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Contrasting colors or outfits in a fight?

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Offline joenstl

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Re: Contrasting colors or outfits in a fight?
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2023, 01:05:44 AM »
Love seeing one lady in red thong and her opponent in a leopard print thong.


Offline snw

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Re: Contrasting colors or outfits in a fight?
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2023, 04:43:57 AM »
In so far as contrasting their dress I like to think of scenarios along the same lines as Daz. Where the two girls aka “bad” vs “good” are facing one another to show the bf/husband who the better woman is. I too think of my wife/gf going against an ex gf who’s decided she wants me back. Both girls being aware of my desire to see two girls try and prove themselves better start talking trash. Instigated initially by the ex in front of me. Knowing how such a challenge turns me on having told me stories of winning such a contest against my ex before, forces her to stand her ground and not back down while not wanting to fight due to she isn’t sure she could win. Easily sensed by myself and my ex despite her trying to hide it we can see she’s scared. This only emboldens the ex to push it further. To the point she removes her shirt and handing it over to me knowing she has the bigger chests which also is a turn on to me. Knowing hers are bigger and is a contest in itself to compare herself. Challenging my gf/wife to do the same if she’s not scared to show me who’s are better. Not wanting to draw further comparisons to her out gunned chest it’s now she calls my ex a name but obviously flinching when my ex steps into her giving a chest bump. Knocking my girl back and not getting any return response besides the threat she better stop or else causes my ex to escalate. From there it’s a shortly contested fight, that becomes one sided watching my ex toy with and taunt my girl. Ripping the shirt from my girl eventually to force her to be compared with her. So I suppose they start out one dressed to show off her assets while the other desperately wants to avoid a scene where they can be compared side by side.


Offline DKBfb1

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Re: Contrasting colors or outfits in a fight?
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2023, 07:35:04 PM »
Ok,   The co-worker knew I was a fan of professional wrestling.   The chat with my wife (fiance at the time)  happened at work whilst I wasnt there.   It started as a girly chat.   Somehow my fiance told her I liked dominant women where as my fiance was quite submissive.   (This is what I mean about the naivete side).   The co-worker suggested having a wrestling match for my entertainment with the winner getting me for the night.  My fiance said Daz isnt like that and the co-worker laughed and called her a silly little girl.  I dont know but suspect it was at this point that the co-worker noticed a difference in my fiance as my fiance basicly came.  The co-worker then said if my fiance didnt like the idea of a wrestling match she could just jump her and beat the shit out of her and suggested she was doing my fiance a favour by making the offer because if she wanted to, then she could take me from my fiance just like that.  (snapping her fingers).(my fiance came again).   Im not sure exactly the ntire conversation but The co-worker sat on the desk above my fiance with her legs wide open and made it quite clear my wife didnt stand a chance.
The fantasy elements were built on this and I genuinely dont know if my wife having submit by telling the co-worker she was the better women, hotter, sexier and superor in every way was my wifes mind as she was quite confused my her own reactions and feelings at the time.   Also if being tied up afterwards so she would be forced to listen to how much better the co-worker was in bed was an actual part of the chat.
What I do know though is I had never seen my fiance so turned on and quite frankly when she got home from work she was soaking wet down there.   My wife basicly recalled the bullet points, could never explain how they got to that chat and couldnt recall the entire chat due to her own confusion at the time and later.
Thanks for that again Daz, it sounds incredible!! I've got a new scenario to play around with now and already have a couple of perfect candidates to recreate that scene in my mind. An ex from way back in the day, and (unfortunately) a never was. You came much closer than I ever have.