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Our first match

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Our first match
« on: December 05, 2020, 06:33:28 PM »
My wife Sarah and I married when we were young and are complete soulmates who will happily spend the rest of our lives together. My fantasy is to see her catfight another woman.  I don’t care if she wins or loses, it’s more about the build up, the anticipation and the struggle rather than the outcome for me, but obviously I would want her to win for her own sake.  I really wanted to get her involved in my fantasy,  it took a long time but this is the story of how it played out.
My fascination with women competing began when I was young.  Women would wrestle on TV in the 80s, but I was looking for something more and I discovered catfighting and found what I was looking for.  The thought of two women arranging to get together to compete using all their feminine charms really excited me. I found many articles online about wives arranging catfights for their husband's enjoyment.  I loved reading these , and it wasn’t long before I was fantasizing about my wife Sarah being one of the fighters.  Soon, I would be making stories in my mind about my wife fighting women we would see or know.

Sarah being the fantastic wife she is would join in my fantasy and tell me stories of fighting this woman or that woman in a catfight sending me absolutely wild!  On my birthday, she made my dreams come true and finally told me she would catfight someone if we could find the right opponent for her and the rules were sane.  She would be in total control and only go ahead if she felt comfortable. It took a long time, many enquiries coming to nothing, but finally through a post on a catfight connection website we finally found who we both thought was the right opponent for Sarah's first match. Her potential opponent was called Mary who was also looking for her first match and her husband Andy, they lived fairly local within 40 miles of us.

Sarah and Mary had a friendly non-confrontational chat on line. They arranged for us all to meet face to face so everyone could be 100% sure they wanted to go ahead with what Andy and I had been dreaming about! We agreed to meet in a pub in between where we lived. Andy and I picked a pub we both had been to before, it had tables spread out in the beer garden so we could have an open conversation without being overheard. In preparation for the meeting I had arranged a romantic night away about 20 miles from where the we were going to meet the night before. We had a fantastic night away, a lovely meal, good wine and being honest great sex.  I was so excited and giddy all day in expectation of even just the meeting in the pub the next day!

In the morning Sarah seemed nervous, she had changed her outfit a couple of times. I kept reasssuring her that if she had changed her mind there was no pressure to go ahead.  Sarah settled on a white vest top, not particularly low cut but tight and clearly showed her ample chest with blue jeans. It was a sunny spring day. We drove to the pub and arrived a few minutes later than agreed. As we pulled into the carpark I tried to calm Sarah by saying it's just a drink and a chat. Sarah nervously snapped, "You've said that like 1 million times today!". We went to the bar and ordered a couple of drinks, then walked out to the beer garden, not sure if Andy and Mary would be there or not.

At the back of the beer garden I saw a couple who looked the right sort of age. Andy was facing the pub and Mary had her back to us. She had long black hair, contrasting Sarah's long straight blonde hair and what seemed like a black vest top and jeans on. Sarah and I had seen a couple of pictures of Mary and Andy online but neither of us had obviously met before. As we both walked tentatively towards the bottom of the garden Sarah said under her breath, "Oh my god, the things you make me bloody do for you!". As we got closer Andy stood up smiling and shook my hand giving a really warm welcome. Mary stood up and turned round smiling and gave Sarah a hug "it's really nice to meet you at last". We all sat down looking to anyone else like friends meeting up for a drink rather than organising a catfight!

Instantly I started sizing the two women up as they sat opposite one another. Mary was slightly shorter than Sarah with straight black hair, a little larger built, probably a size 12-14, with Sarah a comfortable size 12. Both women had large breasts of about the same thoughts were already, "wow if this comes off anything close to my fantasy this is going to be absolutely amazing!".  As we sat down Sarah said, "I'm soooo glad you're normal people, I've been really nervous you would turn out to be internet weirdos", Mary laughing said, "that's exactly what I was worried about too". The conversation then just flowed with us all getting on really well, chatting about various normal things, where we were going on holiday, jobs etc, not once did we mention the real reason we were all there.

