myself. "Amanda knew that Cassie might have been a little rough, but it wasn't a threat. And to be honest, she agreed to serve until Christmas if I let her go." Michelle's eyes narrowed.

"Really?" Michelle asked, her tone betraying her disbelief. "Why?" Tiffany looked at Michelle.

"She was enjoying it," Tiffany said defiantly.

"And if I ask her, she'll say the same thing?" Michelle asked.

"I would hope. It's the truth." Michelle looked between us and shook her head.

"Look. I don't know what's going on here, but since he's come in, there have been problems. Amanda's got a lot of potential," Michelle said.

"And a loaded father," Tiffany pointed out. Michelle looked at Tiffany with a question on her face.

"It didn't hurt you as a pledge either, Tiff," she said shortly. Tiff took a deep breath. Michelle rolled her eyes. "Oh, don't get all offended. You knew it, too. Just happens you're smart and gorgeous to boot. Get off your high horse," she snapped.

"What happens if I flatten your cute little boobs? I've always been curious if a junior member beats a senior one," Tiffany said suddenly. Michelle's head snapped up and she glared at Tiffany.

"No one's ever really challenged a senior," Michelle said, her voice now careful and calculated. "I'll come back when we've both calmed down. Enjoy your morning fun," she said. I kept my eyes on Tiffany as she walked past me to lock the door.

I stood still until I heard the door lock click. When I turned around Tiffany was looking at breakfast. "Do you mind if we eat?" she asked. I handed her the cup of coffee and we sat on her bed.

I left her room after breakfast. I could tell she was upset, and I had gotten to know her well enough that she needed time to stew. Thankfully, I had some work to do and I used that as an excuse. Tiff grabbed me before I left.

"I know why you're leaving. Thanks." She kissed me softly and closed the door. As I walked down the stairs, it felt like there were eyes everywhere, and that I was taking a walk of shame. When I got to my apartment, I finished that schoolwork and paid all the bills I could. When I looked up, it was well past lunch, but a bit early for dinner. I was just settling down to turn on the TV when my phone beeped. I looked down to see a text.

I opened the text and saw "Love you. Can I come over?" from Tiffany.

"Absolutely," I texted back. I cleaned up a bit, and when she came through the door, I felt my heart race. The moment she closed it behind her, she pulled off her coat, biting her lip, and revealing the skimpiest lingerie set I'd bought at the store.

"I guess I owe you. It's been almost twenty four hours since I beat Tanya," she cooed. I smiled.

"Feeling better?" I asked. My girlfriend grinned and walked over to me. I kissed her gently.

"Lil bit," she whispered.

"Just a little?" I asked. She smiled.

"Good enough," she said. She slid her hands up to her back and unclasped the bra. I kissed her gently, and we fell on the couch.

I realized I'd fallen asleep when I started and found Tiff laying on me. I stroked her hair and kissed her. I held her for some time, until my finger accidentally brushed her ear. She woke up slowly, and looked up at me.

"Morning, lover. I'm assuming it's morning?" I nodded. "Good. It's a really dark morning," she whispered, kissing my shoulder.

"It's four in the morning," I said softly, rubbing her bare shoulder.

"Yeeeeah.. How about no," she said. She lay back down and I let her rest. Soon she popped her head up.

"Can't sleep," she said. "Want coffee." I laughed and sat up slowly. She sat up, too, and I watched her big boobs slide down her chest. Tiffany looked down for a moment to follow my stare and chuckled.

"After all you've seen and done with me, you're still obsessed," she said. "That's kinda sweet." I smiled at her and she leaned into me. I felt her lips on my neck. "I'm going to have to work harder on you without Amanda around," she whispered. I grinned.

"Well, there's still a few punishments I have to dole out, love." I told her. "And I think it's time I collect." Tiffany looked surprised, but grinned as I moved on. "To be fair, I know you're probably still sore," Tiff nodded, "so I'll collect with your tits later this week," I said. Tiff took a slow, deep breath. "But tonight, I am taking you out," I said. I didn't finish the idea, but Tiffany's breathing and her slowly drifting fingers on my arm let me know that she had liked where it had been heading. I smiled, loving the control she was allowing.

"And now?" she asked.

"I'm supposed to get coffee," I told her. I stood slowly, and Tiffany stretched, thrusting her breasts out and not even hiding the fact that she was watching for the effect she had on me. I stared, like her, without shame. She stopped the stretch and leaned over the couch.

"Go ahead, baby. I'll be here when you get back." I made the pot of coffee quickly. When I returned, Tiffany was leaning on one arm, her hair behind her head and she was lightly tracing the bottom curve of her breast.

"I'm sorry I was naughty," she teased. I grinned.

"Tonight, I'll let you make it up to me," I promised. Tiffany smiled, shaking her head.

"I've created a monster," she said warily.

"We'll see," I said. I had some plans for my girlfriend, but I didn't want to be too ominous. She grinned.

"We are up early, and I do have coffee," she said. "Which means we have time." I grinned and sat down next to her on the couch. After some time, Tiffany pulled her head up and licked her lips.

"Is that going to help ease my punishment?" she asked. I grinned.

"Not a chance," I whispered. I kissed her neck. "But thanks," I said.

"Asshole," she said, smiling despite her punch on my arm. We stayed silent for a few minutes, enjoying the contact with each other.

"I'm nervous about dinner in a couple of weeks," she said softly.

"I know," I told her. "I promise I'll be good," I said. Tiffany laughed softly, but I could tell I hadn't convinced her. "Hey," I said. "It'll be fine. Why are you so nervous?"

"Jon, my dad thinks of me as his little princess. I haven't dated a guy this long ever. And he's over protective. I want him to meet the guy I fell for."

"I'll do my best, babe," I told her. Something dawned on me. "Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Just did," she quipped. I smiled. "Did you want another blowjob?" she asked casually. I shifted as I felt myself stir.

"Always, but that's not what I was going to ask," I said, wondering if I had my priorities straight. She grinned.

"Impressive restraint," she noted. "What's up?"

"I'm going to do whatever I can to impress your dad and your mom, but I need to know if we're still okay, even if something happens at dinner," I said, trying and failing to find the right words. Tiffany's face, rather than angry, was suddenly sympathetic.

"Oh my... Jon, I'm sorry. I didn't mean... Baby, I love you. I hope we can spend the rest of our lives together. I just want... this... oh wow." I looked right at her, and my girlfriend looked stricken. "I just meant, um," I kissed her softly.

"We're good?" I asked, not wanting to pressure her. She nodded, still obviously thinking about what she had just said. "Do you want to talk about this later?" I asked. She nodded again, and I slid off the bed. All thoughts of conversation disappeared as I put my hand on her leg and knelt.

When Tiffany had finished, she thanked me, and we both showered. I knew that we'd talk about it soon, but I didn't want to pressure her. She had enough on her plate. As we got dressed for school, I finally said something.

"So when is Tanya coming by for her just desserts?" I asked. Tiffany's eyes immediately sparkled.

"You just want to feel those massive jugs, you pervert," she said. "You'll get your chance, though I don't think she'll be amenable to playing. I've got some ideas that will make everyone happy. Well, everyone but her," she added.

"So what happened between you two? She was on your side against Sabrina." Tiffany stopped suddenly and looked at me. She smiled.

"I might tell you one day, Jon. Just be happy you've got a great girlfriend with big tits that lets you play," she said. I nodded. I reminded her that I'd be at my parents' house for the week, and she grinned.

"Oooh. A real house," she said, her voice full of playful sarcasm. "I guess with that kitchen, you can cook me a great meal on Friday night?"

"Absolutely," I agreed. "Before our date tonight, I want to go to your place and choose your top." Tiffany looked surprised.

"Oh," she said. "My punishment?" she asked. I nodded. "Okay," she said, swallowing. I realized that just the mention of dinner had gotten her attention. I was amazed too at how easily I slid into a dominant role realizing that she was looking forward to my control over her.

"We'll pick out the top tonight. And by we, I'm going to make you model them so I can see which best suits my purposes this evening," I added. Tiffany nodded demurely. I don't know where it came from, but the power Tiffany gave me was an unspeakable high. As we got into the car I reached over to grope her breast. She grunted, but did nothing to stop me. I took a deep breath and drove to school, all the while stealing glances at my girlfriend. When we got onto campus I stepped out and met her on the other side. I kissed her cheek and whispered into her ear.

"I almost pulled your tit out of the shirt and bra, babe," I told her. Tiff grinned, kissing my jaw.

"You should have, Jon. Maybe when you're ready," she said, her eyes twinkling. My classes went well. For some reason, I was alert and focused, and even the pop quiz didn't faze me. I felt good, heading to lunch when I got a text from Tiffany.

"New fight tomorrow night. You want to go?" she texted.

"Sure. Who's on the card?" I replied.

"Card? Dork. And it's a surprise. It's not me, I can tell you that much. Looking forward to tonight."

We concluded the texts with our standard farewells, and as I made my way to the cafeteria, I saw Amanda, sitting by herself with a textbook open while she tackled a basket of fries. I waved at her, and she covered her mouth.

"Jon. C'mere," she offered through the mouthful of potato. I did, sitting next to the pretty blonde. She'd finished chewing and had wiped her mouth by the time I settled. "How've you been?"

"Since Friday?" I asked. She laughed, shrugging. "Alright, actually," I responded. "How about you? Better now?" I asked.

"Oddly, it's been a bit lonely. I didn't realize how much time I'd been spending with you guys. Um," she suddenly got quiet. "Yeah. But I've been good. How's Tiffany?" I shrugged.

"Good. She seems good." I paused. "This is a bit more awkward than I thought it was going to be," I mentioned, trying to sound casual. She nodded. "I'll just grab some food. It was good to see you, though."

"Oh yeah," Amanda said. As I left her, I wondered what things were going to be like with Tiffany's attention shifting to Tanya. By the time I'd gotten my food, Amanda had left, so I felt a slight twinge of relief as I sat down by myself. I was almost finished with my sandwich when my phone pinged with a text.

"Do u have work today?" came Tiffany's message.

"No." I replied.

"Come to my room so we can pick out your top for the night" she shot back.

*Begin Date Night*

I replied that I'd be there soon, finished my sandwich and walked toward the door. I noticed Amanda talking to someone, but she waved and I waved back. I thought about that relationship as I walked toward Tiffany's room. Nobody answered when I knocked, so I came in. The house seemed so different in the middle of a school day. It was completely quiet. I knew I was unlikely to get in trouble, so I walked upstairs. I heard some recognizable noises passing one of the girls' rooms and grinned.

When I knocked on Tiffany's door, she opened the door slowly and immediately let me in. She was acting the part, I realized, and when she turned around I could see a skin tight white t-shirt wrapped incredibly closely to her full breasts. Her nipples were outlined to the point where I swore I could see the ridges on their bases. I fought the urge to suck on them as I looked at her face. She was biting her lower lip.

