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Angela vs Hanna in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 1 of 3)

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Offline tomcfstories

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Children conflict ends but the mothers' confrontation continues with redhead Angela and dirty blonde Hanna providing the fireworks

Prelude:  Another school year is beginning and two conscientious moms go to the bus stop with their kids for the first day traveling to school for this school term.  Their children get into a tiff, and the mothers intervene and put a stop to it just as the school bus arrives.  All the children at this stop get on the bus, and it pulls away heading towards the next children pickup point and of course eventually will stop at the school itself.  The mothers meanwhile are about to go about their business, thankful for the break that having the kids out of the house always gives them.  So, perhaps a non-eventful day in suburbia awaits them....but then, if that be the case, we wouldn't really have a story to recount would we.  As the mothers are about to disperse, the two mothers of the children that had the issue start having one themselves...a loud and nasty issue.

Angela:  "Well, I must say I have seen a better behaving child than your brat, Hanna!  Might want to take some time out and go over proper behavior."
Hanna:  "Oh really Angela, odd that you should talk about behavior when clearly it was your little monster that started the whole thing.  Makes me wonder if you spend all your time eating bon bons while not even bothering to parent."
Angela:  "Listen bitch, I am not only a better parent than you but in better shape than you.  If I ever eat sweets, I at least try to work it off, unlike maybe some people I could name."
Hanna:  "Why you lying whore!  Not only am I more fit than you, but I'm a true MILF.  Younger guys still lust after my body while my guess is when they look at you, they just hope that their girlfriend never looks like that at 50."
Angela:  "I'm in my late thirties, slut, but of course you already knew that and just threw that in as another insult.  As far as who is hotter and who is stronger, I knew how why can solve that.  Of course, I'm assuming you can tear yourself away from your soaps or whatever."
Hanna:  "I accept your challenge, and you wish you had watched General Hospital and picked up some medical knowledge after I put your body through the ringer and have you begging for mercy."
Angela:  "Arrogant nobody!"
Hanna:  "Overrated slut!"

The other women have stopped their departure after hearing the start of this back and forth, and one woman lives closer than everyone else here and happens to have a workout room.  No soaps or Oprah or household chores for these stay at home homemakers today....Angela and Hanna as they say are ready to rumble!

Beauty Contest:  The women decide on 8 anatomical areas to be judged by the other parents...facial beauty, tits, midsection, pussy, legs, arms /armpits, back, and butt.  Whichever woman wins more of these areas as judged by these other women will be declared the beauty contest winner.  Then, the catfight will start soonafter with the workout room being the perfect setting for that.  The women will strip as necessary but no stripping needs to be done for the face competition.  Each woman is pretty but neither works as a model so this one is close and splits the women present doing the judging.  But only a majority is needed to decide a winner each time, and on this decision, it goes Angela's direction so the redhead takes a 1-0 lead.  The next area will require stripping so off come the outer garments whatever they may be and they unhook their bras which reveal very nice tits, each possessing a treasure chest that Blackbeard the pirate would have loved to have plundered.  This one is even closer than the first competition with each woman having far above average tits.  As they squeeze them from the sides to accentuate them, it only makes the verdict harder to render.  However, just like the facial contest, Angela edges out Hanna to take a 2-0 lead.  Hanna is already pissed off that she didn't win at least one of the first two areas and really expected to win both of them. The third area of comparison will be their midsections.  Neither woman has a 20ish woman figure nor should they.  But for their age, they are fit with Hanna winning her first area with the better midsection of the two.  That trims her deficit to Angela down to 2-1.   The next area requires stripping the remaining clothes off since this area to be judged now is the pussy  Each woman's would be the envy of most women their ages but just as in the midsection case, Hanna's area is judged just a little firmer and tighter to tie up the overall contest at 2-2 halfway through the contest.  The next area to be compared are legs.  Nothing is wrong with Hanna's but Angela's are tapered well and hot to take this region's decision and take a 3-2 lead.  The last frontside area to be judged are arms and armpits.  In this area, Hanna takes the decision reasonably easy with luscious arms and armpits that are thicker than Angela's and yet still firm.  Hanna's win ties up the overall contest at 3-3 with only the backside areas of back and butt left to be judged.  The next area to be decided is which woman has the better back.  As with all of these areas, it is simply opinions, in this case by these women with children on this particular school bus.  But they think that Hanna has a firmer and perhaps a little better shaped one to take this area and for the first time in this entire contest takes a 4-3 lead.  The last area to be judged are their asses with a Hanna victory giving her the overall win and an Angela win making it a tie.  Hanna takes this one with a more compact butt to edge Angela out 5-3 for a comeback win after being down 2-0 early.  The women care about this one to some degree, as an irritated Hanna early is now satisifed with the final result, but the main one each wants to win is the catfight.  After all, some personal accusations were made, and one of these women is going to end up walking the talk.  They are asked whether they want to remain nude or to put back on some clothing.  They each decide to start in bra and panties which doesn't really surpise anyone.  These women are not exhibitionists by nature but obviously can let their head down, i.e. take their bras and panties off, if the cause is right.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2010, 10:56:19 PM by tomcfstories »


