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Sassy vs. Tight N Toned Tammy (aka T3)

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Offline Tight n Toned Tammy

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Sassy vs. Tight N Toned Tammy (aka T3)
« on: June 07, 2021, 11:46:51 PM »
Tammy: (Announcer) "The following match is scheduled for 1 fall, and is an office Silk Stocking Girls vs. Classy Tramps match. Coming to the ring, representing The Classy Tramps. *i emerge from back stage wearing knee high fire orange boots, shorts that are black with an orange waist band, and a matching orange with black trim bikini style top* "She is 44yo 5'4" 120lbs, her measurements are 34b-24-32. Let's hear it for Tight n Toned Tammy... aka T3!" *I run down to the ring and slide into it, playing to the small crowd, going to all the corners and standing on the middle buckle* yt

sassymind: I hear the crowd go nuts and scream. highlights of some of your best matches and best moves that have wowed the crowd and decimated employees are playing. the screen goes dark "AND HER OPPONENT TONIGHT FROM THE SILK STOCKINGS GIRLS FROM CHICAGO ILLIINOIS AND WEIGHTING IN AT 23YO 5'4" 127LBS 32B " i come out to a bunch of crickets being a rookie here "SHE IS THE POLISH PRINCESS SASSY SOPHIA"  i get less than a smattering as i wear a teal bra and white shorts. i have teal sneakers on my feet and white thigh high stockings. i use garter straps to keep the socks up. as the stakes are announced. i come down to the ring, ready to prove myself as i duck my head into the ropes and into the ring. i stretch and get ready for the fight yt

Tammy: *watching as my much younger opponent comes out, my heart racing as I have been eager to see what the young upstart has to offer, it does not hurt that she is a little cutie too, I smile as you enter the ring and I even try to amp the crowd up a little bit for you. I step to the center, keeping a serious look on my face, I whisper "You look adorable, just stay focused and give it your all cutie, let mama handle the crowd for you" *and with that i give you a rough shove on your shoulders to try and get heat and help you get over* yt

sassymind: as you come over to me, i look at your frame and wonder who the hell you are "Aren't you worried you are gonna break a HEEEYYYY!" as  you shove me back. i stumble backwards. i catch my balance. obviously upset. i scoff to the crowd and then run at you, shoving your shoulders "Who do you think you are shoving around!" i hiss back yt

Tammy: *the crowd lets out a slight groan of disapproval for my shove, and a little cheer when you come and shove me back, i take a couple steps before i plant my feet. i look at the crowd as they cheer a little for you* "Okay... okay. she's got a little fire in her!" i shout to the crowd... the cheers increase a little* "Okay little one... let's see what you've got" *i come in quick darting my arms out at you to get into a lock up with you. my left hand gripping the back of your neck, my right on your left arm... battling for control as i try to put you into your corner* yt

sassymind: I slap my arms down on your neck and left bicep. our chests collide as we go body to body. i get low, trying to fight your brute power as you start to shove me backwards. i am sure i dont want to go there. i try to get low and shove back, trying to even the odds out and stop you before i hit the corner. as we struggle together "you are gonna suffer today, Tramp Stamp" i snarl yt

Tammy: *i grunt a little as you slap into the lock pretty rough.y, our very similar sized chests rubbing against each other, i have a bit more power than you and i'm backing you up a few steps, the crowd reacting to my early apparent dominance. but then you shift your weight and go low, stopping me, and suddenly i'm on the defense as you move me back towards the center of the ring. the crowd starting to come to your side* "Don't count on it Silk slut" *i change tactics and pull you into me as i step forward, and try to drive my right knee into your belly* yt

sassymind: as i get the better of the lock up now,i start to drive you back, getting you to center ring when you change the song, or should i say the beat, driving a hard knee up into my belly. i weaken my hands on your skin and cough, expelling air past my lips towards your right armpit. i cough, feeling the pain as you get control now yt

Tammy: *when my knee slams into your belly, the crowd boos at my dirty tactic. i break our lock up and grab your head, bending you down to try and get you into a side headlock, i'm going for a DDT and you hear "If i pull this off... they're going to hate me, if you get out, they're going to love you" *i throw my right arm up, you're trapped in my left* yt

sassymind: i bend over, getting my face shoved against your side. i smell the perspiration against your skin as you fall back driving my head into the canvas. i see a bright flash of white light, til i lay flat on my stomach. i hold my head with both hands feeling a headache now. i groan, slowly rolling over, trying to sit up as the crowd reacts towards you yt

Tammy: *i drop back and slam your head into the canvas, the crowd erupts in boos, the audience at home is hearing the announcers "My god, T3 may have just ended Sassy's night!" *i let go of you and get to my knees, seeing you lying flat, cradling your head... i take a moment to gloat to the crowd* "She's not so tough. She's just a little girl trying to play in a big girls world!" *really getting them fired up, and also giving you a moment to rest* yt

sassymind: the shame as i turn over, looking right into your spandex top. you make me look like your nursing infant. i am les and love a good breast, but this is shameful. i look up at you in scorn eager to make you want to hurt me more. i clap my hands over my head trying to box your head with my hands so i can get out of this pose that will flood your IG with hits and mine with shame yt
sassymind: (attempting to rise up to my feet)