"I'm taking you to dinner tonight," I said softly. "What'd you pick out?" She showed me her three tops. One was a completely sheer blue blouse. I picked it up and put it against her skin. I could see it pretty clearly. "Put it on," I told her. She peeled off her shirt, and I groaned as I saw her big tits come into view. She couldn't hide the smile as she heard my reaction. She paused for just a moment, and I realized she was waiting to see if I would play with them, but I let her pull the blouse over her head. It was ridiculous. As easily as her arm showed up beneath the clear material, her full breasts pushed against them.

"You've worn this with a tank, haven't you?" I said, remembering how I wished she hadn't.

"And bra," Tiffany added, her voice soft. I laughed.

"No chance of that tonight," I told her. Tiffany looked down at her essentially naked tits. I reached under the cloth and held her left jug. I loved how her firm tit squeezed and squished, and made a point to shake it just a bit. "Access issue," I decided.

"What's next?" I watched Tiffany pull the blue blouse over her head. This time, she found a a white tank top, spaghetti strap. It wasn't see through, but I ordered her to throw it on. It hugged her big tits in, creating a deep cleavage. I immediately put the index and middle finger of my right hand between her orbs.

"Nice cleavage. How easily can you pull your left tit over it?" Tiffany reached in. It took her a moment but soon her tit dropped over the hem of the shirt. I pulled on her nipple, loving that she groaned. I bounced her big boob again, loving the way it jiggled and slapped against my open palm.

"We'll keep that one in mind," I told her, letting her tit quiver on her chest.

"Okay," she said. She pulled off the shirt, then set it back down. The third shirt was a button up, and as she started buttoning, I realized that it was the most conservative shirt she'd chosen. If she buttoned all of them. I told her to do so, then unbuttoned four of the buttons in the middle. I slid my hand inside to shake her right breast, pushing the nipple against the pocket for fun, loving how her hardened peak pushed out the violet fabric.

"Yeah, baby," I whispered. I pulled the shirt apart, exposing the interior curves of her tits. I told her to stand still and went to her side. I could see the entire profile of her left boob, nipple included. I grinned. "That's the one. Go get dressed and we'll head out."

I watched her dress and as we headed to the door, I grabbed her ass. I had to fight the urge to take her right there. Seeing her jump was enough, I thought as we made our way to the car. She'd chosen a skirt that fell to the middle of her thigh, and as we sat down I pushed it up. She looked at me cautiously, but made no move to stop the progression of her hemline up her leg. I left it there, and she took a deep breath.

"What?" I asked. "Were you expecting me to finger you? You haven't earned that yet," I said, just barely believing that I'd actually said it. The look on Tiffany's face was a strange mix of frustration, shock, and lust.

"What do I have to do to earn it, Jon?" she asked. It was as direct a challenge as she'd ever given me.

"Take your punishment tonight. Whatever I say," I said emphatically. Tiff nodded.

"Are you up for this?" she asked, again pushing me. I felt my cock jump, and I was surprised to find myself slightly annoyed.

"Take out your tits. Unbutton the top button and pull your big boobs out," I said, my tone curt. Tiffany slowly undid the top button and pulled the shirt around the exterior curves of her sizable tits. "Play with them while I drive," I told her. Tiffany swallowed, but pulled at her nipples and gently bounced her breasts. I did my best not to look, stealing sidelong glances as Tiffany continued the manipulation of her heavy orbs.

"We're here. I just want the top button buttoned," I said as I pulled into the restaurant. Tiffany did so, amazed at my newfound confidence. To be fair, so was I, though I knew part of me was reacting to her challenges in the car, and the earlier comment about "when I was ready." I shook my head as I watched my gorgeous girlfriend wrap her coat around her. The fall air was chilly, which allowed Tiff to wrap her coat tightly around her. I came behind her to open the door and whispered in her ear.

"Between you playing with those hard nips and this cold, I bet even that shirt's going to have some nice points trying to come out. Can't wait to find out if I'm right." We walked in, Tiffany clutching my arm a little more tightly than I thought necessary. The restaurant I'd chosen was nice, and admittedly low light. As much fun as I was having exposing my girlfriend as "punishment," I didn't want either of us kicked out or in jail. We were met by the person handling the front of the house, a woman probably in her mid thirties. Even with my exposed girlfriend, I checked her out. She struck me as average, from build to looks, but she had an incredibly inviting smile.

We settled at our table with the help of the server and I pulled Tiffany's jacket off. I looked over her shoulder to her right breast. Her hard tip was trying to pierce the fabric. She sat down and I took the jacket and set it behind her chair. The shirt gaped for a moment, and Tiffany sat up, tightening the gap of the fabric.

"Yeah, watch out. Someone could see," I mocked. Tiffany cocked her head and flipped me off. Despite whatever dynamic we'd had going, I laughed. She shifted forward, and I realized that she'd done this before. The shirt gaped just enough for me to catch the interior half of her left breast before she leaned back. She grinned as I reacted, soon leaning back. I looked around and caught one guy jerking his head back and grinned.

"Looks like you've already got an audience, baby," I told her. Tiffany glanced over, and her grin faded. "And now that I know you can do that whenever you want, I'm going to have fun." Tiffany's eyes widened. She was saved from any other instruction as the waiter came up to take our drink order. He was efficient, though I did pay attention to his face, and his gaze flickered down quite often. When he left, I looked at Tiffany. She had a strange look on her face. I glanced again around the room, and my eyes caught a shorter blonde woman, perhaps strawberry blonde — I couldn't tell in the dim light. Regardless, she was staring right at Tiffany. She seemed about our age, but probably was older given the clothes — a nice suit jacket and side of a gray skirt was all I could see. I could see her face, but not clearly, and her eyes were looking at our table. She was by herself at the table, and I leaned in to tell her.

"You have another audience." I explained where she was, and was surprised when Tiff leaned over to arrange her napkin and glass. The front of her unbuttoned blouse drifted open slowly, exposing what had to be most of Tiffany's firm breast to the woman, who was now looking intensely. I saw the waiter coming, and Tiffany saw my face shift, so she leaned back. Again, the waiter took a few looks before setting the drinks down. We both ordered our meals, and the waiter thanked us, clearing off the menus, and disappeared.

When I looked back at the woman, I noticed she was looking down, toward her lap or her food.

"You're doing well," I praised my girlfriend. Tiffany grinned, and I think we were both surprised at how easily the roles were established.

"Thank you," she said, biting her lip. "Jon, do you want me to show anyone else my titties?" I nearly lost it, but kept as much cool as I could. She gently pulled the left half of the shirt over her nipple, flashing me in the restaurant.

I tried to glance around casually. This time I knew the blonde woman was looking. Her mouth was half open. I was amazed at how brazen Tiffany was, but it fueled me, too. "Pull the other one," I said slowly. Tiffany's eyes widened, and even she looked down to watch her right breast come into public view. I counted to five. It seemed like forever, and then motioned for her to cover up. Tiffany's breathing had become ragged and quick.

Within moments after she covered, the waiter appeared, looking no more distracted than usual. He gave us our meals and refilled our water before turning around and walking away, as professional as ever. Tiffany's shirt wafted open for a moment as she turned to grab her glass of water, giving me an unintended view of her firm right breast. I took in the view, grinning until I heard a voice behind me.

"I don't mean to interrupt your meal, you two, but I couldn't help notice the lady's exposed breast," I swallowed, turned and looked up. It had been a woman's voice, and I noticed the woman from the front of the house looking down at us, smiling. "And I believe you belong to the Beta Omegas?" Tiffany nodded. She reached down to close her blouse. "Oh please, don't. You have some magnificent tits, miss." The woman was speaking quietly, but pleasantly.

"Am I also correct in assuming that you titfight?" the new woman asked. Tiffany nodded. "Excellent. That blonde lady would like to challenge you, then. It's been a while since she's been able to find a challenger." Tiffany and I both looked toward our food, obviously embarrassed. I looked up to notice Tiffany looking around, trying to avoid meeting the gaze of both the greeter and the mystery woman. "If I could have your phone number sir, she'll send you a picture of her breasts so that you can judge for yourself if she will be worth your time." I looked to my girlfriend, who was staring at this woman with her mouth wide open. "Her name is Annie."

"Tiffany," my girlfriend choked out. She swallowed some water. "Jon, give her the number. We'll call her if we're interested," Tiff said firmly. Annie grinned widely.

"Good! Annie thanks you ever so much. It's been so long." And just like that, she'd disappeared.

Tiffany closed her shirt, and I didn't say anything. We both ate quickly, looking up at each other a few times. When we looked to the blonde's — Annie's — table and saw that she'd left during our conversation with the greeter. We shrugged, unsure of what we should do and continued to eat quietly. When we got into the car after avoiding the greeter, I looked at Tiffany. She immediately undid the top two buttons of her shirt and looked at me. I realized that she certainly didn’t want to talk about the proposition. For just a split second, I thought about asking her regardless, but when she opened the third button on her blouse, I lost focus. I reached over and pulled out her left breast over the top of her half-opened shirt.

"Looks like we had an audience," Tiffany groaned as I plied her big breast, unable to keep my hands off of her. She looked at me as I took fuller advantage of her. "And looks like someone's come out of his shell," she added. Unwilling to risk a car accident, I reluctantly pulled away. She laughed, but kept her hand on mine as we drove to my parents' house.

We opted for a quiet night. We pulled out a horror movie from my stack, which I'd left in my room at home. As we were snuggling on the couch, Tiffany leaned up to kiss my neck. Soon, we were making out, and as I leaned in to unbutton my girlfriend's shirt, her phone rang.

I let her answer it, and as she was talking, came up behind her and finished unbuttoning her shirt. Tiff rolled her eyes until I began cupping her breasts. I completely missed the conversation as I groped her, pulling her nipples and squeezing her firm tits. As she hung up, she turned to me and we kissed.

"You're spoiling me," I warned her as we pulled away. Tiff's eyes flickered up to me.

"Not yet I'm not," she whispered. "That was Cassie. She's fighting tomorrow night." I nodded.

"Who is she fighting?" I asked. Tiff grinned.

"Gloria," Tiff said. "I may have ruined the surprise," she whispered. I chuckled.

"Can't wait to watch," I said. Tiffany kissed me.

"You've been really good today. You haven't brought up this morning at all." She looked at me, her face more serious.

"I've been enjoying our day," I countered. "I didn't want to bring something up that made you uncomfortable." I looked at her blouse and chuckled. "Well, more uncomfortable." Tiffany laughed.

"I'm not uncomfortable doing that for you," Tiffany said. "I mean, it's awkward, but I like knowing it turns you on," she added. "Annie made me uncomfortable," Tiffany noted. I nodded in agreement. She looked up at me again.

"I don't know why I'm avoiding it. I said it," she whispered.

"It's a big deal," I said, nervous myself. Tiffany nodded.

"Does it change the way you look at me?" she asked, quietly. I pulled her close, and half-cursed the part of my body that responded to her firm breasts pushing against me.

"Not at all," I said. "Well, maybe in a good way." Tiff looked up.