I felt the nervous tension though due to my constant hard on and worrying I'd be asked to go get another round of drinks as there was no way I could stand up anytime soon!  Then Andy after about half an hour of pleasant conversation said, "well now we've got to know each other, what do you both think about meeting up, if you know what I mean?", Sarah replied smiling, "I think we all know what you mean Andy".  Mary and Sarah's eyes met as both ladies nervously smiled at each other. Mary began nodding and said, "I'm definitely up for it if you are, I think it'll be fun", Sarah also nodding in agreement replied, "me too, though the word 'fun' could be a bit of a stretch when we're trying to stick our boobs and fannies in each others faces!". I chipped in that it sounded fun to me, though there was now a definite ramping up of tension in the air.

I was now more comfortable and asked what sort of match the girls wanted to have and listed the options;  wrestling, oil wrestling, catfight, or a catfight with agreed forfeit for the loser. Our wives again looked at each other almost trying to sense from the other's face which they most preferred. When I mentioned catfight with forfeits both ladies gave a subtle smile knowing from talking to their excited husbands what they wanted most. They gave each other a knowing nod without saying anything, we all knew what was wanted. The girls then talked about rules, they agreed on; no biting, punching or kicking, but both ladies were ok with slapping to the body and hairpulling with breast attacks allowed, (I think they both looked forward to testing their ample chests against the other to see who would come out on top, but then that could just be my thoughts). They would fight until one of them submitted in a best out of three match! There was a bit of discussion about attire, whether bikini, lingerie, topless or naked. They settled on lingerie in the end. This was the most surreal experience of my life as both ladies discussed fighting in a calm and pleasant manor with each other.

The discussion then moved on to the forefeit. I must admit I came in my pants 3 seconds into the conversation, pretty sure I concealed it very well from everyone, but then within 10 seconds had an instant full hard on again. The conversation again ratcheted up another level and rapidly turned into a game of oneupmanship or oneupladyship in this case! Mary looking directly at Sarah with a cheeky smile said, "I was thinking that when I beat you Andy could take pictures of me stood over you with my foot on your tits", Sarah responded saying, "Interesting, I was thinking that when I beat you, I want Steve to take pictures of me holding my arms up in victory while sat on your face".

Mary started smoothing Andy's arm, "that's funny, cos there's no way you can beat me woman to woman in front of Andy. I'm either going to smother you out with these (pointing at her chest), else you'll need to pucker up as you're going to have to lick me really good for me to let you up". Sarah moving to hold my hand said, "sounds like we're agreed then, the loser, that's you by the way, has to lick me the winner until I cum".  Mary said, "Oooh I'm really looking forward to this now, I can't wait to be looking down on your upset face licking my pussy".

Being honest we all wanted the fight to happen right now, but practicalities meant we agreed to meet the following Saturday at Mary and Andy's house. I was surprised Sarah didn't want her first fight at home, but she seemed comfortable with this so I wasn't going to object. Things were calming back down now and was almost surreal how we were wrapping up the conversation with pleasantries like saying it was great to meet you and see you next weekend. As the girls hugged to say goodbye it seemed to last a little longer than a slight hug in passing, I sense the girls were testing each other out already.
Sarah spent the next week preparing for the fight, picking her lingerie, talking about how should she have her hair etc.  We watched a few catfight videos together and talked about ways to get out of certain holds, best moves to do when in certain positions. Saturday finally arrived. I was shaking with excitement whilst  Sarah was shaking with nerves! Sarah was pretty much ready but was going to get her outfit on at Mary and Andy's.  We drove to their house and knocked the front door.

Andy answered and pleasantly invited us in. We walked through to their empty lounge which had quilts all over the floor and two armchairs either end of the large room facing each other. Mary was no where to be seen.  Andy told Sarah where the room was she could get ready in and said once ready to come down to the lounge and he'd get Mary. He suggested we have a beer while we waited.  It felt strange Sarah getting ready on her own, but then I thought I'd probably only get in the way and be annoying .

Andy and I chatted about football for a couple of minutes. Then obviously talk of the fight came up. We both talked up our wive's chances of beating the other and ended up betting each other £1,000 that our own busty gladiator would be victorious. We both agreed not to tell our wives as would make them feel bad if they lost, but also way better if they won as I know I planned giving Sarah a nice spending spree treat with the winnings! I heard a door open upstairs,  a few seconds later Sarah entered the room looking amazing wearing a short black silk robe with her blonde hair was up in french plats. With hairpulling allowed this would be the best way for her to suffer the least pain and hopefully give her a slight edge.

