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Amanda vs Heather in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 1 of 3)

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Amanda has the college course that Heather desperately needs and plays it for all that it is worth...including some contests

Prelude:  It's college registration time again, and certain classes end up being about as valuable as gold as seniors need certain required courses to graduate.  As it turns out, Amanda has taken a course which is more optional for her credits but to Heather it is a must have class for her to stay on course so to speak for her own graduation.  Heather finds out through the grapevine that Amanda has it and Heather goes a calling to check this rumor out.

Heather {knocking at Amanda's dormitory door}
Amanda {answering the door}:  "Can I help you, honey?"
Heather:  "I hope so.  I think you have a course that I desperately need, and the course has been closed out."
Amanda:  "Oh yeah, I heard that was a tough one to get.  What you got to offer, baby?"
Heather:  "I could offer you a little money or what do you have in mind?  I assume you aren't going to give it to me."
Amanda:  "No, I don't want your money but let's fight for it.  I win...I keep the class and you tutor me in a math course.  I can tell just by looking at you and my problems there that you have to be a lot better than me in math.  You win, and you get your class.  I drop it and you take it up."
Heather :  "You're on, baby, and let's tack on a beauty beauty contest to the front of this.  If we are going to compete, let's compete all the way.  You up for that?"
Amanda:  "Oh yeah, I'm up for that!  Let's try the workout room.  There are always some people there, and I know that they wouldn't mind being judges for the first contest and watching the second one."
Heather:  "Let's go, I can feel the credits of that class coming to me right now."
Amanda:  "Don't count your credits before you take and pass them, hun."

Heather and Amanda go down to the dorm's workout room and indeed find some other students and women since this is a coed dorm.  They explain what is about to happen and to no one's surprise, they get plenty of interest for judging the beauty contest and then watching the fight.  Since it is a workout room there is already matting on the floor and really just needs to have some lightweight equipment relocated to insure a large open area for the fight afterwards.

Beauty Contest:   The women agree on 8 anatomical areas to be judged....facial beauty, tits, midsection, pussy, legs, arms/armpits, back, and butt.  The winner of more of these will be the beauty contest winner.  The first area is facial beauty with each above average here but in a different way.  Amanda is just downright cute and pretty while Heather is also pretty but more in a glamarous, model-type way.  That is enough to carry Heather to the win here and a 1-0 advantage.  The next area for competition requires the women to take off their tops including their bras since it is the chest comparison.   Neither woman has a big chest and haven't gone the silicone route to try to make it so.  So in this one like perhaps a poker hand that is won with a pair of 8s, Amanda takes the tit comparison with her 34" bust measurement to tie up the overall contest at 1-1.  The next area of comparison will be their midsections.  Each is fit there but neither has a concave, bikini model type stomach.  But Heather's cheerleader background is the difference here as she takes this one with a flatter and perhaps a thinner one than Amanda.  Heather leads 2-1 as the next area to be judged is the pussy which requires of course that the women go completely nude at this point...topless after the chest comparsion and now bottomless so as to compare pussies.  Heather takes this area for essentially the same reason she just took the midsection one...a little bit tighter and tauter than Amanda here so that puts Heather ahead 3-1 halfway through the contest.  The next area is  a strength for each woman....their legs.  Each has nicely tapered ones but again, it is Heather's cheerleading background that seems to make the difference in those judging this area.  The majority vote for Heather here so she takes a very commanding 4-1 lead to the last frontside area to be judged....arms/armpits.  Amanda has to win this to stay in it, and she does with fit arms that are not quite as thin as Heather's to give her the edge and cut Heather's lead down to 4-2 with only the backside areas of back and butt left to be judged.  The women turn around, and their backs are judged.  In the double edged sword category, some think that Heather's back is too thin and narrow, some of the same ones who judged her better on pussy and legs for that very factor of thinness and tautness.  Thus, Amanda takes another area to cut Heather's lead down to 4-3.  The last area will decide the competition, and here, Heather's petite form and tautness carries her to a win with her more compact ass.  Heather wins the beauty contest 5-3 which is good for bragging rights but doesn't affect the course bet.  The women are now ready for what will determine who ends up with the college class....the catfight.  They are given the choice of whether to remain nude or to put back on some level of clothing.  Each decides to put back on their bra and panties and leave it at that.