"How is it good?" she asked. She rested her head on my shoulder.

"Knowing that you want the same thing I do," I admitted. I swear I could feel her smile. I kept her close while she sighed.

"And, uh, my dad and I wanted to know what you were doing for Thanksgiving," I told her. Tiffany grinned.

"As luck would have it, I'm staying here while my mom and dad take a vacation. That's why the week after. They're going to the Bahamas. They're calling it their second honeymoon. Well, dad is. Mom says she's celebrating getting both of her kids out of the house. They fly back in the Wednesday after."

"Hence the Saturday date?" I asked. Tiffany nodded. "So they totally just left you to fend for yourself on Thanksgiving?" Tiffany grinned.

"I had a feeling I'd have plans," she whispered. "Even if you didn't invite me, I can't think of a better ending to a day off then letting you watch the football game while I get on my knees for you," she said, her voice growing slightly louder and definitely more seductive. I was startled by the suddenness, and barely noticed the pace at which my breath was coming. Tiffany giggled.

"We surprise each other," she said, kissing my ear. "I like that. And I'd love to have dinner with your family, Jon."

I kissed her again, and she looked into my eyes. "How many more punishments do you have left?" she asked.

"Two, I think. Why?" I felt her hand at my pants, and with a speed that was growing less surprising, I heard my fly open.

"I'm having a pretty naughty thoughts right now. You might have to add another one." She kissed me again and sauntered into my bedroom.

Tiffany rolled off of me onto my bed, both of us sweating. "Twice, Jon," she breathed heavily. "I came twice. Thanks."

"Pleasure," I croaked. She laughed and threw a pillow at me, then lay down next to me. I cleared my throat. "You want to stay tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said. "I'm suddenly all tired." Within moments we'd fallen asleep.

- - - Updated - - -

I awoke to Tiffany sprawled out next to me, and was proud of my restraint in not waking her up. Instead I immediately made the coffee, and checked my phone for messages. Finding none, I showered, then came back out to my bedroom. Tiffany was sitting on the bed, stretching. I took in her curvaceous form, and she grinned when she saw me staring.

"You'll make me blush," she said sleepily, leaning over to give me a long look at her falling breasts. I snickered, but leaned in to kiss her good morning.

"Can I shower here?" she asked. I nodded, then went to the kitchen. I made a fruit salad and some English muffins, and we sat down to eat when she was done in the shower.

"I'm gonna hit the gym today. Can you drop me off on your way to class?" I nodded. We ate in silence, famished, and when we were done, had some small-ish chat. She discussed her plans for the next semester, and we both mentioned the dinner with her family and mine, somehow nervous despite all we'd been through. I cleaned up the kitchen as Tiff gathered her things, and gave her a kiss as she went to work out.

My classes seemed to explode that day, with every professor piling on a major project for the last part of the semester. I took in all the assignments I could and decided, in light of watching two more women pit their tits together, to put the meltdown on hold until tomorrow.

When I arrived at the sorority house, Corey was downstairs. She grinned when she saw me and I smiled back. She waved me through, turning and walking back to the couch, where she had left a book and a soda. When I got to Tiffany's room, my girlfriend let me in and sighed.

"I knew this day would come," she said sadly. "We probably won't be seeing a lot of each other until Thanksgiving," she said. I checked her outfit out, and shook my head when I realized she was wearing a bra.

"What?" she asked. I couldn't resist, and slid my hand under her shirt to tug upward on the restrictive garment. "Oh," she said, grinning. She pulled her shirt over her head and unclasped the bra from behind. "Go ahead and take it off," she whispered. I pulled down on the cups, and loved how little her massive boobs bounced. They fell slightly, but their firmness was on display. I groped her gently, and she pulled my hands away. "Don't get me going," she complained. "I won't have time tonight." I nodded, understanding.

We both bemoaned the mass amount of work we'd been assigned, so we made a deal that we'd have dinner on Friday at my parents house and go out after if we'd done enough work. We talked for just a while before we had to be downstairs for the fight.

There were a lot more girls from the sorority than I had expected in the middle of the week. Sabrina was sitting in her usual spot, talking casually to Tanya. The ridiculously buxom blonde was the first to notice my girlfriend come in, and I saw for the first time the discomfort on her face. Sabrina followed her gaze and smirked at Tiff.

Tiffany walked over, putting a hand on my wrist as we approached our usual spot. Amanda gave me a goofy smile as I sat down.

"It's been a long time, Jon," she said, snickering. I laughed. She seemed more confident, and she leaned forward. Her voice lowered. "Miss me?" she asked conspiratorially. I glanced down her low cut shirt to watch her soft boobs bounce in the bra. I reacted honestly.

"Now I do," I admitted. She laughed.

"Pervert." I sat down next to her. I was amazed that the exchange wasn't more awkward. I turned my attention to my girlfriend, who had placed her hand on Tanya's shoulder. The blonde was seething, I noticed, but she did nothing to Tiffany. Sabrina looked almost amused when her eyes flashed to Tiffany's blatant sign of dominance, even meeting Tiff's eyes after acknowledging it.

Tiff finally came back and sat between me and Amanda. The blonde leaned over and threw me a mocking pout, and I wondered if she thought more of what happened than I had. I shook my head and let my hand rest casually on Tiffany's knee. She grinned as she put her hand on mine.

Cassie came in a moment later, dressed in one of her sports bras. Despite the constricting fabric, I knew how her firm boobs were packed in, and I could easily see the nipple poking through the gray garment. Remembering the last time I was caught staring, I watched Tanya across the room.

The blonde was avoiding Tiffany, it seemed, constantly talking to Sabrina or Gina. I was surprised to see the latter there, but realized Gloria probably prepared alone. I heard the door open, and a familiar blonde haired girl came up. Her hair was still recognizably blonde, though darker than Amanda's and Tanya's. I tried to place her face, but she noticed my quizzical look.

"Hey Jon. The troublemaker returns. Judging from the look on your face, you've finally OD'ed on young, nubile boobs. I'm Bianca." My face turned red, and Tiffany shook her head. She offered her hand and grinned.

"Pervert," Tiffany said. I shifted uncomfortably as the activity in the room began to pick up. Cassie had walked to the mat to stretch, and I looked to the door as I heard it open. Gloria walked in, her blonde hair in a ponytail. She wore a simple t-shirt. Her nipples would poke through as her steps pulled the fabric of the shirt against her breasts. Her boyfriend stayed two steps behind her, looking around and saying hellos to the women as he passed them by.

Both women reached the mat at the same time. Sabrina stood up, wearing a shirt with the bottom tied just below the undersides of her heavy breasts. Another Tiffany outfit, I realized, and her grin when I nudged her confirmed the fact. Sabrina's amazing rack stretched the fabric to its physical limit, and I saw the bottom curve of her globes peek out every so often. I looked back to Tiffany, loving how her thick nipples jutted out of the fabric of the t-shirt she'd thrown on.

"Next time, you can fight," I whispered in her ear, leaning over. Tiff glared at me, but as I leaned back, I saw the smile creeping at the corner of her lips.

I turned to the women just in time to see Gloria pull up her shirt, letting her heavy boobs fall down, wobbling slightly. Her boyfriend grinned as he saw his girlfriend's orbs fall out of the shirt. Cassie pulled at her sports bra, letting her breasts seem much larger as they escaped from the confines of the restrictive garment. She dropped the bra and gently rubbed her tits, gently squeezing her small pink nipples.

Gloria bounced her own breasts, squeezing and pulling at her own long, thick tips. I watched them grow and felt Tiffany's hand on my leg as both women got ready for the contest.

Cassie and Gloria stepped forward once more, leaving only a couple of inches between their dueling tits. Cassie pushed forward first, letting her smaller pair poke at Gloria's long nipples. Cassie's smaller pink tips pushed Gloria's aside momentarily before both pair popped back to their original standing. Gloria made the second move, thrusting her thick nubs forward, and Cassie watched with a slight wince as her nipples bent inward. She pushed back, and soon the four nipples were gently pushing and sliding against the others.

Gloria's big nips looked like they moved more, flopping up and down, but Cassie's nipples were getting redder and redder. As the blonde would push forward, Cassie would move up or to the side as much as she could, forcing the thick tips of her opponent into the firm flesh of her young breasts. Gloria's nipples bent back and forth as they ran into Cassie's tits, and I saw a growing look of frustration on Gloria's face as she tried to attack.

"Hold those little targets still, Cass," Gloria hissed. Cassie grinned, but lined her small points up to Gloria's. Gloria grinned. "That'll do it... SHIT," Gloria's taunt became a groan as Cassie slammed her boobs forward, sending her stiff, small peaks deep into Gloria's flesh. From where I was sitting, I saw Gloria's nipples poke upward slightly, leading me to believe that Cassie's blow pushed under the blonde's big nips and into her red areolae. Gloria's breasts pushed inward slightly from the contact, and Cassie pulled away, letting the blonde's tits fall free.

"Wanna try again?" Cassie asked, a grin flashing across her face. Gloria didn't respond, but stepped forward instead. This time, Cassie's areolae were speared, as the blonde's blow landed perfectly. The firm flesh of the redhead's boobs indented slightly at the center as Gloria's nipples stabbed. Cassie winced as she felt her nipples pulled toward the center of her chest, dragged by the force of Gloria's peaks pushing at them. Gloria pulled back, and suddenly swiped to the left, batting Cassie's smaller tips. Cassie grunted, and Gloria's hands reached up to grab at Cassie's biceps. Gloria swiped her chest again, this time from the opposing side to feel her longer points against her rival's smaller tips. Cassie's nipples slowly bent again, springing back and looking slightly redder than they had. Gloria let go as both women concentrated on working their nipples against one another.

Cassie stepped back to launch another attack. Both women felt their breasts rub with each other, but the nipples missed each other. Even from my angle, I could tell that little contact was being made. Instead, I wondered if the titfight had started until Cassie pulled away, lined up, and completing the single motion, stepped forward. Her nipples met Gloria's straight on, and this time both women reached up to grab the others' arms at almost the same time. A few of the women whispered something, but soon it was silent again, save for the gentle smack of one pair of breasts pushing and bouncing against the other.

Cassie's nipples were kept from my sight as Gloria's bigger pair bent and pushed over and around them. Both women were grunting and grimacing at the contact and I could tell that the fight had become increasingly uncomfortable. Both women were still pushing against each other, and I thought I heard a whimper but couldn't tell who'd made it. Tiffany's hand fell on my leg, and without looking down, I reached to hold it. I felt her fingers tighten around mine. Cassie stepped back suddenly, and I felt both Tiffany's and my hands tighten suddenly. I was expecting a sudden stirke from one of the girls, but Gloria stepped forward slowly, and Cassie did her best to lean in and stab at Gloria's long nips. The two pair of nipples met this time, straight on, and each slid over the other. Gloria's lengthy tips seemed to give her an advantage in that she was already pushing into Cassie's areolae when Cassie stopped, trying to pull away again.

