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Mia vs Michiko in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 1 of 3)

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Two sizzling models, American Mia and Japanese Michiko, meet on a beach and a Queen of the Beach competition begins

Prelude:   There is an annual Queen of the Beach pageant being held where of course the mostly guys and a few gals ogle the contestants hoping that it will, as it usually does, get out of hand and ends up a nude contest instead of just a bikini one.  This year the finals come down to American hottie Mia born in Costa Rica and Japan's finest Michiko.  They have never competed in this particular beach contest before or ever competed against each other period, so the suspense of two babes pitting their assets against each other excites the crowd and only increases when the smack talk begins.

Mia:  "Well Michiko, why don't you just concede now and save yourself some embarassment.  You may have the "rising sun" as your flag's emblem, but honey from where I'm looking, everything is sagging big time!"
Michiko:  "That's very funny....almost as much comedy as you trying to claim you are as hot as I am.  Better hope you have the home crowd advantage because in an even contest, I see you finishing a poor second in this beauty contest.  Oh, and the person who told you to go blonde.....believe me, they must have been taking drugs at the time."
Mia:  "Why you bitch!  I could have purple hair color and still beat your ass in this contest.  Oh, and BTW, I'm stronger and more athletic than you too...if you want to test me out in a catfight afterwards."
Michiko:  "You tramp, I must admit that I would have trouble if your thighs ever fell on word, slut...liposuction!"
Mia:  "I'll take that as an acceptance.  Hope your medical premiums are paid up, whore, because I'm so going to enjoy taking you apart.  I know it is an ugly job considering how bitchy you look, but someone has to do it."
Michiko:  "I heard you are the type who is mostly hot air, along with other parts that aren't natural to you either.  I'm taken you down twice, honey....get prepared for that, tramp!"

Beauty Contest:  Mia and Michiko agree to 8 anatomical areas to be judged with the winner of more of these being declared the beauty contest winner.  The Queen of the Beach this year will not be the assets winner as usual but instead the winner of the catfight at the end of the beauty contest.  The areas will be facial beauty, tits, midsection, pussy, legs, arms/armpits, back, and butt.  Both woman have beautiful, model-like faces, and this decision is a close one.  But Mia's exotic look edges out Michiko in the facial comparison to give Mia a 1-0 lead.  The next area to be compared are their treasure chests, which of course requires them to become topless.  Once again they are both clearly above average.  But just like the facial competition, Mia outtits Michiko to take a 2-0 lead.  The next area of judgment is yet another strong one for each hottie...theuir midsections.  But while Michiko's is just flat which is normally fine for beating almost anyone, not good enough to match up against Mia's hourglass figure and her indented stomach.  So score yet another win for Mia to take a 3-0 lead.  The next area to be compared is the pussy of each woman,requiring them to become totally nude at this point.  This is yet another area way above average but this time it is Michiko who edges out a win to cut her deficit to Mia to 3-1.  Legs is the next region to be judged, and this one is one of the easiest.  Mia does indeed have much larger thighs than Michiko which may help the Costa Rican born hottie in the catfight but is a disadvantage here, particularly against Michikos thinner, model-like ones.  The Japanese honey wins her second in a row to cut her deficit to 3-2 with the last frontside area of arms/armpits left to be compaared.  Each is above average here but is decided by firmness since the beauty si rather equal.  Mia gets back on the winning side with better contoured armpits and more muscular arms to take a 4-2 lead going in the rear areas of back and butt to be judged.  The women turn around, and Mia clinches the beauty contest with her more delineated back and pretty much the same reason she won the midsection on the frontside....better tone.  Mia takes a 5-2 lead into the last area which is a comparison of asses.  Michiko easily  wins this area the same way she just won the legs...more compact and better shape.  But Mia still takes the overall contest 5-3 and doesn't mind rubbing it into Michiko's face a bit by pursing her lips and giving her Japanese rival a fake kiss.

Couple more shots of Mia and Michiko looking hot as usual

The women are given a choice whether to remain nude as they currently are at the end of the beauty contest part.  They decide to reclothe partially which of course disappoints the other beachgoers but the good news is they know the women will eventually end up nude again as clothes are either removed or better, ripped off their luscious bods.  So the women reemerge after briefly leaving the area to redress.  Mia comes out again in her light orange color bikini while Michiko sports a never before seen white one.  Both attires leave little t the imagination but still do cover up their most private assets....those treasure chests that Blackbeard the pirate would have loved to plunder and also their priceless, fit pussies.