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Catfight:   The spectators were thrilled with the beauty contest and look forward to the catfight part with more on the line in this one.  The women circle each other looking for an opening, their arms and hands forward looking for an opening.  Heather is able to get a hold of Amanda's right forearm and turn the college girl around so that she executes a hammerlock behind Amanda's back.  Heather pulls up on it occasionally to make it more into a chickenwing.  For those who know the history of this recent conflict, they may think the Heather is putting a little extra effort into this hold because she is pissed about that class being closed.  Heather brings up her right knee and presses that into Amanda's butt to press her foe down to all fours on the mats covering the room's floor.  Heather sits on Amanda's back but obviously the armbar is gone since Amanda is supporting her front end with her palms on the floor.  Heather reaches around Amanda's head and implements a chinlock by clasping her hands beneath Amanda's jaw as Heather wastes no time or energy on these early attacks on her opponent. 

If the weight of Heather's body on her back isn't enough in addition to the chinlock, Heather squeezes her legs hard against Amanda's sides to give her something else to think about.  Amanda's hands and arms are tied up with supporting part of her body off the floor so the best thing she has going for her is that Heather is just perched on top of her back with the only real anchoring hold the chinlock plus some pressure on her legs.  Amanda starts wiggling her body to try to shake Heather off or at least make her loose her balance and then have to release the chinlock to try to stabilize her position another way.  That does work as Amanda hopes as Heather can't maintain her chinlock hold and can't even stay on Amanda's back as she stumbles off her rival's back and goes hard to the mat next to Amanda's own body.  Amanda quickly turns her body and just gives a couple of mule kicks into Heather's side to get little revenge from the recent punishment she has endured.  Those harsh blows cause Heather to retreat away from Amanda's legs and feet as both women scramble to get to their feet. 

Amanda and Heather have purged some of the nervousness out of their system with these first encounters and ready for me at this point.  The girls close on each other, and Heather starts the renewed action with a hard slap to Amanda's face, jerking the cutie's head to the side.  Amanda immediately comes back with a slap of her own to Heather's beauty contest winning face.  Neither woman seems to gain much out of the exchange, and neither wants to take any more hits to her face so they don't continue that.  However, that doesn't stop Heather bringing up a knee into Amanda's midsection which doubles over her rival.  Heather grabs Amanda by the hair and uses it to whip her several feet and down to a landing on one of the mats.  Amanda ends up on her ass, and Heather follows up with a knee into the back while Amanda is sitting there trying to recover from the unexpected flight through the air.  Heather grabs both of Amanda's wrists and pulls her arms back behind her while still sticking that knee into the small of her foe's back.  That push/pull action causes Amanda to scream in agony as Heather has put on a possible submission hold very early in this fight.

Amanda struggles to do something to escape or at the very least lessen the conflict between her main trunk trying to go forward with the knee in the back and her arms being pulled backwards.  Amanda moves her body to try to dislodge the knee and certainly pulls on her arms to try to get them lose from Heather's grips.  One thing that helps Amanda's cause is the sweat that already is building up on their bodies, including Amanda's arms.  That makes it tougher for Heather to keep a good grip on her rival's wrists.  The combination of both of her escape attempts bears fruit as Amanda is able to free her arms and with nothing but Heather's knee in her back, she lunges forward on purpose now to get away from the cheerleader.  Heather of course is bound and determined to follow in pursuit, but Amanda is ready for her as she swings her legs around in an arc and clips the beauty contesting winning babe, sending her hard down to the matted floor right near her own form.  Amanda is the one who now becomes the aggressor as she jumps on top of the now supine Heather.