She walked over kissed me on the cheek and said "I'm ready", took my hand and walked over to the other side of the room next to one of the chairs.  I felt my heart swell with pride as we walked across the room and waited to do something I have only dreamed about.  I could tell she was really nervous. Andy shouted upstairs, "we're ready!".  I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, then in walked Mary wearing a white silky robe, her dark hair was down, with both girls outfits almost contrasting with their hair colours.  She walked over and hugged Andy, but didn't look over at us once.  After what seemed like an age Mary walked to the middle of the room, Sarah seeing this also walked to the centre of the room with Andy and I sheepishly following behind.

The girls stood face to face only a few inches apart. Mary shorter staring up slightly into Sarah's eyes, "I was worried you were going to pull out", Sarah cutting her off before she could continue, said instantly back whilst smiling, "that was never going to happen". Mary started undoing her robe revealing a black bra that her boobs were bursting out of and thong and said, "I hope you're ready for this?" as her robe dropped to the floor. Sarah maintaining her stare into Mary's eyes, undid her robe and revealed an almost matching black bra (though better fitted so her boobs weren't falling out of the top - personally I think showing her class a little more), and a black thong replied, "I sure am" and dropped her robe to the floor and took a small step forward squashing her tits against Mary's and their noses also virtually touching.

Mary started pushing back, Andy and I pulled the girls back picking up the robes and going back to our ends of the room.  The comparisons began flowing through my mind immediately.  My blonde wife around 5’8.   Her voluptuous 32H chest now heaving up and down through adrenaline and nervous anticipation next to me facing a very worthy opponent, this was going to a hell of a fight. Sarah looked unbelievably sexy. I don't think I had ever been so turned on in all my life. Her brunette opponent heavier set, but with similar sized breasts glared across the room. I reached out and held Sarah's hand, she turned to look at me with an expression that said, “Don’t worry I'm ok", then started to move slowly to the middle of the room. 

Mary reciprocated and started to walk towards Sarah. Their bodies getting ready to spring at one another.   Mary strikes first as she grabbed Sarah's platted hair, Sarah letting out a small yelp as she too grabbed a handful of Mary's hair and both girls try to trip each other over and gain the advantage. Mary's using her hips managed to trip Sarah to the floor and put her in a headlock whilst both women still tugged at each others hair.   Sarah's face was squashed up against Mary’s bra as she squirmed to free herself. Mary's nipples were already popping out of  her bra.
 To her credit, Sarah didn’t panic.  Instead after trying hard to squirm out of Mary's vice like hold, she grabs the back of Mary's thong and gave her the mother of all atomic wedgies. Mary let out a grunt and persisted with the headlock applying ever more pressure, but a look of severe discomfort came across her face. Sarah continued tugging hard, Mary took one hand away from the headlock and tried to relieve the pressure on her pussy by pulling her thong away. Sarah seized the opportunity and managed to slip her head  out of the headlock and the two women jump up to their knees and circle each other again.  This time, a look of real anger flashes in Mary’s eyes as she pulled her wedged thong out.   

They immediately lunge  at each other and tie up in basically a bear hug.  Their faces show how badly they want to win this match.  A quick glance at Andy shows he can’t believe how his wife is performing this early in the fight.  I think he is as proud as I am. Sarah grits her teeth and pushes against her rival, and Mary does the same.  They are so close together their breasts smash together in their bras and their faces are only inches apart.  Both ladies are breathing heavily and a sheen of perspiration is appearing on their skin along with red marks from grabbing at each other. They fall onto their sides and they race for dominance to be on top, their bodies entwine and they roll back and forth fighting for the advantage. 

Mary ended up on top, but Sarah locked her legs around Mary’s midsection before the brunette can take control.  Mary clamps her arms around Sarah's head and pulls her head into her semi exposed chest trying to smother her.   Sarah pushes her hands under the brunette’s chin and forces her head back.  Mary is looking straight at me, her tits pressing down on Sarah's face, but I am sure she doesn’t even realise it as I could see the intensity and adrenaline running through Mary's mind.  It seems to me they are at another stalemate, with Sarah holding Mary in position not letting her to be able to apply a tight smother on Sarah.

