In 1984, in an episode of Who's The Boss, Judith Light engaged in a catfight/barfight with a young Jersey Girl. In the 1987 Season Finale of Dynasty, Heather Locklear fought Catherine Oxenberg in a swimming pool.
Which ABC catfight was better?
1. The actresses
Catherine and, especially, Heather (later, in Melrose Place) were nighttime soap opera all-stars. But Judith was no slouch herself, being the lead in this comedy, and then starring in several Lifetime dramas. And Judith's opponent was an attractive college-age temptress.
WTB 0.5, Dynasty 0.5
2. The characters
Heather/Catherine are 2 rich, gorgeous, equal alphas--a battle of equals. But WTB is a battle of contrasts--MILF vs young, future gf vs ex gf. Hard to find the latter.
WTB 1.5, Dynasty 0.5
3. The premise
The WTB episode is actually titled "Angela's First Fight". Brilliant!
WTB 2.5, Dynasty 0.5
4. The clothes
Heather/Catherine are in spectacular evening dresses (which get soaked). Top that, Angela! And yet ... she does! A bright red, tuggable red sweater.
WTB 3.0, Dynasty 1.0
5. The fight
Heather/Catherine splash around (ok, maybe a little dunking). Judith and her rival are in a standing catball. Go, Angela!
WTB 4.0, Dynasty 1.0
6. Intangibles
Heather/Catherine fight alone. Judith is surrounded by drinking men. Personal preference.
WTB 4.5, Dynasty 1.5
Who woulda believed that Who The Boss, or any comedy, would deliver the ultimate 1980s catfight?