I think this is one of those categories where there is no right answer. I think for most authors write what they enjoy. If they like a lot of build up like me, they write a lot of build up. If they just like the fight and nothing else, they write just the fight and nothing else. If they want more of a competitive love making match, they do that. If they want super violent fights, they have super violent fights. I would say the actual description of the fighting is the hardest part, especially catfighting. You have to be much more descriptive about it I think. Think about most movie scripts. For example in most Star Wars movies, the script says "They Fight" and that is it. I think if you read something and it is your thing, you should encourage the writer to do more. If it isn't, find somebody else who is your cup of tea and follow their work. Demanding they write something else more to your liking is kind of silly and I don't think I have ever really seen it work out. If you can't find somebody that does your thing, write it yourself!!!