I hold my breath waiting to see what will happen next. Mary began almost grunting as Sarah managed to shove Mary to the side a little and away from her tit smother then yanked her on to her side whilst also moving her scissors side on to Mary's belly. She seemed to gain the advantage squeezing her legs harder around Mary's middle and tugged harder on her hair, Mary's face started going crimson red. She grabbed at one of Sarah's tits and squeezed hard, Sarah seemed impervious to it, but it was a last gasp response and she finally let out a loud shout of "Stop!" whilst slapping Sarah's leg.

Sarah almost in shock, as we all were, released her legs immediately and Mary rolled over on her back holding her belly.  An intense silence fell over the room as Sarah slowly unwrapped her legs from around Mary and got to her feet and walked towards me with an excited smile. I could tell she wanted to shout "yes!" but was containing her excitement well and was very respectful to Mary as I gave her a big hug. Andy walked over to Mary and helped her up and they walked back to their side of the room.  Both couples now were whispering to each other, with the blokes giving words of encouragement.

Sarah now emboldened by her winning the first fall walked back to the middle of the room  and said "are you ready to go again, I can give you more time if you need it?". I think this annoyed Mary and she almost jumped to her feet and whilst walking to the middle of the room started removing her bra and said, "I'm just getting warmed up, and the big guns are coming out now", Sarah in the space of 2 seconds had some how whipped her bra off, said "I think these are more than a match" and then in almost a single movement lunged at Mary grabbing a hand full of hair and one of Mary's tits. Their nipples are hard and their skin flush as they struggle against the other in what is becoming the most amazing experience of my life!

They glare at each other almost face to face with handfuls of each other's hair, though I'm sure Sarah is getting the best of these exchanges because of her platted hair.  They both grunt almost in frustration as they become further entangled and crash against a wall.  Their heads yank from side to side, and yelps of pain fill the room almost in turns from each of the willing combatants as they swear and insult each other through gritted teeth.  They topple to the floor again, but this time Mary seems to gain the upper hand.  She lands half on Sarah and quickly takes advantage and locks on another side headlock.  My wife’s feet kick the floor as she tries to find a way out. I can literally see the sweat pouring off their bodies as they fight for supremacy. 

I think the head lock is hurting Sarah a lot as she seems really agitated and squirming heavily as Mary's boobs are jammed in Sarah's face which was making it difficult for her to breathe... she was certainly breathing heavily and gasping for air now. Sarah slapped at Mary's bum and continued to pull her hair, but I could see she was in real pain as she was almost shaking as she urgently slapped and tugged at her opponent. She grabbed Mary's thong again and pulled hoping for a similar outcome as the first round, but this time the thong snapped rolling up to a lace belt now revealing Mary's shaven pussy.

Mary shouted, "you've got nothing now have you, give!" and pulled harder on Sarah's neck and head as Sarah let out a muffled groans of pain, Mary then shouted "Give! Do you give!", Sarah's response was swift with a volley of slaps to Mary's thighs a fairly definite no in anyone's book. The stalemate continued for what seemed like an age but was probably only a minute with Mary trying to gain a submission from twisting Sarah's neck as my wife was giving all she had in retaliatory slaps. Mary sensing she wasn't going to get a submission this suddenly flipped over on top of Sarah before she could react straddling her middle and went straight into a full on breast smother before Sarah could escape. Mary tits jammed deep in Sarah's face with her arms pulling her head deep into her chest. Sarah was flailing her arms and legs desperate to break the hold, I knew Mary had a full smother as you could hear Sarah's muffled fight for breath. Within a few seconds Sarah frantically tapped out by slapping the floor to breathe again.

Mary lifted her chest slightly as Sarah took a large breath, but Mary didn't immediately get up but stayed on top of Sarah with her tits remaining a couple of inches above Sarah's face with Mary smiling down at her heavily panting exhausted foe. Sarah laid flat on her back with her arms above her head, her sweat covered chest heaved up and down as she caught her breath back. Mary now sat up straight still straddling Sarah and flexed her biceps smiling at Andy whilst taking an age to get up, which was starting to annoy me, as I glared at her, she then had the cheek to blow me a kiss, then gently slapped Sarah's face while getting up and walking back to her corner of the room giving Andy a big hug.