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Re: Mia vs Michiko in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 2 of 3)
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2010, 11:27:54 PM »
Mia puts back on her light orange bikini to start the catfight while Michiko goes with a white bikini for her clothing

Catfight:  Mia is still wearing a smirk on that exotic face of hers after winning the beauty contest at which point Michiko gives her the finger to show her disdain.  Mia almost seems to have expected that as she quickly grabs the finger and that hand and pulls it towards her in almost an armbar type maneuver as she uses her free hand to press down on that same forearm while holding the hand and finger with the other one.  Mia presses down hard enough on that held limb to send Michiko to her knees in front of her in almost a worship position.  Michiko screams out in agony as so early in this match, Mia has a great, painful hold.  She continues to pull and push down on that arm which continues the pain.  But Michiko does have her other arm and hand free and is right in front of Mia's body including her midsection.  Michiko cocks back her arm and fist and throws one into the very fit, beauty contest winning midsection of her tormentor.  That indeed lessens the pressure and with that working, Michiko throws a second fist which doubles over Mia and of course forces her to let go of Michiko's hand and arm which ends that torture.  With Mia's form bent over her own body which is still on her knees, Michiko comes up with both hands and locates them around Mia's throat in an obvious chokehold.

Even athletic Mia is on the defensive as Michiko's surprising chokehold forces the Costa Rican born blonde-dyed hottie to cough and moves her hands immediately to try to pull the Japanese babe's hands away from her own throat.  She begins to make progress only to be stopped in that endeavor when Michiko headbutts that same area of her midsection that suffered the two fist blows.  That takes some energy out of Mia's attempt to stop the choke but she has some free areas of her body also.  With Michiko still right in front of her body and on her knees doing this choke to her own bent over form, Mia decides to give Michiko a little knee action.  She thrusts forward her right knee which catches Michiko in the face as she brings it up into that beautiful area.  That blow rocks Michiko and sends her stumbling backwards and landing in a supine position on the sandy beach.  Mia however can't follow up immeidately since she is still recovering from the blows to her own midsection and the choking she has endured.  Mia finally moves over to take advantage of Michiko being down on the sand as she begins to stomp Michiko's midsection as payback perhaps but also her legs, maybe envious of the Japanese girl taking that area of the beauty contest.  Mia looks to be zeroing in on her rival's pussy to stomp it when Michiko moves her legs around in an arc to clip Mia's legs and send her down to the sand right next to her own form.

Mia and Michiko get up to sitting positions, and Mia begins this new action with a hard righthanded slap against the left side of Michiko's face.  That forceful hit jerks her foe's face hard to her own right.  But Michiko isn't about to turn the other cheek against Mia and gives her rival a hard backhanded slap using her own left hand against Mia's left side of her face.  In the exchange, Mia seems to have a clear edge but nothing that would win her the match.  And she doesn't like having to endure hits to what she considers her own more beautiful face just to get a slight edge in the exchange.  And it ends up not mattering anyway as Michiko starts her own new action by pulling on Mia's bleached blonde hair.  Those long tresses are yanked painfully as Mia's head is bent forward and to the side in the process. Michiko again has Mia on the defensive but not for that long as Mia regains focus to put her own hands into Michiko's brunette tresses to start pulling her rival's hair.  Their heads move so violently they can't even remain in sitting positions and end up lying down on the sand.  They begin to roll around the sand with first one girl on top and then the other.  The one on top raises her upper body up a bit only to bring it down on top of the other to punish her with the weight of the form and to push her rival deeper into the sand.  But eventually, the other is able pull hair or some other body area to switch positions and put herself on top for a while.  This ends with each woman lying on her side and facing each other.