Amanda schoolgirl pins the lanky, sexy opponent and rubs and grinds her thicker yet still good body across Heather's thinner frame.  On occasion, she raises her front end up only to drop it back down with momentum on top of Heather's trapped body.  Neither has a large chest as evidenced before, but Amanda does hit Heather's tits with her own more substantial wins to perhaps participate in a poor woman's tit battle.  Each time Amanda comes down with emphasis on to Heather's captive form, the victimizing honey grunts and squeals a bit from the force of each blow.  And while contacting Heather's body, she rubs and grinds her own heavier body across and forward and back on Heather's body.  Finally, Heather gets a good shot at Amanda's head, and takes advantage by grabbing hair and pulling her tormentor off of her body and to the side of her.  Heather quickly moves for her own cover of the recently ejected Amanda and uses her smallish tits in another manner.  She titsmothers Amanda and doesn't worry about her boobs being the only object to necessarily transfer sweat, body odor, and restrict breathing.  Heather uses any area of her upper body that is convenient which includes tits, upper midsection, and her armpits.  Amanda finds how unpleasant Heather's normally attractive body can be when it gets hot and sweaty, and it isn't a nice exposure.

This time it is Amanda who begins to pull hair to try to change positions and try to get on top of Heather.  That succeeds but not for long as the two cuties roll around the matted workout room area, forcing some of the observers to scurry out of the way when their rolling forms come their way.  Amanda happens to be on top when they roll near some water containers.  Amanda grabs one with a loose top and pours the water on top on top of Heather, most of it going either on her face or on to her lingerie bra, already having seen its best days before when Heather did the recent titsmother.  That forces it away from her jugs, and this water only makes it more fragile.  Amanda removes it with her hands to make Heather the first R-rated participant in this catfight as she is now topless.  Heather coughs as some of the water that hits her face goes into her mouth and down the wrong way to cause a mild case of choking.  That of course is the mild case but doesn't remain that way as Amanda moves both her hands to try to encircle her neck and start a good old fashioned version of primal choking.  Heather's eyes grow large as she moves her hands to engage Amanda's and is able to pull them away from her throat.  And she then bucks Amanda off her body to free her of that weight.


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The women don't get up to standing positions this time but instead only makes it to sitting positions as they stare down each other.  Heather is pissed to be the only one topless and doesn't let that last long as she grabs Amanda's bra and rips it off to even the score nuditywise.  The women randomly move their arms and hands again trying to get hold started that will them an advantage.  Finally, they settle on a mutual bearhug contest to see if their arms can squeeze their rival's midsection and gain an edge by hurting that area.  Higher up a tit battle is going on but nothing of consequence as far as either getting an edge, so the main attraction is the stomach squeeze.  That also ends up in a draw with both womens' stomach fit enough to withstand pressure and neither set of arms really strong enough to really do any harm.  They remove their hands from the other's midsection and move them on to the other's tits.  On this, they can grab a lot of the foe's breasts since they are that big.  They concentrate on mashing melons and twisting nipples and parts of breasts during this duel.  But just like the bearhug, this ends up really giving neither the advantage, although each does distribute more pain then the bearhug did or the straight tit to tit clash that happened at the same time.

The women get slowly to their feet since although both are fit, this catfight has taken a lot of energy from them.  Their bodies are soaked with sweat and except for their matted hair, they look probably better than they did at the start of this fight with their moist skin having that oil wrestling look to it.  Heather and Amanda get closer as they probe for a hold to gain an advantage with.  Amanda gets through Heather's defenses and locks on a headlock.  Amanda seems to enjoy moving her arms violently around and pulling Heather's head around with it.  Heather moves her hand to engage Amanda's but her foe has it locking on well at this point.  A statemate in arm and hand strength really does no good for Heather to try to escape.  But there are other ways to escape a headlock and one of the crudest is to located the tormentor's bare feet and stomp on them.  Heather punishes Amanda's feet by stepping on them time and time again along with throwing some fists into Amanda's side and back at the same time.  Amanda quickly figures out that her headlock on Heather is not doing nearly the damage compared to Heather's footsomps and the fists she is having to endure from her opponent.  Amanda releases Heather's head and moves away from Heather's body.