The fight seemed to have completely gone from Sarah. I helped  her to her feet and gave her a big hug and walked back to our side of the room. Sarah was still breathing heavily as she sat back in the arm chair exhausted. I gave her a drink of water and lots of encouragement saying how great she was doing, Sarah whispering back was really annoyed at Mary's disrespect, I can't remember all she said but "that fucking bitch" seemed to finish every sentence, but I sense she started doubting she could win.  I reassured her she was doing great and going to win this match and she should go back out there and make Mary regret what she had just done.

Before I could say anything else Mary called over in a sarcastic tone, "are you ready yet, I can give you more time as I think you need it!". Sarah almost shoved me out of the way and was up in a shot as the women started circling each other again in the middle of the room, Mary pausing to remove the lace belt that once was her thong, Sarah reciprocated removing her thong revealing her tight shaven pussy saying, "I may as well remove these as well so it'll be quicker when you give me my prize !", Mary retorted, "let's get on and finish this then as I'm getting excited about my prize", as the two busty sweat sheened ladies converged on one another once more. Both ladies grabbed at one another with stinging slaps swinging in but neither getting a good grip or able to take control of this fascinating chess match!
Mary then grabbed one of Sarah's hair plats and pulled hard pulling her down to the floor face down and pulling her head almost between her knees. She then proceeded to slap Sarah's sides with her free hand, with Sarah trying her best to retaliate with slaps from her prone position before realising this was ineffective. Mary then reached under Sarah and started grabbing at her large breasts, squeezing and pulling on her left breast. To counteract this Sarah laid flat on the floor preventing Mary getting any traction on her breasts.

Mary then flipped round and was sat on Sarah's back before Sarah had a chance to react and again grabbed both her plats and pulled hard in an almost camel clutch hold pulling Sarah's neck backwards. Sarah let out grunts of pain as Mary pulled back harder and harder. Although my sexy gladiator was in trouble it was an amazing sight seeing these two busty women contort and strain in an erotic contest. Mary now sensing she had the win in the bag started toying with Sarah, "how do you like that?", "Give!, just give up and I'll let go bitch!". Sarah continued to grunt in pain but didn't respond.

I considered stopping the fight as although an amazing sight I didn't want my wife to carry on in this pain for me. Mary then released one hand from Sarah's plat and and leaned back and tried to grab between Sarah's legs. Sarah clenched her butt cheeks to try and stop Mary grabbing or pinching at her asshole and pussy. I think this relieved the pressure on her neck and back a little but she was now having her ass and pussy grabbed by Mary hard. Mary smiling at Andy then wanted to toy with Sarah a little more as she let go of Sarah's pussy and grabbed hold again of the second hair plat again and leaned forward to gloatingly whisper something in her struggling foe's ear. This was a mistake as Sarah managed to grab two handfuls of Mary's hair that was down and pull hard in retaliation.

Both women now were flat on the floor with Mary still on Sarah's back but both pulling each other's hair. Sarah using her entire body pulled Mary's head down next to hers and managed in one move to flip Mary off of her back and then pounced. She was now on top but was panting heavily from the previous couple of minutes of hard fighting. Mary tried to get on top and again and both women rolled over and over a couple of times until they came up against the wall of the room with Sarah luckily on top. Sarah used the wall to push against and jumped up on top of Mary pinning her arms above her head.

There now was a pause as the two sweat covered vixens caught their breath. Sarah composing herself held Mary's arms down and then slid up her body to a full on facesit pin, still holding Mary's arms over her head onto the floor. Mary kicked up and down and struggled hard to buck Sarah off. Being next to the wall whenever unsteady Sarah could use the wall to steady herself and maintain her position.  She now grabbed at one of Mary's tits hard, with Mary letting out a loud shriek of pain before regaining composure and not wanting to give Sarah the satisfaction she was hurting her and started struggling harder but was stuck in this position.

Sarah continued the breast attack for another 30 seconds or so before taking hold of Mary's hair in one hand and moving one of Mary's arms under her legs, she then did the same with the other trying to straddle Mary's shoulders fully. I wasn't sure this was the best thing to do as I could see Mary getting traction in her trying to buck Sarah off.  However, Sarah then grabbed Mary's head and pulled hard with her whole body, bringing Mary's face deep into her pussy. Sarah pulled with all she had, her whole body tensing as she tugged harder. After a few seconds Mary started flailing her arms and legs trying to tap out, Sarah was so into the moment she hadn't noticed, Andy shouted "she's tapping out - let her go!". Sarah immediately released Mary's face from inside her tight shaven pussy.