The women push each other away and make it up to standing positions on the sand for the first time in quite a while.  Michiko lunges towards Mia who sidesteps the attack and grabs Michiko's left arm and pulls it behind her back in a hammerlock, raising it on occasion to make it a chickenwing.  Mia loves torturing her rival's arm until the Japanese hottie throws the opposite elbow back to catch Mia's head when she gets too close to that side of her body.  Mia stumbles backward from the blow as is hit to the sand when Michiko's rushes her body into the American babe.  Mia hits the sand hard with Michiko's body landing on top of hers which knocks the breath out of her body.  Michiko rubs her body across and forward and back around her trapped victim to sap some more energy out of her foe.  Michiko gets up to a sitting position on top of Mia's midsection which has already taken its share of punishment and hops up and down to keep it under attack.   At the same time, Michiko goes for Mia's orange bra and takes it off to reveal those huge hooters that won that area of the beauty contest.  Michiko goes for tit mauling by moving her hands quickly in for an attack on those mams while still punishing her rival's midsection with her body weight going up and down on it.  Mia's thin midsection is hurting her in this matchup while it helped her earlier in the beauty contest by winning over Michiko's thicker one.  But the main attack causing squeals, grunts, and screams from Mia is the tit attack.

Mia is getting too much admiration from the crowd for her chest for Michiko's liking so she pulls off her own white bikini top.  But that obviously isn't the only reason as she quickly lies down again and moves her breasts right up into Mia's face to perform a great titsmother.  As usual, sweat, body odor, and a restriction of respiration for Mia is the goal of Michiko but in beach matches you get the advantage of sand being transferred.  So Michiko is making Mia miserable with the titsmother but doesn't stop there as she switches over to a left armpit smother with her nice pits.  That area is more unpleasant than the tits are, and Michiko apparently knows that as she repeats the process with the right underarm as she gives Mia the old double-barrel armpit treatment.  But all of this smothering has put Michiko's body in an unbalanced and poor cover of Mia, who is able to buck her off at this point and finally end the humiliation and punishment she has been absorbing at the wrong end of all these smothers.

The women get up to sitting positions again and this time they take advantage of them both being topless.  They wrap their arms around each others' midsections in a mutual bearhug, and of course that pulling together of their forms forces another competition of their tits as they smash together.  In the bearhug battle, Michiko has the advantage not because of her arm strength but instead due to Mia very thin midsection.  However, up higher on their bodies, Mia as expected has the edge in the tit battle with her hard, huge hooters.  Verbal grunts and visual grimaces prove how much each is not only suffering under the attack of the other but also the energy expended in the tit battle and the mutual bearhug.  Neither woman is going to gain a permanent advantage with the minor edges they have so this won't be lasting long.  The question is which woman will make the first move to end it, and that is Michiko when she releases her arms from around Mia's midsection and throws a short right fist into that same midsection she has been working on for much of the fight.  That stuns Mia and obviously ends her own bearhug of Michiko as she stumbles backward from the blow to her stomach.


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Re: Mia vs Michiko in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 3 of 3)
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2010, 12:30:18 AM »
Michiko moves forward and grabs some of Mia's long, blonde dyed tresses and gets a good grip with both fists and she uses a slinging motion to hurl Mia's body away from her own and down to the sand uses the hair as great leverage.  Mia hits hard on her ass but with sand as the landing zone, it can't get much more of a cushion than that.  Still, she is stunned by the fall and is hurt again as Michiko comes in leading a knee into the beauty contest winning back of Mia.  Michiko grabs Mia's wrists and uses them to painfully and awkwardly pull them behind her back in this painful push/pull action.  Mia is screaming due to the strain of this conflict but doesn't stop her from trying to change the situation.  The knee in the back is pretty much beyond her control but not the arms being held.  She struggles to pull her arms away from Michiko, and two things help her.  She seems to have a strength advantage there, and the other things that helps is the amount of sweat that now saturates every inch of both womens' form.  In fact, their skin glistens as if they are oil wrestling due to all the perspiration...the only thing that dusturbs that appearance is some sand that periodically sticks to their flesh.  Regardless, that moisture is making Mia's arms very hard to hold, and she in fact pulls them away from Michiko to escape that part of the strain.  At that point, she simply goes with the pressure of the knee in her back and moves forward to get away from Michiko.

