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Dylan Dreyer vs Kaitlin Cody

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Offline SilverGhost

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Dylan Dreyer vs Kaitlin Cody
« on: January 10, 2021, 01:11:05 AM »
   Inside the NBC studios at Rockefeller Plaza Dylan Dreyer led Kaitlin Cody around the sets and control booths.  Dylan wore a tight blue blouse and short black skirt while Kaitlin wore a tight short sleeved purple dress.
   "I can't believe you pulled me off the regular tour to give me this private tour." said Kaitlin.
   "Why not, you're a talented up and coming meteorologist, who knows in a year or so you could be sitting in my chair." said Dylan with a smile.
   "I'm not that good yet, Ms. Dreyer." said Kaitlin.
Dylan shuddered.
   "Call me Dylan, it makes me feel old when someone calls me Ms. Dreyer." said Dylan.
   "Thank you, Dylan and most people call me Kaitlin."
Dylan opened a door to a control room and led Kaitlin out into a deserted, but well lit hall way.
   "I'll bet you don't get to see this on the two dollar tour." said Kaitlin.
   "No, this quiet little hallway is reserved for special guests.  Every room along the hallway is sound proofed so no one inside can hear us and we can't hear them." said Dylan.
   "But why bring me here?" asked Kaitlin.
Dylan spun and swung a quick right hook.  There was a loud pop in the hallway as Dylan's fist hit Kaitlin's softly rounded belly.  Kaitlin bent a little and let out a loud:
Kaitlin closed her eyes tightly and took a step back trying to catch her breath.  She looked up at Dylan with a questioning look on her expressive face.
   "I like my job, I don't want to be replaced." said Dylan with a smile.
Dylan put her hands on Kaitlin's shoulders and raised her knee up into Kaitlin's gut.
   "Shoo!" spat Kaitlin as she folded over.
Kaitlin pushed Dylan back and grimaced as she forced herself to straighten.  Dylan stepped forward and punched toward Kaitlin's face.  Kaitlin side stepped the punch, grabbed Dylan's wrist, and drove a hard kick into Dylan's ribs.
   "Oohh!" screamed Dylan more in surprise than pain.
Kaitlin kicked again, this time driving her foot into Dylan's belly.
   "Awwwhh!" screamed Dylan as she tried to bend over.
Kaitlin grabbed Dylan's blouse and ripped it open, then as Dylan gasped, pulled the blouse completely off the blonde.
   "You witch." spat Dylan as she grabbed a handful of Kaitlin's dress.
Kaitlin let out a little whimper as her dress was torn off, leaving her wearing a white bra and panties.
   "My mother gave me that dress." complained Kaitlin.
A left hook caught Kaitlin just above the belly button and she forgot about the dress as she bent over wheezing.  Dylan unfastened her skirt and let it drop the floor.  As she stepped out of the skirt, Kaitlin caught her around the waist and slammed her back into a wall.  Kaitlin backed up and began throwing punches into Dylan like she was a heavy bag in a gym.  Dylan groaned in pain as punches hit her ribs, then hard into her gut, then back into her ribs.  Dylan heard a snap and let out a loud whimper.  Kaitlin stopped and wiped a tear from Dylan's cheek.
   "Oh Dilly Dilly, that was a rib I just heard and you felt as it broke in two." said Kaitlin.
Kaitlin bent a little and came up with an upper cut that caught Dylan just below her sternum.
   "Aauulkhhh!" spat Dylan as she jerked up to her full height.
Dylan's eyes widened and her mouth fell open as she desperately tried to catch her breath.
   "You make a great little punching bag and I could do this all day, but I have to go buy a new dress before I go back to my room.  Just close your eyes and this will be over in a few seconds." said Kaitlin.
Dylan threw another right into Kaitlin's belly, but she was so weak it had no effect.  Kaitlin shook her head and bent a little, she drove another uppercut in at Dylan's waist.  Dylan let out a snort as she was folded over by the blow and the pain.  Kaitlin stepped back and shook her head.
   "I'll give you this, you are a fighter, but you were just over matched." said Kaitlin.
Kaitlin took a step and drove a hard right cross into Dylan's right temple.
   "Oh!" grunted Dylan, then fell on her side.
Kaitlin rolled Dylan over on her back and put her foot on Dylan's belly.
   "Now, Dylan, how do I get out of this maze?" asked Kaitlin.
Dylan didn't answer because she was out cold.  Kaitlin wrapped what was left of her dress around her and walked back the way they had come.