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Re: Angela vs Hanna in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 2 of 3)
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2010, 09:49:42 PM »
Catfight:  Angela and Hanna have taken a little water break as they put back on their lingerie, and also the workout room of that other mother has made the area even more catfight ready so no one will get least via the room's contents anyway.  There are gym mats on the floor to cushion falls for example, and the weight equipment has been moved out of the way.  The women are ready to go with Hanna raising her hands in front of her body as a challenge to Angela to participate in the classic test of arm strength.  Angela obliges locking her own hands with Hanna's opposite ones as the pushing begins to try to push the other woman's arms past vertical.  That is exactly what happens after an early back and forth when Hanna assumes command of this strength test.  But Angela isn't about to be put down on her back as she brings up a right knee into Hanna's defenseless midsection.  Angela follows up with a double axe handle to Hanna's bent over back, perhaps sweet payback to losing that area in the beauty contest, which led to Hanna's come from behind win.  That sends Hanna down on all fours, and Angela is quick to mount that pony.  Angela straddles Hanna's back with her legs on each side and moves her hands forward around her foe's head to grab the corners of Hanna's mouth.  Angela has a sinister smirk on her face as she painfully extends the corners of Hanna's mouth to the side, more to the side that her mouth would normally open.  Angela at the same time moves her legs inward towards Hanna's midsection and takes a little revenge on that beauty contest winning area also. 

Hanna would normally like to move her hands up to engage Angela's but her hands and arms are keeping her upper body off the floor at the present time.  Thus, Angela is enjoying her free reign over Hanna's body as she continues to torture the mother's mouth and sides of her midsection.  But there is nothing to keep Hanna from moving her body, and she begins to move it up and down to some degree and from side to side which makes Angela's ability to stay perched on her foe's back problematic at best.  Indeed that movement does seem to be working as Angela loses her grip on Hanna's mouth and also becomes unbalanced on her sitting position on Hanna's back.  Hanna gives her a final buck which sends the MILF off her rival's back and tumbling down to the well-matted floor in this workout room.  Hanna was not punished that badly by the mouth torture and the back/midsection pressure so the beauty contest winner quickly recovers and moves her hands over to Angela's head .  She grabs each side of her rival's face and shakes her head from side to side and up and down with each downward movement banging that head against the matted floor.  Hanna stuns Angela enough with the head movements to buy her some time to reach down to the redhead's bra.  Hanna takes that off of her opponent and once again has Angela topless as she was at the end of the beauty contest, or technically as she was even earlier when their chests were being compared.

Hanna still thinks apparently her tits are better and goes to squeezing Angela's to try to compress them down just to make sure.  Hanna traps Angela's nipples while assaulting those titanic tits which brings screams from Angela, only louder when Hanna bends her head down and bites on Angela's naughty nips.  But Hanna did make one mistake that comes back immediately to haunt her.  When Hanna took off Angela's bra she just left it laying there besides both women. Angela spies it and raises up enough to wrap her own bra around Hanna's neck in a great choke hold.  All of a sudden, it is Hanna on the defensive as she is being choked out by the very bra she just so proudly removed but didn't take care of.  The tit squeezing by Hanna has long ended when Angela pulls Hanna down to lie right beside her, using the bra and the choking motion to do just that.  Angela continues the choking with her bra, now being implemented from the side.  Hanna moves her hands up to engage either Angela's hands or the bra that is cutting into her neck at this point.  Angela uses Hanna's focus on this move to bring up her right knee time and time again into Hanna's left side, an area already sore a bit from the time that Angela was riding her foe and pressuring the sides of Hanna with both legs pulled to the inside.  Hanna is finally able to get her hands between the bra and her neck and now may be sorry she even removed it so early in the fight, it being used as a weapon against her and everything.

Angela rolls over to cover Hanna and schoolgirl pins the stacked MILF as she rubs and grinds her now topless form on top of Hanna to keep her down.  Now it is Angela's turn to do a little stripping of Hanna as she goes for her foe's bra and rips it off just like Hanna did hers.  Angela disdainfully tosses to one of the other mothers who is spectating the fight.  With Hanna's top off, Angela pays special attention at punishing Hanna's bodacious boobs including hitting them with her own after raising her upper body up in the air and letting it crash down on to Hanna's trapped form and also to do a little occasion tit squeezing and biting of her own to get back at that humiliating treatment her own titanic tits were subjected to by Hanna earlier in the fight.  Angela moves forward her beauty contest winning tits and smothers Hanna's face with them, making sure that her dirty blonde rival gets full exposure to not only her breasts but also the sweat, foul body odor, and the restriction of breathing that comes with those massive mams laying on top of Hanna's face.  Angela finishes her titsmother and changes over to an armpit smother.  If Hanna thought the titsmother was a nightmare, the right armpit smother she is now being exposed to makes the earlier smother seem like a picnic by comparison.  That area has more perspiration than her breasts had and certainly her body odor is worse there also.  The redhead is ready to use the left armpit to do same but Hanna is able to move her hands up to Angela's long hair and pulls it to make her escape. 