Mia is still in a sitting position as Michiko stalks her but when the Japanese model-like babe gets near her, Mia suddenly turns around and faces her foe.  As Michiko gets within Mia's long-legged range, she lifts up her right leg and gives Michiko approaching opponent a thrust kick into her midsection, perhaps some revenge for all the shots she has taken in her stomach during the fight.  Mia has the time now to get up to her feet for the first time in quite a while with Michiko doubled over from the blow.  Mia gets next to her and double axe handles the Japanese doll on her back and sends her down to her knees.  Mia quickly reaches her hands in front of her rival's head and puts her hands together underneath Michiko's jaw in a chinlock.  Now, it is Michiko's turn to have her body contorted as Mia strains her neck by pulling back with her fit arms and hands on Michiko's head.  Michiko is screaming in agony with that awkward movement of her neck, and Mia adds to it by jabbing her knee into first one side of her opponent's midsection and then the other to keep Michiko confused about what area will be under attack next.  Michiko does move her hands up to engage Mia's hands and is able to pull them away from her chin which breaks the chinlock.  But Mia is still behind her and pushes her foe down flat on the sand in front of her.

Mia presses down hard on Michiko's body and with her victim's face in the sand, Michiko's beautiful mouth is eating some sand at this point.  Mia sits on Michiko's body and wraps her legs around her rival's midsection in a legscissors at the same time she reaches forward and grabs Michiko's arms and pulls them straight behind her prone form.  Michiko does get her face out of the sand by turning it the side but her main problems are that Mia has her strong legs in a scissors hold around her midsection, the weight of her foe on her back, and of course her arms being painfully pulled backwards.  Michiko struggles to get her arms free but can't, and without those free, she has no chance of getting out of this double submission hold.  Mia believes this might be the end of Michiko's hopes for a win and is ready to try to get a concession out of her Japanese model opponent.

Mia:  "Looks like your rising sun is definitely setting now, you Japanese tramp!  My legs are crushing your midsection while I'm close to dislocating your arms.  Ready to give you, overrated Oriental slut?"
Michiko {interrupted by grunts and screams}:  "You damn.....lucky bitch....let me.....go.....and I'll.....spank your literally.....fat ass."
Mia:  "You're not getting out of this, and I'm not letting you go!  Give up before I put you in the hospital, you Oriental whore!"
Michiko:  "I give....I're killing my midsection and my arms!  Let me go,'re the better woman."

Postmatch:   Mia gives one extra squeeze with her legs against Michiko's midsection and also an extra tug on her defeated foe's arms before releasing them.  Mia unwraps her legs from around Michiko's stomach and releases the Japanese's hottie's arms and lets her model-like arms drop flat against the sand.  Mia gets off the now motionless Michiko's sizzling bod as she sits beside her and tries to get her own second wind.  She indeed accomplishes that and is ready for a little good old fashioned humiliation.  Mia spanks Michiko's ass since it is so convenient and tempting at this point.  Michiko shows only a little reaction which shows indeed how spent she is.  Mia turns Michiko over on to her back and goes for her white bikini bottoms and takes them off to reveal that beauty contest winning pussy.  Mia asks for and receives a dildo which she immediately puts to great use as she probes her rival's pussy until Michiko cums on the toy.  Mia takes the toy and moves it to her rival's face and rolls it across it like she is painting a canvas, one of flesh color with a whitish fluid in this case.  Mia finishes that effort and takes off her own orange bikini bottoms and uses another dildo to masturbate with and create her own stream of oozing cum which she deposits to join the whitish cream already residing on Michiko's face.  Mia bends down to situation her humongous hooters on top of Michiko's face in a terrific titsmother as she smoothes all the cum already on that region.  Mia switches over to armpit smothers to give her defeated foe one last taste of sweat, body odor, and a restriction of breathing from those areas before she gets off of Michiko's form and gets to a standing position.  Mia rubs the sandy bottom of her right foot across Michiko's beautiful face before getting into the standard squatting position to begin what everyone knows is going to be a devastating facesit with her large ass.  Mia hesitates before setting her butt on top of Michiko, probably a little tease of Michiko so that she will have more time to dread the move.  But finally Mia does sit her large ass on top of Michiko's face and does a great combination of fast squirming and slower wiggling on top of the Japanese hottie's face.  Her buttcheeks easily cover her rival's entire face and do a humiliating number on that beautiful area.  Mia puts her hands on the top of her head and shows off her firms arms and great armpits while photos are taken.  Mia finishes up ande gets off of Michiko and finds their bikinis to take with her when she leaves...her own orange one and of course Michiko's white bikini which she will keep as a trophy of her double wins, first the beauty contest and then the catfight win.