A silence fell over the room again. It suddenly seemed to dawn on Sarah she had won as a massive smile came over her face and she raised her arms in the air and said "Yes!". She then remembered what I loved and flexed her biceps still sat astride Mary's head. Mary wriggled to almost suggest to Sarah to get off, Sarah looked down at Mary, slowly ran her finger down her nose and said in a quiet voice, "hmmm - we're not finished yet are we", before slowly and gently slapping Mary's cheek and blowing kisses to both myself and Andy. She then looked down at Mary again and said, "I seem to remember you now owe me something, don't you?", before pulling on Mary's hair again bringing her face into Sarah's pussy and then releasing her slightly again.

Mary's tongue slowly came out of her mouth and began tenderly licking around Sarah's pussy, Sarah let out a small groan and looked to the ceiling as Mary started licking her pussy. Sarah then moved one hand up to her impressive, sweaty, victorious tits and played with one of her nipples as Mary licked and kissed all around Sarah's pussy. After a little while Sarah gestured she was getting off and laid on her back and gestured to Mary to start licking her pussy again. Mary seemed happy to deliver her forfeit for losing the fight and started using her hands to gently smooth Sarah's thighs.

Mary then pushed Sarah's legs up over her head in a move that wouldn't have been a surprise just a few minutes before in the fight with Sarah essentially now folded in two. I started thinking is the fight back on, but Mary continued to lick Sarah's pussy with Sarah's legs up by her head. Mary began also licking Sarah's asshole and seemed to be really getting into this as was my triumphant wife. Sarah was letting out loader and loader groans of pleasure while tweaking her nipples harder and harder.

She then tapped Mary gently on the head and sat up saying "I want to cum sat on your face", the busty brunette smiling reciprocated by laying on her back, her sweat covered chest still heaving up and down through the adrenaline of both the fight and now sex. Sarah now again sat on Mary's face, she licked faster with Sarah now grabbing both her nipples and tugging hard as she began to cum. Her chest turned crimson red as her whole body tensed up as she came and then shook and let out a loud groan. She rolled off and laid flat on her back panting heavily next to Mary, both gladiators were exhausted after giving their all, but only my victorious wife, my champion, was sexually satisfied.
Sarah then sat up and said that was amazing before giving Mary a hug, both women now laughing and chatting, "I can't believe we've just done that", Sarah said before the conversation continued to how each other thought they had the other in this move and that and reminiscing on the fight already. Both husbands joined in the chat gingerly making sure no offence was given to either warrior that had just fulfilled every fantasy we had.

Sarah and Mary then both put on their robes and went upstairs, Mary to have a shower, Sarah to grab her clothes. I sensed Sarah now wanted to get her things and get going rather than hang around and have a shower there. As both women went upstairs I helped Andy get the room back to normal and whilst chatting reminded Andy of the bet, he asked for my bank details to transfer the cash. Sarah then came downstairs, she had taken her hair out of the plats for the fight and was carrying her bag with her things in. Mary now following in a robe, but with wet hair where she had obviously had a quick shower.

We chatted briefly at the door with both couples thanking each other for the experience they had just shared. As we were leaving I shook Andy's hand whilst giving Mary a kiss on the cheek with Sarah then kissing Andy on the cheek before the girls hugged each other once more. Both had massive respect for one another.  Mary then said to Sarah smiling, "I'd really like to do this again sometime, but I think you'll be licking me unless you get lucky again?", Sarah replied, "Sure, anytime, just let me know when you want to make me cum again, laughed and kissed Mary on the cheek as we left".
There would definitely be a rematch...   


Offline AaronL

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Re: Our first match
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2020, 08:59:05 PM »
Some stories are so well done that you have to read them one handed. I hope Mary gets her revenge, she seems just cheeky enough to be the perfect foil for Sarah.


Offline ThumperAlpha

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Re: Our first match
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2020, 01:50:08 AM »
Rematch please



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Re: Our first match
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2020, 02:04:02 PM »
Great story!