The women get up to sitting positions and face off in their now topless state.  They move their arms forward to wrap around the opponents' midsections and not only begin a mutual bearhug contest but also a tit battle as their chests are forced together by the bearhug pressure.  In the battle of the boobs, Angela seems to have earned that beauty contest win in that area as her huge hooters are able to still dominate the formidable ones that Hanna has.  But although Angela is winning the upper skirmish, she is losing the bearhug one due to Hanna's stronger arms and Hanna's firmer midsection.  And that is the more important of the two battles since that can give a long term edge or even a submission.  Angela of course realizes that and removes her arms from around Hanna's waist and moves them up to a primal choke of Hanna's neck.  Hanna can't exchange a bearhug punishment against what she is suffering through with the choke and removes her own arms to take Angela's hands away from her throat.  Angela pulls her right hand away from Hanna's grasp and throws a slap against the left side of Hanna's face.  It doesn't take long for Hanna to retaliate with a righthanded slap of her own.  This fight all of a sudden has taken a step up on the personal scale.

Neither wants to continue the slapping but they still keep it personal as both women go for the other's hair.  Hanna pulls Angela's redheaded tresses while Angela yanks on Hanna's dirty blonde locks.  Heads are moved violently by the hairpullling, too much movement in fact for the women to even maintain the stability of sitting positions.  They end up lying on the floor with Hanna on top.  She gets her revenge by giving Angela a taste of her tits in a smother of her own.  It is Angela who is on the wrong end of sweat, foul body odor, and an interruption of her breathing as Hanna continues to keep her on the bottom.  Finally, Angela is able to free up her right arm and hand and throws a fist into Hanna's jaw to send the stunned blonde off her body.  Hanna is lying on her back after the blow, and Angela is able to get to her feet before Hanna can recover from that hard blow to her face. 


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Re: Angela vs Hanna in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 3 of 3)
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2010, 09:55:53 PM »
Angela moves towards Hanna's body and starts stomping her MILF rival as she tries to regain the edge in this match.  She delivers blows to a lot of Hanna's body including legs, midsection, tits, and saves the best for last...her pussy.  Angela reaches down after that blow that almost paralyzes her foe and grabs Hanna's panties and takes them off, making the beauty contest winning blonde the first one nude in this catfight.  Angela is about to resume her stomping perhaps or launch some other line of attack when Hanna swings her legs around in an arc from her supine position and catches the backs of Angela's beauty contest winning legs, sending her down to the matted floor right beside Hanna.  The women get up to sitting positions and go after each other's breasts, this time with mauling squeezes and pinching/trapping of nipples.  In this battle of their chests, each strikes gold a bit by getting a few drops of milk to be secreted from the opponents' breasts in what turns out to be perhaps more than the other mothers were expecting.  In the tit mauling itself, it turns out to be pretty much of a wash with Angela's larger tits being offset by Hanna's larger hands, so neither woman has a huge edge here.

The women have obviously gotten about as personal as possible....well, almost!  One of the other mothers tosses a two-headed dildo down beside the women.  Angela and Hanna are more than ready to test out their pussies with the only thing being required that Angela pulls over her panties.  She does that and each woman inserts her end of the toy into her most private of orifices.  Hanna won the pussy appearance battle during the beauty contest but this isn't the same skirmish.  This battle will be won by whichever woman can elicit a climax and cum from the other first.  After the insertion of the dildo, the competition obviously begins with each woman straining to use her pussy to try to push it towards her rival. Angela and Hanna even raise their upper bodies using their arms and hands to try to get a better angle on the process.  Grunts and squeals from the women show how determined each woman is to force the other to climax first.  Finally, after a few minutes, cum begins to ooze out from the end stuck into Angela's pussy so technically, Hanna wins this particular competition.  Ironically, however, as the women pull out the toy head from their own pussy, Hanna's seems to have some white on it also, so when she won the deal, it was't by much.  Regardless, the women toss the toy away and are ready to continue the more normal fight.