"Nope," Gloria said, reaching up to hold Cassie. While Cassie was stronger and could have pulled away, Gloria only wanted to push in a bit further with a sharp, swift strike. With their nipples lined up and in contact, the blonde shoved her massive tits forward. Cassie groaned this time, wincing as she felt Gloria's bigger nipples push against her areolae. Gloria surprised me by pulling back slightly and stabbing again, scoring another direct hit against Cassie's redder and redder flesh. When Gloria pulled back again, Cassie slung her tits forward, hoping, it seemed, to land a blow against Gloria. Cassie's obviously sore nipples met the softer flesh of Gloria's breasts, and Gloria grinned as she lined up her own blow, pushing Cassie away.

When Gloria's nipples struck, I understood Cassie's desperate move. The redhead's nipples pushed inward, obliterated with the final blow. Tiffany sighed. "I know how that feels," she muttered, obviously pissed. Gloria pulled back quickly, at least in part to taunt the redhead.

"You'd better give up the nipple fight, red," Gloria said, laughing. "Or I'll push those little things in so far your kids won't be able to find it. And trust me, they'll need all the help they can get." Cassie's face flashed angrily, but she said nothing for a moment.

"I give," Cassie said.

"Hold 'em up for one more time," Gloria instructed. "It'll be quick." Cassie cupped her firm breasts, and did her best not to let out a noise as Gloria's thick, long peaks destroyed the redhead's tips again. Cassie watched, frustration on her face as Gloria pulled away. The blonde held the base of her breast and lifted pushing the victorious tip up.

"A little hand. Show me how great my nipples are." Cassie didn't have to lean far to take the offered tip, and Gloria sighed as Cassie took the nipple into her mouth. I leaned back to look at Amanda, who had a strange gleam in her eye. I'm sure she felt a bit bad, but there was also a sense of comeuppance. It had been Cassie, I remembered, who ceded her rights to Amanda. I turned back to the mat to see Cassie had switched tits and now was working over Gloria's proud nip. When Cassie let the tip drop from her lips, Gloria smiled at her.

"I'm going to flatten you," Cassie promised. Gloria grinned.

"We'll see. You're tough, Cassie, but I think I've got you right where I want you," Gloria said.

"I guess that means you enjoy pain," Cassie said icily. A few of the gathered crowd began muttering, and I saw Gloria's smile flicker.

The women stepped away for a moment. Gloria went predictably to Gina, and I was amazed to watch Cassie simply stand on the mat. She watched Gloria and then looked back to Tiff. Tiff nodded and Cassie shrugged. When Gloria returned to the mat, her smile had faded completely. Like the other girls, she'd noted Cassie's change, and I'm not sure any of the girls wanted to be on the other side of the redhead.

"Ready?" Cassie asked. Gloria nodded, slowly.

"Yeah," Gloria answered.

The blonde was not ready. Cassie stepped forward, dipping her shoulders and flinging up within two steps to send her firm, perky tits into Gloria's seemingly softer pair. The impact of the blow was defined both by Cassie's startling speed and the motion of Gloria's flailing jugs as the two breasts flopped upward independently of each other. Gloria's thick nipples almost seemed to point over each of her shoulders for a moment as Cassie slid back and waited for Gloria to recover slightly. The blonde's breasts were still quivering from the attack when Cassie pushed forward once more. Gloria moved to the side, ensuring that only one of her reddening boobs was still in the path of Cassie's attack.

Cassie's dense left breast slammed into Gloria's exposed left tit, and the striking slap reverberated through the room. I don't know what made the blonde wince more, the sound or the impact, but either would not have surprised me. But Gloria winced, and slung her tits back against the motion she'd just taken, sending her softer tits across Cassie's with a whiplash that slammed into both of Cassie's boobs just after the redhead had stepped away. Cassie groaned as she felt Gloria's heavy tits barrel into her own orbs.

Gloria kept her eyes on Cassie's face, though I saw her reach out low, trying to get her hands on Cassie's hips. Cassie invited the contact, and as soon as the redhead felt her opponent's hands grip the top of her waist highlighting for just a moment Cassie's perfect ass. I felt my eyes narrow, and Tiffany's fingers caressed my thigh.

"She's got a great ass," my girlfriend whispered. "I loved feeling it when I was a freshman," she purred.

"Tiff, don't get me going too much," I told her. "We promised." Tiff giggled, but let her free hand dance up to my now stiff cock.

"Sorry," she whispered. "I'll be less bad," she promised softly. When I turned back up, I realized why Cassie had been inviting the contact. Gloria was in a full hug, her big jugs pushed outward by Cassie's firm tits. Cassie's tight, muscular body was demonstrating its power as she rolled her back slightly, a move I'd first seen the summer before school, when I'd become a regular audience of Tiff's fights.

The effect was obvious, as Gloria's tits rolled with the movement of Cassie's firmer tits into them. Gloria struggled against the hug, but after just a few moments, her body loosened. I wondered for a moment if she'd given up the fight. Cassie continued her relentless assault, but Gloria surprised me with the speed of her next move. She lunged forward, going so far as to bend at the hips to force Cassie back. The redhead took a step back, and Gloria, obviously anticipating the move stuck her left leg between Cassie's spread limbs and twisted. The modified trip worked, and, trying to keep her balance, Cassie let go of the hug.

Gloria pushed away as soon as she felt the redhead's strong arms leave her, but the stagger that Cassie took actually gave her time to catch her footing. Gloria lunged forward to grab at the redhead, and Cassie stepped forward with virtually the same speed. The collision induced more gasps from the crowd as both pairs of boobs flattened at the tip. While Gloria's seemed to spread out more quickly and fiercely, Cassie's perky breasts certainly seemed to dent, and the look of discomfort seemed equal on both girls' faces. Both girls pulled away, rubbing their sore tits. Cassie's eyes narrowed, and I could tell that the same fire that had started the fight was there. Gloria's face had become determined, too, however, and I couldn't imagine what either was thinking as they moved toward another once again.

I saw Cassie move first, and Gloria reacted well. The redhead stepped forward, twisting from her left to send a sling shot strike with her left tit into Gloria's left breast. Gloria slid to the side, suffering only a glancing grow across the front portion of her shaking right orb. The blonde winced, but slammed back. Cassie, trying to halt her momentum, took a direct blow from Gloria's right breast across her own, sending little waves from the inner side of her tit outward. Cassie grunted but pushed forward, sliding her boobs across Gloria's and letting the blonde get a feel of her firmness.

Gloria let out a frustrated gasp as she felt Cassie's rock hard tits slip and slide into and across her softer, heavier pair. Had she looked down, she would have seen what I had seen — her big jugs being pushed around for a moment before sliding into place. I wondered if the firmness test was just as psychological, and made a note to ask Tiffany later.

My girlfriend was watching the fight with intense interest. I figured it was because of her closeness with Cassie, one of the girls I'd never really gotten to know. I glanced down to find her nipples poking through her shirt, as hard as I'd seen them. I glanced back at the fight to watch Gloria lean down and send her big breasts upward toward Cassie's.

I'd been impressed with Cassie's athleticism throughout the fight, but her ability to stop reminded me almost of the Matrix. She'd been pushing forward, and I was wincing before Gloria delivered the blow because I was so certain it was going to find the mark. Cassie did manage to stop, and even bent backward, letting Gloria's bigger boobs fly past her own firm tits. Gloria, off balance because of the miss, reached forward to brace herself, falling right into Cassie's arms.

This time, Cassie locked her arms behind Gloria's back and pulled the blonde in for one of the tighter hugs I'd seen in any fight. Gloria's tits immediately splashed outward against Cassie's, and the redhead's boobs compressed significantly. Both women groaned at the impact, but Cassie's arms tightened, and a chorus of "ooh" traveled around the room. Cassie shook Gloria, who tried to struggle. She could gain no leverage, and her tits began pushing and almost pulsating from the rhythmic pressure Cassie applied.

"Got her," Tiff whispered, grinning. "My girl is so good," she said to me. In a minute Gloria had stopped fighting, and Cassie was leaning in to whisper into her ear. The blonde nodded, and Cassie slowly slid down, letting the blonde's soft tits rest atop the redhead's obviously firmer pair. What happened next was not something I'd seen. Cassie shoved her own chest up, forcing Gloria's compressing flesh upward. Gloria moaned and closed her eyes as her defeated boobs slid upward, then melted around Cassie's invading tits before dropping beneath them as Cassie pushed her tits almost through the blonde's bust. Cassie pulled away after the sudden destruction of the blonde and turned to walk away, apparently satisfied.

Gloria stood there for just a second, surprised as the rest of us that the fight was over. Her tits hung, red and swollen, looking defeated as the blonde slowly turned to walk back to her seat. Cassie sat down behind Tiffany, next to Bianca. Gina handed Gloria a shirt, which the blonde quickly put on. Cassie, I noticed, kept her shirt off.

"I guess that's that," Sabrina said, keeping her tone as even as possible. "Unless there's other business?" A few of the girls muttered, but no one said anything out loud. Everyone stood, and Bianca and Cassie looked at Tiffany.

"Jon, can I just show you out tonight? I've got some things to take care of." Her eyes were pleading, and I realized she didn't want me asking questions just then. I nodded.

"Sure. Lots of work. Thanks for having me over." I leaned in and kissed her. "I'll see you tomorrow for lunch?" I asked. She nodded.

As I got into my car, I felt my phone buzz, still on vibrate. I pulled it out to see Tiffany's text.

"I owe you one," it said, and attached was a picture of her cleavage. Another text came in while I was shaking my head. "Or two LOL."

I laughed and drove to my parents' house. As I set my keys on the counter, I checked a few dates off of the calendar, and realized that Thanksgiving break started the next week. Thinking about the titfight, I pulled out my phone and set my alarm, not trusting that the alarm clock in my old room was going to hold up. I went upstairs with a book, catching up on some history, and woke up to my phone going off. I almost turned it off when I saw Tiffany's gorgeous face staring up at me. I quickly tapped it to answer, still in a fog.

"Hey. You ok?" I asked immediately.

"I'm on a dare," Tiffany said, then giggled. "I'm supposed to call someone I know and tell them to call a certain number," she said. I sighed realizing that she was drunk.

"Give me the number," I told her. I wrote it down.

"Love you," she said, making a loud kissing noise. I told her the same and went to call the number.

"Hello?" a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I was told to call this number," I said sleepily.

"I think you'll like your reward, Jon," the voice said. Before I could even ask, the line went click.

A text popped up with the text first, and a picture downloading on top of it. "Cassie's dare" read the text.

When the picture downloaded, it came into view all at once. There was Tiffany, her heavy tits out as she lay on her back. I couldn't see my girlfriend's face, as Cassie's taut ass was hovering just above it, and Tiffany's tongue was pushing out of her mouth. From the low pixels, I couldn't tell if Tiffany was making contact, but I immediately felt myself flash completely awake.