Tammy: *i'm too focused on the crowd to immediately notice you've rolled over, it's only when i see you starting to sit up that i realize it and before i can adequately react, i feel your hands on my head in a hard clap, i cry out as i hold my ears and back away from you, pushing to my feet, the crowd applauds at your defensive tactic to force me into giving you some space* yt

sassymind: as i clap my hands together, i back away and rise up. my head till aching by the blow. i need to mount some offense here. i back up tothe ropes and get an idea. i lean back building tension as i charge out at you , aaiming my left arm across your upper chest, trying to take youoff your feet and down to the canvas and get you into your new place - appreciating my beauty from your back side. yt

Tammy: *i'm still cradling my head, trying to get the ringing to stop, facing the crowd when i see them reacting, i turn and see you springing off of the ropes and before i can even try to respond, your left arm slams across my chest hard, knocking me down to the canvas with a thud, bouncing my head off of it. the crowd erupts as they come to your side and are starting to fall in love with you. the audience at home hears "Well ladies and gentlemen, it seems that Sassy has the heart of a true fighter, she has T3 on her back, we may be witnessing a chang of the tide here!" *i'm looking up at you as i roll over and push to my knees, cradling my 34b's after they were flattened by your clothesline* "Okay, okay! You want to play" *i start to push to my feet* "Let's play!" yt

sassymind: i crash my arm across your breasts and watch you go to the mat. i jump up and down inciting the crowd, perhaps giving you too much time to rest. the crowd nudges me over and i see you crawling away. i walk over and try to straddle your waist and launch my ass down on your back, hoping to drive you down to the mat on your belly if it works      yt

Tammy: *as i get to my knees and try to push to my feet, i feel you come crashing down on my back, flattening me out with a groan* "Ungh!!!! "Get off of me!" * try to push up, in a really bad position now if you get any kind of submission hold on me* yt

sassymind: i hear you start to spat out orders. Shaking my head here "Someone needs to teach you some manners. " I place my right shoe on your lower back, grinding in the heel for your back's comfort. i bend over, reaching for your wrists, trying to set up a surfboard stretch to work out some of your energy and wear down your back for my amusement yt

Tammy: *i hear you run your mouth and then i feel your boot on my back and i try to keep my arms from you, but you get a hold of them and start working my back and arms over* "Ahhh!!! Ahhh!!! You brat!!! I was being nice! I was trying to make you look good!!!" *my feet kicking like a spoiled kid having a tantrum* "Get off of me!!!" *panic starting to set in as i'm not sure how to counter this* yt

sassymind: i feel powerful as i grind my heel into your back. i pull back on your wrists, making sure the crowd can appreciate your screams and cleavage. i then release your arms and hammer your chest/face to the mat in a curb stomp. i then walk over to grab your hair, trying to make you stand up. the crowd watching me yt

Tammy: *i'm crying out in pain as you stretch my 44yr old back. due to my training and fitness regime, i can take quite a lot, but my back is still 44 years old, and i feel and will feel this for days. as i cry again to let go, you relent but my relief is short lived as i then feel the heel of your boot on my body, slamming me forward and bouncing my face off the canvas* "Ungh!!!" *my bell rung a bit as you come in front of me and pull me to my feet by my hair, i cry out as my scalp is on fire, and as you stand me up, i wrap my toned, muscular arms around you and try to pick you up for a belly to belly suplex, but i met by immediate pain in my back and i let you go* yt

sassymind: i reach down to pull you up to your feet. I feel powerful. i almost feel invincible til you wrap your hands around my waist, picking me up off the ground to slam my back down in a belly to belly suplex. the floorboards rattle as you use your weight for extra ommph in my crash landing. i lay there as the photographers get a couple nice shots of your sweaty cleavage over my chin and face , my body laying prone on my back, gasping for air, as i shuffle my feet around, disorientated yt

sassymind: i reach down and pull you to your feet. i want to give the crowd a show. i feel powerful now. I dare say, almost invincible. that is until you show some speed and cunning with your power, picking me up off the ground.  i feel you wrap your hands around my waist as you try to lift me up. perhaps a bit too fast as you squeeze me and drop me. i barely land on my feet. my balance shaky. i try to look at you and bend my knees, attempting a drop kick to your chest yt

Tammy: *i'm cradling my back after my failed attempt to pick you up for a slam, when suddenly i have a new problem, the pain in my chest as i'm met by your two feet in a close-range drop kick. i'm sent back hard and i stumble, crashing to the mat on my already battered and worn out back. writhing in pain. the crowd is fully backing you now as i try to slide myself to the ropes to pull myself up* yt

sassymind: I lay on the ground. my back aching a bit, but i am fighting. the crowd has some hope in the rookie here. I start to hear some hand clapping rhythmically as i attempt to roll over and get up. i walk over to you, grabbing your chin to help you up and walk you over to the corner where you started from. i try to line up a breast edge chop to your twins, hoping to work you down and use the corner to start a proper beatdown here yt