The women are obviously tiring from the long, physical, sexual match and it shows from their more sluggish movement.  Add to that the sweat that is saturating their bodies and giving each that glistening sheen type look as if they have been oil wrestling.  While still sitting down, they move their hands in front of their bodies probing for an opening perhaps to establish a hold and gain a permanent edge towards submission of their foe.  After almost a random collage of arms moving, Hanna is able to turn Angela a bit and get her arms around her competitor in a headlock.  Hanna uses her stronger arms to establish that hold which Angela is not able to interrupt using her own hands and arms.  She changes it more to a chokehold as she eventually separates her hands herself in order to get a grip across the throat area of Angela.  Her rival is still trying to pull those hands away from her throat but isn't able to do so.  All this time that Hanna is choking the redhead, those eyes are growing wide and her breathing is being compromised as her windpipe is being compresses by the choking.  Hanna thinks this might be the end of the line for Angela and asks her for a concession

Hanna:  "Well, you redheaded tramp, looks like this is it for you in this fight.  Ready to give up or want some more choking until you pass out?"
Angela {coughing and weakly responding}: "You...{cough}....dirty blonde....{cough}....emphasis on the dirty.....bitch!  Let me go....{cough}....and I'll show you....who the better woman is {cough}
Hanna:  "Already know the answer to that one, slut!  That is why I have the hold and you are just trying to hold on."  {tighening her chokhold}
Angela {no response}
Hanna:  "Angela, you gone off into sleepyland, have you?"
Angela {no response}
Hanna:  "Damn!!!  I was sooooooo looking forward to a crying, begging submission but you go and get unconscious on me!  Ruining all my fun, whore!  Damn!"

The other women confirm that Angela is unconscious and tell Hanna to let go and that she will then be declared the winner of the catfight.  She does that and she is and becomes the winner of the both the beauty contest and the catfight although each was contested closely by Angela.

Postmatch:  After Hanna lets go of the chokehold, Angela's head slumps to the floor.  There are bottles of water throughout the room since this is used a workout room by that other mother.  Hanna asked for one of those bottles to be thrown to her.  Hanna catches the bottle, opens it up, and then begins to pour the H2O over Angela's face to revive her.  The redhead indeed is brought back to consciousness by the water, spitting out any water she may have swallowed the wrong way in the process and coughs that up not only due to that but recovering from the choking she just endured.  Hanna pushes Angela down flat on her back and sits on the sexy MILF's midsection, her legs doubled up on either side of her defeated victim.  Hanna goes after Angela's awesome orbs and squeezes and massages them even more vigorously than before along with trapping those naughty extended nipples with the same result as before...a few drops of milk oozing from those massive mams.  Hanna swipes some of those on her fingers to show the other women what she has accomplished.  Hanna gets her satisfaction with the breast attack and moves on to do a great titsmother using her own titanic tits.  She even presses them from the sides as she does it to make them even more formidable than before.  Her humongous hooters literally cover Angela's face but she doesn't want Angela to lose consciousness again so she moves on to armpit smothers where her concave, fit undearms nestle well on to Angela's face in another great humiliation.  Hanna uses both her left and right underarms in this process and has Angela almost out again due to the intermittent cutoff of respiration.  So, Hanna believes it is time to move on away from Angela's face for a while to allow her to recover a little she can punish her some more, later.

Hanna grabs that two headed dildo that was used in their recent pussy war, and the dirty blonde uses that once again but this time only Angela's end is being forced inside a private orifice.  Hanna skillfully does her job in promoting yet another cum fest from Angela which she collects on both the toy and even her hand and takes both up to Angela's face to rub the whitish fluid all about that beauty contest winning area.  Hanna moves her body up to Angela's upper body and most of the women believe that a facesit is about to occur.  But instead, Hanna stops a little short, sits on Angela's chest, and masturbates with her old end of that same double-headed dildo.  And unlike before, she cums a great amount and makes sure it gets deposited on top of Angela's face to mix with the other discharge.  At this point, Hanna does move her beauty contest clinching butt on top of Angela's face and does a devastating facesit that any MILF would be proud to claim as her own.  She poses with her hands on the top of her head to show off her fit arms that aided tremendously in her victory and also showing her awesome armpits.  Hanna does a great combination of slower squirming and faster wiggling to give a nice chance of pace to this punishing, yet sexual action.  Finally, she believes that Angela has had enough and once again doesn't want her foe to go unconscious on her since she has a couple of things to say the women believe.

Hanna {standing up and rubbing the dirty bottom of her right foot across Angela's cum covered face}:  "I guess we found out not only who the hotter woman is but also who the stronger one is....what a was me!  {striking a pose with bent arms}  By the way, I will be taking your clothes as souvenir trophies of my win.  Oh, don't think I would ever wear this trash but yes, they are worth taking to remind me of my dominating win.  And one more word of advice...put a muzzle on that kid of yours or I will be looking you up to repeat this performance.  Got it?"
« Last Edit: September 03, 2010, 10:57:09 PM by tomcfstories »