Another text popped up, this time from Tiffany. "I'll tell you about that tomorrow. Sweet dreams, lover." I alternately cursed my girlfriend for her teasing and wondered what story there was to tell. Realizing there was no way I was going to sleep, I moved to my parents' computer and uploaded the pictures from my phone to a cloud drive that I'd invested in for schoolwork. Of course, it had almost immediately become a storage place for the pictures of Kara's tits and all the fun photos that Tiffany had sent.

I hated being awake, but I realized I should probably be more productive, so I opened one of the umpteen papers I had to write for school and set my phone on the desk next to my parents' computer. Noticing the phone's power was down, I grumbled and went to my old room to get the charger. When I came back, a new text was waiting for me. This one was from a number I didn't know. I opened the text.

"Your girlfriend's amazing tits. Cass." The picture opened with two hands, slightly paler than my girlfriend's breasts, smashing them together. I was half turned on, half jealous of the redhead enjoying Tiffany's company. Another text. "She says she's being naughty," it read. "Is it cheating if she gets me off? Her question, not mine." I groaned again.

I texted her back. "WTF did you guys do?"

"LOL. Drank. Your girl is a horny drunk. I like it. Jon, I'll owe you one, too." They were sweetening the pot, I realized. I decided to push my luck.

"You owe me two. No way I'm going to sleep now," I sent.

"Whatever. Name it when you want. Can she?" I could sense the desperation from Cassie's text, and wished like nothing else that I was there to watch.

"Go ahead," I sent, unwilling to think about it much more.

"You are the best boyfriend ever!" I read. I shook my head. I continued working on the essay, and I was amazingly productive as I wrote, cut, pasted, and moved paragraphs around. By the time my phone went off again, I'd almost finished. I wrapped up the paragraph and checked my phone.

"She's such a slut," the text read. And Tiff certainly looked it, her face looking up from Cassie's obviously wet thighs. Tiff's face was shining from the phone's flash, the wetness of Cassie's orgasm all over her face. I expected an explanation from my girlfriend in the morning, and was a bit surprised at the slight bit of anger that had come over me.

"She thinks my tits are good, too," the next text said, accompanying a picture of my girlfriend's cum-soaked face at her right breast. Despite my annoyance at Cassie rubbing her dominance of my girlfriend in my face, I felt myself stiffen.

"Good night, Jon," the last message said, showing Tiffany laying on the bed, obviously passed out. Cassie's hand was holding Tiff's left tit from the side. I groaned again and went to bed, hoping to work out some of the images that were keeping me awake.

When I woke up the next morning I was completely out of it. I made it to class on time, sucking down three cups of coffee through the morning before heading to the cafeteria for lunch. Tiffany was waiting for me, and I couldn't resist a jab as we sat down.

"I'm surprised she let you go," I said. Tiffany's jaw dropped and she pulled absently on her shirt, deepening the slight cleavage she'd been displaying. She bit her lip while I stared down her shirt.

"Sorry if we kept you 'up'," she said, her smile indicating she wasn't sorry at all. "I couldn't believe she kept texting you. She actually texted the 'slut' one while she was cumming," Tiff whispered. I fought the arousal I felt, taking a long drink of my water.

"So what the hell was that, anyway?" I finally asked, before my sexy girlfriend could distract me more. Tiffany laughed.

"Silly," she said, shaking her head. "I was part of the reward for Cassie last night. Gloria challenged her, and Cassie wasn't going to accept. I felt like I wanted to see that fight go down, so I told Cassie she could have me with some restrictions the night of the fight. And I knew she'd beat Gloria and send a few of those girls on the other side of the room a bad taste in their mouth. Plus it was kinda fun," Tiff admitted. "I needed to blow off some steam." I nodded.

"So you decide to go and fuck someone else?" I asked, doing my best to keep the edge out of my voice. Tiffany was never stupid, and pretty good at reading people.

"Did you get jealous?" she asked. I tried to figure out if she was mocking me, and I finally decided to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"A bit," I admitted.

"Like I didn't when you were getting pleasured by that cute blonde coed? Or Darla?" I looked down.

"It wasn't the sex," I told her. And I realized as I said it I meant it. Tiff rolled her eyes.

"Then what?" she asked.

"The submission," I said, again almost realizing as I spoke what had really bothered me. Tiffany looked at me, and said nothing for a moment. She nodded.
We both looked at each other. She spoke first. "You mean the idea that I'm normally only submissive to you in the bedroom," she said, articulating the thought much better than I could.

"Yeah," I admitted, a bit uncomfortable.

"Cassie's a bit domineering," she said, reaching for my hand. "And since I promised, I felt like I had to do it. I'm glad I called you, though, and that you agreed," she said. I squeezed her hand. "And Jon, I wasn't just drunk to be drunk. It was the only way I could do it," she told me. "Honestly. And that's why Cassie was so eager to 'owe you one,'" she pointed out. "She knew I didn't want to put you out." Tiffany's tone remained even and calm, and I shook my head.

"I'm sorry; I'm trying to be more open about this stuff," I told her. Tiffany smiled.

"It's actually kinda hot that you're not. It means you're just not in it for the sex," she admitted. She pulled down her shirt again and licked her lips. "Though I really like the sex," she added.

The rest of the time, we chatted about school and about meeting my family for Thanksgiving. I also reminded her that I owed her dinner Friday night, and that she owed me, too. She laughed. "But I'll see you at your parents' house? Maybe I can make it up to you then," she whispered. She licked her lips, and when I stood to kiss her goodbye, she discreetly slid her tongue into my mouth for just a moment. When I pulled away, she grinned.

"A deposit on my payment, lover," she said. I shook my head, then went back to classes.

The week flew by, with almost no rest. When Friday finally came, I felt like I was in high school, watching the time click by. I'd already decided on what to make Tiff for dinner, and I made my way to the store. I shopped almost absent mindedly, eager to get home and put dinner on. We'd agreed for an early meal to leave our evening free to go out to a movie.

I put the soup on, then went to work on the main course. I told myself I was being gourmet, by adding two courses. I prepped the oven and the scallops, then waited for Tiffany to get there by reading yet another story for my lit class, hoping to keep up with my studying. I quickly slammed the book shut when I heard the knock, and opened the door. Tiffany was wearing a hoodie and quickly scrambled inside. It had gotten cold, I realized.

"We're not going out tonight," she said, shaking. "It's too freakin' cold." I hugged her close. The fall weather had come quickly I noticed. I kissed her cheek and she smiled.

"That's sweet, Jon," she said to me, turning to kiss me fully. Soon she was unzipping her hoodie. She pulled away.

"Dinner first?" she asked.

"Yeah," I responded. Both of us were obviously surprised by the suddenness of our passion, and we calmly went into the kitchen to chat while I cooked. I slid the scallops in and gave Tiff a quick kiss.

"Go ahead to the table. I'll be in with the food in a second," I urged her. When I came into the kitchen, Tiffany beamed at me.

"I'm so glad I'm with a guy that can cook," she said.

"I bet he's glad, too," I said. She laughed as I set the dinner down. Tiffany tasted the soup and groaned.

"So good," she muttered. I grinned, and also happened to agree. I was glad the soup came out. The scallops tasted good, but I could tell I overcooked them. Tiffany said they were fine, and soon dinner was done. We chatted again, and I noticed Tiffany leaning forward.

"Dessert?" I asked. Tiffany's eyes widened.

"What did you get?" she asked.

"Nothing. I cooked it."

"I'm in love," she swooned. I laughed and got the mousse I'd prepared. It was surprisingly simple, but very tasty. I found some raspberries, and used some lemon extract. I figured Tiff would like it, but was a bit taken aback by how much I enjoyed it.

"You are turning into a gourmet," Tiff said, her eyes genuinely wide. "I'm so lucky."

"Thanks," I said, trying not to take too much pride in the compliment.

"But if you cook, what am I gonna do when we're at home together?" she asked. I looked at her for a moment before leaning in to kiss her.

"I hope you don't mind me saying this, but every time you mention us being together, I find you even hotter," I told her. Tiffany looked directly at me.

"You see us together?" she asked. I nodded. She blinked twice, and kisssed me again. "Good," she said, her voice a sigh of relief.

I don't know what possessed me to ask her, knowing full well the background she had with the sorority and her friends there, but I asked.

"Did you want to move in to my place?" I asked. Tiff's eyes went wide, and I could tell I'd surprised her. "Um, no pressure?" I offered in way of a half-apology. She snickered, then shook her head.

"Just caught me off guard," she assured me. "I'll need time to think about it. Maybe we can talk over the break?" I nodded. At first I was a bit hurt, but in just a few seconds realized how much we actually had going on.

"Can I be honest?" she added suddenly. I nodded.

"Of course."

"The only reason I'm not responding right now is because I know I'll say yes," she told me. "And I need to weigh a few things. I'm not always that impulsive," she told me.

"Except when you're fighting," I corrected.

"Well, yeah, duh," she said, flipping me off. "But we still haven't established what I'll be doing while you're cooking and cleaning," she said.

"Cleaning?" I asked suddenly. Tiffany slowly dropped to her knees.

"Mmm-hmmm," she said, her hands reaching for my pants' button.

When I woke up, Tiffany was beside me, her face peaceful. I got out of bed and showered, then went to make coffee. When I brought her a cup, she was still asleep, so I woke her up with a kiss on the cheek after setting the drink down on the bedside table.

"Morning sleepyhead," I whispered.

"Fgck ff," she muttered. I laughed and took a sip of my coffee. She pushed herself up, letting the sheet slide down and giving me a view again of her delightful breasts. I stared once more.

"You really are a pervert," she noted, taking the coffee and drinking. "Which I guess is good for our relationship." She took a long pull.

"Almost done with the semester," she sighed. "Sorry we can't hang out more." I was always fascinated with how quickly coffee turned her around.

"I'm going to schedule that fight with Annie today. I'll ask her if it's okay that you're there. I might try for after the semester, or at least the last couple of days of finals, where I'll be done with most of the tests. But this time, I'm afraid we really won't get any more time together — well, at least long enough for our expected stuff," she added smugly.

"Yeah. So next week at my parents' house?" Tiffany nodded. "The week after for yours?" Tiffany nodded again, more slowly.

- - - Updated - - -

Despite it being only two days of classes (school closed Wednesday to allow for travel), we both felt like we had too much on our plate, and ended up not getting together on that Wednesday. So it wasn't until Thursday afternoon at around 3:00 when I answered the door.

My girlfriend stunned me. She was wearing a demure sweater over her deep burgundy dress, and had a bracelet on her wrist. I ushered her in, and she planted a chaste kiss on my cheek. "I clean up nice," she noted, brushing my cheek with her fingertips. "But close your mouth, seriously. It's getting weird." I took her coat, and grabbed her ass, briefly. She jumped and turned around on me, her eyes wide. "Don't," she whispered.

I laughed.

"Is that our future daughter-in-law getting here?!" my dad bellowed.

"Oh, shit," I said. Tiffany laughed.

"Only if you start paying him better!" my girlfriend shot back. My father and mother both laughed as Tiffany went in to say hello. I followed, shaking my head. This hadn't started well.