Tammy: *i'm pulling myself to my feet, when i hear the clapping and i look back over my shoulder as you're rallying to your feet. i'm just about up when you come over and grab me by my chin, helping me up and putting me in my corner. i throw my arms over the top ropes to hold myself up. As you pull back for the chop, you feel my right knee come crashing into your belly, hoping to back you up so i can get out of the corner, but i may already be too far gone* yt

sassymind: i line up, showing the crowd my hand as you welcome me with a big knee to the uterus. i bend over, rushing near you, coughing. i cover up my tummy with both hands, backpedaling trying to get away from you before you can do something else to me yt

Tammy: *i just smirk as you stumble back, i don't really have the power to mount any sort of follow up, but i needed time to try and come up with something* "Come on Sassy... come get some more" *trying to peel myself out of the corner and stand on my own two feet* yt

sassymind: as you peel yourself out of the corner. i look at you , seeing you come closer. i stand up straight.   I look at you and try to lock up with you, reaching for the back of your neck and arm, attempting to drink a cup of courage before i continue my assault. trying to grab your head into side headlock along my left side for some control yt
*i'm on my feet, under my own power, and as you reach out to lock up with me, i drop down and dart at you, to try and take you down, but i'm spent and i just don't have the power. inadvertently setting you up for the very headlock you were going for* yt

sassymind: as i get you in my side headlock,a series of unfortunate breaks go your way. i hook your left arm over my neck and need to get you back down to the mat. I swing us left, then right, before i try a spinning neckbreaker to spin us completely around 180 degrees, collapsing my legs out to attempt a spinning neckbreaker on you yt

Tammy: *my arm in your headlock, the squeeze is brutal and draining what's left of my fight. i feel you put my rather limp arm over your neck and the next thing i know i'm being twisted and turned and ultimately spun in the neck breaker, i'm flat on the mat. i hear the crowd going crazy for you. the announcers "That's it... that's it. Now Sassy just need the 3 count and this young rookie will have taken down the veteran T3!" yt

sassymind: i lay you flat on the mat. i reach over , knowing my training. i slide my body across  yours from your head towards your feet. i reach for your left leg, pulling it up into the air. i try to lay my breasts over your nose and mouth, summoning the ref to do her job and  count .  She checks your shoulders 'ONE" yt

Tammy: *laying there, the added humiliation of the breast smother, the ref "TWO!" and as her arm is about to come crashing down for three, i miraculously kick out, barely getting my left shoulder up* yt

sassymind: I soon feel you kick out of my pin. I rst my hands on my thighs, kneeling at your head. I am frustrated, sweaty and still Silky as can be. I argue with the ref but it does little good. I can't win that argument. i grab two fistfuls of hair as i try to make you stand up, and pull you a bit furhter from the ropes, hoping ot push your head down some near my thighs yt

Tammy: *the crowd goes crazy at my kick out, and i very slowly and weakly get to my knees. your attention is turned to me from the ref and i'm pulled the rest of the way up, courtesy your hands in my hair. next thing i know my face is down by your thighs and i'm wondering what's next, as mentally and physically i'm spent* yt

sassymind: I guide your face between my thighs so  our cheeks feel my silk skin before i reach over each side, trying to hook your arms behind your back, and trying to spring up for an attempted springboard pedigree yt

Tammy: *you trap me between your thighs, and i feel your soft silky skin on my cheeks, then you grab my arms and i know what's coming, and it does, my face hard into the mat, i barely let out a grunt as you drive me down, i'm laying there limp, but still conscious* yt

sassymind: The ring trembles as i land on top of you.  i slowly lift up my ass an try to turn you over. i wonder if you are seeing stars. i look down at your eyes and i cannot tell. i still reach for the leg to hook  your foot into the air. i call the ref to start the count again. "ONE" yt

Tammy: *you lay on top of me, i hear the ref count "ONE..." "TWO..." and i can't even begin to get my body to listen to me to try and kick out... "THREE!!!" the crowd erupts, the announcers go wild for the viewers at home "She did it, she actually did it! The rookie Sassy... from the Silk Stocking Girls, has taken out T3! This is amazing, it started off looking like T3 was helping the young upstart gain some momentum with the fans, and it turns out that helping put her over actually was a fatal flaw in T3's plan!" yt

sassymind: i bearhug your foot near my face, til the count rings true and "THREE!" i fall back laying my legs over your arms as i have the biggest grin ear to ear, winning my first match here in this league, and against T3 no less. the crowd cheers. the ref comes over and helps me up. i stand over you, presented as champion, placing a foot on your belly to celebrate :) yt


Offline Brandiprowstls

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Re: Sassy vs. Tight N Toned Tammy (aka T3)
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2021, 09:20:28 AM »
Neat little match, girls.  Well done to both of you!
Love all, trust few, do wrong to none......except in the ring.