But Heather isn't going to let her move away as she grabs her foe by the hair and pulls her back towards her.  Heather spins around in a circle enough to gain some momentum but not enough to make herself dizzy.  At the appropriate time, she releases the tresses she is holding to send Amanda with a lot of momentum stumbling quite a ways across the room.  Amanda lies on her ass with Heather in hot pursuit.  Heather lies down behind her with her legs extended on both sides of Amanda's stunned form.  Heather crosses her sinewy strong cheerleader legs across Amanda's upper midsection while Heather locks on a full nelson with her hand clasped behind Amanda's head.  Heather has her  college coed rival in a double combination submission hold, and Heathers thinks she can figuratively smell that college class coming her way. 

Heather :  "Amanda, looks like I better check for any schedule conflict with that class' time because I can feel my fingers already around that course slip, baby!  Time for you to give it up to me and if you give up quickly, I just might....I said might...go easy on you."
Amanda {interspersed with grunts and screams}:  " bitch!!  Let me go, and I've teach you a lesson you will never forget."
Heather:  "Oh, that was cute....teach you a lesson....class course, but to answer your plea for freedom....uh, the answer is no, tramp!"
Amanda:  "Ohhhh, your legs are killing my stomach..I give.....I give, the course is yours."
Heather:  "Now, that wasn't very hard to say, was it?"

Postmatch:  Heather releases the full nelson and the legscissors of Amanda's midsection since Amanda did give up in a civil manner.  Plus, her energy level is down just like Amanda's, so she doesn't want to expend any more without getting her postmatch humiliations of her opponent in.  Amanda falls down flat in a supine position after Heather drops the full nelson.  Heather moves around to the midsection area of Amanda and straddles her midsection on doubled up legs as she massages Amanda's medium sized tits, the same ones that won the beauty contest.  Heather wants a little revenge on those which she gets with her harsh fondling and trapping of nipples before she finishes that up and moves on to some smothers such as titsmothers of her own and armpit smothers.  And if the earlier smothers were bad, these are worse since obviously Heather has perspired a lot more since then, increased her body odor due to the strenuous of the match, and Amanda's breathing is labored enough now even without the contact of flesh versus flesh. 

Heather moves on to Amanda's most private area and grabs a dildo and starts her uninvited probing of her victim's pussy.  Heather doesn't take very long to get the desired result as cum oozes forth from Amanda's very personal region which is collected pretty much on the toy used to cause it in the first place.  Heather takes the object out of that area and moves it to Amanda's face and paints her rival's face a whiter shade of pale with the white fluid as she rolls the toy around that face.  Heather moves in to facesitting position and rest her beauty contest clinching ass on top of Amanda's very cute, cum covered face to get some nice butt smothering shots.  She finishes up the classic pose and moves off her defeated foe in what some might call an abbreviated celebration.  Heather apparently is very tired herself and wants to get the class confrimation which she will use to get into that course she desperately needs.  But Heather has always been thought of a decent and kind sort which gets proven again with her final act before leaving the workout room.

Heather :  "Amanda, so you are having a little trouble with a math course.  You just hit it lucky because not only am I a math whiz but I like you enough to help you even though that wasn't part of the bet if I won, which I did."
Amanda:  " would help me some with a little tutoring.  I would be very grateful."
Heather:  "Yeah, well I had fun today and you caught me in a weak moment....I got my class which is all I really wanted in the first place.  And I've met much worse women than you and almost all the men, so you are okay in my book."
Amanda:  "Thanks!  Sorry about the class course deal to begin with but at least we got a workout out of it...and a pretty sexual one to boot."
Heather:  "That we did!  I have the course confirmation and we'll see if we can raise your math score in your new class there."
Amanda:  "Yeah, just one more thing about that.  Someone may want that class too....she sort of needs that to graduate."
Heather:  "Oh shit!!  You did the same thing to someone else!  You're incorigible!"