"You have grown into a striking young woman," my mother said. "No wonder our son is so smitten."

Tiffany turned to me and gave me an open mouth smile. "Smitten, hmm?" she asked, her voice tinkling. My mother was grinning, too. I sighed, sadly admitting defeat before the meal had even started. While the jokes were mostly at my expense, Tiffany held her own. I enjoyed having her there, and my parents were on their best behavior.

When dinner was over, Tiffany helped my parents with the dishes and I helped my Dad start taking out the trash and doing the other cleaning. When we'd finished in the garage with the trash, both my mom and Tiffany looked at us and laughed.

"Oh, Christ," my dad muttered. "Now we're screwed. They actually like each other. Your mom and grandma did the same thing. Worst thing that ever happened to me. Sorry, son." I looked at him, expecting the punchline. He just went into the bathroom and washed his hands.

We enjoyed a bit more conversation, and Tiff asked if she could meet me at my place. It was so innocent that not even my father made a joke about it, though he was half asleep watching the game.

When we got to my place, Tiffany sighed. "I'm so glad that went well," she whispered as we settled on the couch.

"Me, too," I told her, stroking her arm lightly.

We both woke up at about two in the morning, and after much grumbling made our way to the bed. I checked my phone out of habit, and saw a text. When I typed in my code, I realized I'd picked up Tiffany's phone.

"You have a text, Tiff," I told her.

"K," my girlfriend rolled over and grabbed the phone. She was quiet, slowly reading the text before her eyes widened noticeably.

"It's Annie," Tiff said. "She wants a fight tomorrow night. Well, later tonight, I guess."

"Black Friday boobs?" I asked. Tiffany looked up at me. She glared for a moment, then moved on, apparently deciding the comment was not worth her time.

"She said she could do it anywhere we want — she can't host, though." I nodded.

"My place is available," Tiffany smiled, and she leaned over to let me get a good look down the long-sleeved, baggy shirt she'd worn to bed. Her dark, inviting cleavage drew my eyes.

"Yeah. Four young, firm tits going at it. Can't imagine why my pervert of a boyfriend would want to have that going around in his place," she said. Her eyes twinkled with the laughter I heard behind the phrase. I stuck out my tongue. "But I really don't want anyone else in on it, so thanks, baby. I'll think of some way to pay you back, I'm sure."

"I've already thought of seven," I said pointedly. Tiffany fell back in the bed, laughing. I grinned as I joined her, and she looked at me with a big grin on her face.

"Can I move in after finals?" she asked. I felt the smile on my face widen, and actually felt my face tingle with excitement. I kissed her.

"Absolutely," I said, not knowing what else to say.

"I've never been so happy, Jon," she admitted. "And you cook and clean, so I know you'll be a hell of a roommate." My eyes narrowed and she giggled. "I'll help," she said. I laughed, wondering what it was going to be like living with my girlfriend.

When we woke up again, it was later than I'd expected. I did what I felt like was our normal ritual, making some coffee and a few eggs for breakfast. When she came out, she had the cutest sleepy expression on her face. We chatted, and she made a few jokes about how most of my stuff was going to have to go. When I asked what she just shrugged and made some suggestive moves. We both laughed. After we both cleaned up, Tiffany took her car back to the sorority house to get clothes for the evening and work the mid-shift at the lingerie store.

I worked on all of the stuff I could, including a pretty solid cleaning of the living room, leaving no furniture in the way for the fight. I couldn't believe the fight had happened so suddenly, but it did make sense. I had no idea what Annie did, but she obviously had known Tiffany was a member of Beta Omega, so she'd have known that Tiffany was likely off on Friday night (the mall closed early enough that she'd have made the late appointment).

I found myself excited about the fight, and wondered what stakes both were involved in. I knew Tiffany was unlikely to involve me (save perhaps for watching), but I knew that if she was less emotionally involved that she was likely to make them more entertaining. As I thought through the options, I realized I was assuming Tiffany was going to win.

I hated myself for it a little, but I flashed back to Sabrina crushing Tiff's heavy jugs out, flattening my girl's amazing boobs. I already knew that Sabrina's nipples were superior. I wondered if Tiff would risk another nipple fight. Seeing her proud, perky nipples bend had become something I hated for her, but found arousing. I shook myself from my reverie and went to my textbooks, hoping that the thought of Tiffany losing wouldn't dominate my study session.

I proved myself wrong, and Tiffany called after her shift at the lingerie store.

"I'm on my way to your place, Jon," she said. "Has Annie called? I sent her your number so you could expect her."

"Not yet," I replied. I'll keep my phone on me though.


As soon as I hung up, my phone rang. I laughed before answering.


"Jon?" the woman asked. I gave her the directions to my apartment and as I was hanging up, heard Tiffany come in.

When I saw my girlfriend, I couldn't resist giving her a quick kiss.

"How was work?" I asked. She smiled at me, and told me about a busy night, including a mention that she'd bought a few things for Christmas. She pulled her sweater over her head, revealing an amazingly deep cleavage in her new pushup bra. I felt my eyes widen and Tiffany laughed.

"This one's not even for you," she said in a smoky, smiling voice. She slid up to me.

"I can't believe how hard it's been to be away from you the past couple of weeks," she said. "Good thing that won't happen again," she whispered, giving me a kiss.

"I can't wait," I said, kissing her again. We pulled apart fast at the knock, both of us laughing. I fought the urge to grab Tiffany's tits, but I could already see the look in her eyes begin to shift toward a more determined focus.

I went to the door. When I opened it, Annie stepped in, her blonde hair bouncing around her slightly round face. She was toned, a fit woman, and obviously just a bit older. The passage of time hadn't seemed to affect her much, though at around 25, she might have just hit her prime. I almost laughed to myself as I realized I'd thought of the 25-year-old as "older." I let my eyes follow her neck down to her shoulders — I realized that she was slightly more slender than my girlfriend.

"Jon," Tiffany said, shaking me from my reverie, "Could you get us some water? I'd like a chance to chat with Annie before the fight." I dutifully left, and came back with two glasses of water. Annie thanked me and Tiff smiled.

As they were still talking, I wandered back to my room, wanting to be as unobtrusive as possible. I almost laughed to myself, remembering what Tiffany had done for Amanda, Darla, Sabrina, and even a couple of others In terms of my involvement. I couldn't tell if I was part of this one, but if that was the discussion happening, I wanted to be well away from it and let the two participants work it out.

"Jon, are you going to watch?" I heard Tiff's voice call.

When I came out, I was shocked to see Annie, completely topless, and rightfully proud. Without the hindrance of clothing, I was able to judge more clearly and more effectively how she held up against my girl. Annie's blonde hair was cut right to her shoulders, and with her top off, I could see the smooth slope of her shoulders, and just enough definition to realize she took care of herself. My eyes traced down to the ridiculously symmetrical shoulder bones, and the smooth slope of her skin as I looked at her alabaster breasts. Each sat as high and firm as my girlfriend's impressive chest, round and full.

As I felt my gaze lingering, I looked up to both women. Tiffany was trying not to laugh. Even Annie was snickering.

"I told you," Tiff said, smugly watching. She was still in her bra. "He really appreciates a good set of young, firm tits."

"His lucky day," Annie said, her voice slightly higher than my girl's. "He'll probably love this," she said. Annie looked right at me as her left arm sneaked behind Tiffany. I heard the faint snap as Tiffany's plain black bra slid forward. Tiffany laughed as she shimmied out of it, letting her big breasts shake. Both girls laughed as I stood, awestruck.

"I've never had this much fun before a fight," Tiffany said. Amber nodded.

"He's adorable," Annie said, with the tone of agreement. "Do you want to tell him the stakes? Or should it be a surprise?"

"We'll tell him after I crush your perky titties, blondie," Tiffany said in the same light tone she'd been using. Annie grinned.

"I can't wait to see how much he likes my pair after yours are flattened against your ribcage, whore," Annie said, still smiling.

"Let's find out," Tiff snapped.

I wondered what was going on as both women turned away from me, toward each other. Annie was slightly shorter than Tiffany, and her tits were just noticeably smaller. They were just as high on her chest, though, and just as firm.

"God, this is going to be fun," Annie hissed. And with no warning, the blonde shoved her firm boobs into my girlfriend's proud pair. Both held remarkably well, displacing slightly at the point of contact. Tiffany's face registered the contact more out of surprise than anything, as neither woman seemed put out by the first touch. I leaned against the wall to watch the women go at it.

They were tentative at first, simply pushing and shoving their sizable breasts into each other. As Annie's right would meet Tiffany's left, both would flatten at the point of contact. It was not always tip to tip, and Tiffany's tit sometimes looked as thought it was impaling Annie's boob, forcing the blonde's flesh upward and outward from the point of impact. When Annie's heavy gland pushed against Tiffany's from the exterior, the same thing happened, as my girlfriend's tit seemed to yield momentarily.

Each pair held its shape, though, sometimes just regaining as the invading pair entered, other times springing back. Neither woman said much, save whispers that I couldn't hear. I looked to my girlfriend, who had instigated the stance both women were in. Each had her hands on the other's hips, keeping their breasts in almost constant contact. As their tits slid over each other, sweat began to build. Their boobs bounced and shook as I watched, and Annie noticed the effect it was having on me. Or at least said something.

"Your guy likes seeing my perfect titties wearing yours out, Tiff," the blonde said, just as she lined her tits up and pushed. The move pushed Tiffany's boobs back, and it seemed as though, just for a moment, as though my girl's heavy jugs were making way for Annie's pert, firm tits.

"Yeah, look at those big, soft boobs open up for me," Annie said. She shoved again, and again, Tiff's firm boobs yielded slightly.

"Ok," Tiffany said, and shoved back. This time, Annie's boobs flattened more, receiving more of the blow's force. I wondered if things were about to escalate. I was surprised when they didn't. Both women were wincing slightly, but light shoves forced some of the flesh outward, and the advantage was held with the person beginning the contact. If Tiffany shoved her big tits into Annie's chest, the smaller blonde either saw or felt her perky tits flatten out from the surface. When Annie pushed, Tiffany's ample breasts seemed to allow access, her flesh simply pushing in. I wondered which woman was more uncomfortable, but neither seemed to give any indication that an advantage had been gained.

Tiffany's hands moved first, sliding up to Annie's slender shoulders. Annie stopped pushing, instead leaning down and firing a shot from below. Tiffany's boobs bounced up, jiggling delightfully as Annie continued the blow, shoving her firm tits into the underside of my girlfriend's big rack. Tiffany's big breasts flew up, rolling from the impact, and my girlfriend groaned as she felt the blow connect. I watched as Tiffany's breasts settled on her chest and Annie reared back. I watched as my girlfriend's tits dented at their center before springing back. Tiffany grunted and Annie showed her experience by spearing Tiffany's larger breasts again. Tiffany's hands tightened on Annie's shoulders, but she didn't move in time.

Annie's swing changed again, and I realized Tiffany, unfamiliar with the blonde's strategy, was having difficulty anticipating. A shot from the new girl's firm left breast slammed into Tiffany's right, forcing my girlfriend's perfect boob to wobble. Annie repeated the move with her other breast, and soon Tiffany's tits were both shaking on her frame.

"Let's get them bouncing," Annie laughed. Another shot from Annie's smooth, firm looking left tit followed, and Tiffany's jugs were each shaking independently of the other. As Annie paused to look at her masterpiece, Tiffany took advantage, and slammed her larger breasts into Annie's pair. The blonde's tits almost looked as though they'd been partially swallowed for a moment before Tiffany pulled back, slamming forward again so rapidly that my girlfriend's opponent barely had time to register the blow before Tiffany's next strike. Annie grunted as Tiffany's thrust slammed into Annie's sizable tits. As Tiffany pulled away, I saw that both women's tits had already begun to redden.

Tiffany pressed her advantage, swinging from the left to force her heavy left breast into Annie's left. Annie's flesh shook and wobbled over her chest as Tiffany held her breast against Annie's and began sliding her heavy, firm tit over Annie's smaller counterpart. Annie groaned as she felt the mass of flesh push her own breast inward, shifting both the surrounding tissue and core of her tit. Annie's boob slid back as Tiffany continued, the latter pressing her flesh into Annie's other orb.

I watched as Annie's right tit was pushed outward, before being covered by Tiffany's breast. Tiffany pulled back suddenly, and I felt myself stiffen as the blonde's jug bounced back into its original position. Tiffany slid back, using her right breast to try to repeat the maneuver.

Annie moved quickly this time, striking without warning by pulling back and slamming into the underside of Tiffany's rack. Her left breast made the most impact, this time slamming into Tiffany's right tit, forcing my girlfriend's meaty flesh up toward her shoulder. Annie followed up by grinding her right tit into Tiffany's left, pushing in so that Tiffany's boob slowly pushed out. I found it kind of hot, watching another girl spear my girlfriend's big, powerful tit, and wondered if it made me a horrible boyfriend. Regardless of what else it made me, it had gotten me harder, and Annie took that into her trash talk.

"Your guy's getting so hard watching me flatten these big titties," Annie said. "I can't wait till I'm finished crushing you," she added. "Maybe I'll just keep bouncing your beaten jugs until he cums in his pants." Tiffany groaned as her other tit was pushed inward slightly, leaving both her tits momentarily impaled by Annie's obviously firm pair. Annie pulled away for just a moment, and Tiffany sighed as she felt her boobs rebound into their original, gorgeous shape. Her relief was short lived as the blonde remained the aggressor, this time lining her smaller boobs up and slamming them forward. Tiffany's, flesh rippled as it was pushed back and outward, and I heard my girlfriend moan as she watched Annie's attempts to invade her big orbs. Annie ground for a second, but pulled away, seemingly looking down to take stock of the situation.

Tiffany pounced, and dipped her waist just enough to send her wrecking ball mammeries into the underside of her opponent's perky boobs. Annie's boobs moved this time, flattening slightly at the bottom while the bulk of her mass shifted upwards, wobbling up her chest. Her pink nipples danced as Tiffany's attack shook Annie's sizable tits. My girlfriend shifted her weight, and before Annie's round, supple looking boobs stopped jiggling, Tiffany's right breast slammed into its counterpart. Annie groaned this time as she felt her right tit mashed inward, and again, Tiffany poured on the pressure. Soon my girlfriend's right breast was burrowing into Annie's left, while Tiffany's left tit was trying its best to flatten Annie's right boob. The look on Annie's face seemed to be between discomfort and pain. Her eyes were narrow, but her mouth was tight and angry looking.

"I can't wait to see what these look like when I'm done," Tiffany said. "I'm going to bet tube socks."

"You fucking bitch," Annie hissed. Annie pulled away with a sudden burst of strength. Tiffany kept her balance but soon the women were circling each other. They both rubbed their sore breasts, and I enjoyed watching their flesh bounce and jiggle as they dropped each boob.

"Can't take the heat, old lady?" Tiffany teased. I'd forgotten about the age differential, but apparently Annie had not.

"You're going to pay for that, you little slut," Annie said, her voice edged with promise. They both took two huge strides, fast and crisp, and both pair of tits slapped against each other loudly enough that I wondered if the neighbors had heard. I watched four young, nubile breasts wobble and shake away from the other, driven by the force of impact and the density of their glands. Both women winced, but both also thrust their chests forward again. While the impact was lessened because of the lack of momentum, neither woman seemed to hold back and both pairs of ample breasts quivered as the women pulled apart.

Tiffany ensured she wouldn't lose momentum through the lack of effort, stepping quickly to her left to bring her torso snapping back. Her own breasts distended for just a moment as the motion pulled them away from her chest, then Annie's right breast flattened at the point of impact, where Tiffany's right breast slammed directly into Annie's. Tiffany's left tit slammed into her other big boob, but I noticed that the blonde whimpered, and Tiffany's grin told me what I needed to know about who got the worst of the arrangement. Annie's right tit dented and flopped inward, meeting Tiffany's left tit as my girlfriend dragged her torso through Annie again. As Annie's tit fell back to its original position, Tiffany let herself pause for a moment, leaving Annie's perky and sore looking right jug between her cleavage.

"Squeeze it," I almost said. Tiffany didn't, but suddenly started shaking. I saw my girlfriend's hands snake outward and grip Annie's hip. As I watched the new tactic, I realized that Tiffany was simply shifting left and right quickly, from one foot to the other. Annie's left breast was pushed outward, bouncing off of Tiffany's big breast, and I felt almost bad for Annie's right tit, trapped as it was between my girl's magnificent pair.

"Shit," Annie groaned as her tits were pummeled. Annie had only been stunned for a moment, and soon her own torso slid back and forth, trying to match Tiffany's blows. In moments, it appeared that every bit of their flesh was in contact, sliding, folding, bending and slapping. Tiffany's big boobs looked almost as if they were bouncing at times, while Annie's were pushed around before bouncing back. Neither woman seemed to be gaining a good advantage. After some impressive moves, both women seemed to be tiring.

"Can't keep up?" Annie sneered. "Probably from lugging those leather bags around. Let me take 'em off for you," she said, and faster than I had thought either woman would be capable, Annie sent a shot into the underside of Tiff's big boobs. The blonde's attack sent Tiffany's tits shaking uncontrollably upward, and Annie grabbed my girl's shoulders before the latter could move back to regroup. Tiffany's big boobs were wobbling when Annie quickly moved forward. She slammed her tits forward, once again spearing my girlfriend's bigger tits. Both pair seemed as though they'd softened, and while Tiffany's yielded more easily, Annie's compressed more as well.

My girlfriend groaned as Annie's big boobs invaded her larger pair. "Wow," Annie grunted as she tried to work her big tits further in, "They are so fucking firm." Perhaps realizing that it sounded like praise, Annie quickly continued. "Gonna make crushing them so much more worth it."

"You're not going to crush me, Annie. I'm going to flat... Oh fuck," Tiffany suddenly groaned as Annie speared her again. I swallowed, wondering if my girlfriend's tits had just been beaten. I didn't see a visual change in the form of her breasts. I watched Annie pull away, apparently for another blow, and Tiffany moved fast, stepping back to slam forward herself. Annie's eyes widened as she felt Tiffany's big, firm breasts connect with hers. Both pair flattened at the point of impact, and slowly, my girlfriend pushed forward. Annie groaned, but Tiffany's hands slid up from Annie's hip and within seconds, the blonde was pulled into my girlfriend in one of Tiffany's hugs.

Both women groaned as my girlfriend pulled her opponent in. At times, it looked as though Annie's perky breasts were forcing their way into my girlfriend's larger pair, while at others, Tiffany's big boobs seemed to be pushing and pressing the blonde's smaller tits flat.

I remained silent while the two women ground against each other, listening closely to the wet smack of their heavy tits against each other and their grunts and gasps as their nipples scraped against the opposing flesh. At one point after this heavy, consistent contact, Annie dipped low suddenly, seemingly to launch another attack. Tiffany anticipated the blow, I guessed, as she slammed her heavy tits down. It was an intense sight, watching Annie's boobs forced down on her chest, and the blonde's reaction indicated that it wasn't a good thing. Annie's taut flesh stretched down, distending the breasts' tissue against the weight of Tiffany's bigger boobs.

"Oh fuck," Annie groaned. Tiffany raised her own tits again and slammed down once more. Annie swore again as her tits shook, only regaining their original position when Tiffany pulled her firm flesh away. Annie looked down and released Tiffany to cup her tits. Tiffany slammed forward, and the blonde groaned again. Annie's hands fell to her side, and I realized that the last few blows had done the blonde's jugs in.

Tiffany pulled Annie closer so the former could press her larger, heavier right breast into the beaten girl's left tit. Annie's tit jiggled a bit more than it had, but Tiffany wasn't done, I realized. My girlfriend followed suit with her left breast, and I watched as she pushed her tits into and over Annie's amazing rack. At first, I wondered what was going to happen, as Tiffany was moving slowly, savoring her win. Then Annie's tits began flattening earlier than they had been, compressing at the point and moving outward with a more fluid motion. Tiffany had definitely loosened those tight tits, and Annie's flesh simply made way for Tiffany's even as my girlfriend's boobs compressed slightly.

"I want to flatten these," Tiffany said, her voice calm. "But I'll give you the chance to avoid it. Just give it up, Annie," Tiffany told her.

Annie tried thrusting forward one more time. The end result was a slight dent in my girlfriend's big tits, and a noticeable wave of flesh from Annie's breasts, radiating outward from the point of impact. Tiffany dipped her tits down and pushed up, letting her boobs into the underside of her blonde rival. Tiffany shoved her tits up, and Annie's boobs offered no resistance. They pushed up, her tits almost flattening from the bottom as Tiffany humiliated her. Annie's tits eventually slid down, and Tiffany pushed her tits over them until my girlfriend's boobs were once again on top.

Annie groaned as her tits fell, and nodded. "Okay," she said, her voice cracking just slightly. "You win, Tiffany." Tiffany pulled away immediately.

Both women looked at each other, and I realized, in that moment, that I was superfluous to the proceedings. They hadn't done this for me and it wasn't about me. Tiffany leaned forward and rubbed Annie's boobs gently.

"Amazing," Tiffany said to her. Her voice was full of respect. Annie reached out to marvel at Tiffany's heavy breasts.

"So heavy. Like, really heavy," she added. Tiffany snickered and Annie smiled as she realized what she'd said. "I'm torn between being really fucking pissed that you were able to beat me in front of your pervert boyfriend, and how I'm not likely to see a pair of boobs like this anytime soon." Annie glanced at me. I saw a hint of a smile, but she looked back at Tiffany, who was still gently caressing the blonde's angry red breasts.

"Thanks for the fight, Tiffany. It's been a while since I found some competition. I'll be honest, I didn't expect to get beat." Tiffany laughed.

"Lots of girls who fight me say that," Tiffany said, cupping Annie's left breast. Tiffany's hands lightly moved to Annie's nipples. Annie moaned slightly in surprise. "Of course, lots of girls I fight don't have tits like these," Tiffany noted.

I didn't know if it was part of the stakes, but soon Tiffany's hands were lightly teasing Annie's nipples, and the blonde's peaks hardened. Tiffany allowed herself at least three or four minutes of play, pulling and pinching Annie's tips before bringing her to my sofa and sitting down.

"So why did you contact us?" Tiffany asked. Annie still had her eyes half closed, apparently immensely aroused.

"Oh, I had planned on it for a while. My sister had told me about you. I wasn't expecting the show in the restaurant though," she added as Tiffany's eyes widened in surprise. Annie laughed. "Relax," Annie said. "Bianca is my little sister. She told me about you and the fights she'd seen. She told me less about Jon, though apparently he's becoming quite the lady's man from the rumors I've gotten out of her."

"Huh?" I asked, unable to keep quiet at the last comment.

"Amanda," Tiffany said, nodding. I looked at Tiffany. She smiled at me before turning back to Annie. "My appetite for humiliation might have had something to do with that reputation," Tiffany admitted. Annie studied Tiffany for a moment.

"That makes more sense than it probably should," Annie responded, seemingly carefully. "Was it stakes?" she asked, curious. She'd heard a bit more about this than she'd let on, I realized.

"Yep. Took her from a friend and made her our little toy for a bit. Aren't you glad I was nicer to you?" Tiffany asked, suddenly becoming the aggressor. Annie smiled and nodded. She knows she's been found out, I realized.

"Bianca was right. You are good. Now, do you want to tell your guy what he's won?" Amanda asked. Tiffany looked at me, and the surprise was obviously visible on my face.

"I like to show him. He's a pretty visual person. He really enjoys big boobs," Tiffany said. Her voice had dropped slightly, and Annie strode toward the couch and sat down. Tiffany asked me to sit in the chair opposite Annie. The blonde leaned back and Tiffany walked behind her. My girlfriend leaned over and whispered something I could not hear. Annie nodded and Tiffany began slowly rubbing Annie's neck.

"Feel free to... you know," Tiffany told me. I wondered what she meant. It didn't take long to guess. As Tiffany leaned over, she began sliding her hands down Annie's chest.

"Look at them, Jon," Tiffany said. "Look at this blonde loser's lesser tits." Tiffany gently shook them, and Annie grunted, obviously in some discomfort. "Watch these loser jugs shake when I push them," Tiffany told me. I did. And Annie's luscious tits did shake.

"Fuck, Tiffany," Annie groaned. Tiffany slowed the bouncing, which simply heightened the awareness of the firmness my girl's better tits had beaten out of the blonde's pride and joy. Her tits flopped over Tiffany's hands as though limp. Each nipple was going in a different direction as my girlfriend humiliated the blonde.

"Thought you were going to beat me?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah," Annie responded, gasping as Tiffany pulled on her hardening nipples. "I thought I'd flatten you, then I could show Jon how weak your flopping udders were." Tiffany let Annie's boobs drop against her chest.

"How'd that go?"

"You crushed my boobs," Annie said, groaning as Tiffany gathered them up for another splat against her chest. The blonde's big boobs bounced as my girlfriend let them go. "Your big, firm jugs outdid my weak titties." Tiffany pulled on her nipples again, gently, as she'd done at the first contact after the fight. My girlfriend released Annie's beaten tits and sat down next to her.

"Enjoying the show?" Annie asked. "He's very polite," Annie pointed out, even as Tiffany gathered up her tits again. "I expected him to have started stroking... oh shit," Annie suddenly groaned as Tiffany smashed the blonde's tits together. They flattened, creating a deep, dark vertical line between them before spilling back out.

"Again?" Tiffany asked. Annie groaned, but I nodded. Annie actually watched her big boobs smashed together, and this time I groaned. "Pull it out, Jon. This is your show. Watch Annie's big tits get beat on some more." I couldn't resist the request. "Damn, Jon. You must like this," Tiffany teased as I opened my pants. "Well, it's only going to get better."

Annie's eyes were focused on me, and I thought I saw some red in her face as she watched me watch her humiliation. "Wanna know what he really likes?" Tiffany asked Annie, loudly enough to hear. Annie didn't respond, and Tiffany hefted Annie's left tit in her hand and slapped it against her right breast. I grunted as her right breast shook wildly over her chest.

"What?" Annie blurted out. "What does that pervy boyfriend of yours want to see?" she asked. Still holding Annie's left boob, Tiffany pushed it up.

"Lick it," she whispered. "Show him what a useless pair of tits like yours is good for." Annie looked down, and I couldn't tell if it was shame or lust, but slowly her tongue fell out of her mouth and began lightly caressing the top of her trapped tit. Tiffany knew me too well. I groaned, unable to stop my hand.

"Last act," Tiffany said quietly. "And it's one of my favorites," she said. The blonde looked up, resigned disgust on her face. "Tell Jon exactly what happens," she said.

"I remember what I said," Annie snapped. Tiffany smiled and put a hand on Annie's hip. I wondered what my girlfriend had concocted. I was unsurprised to see Tiff's leisurely pace. She had been looking forward to this win, I realized suddenly.

Tiffany lined up her big boobs against Annie's and pushed. Annie's tits spilled away, and I heard a grunt before a shaky voice. "Oh, fuck. She's crushing my big, loser tits, Jon. I can't believe how much bigger and better your girl's tits are than my loser boobs. I can feel my tits getting flattened, Jon." Tiffany pulled away before really doing them in, and my girlfriend shifted her hips so that her bigger pair was directly below Annie's sore looking boobs. Without ceremony, Tiffany brought her tits up, slowly, pushing Annie's boobs toward her face.

"Oh, damn, Jon. She's pushing my big boobs up with hers. I can't even tell if they're resisting now," she said, her voice tinged with sadness. She looked down to see her big tits moving independently of one another. "Damn. Look at my loser jugs flop around, Jon. Watch me get bounced by your superior girlfriend," she said. Her voice had lost its edge, but she said things clearly. The demonstration of her humiliation was too much for me. Tiffany noticed and pulled back from Annie. Both women turned to see me explode, grunting and groaning. As soon as I'd come down, I looked at Annie, and I felt a wave of embarrassment flush over me.

"Sorry," I told her. Annie and Tiffany both laughed.

"Those were the stakes, Jon," Annie told me, her voice firm. "The winner embarrasses the loser until you cum. And I only wish you'd lost it sooner," she said, slightly bitterly. "And you know, that I'd won." Annie's eyes flashed to Tiffany, who actually reached for a hug.

"That might have been the hardest fight I've won," Tiffany said. "If you want a rematch, you know where I am." Annie laughed.

"I'll keep it in mind. And keep an eye on your guy. He's special. I've never felt more comfortable fighting in front of a guy than I did tonight." I thanked her, and went into the kitchen to gather some cleaning materials. When I came back, Tiffany was helping Annie get back into her shirt, both women being as gentle and careful as possible. As I cleaned, Annie said goodbye and left. I quickly had my mess cleaned up, and when I came back in, Tiffany looked at me hungrily.

"You have fun?" she asked, smiling. I nodded.

"Me too," she said. "Did you like the stakes?"

"Yeah. Probably more than I should have," I told her. Tiffany shrugged.

"Bitch knows her tits' place now," she said, smiling. "And yes, Jon, she would have done the same to me if I'd lost. I know either way you would have lost it. My gift to you."

"I didn't get you anything," I said, half-joking. Tiffany's look changed almost instantly, and she walked to me, still topless. The look on her face had my attention enough that I barely noticed her free boobs swinging as she walked. She brushed the hair on my temple.

"You really don't realize how great a guy you are," she whispered. "I'm going to live with you, and yes, one day, when we're both ready, we'll get married." My heart started beating faster. "And I'm not letting my claws out of you, Jon. I love you. I've been playing this out in my head all month, and after Thanksgiving with your family, I realize that I want to be with you. And you've never really judged me for my quirks. I can't imagine..." I cut her off with a kiss. We slowly made out, sliding to the couch. When we finally pulled away, Tiffany smiled.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I've never been happier," I said, honestly.

"Because I'm topless?" she asked, an impish grin on her face.

"That doesn't hurt," I conceded.

"Dick," she laughed. Her smile fell away slightly. "So you're not scared off?"

"Tiff, the only reason I haven't said the same thing is that I was worried I'd scare you. I'm really looking forward to having you here all the time," I said. Tiffany let a more wicked smile onto her face as she reached down to my lap.

"Blowjobs on demand?" she asked.

"Better than cable," I said as off-handedly as I could. She tried to look put out but laughed instead.

"Cute," she whispered. "I'm looking forward to dinner next week," she told me, even as her hands undid my pants. I let her work.

"Me too," I told her.

"You wanna preview of every night in our place?" she asked. I felt the cool air as she opened my pants. I groaned and her head fell toward my lap.

"Tiff, we can..." my voice trailed off as I felt Tiffany's mouth on me.

"We can what?" she asked lightly. I groaned as I felt her fingertips dancing. "Thought so. Now just relax. You're mine tonight."
Latest Chapter of "Titfight Academy"

"A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister" series

You can find some reference pics in my profile


Offline papillon

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Re: Best Friend's Sister, Part Twenty Four
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2020, 05:37:40 PM »
Thanks. It's a great series!


Offline Augur

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Re: Best Friend's Sister, Part Twenty Four
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2020, 04:58:39 PM »
Part Twenty Four?

salute to your dedication.

Salutations are indeed in order! Jon's newest BFS chapter is number FORTY, and the series has seventeen spin-off episodes from Goliadmike and another twenty or so from me.  ;D
Happy reading!

I really love the stories from Jon Grey and Augur. Best series ever. We all hope for  a christmas present and a new chapter  ;D

Well, I don't want you all to get your hopes up too much, but let's just say that there is a pretty good chance of getting another (now almost traditional) BFS Holiday Special from me this year...  ;)

« Last Edit: December 04, 2020, 05:00:32 PM by Augur »
Latest Chapter of "Titfight Academy"

"A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister" series

You can find some reference pics in my profile


Offline Reddd

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Re: Best Friend's Sister, Part Twenty Four
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2020, 11:27:28 PM »
Part Twenty Four?

salute to your dedication.

Salutations are indeed in order! Jon's newest BFS chapter is number FORTY, and the series has seventeen spin-off episodes from Goliadmike and another twenty or so from me.  ;D
Happy reading!

I really love the stories from Jon Grey and Augur. Best series ever. We all hope for  a christmas present and a new chapter  ;D

Well, I don't want you all to get your hopes up too much, but let's just say that there is a pretty good chance of getting another (now almost traditional) BFS Holiday Special from me this year...  ;)

Sorry Augur but Hope's are up!!! Have you heard from Jon lately? Hope all is well!