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Money Mayhem, Repost, Catwriter

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Money Mayhem, Repost, Catwriter
« on: June 21, 2021, 06:47:34 PM »

Written by Catwriter

It was a truly beautiful day with sunlight streaming through the dorm window.  Myra had showered and dressed in her favorite light blue sleeveless blouse and brown skirt.  She and her roommate Becky were going to lunch at their favorite restaurant.

Myra smiled inwardly at the thought of moving off campus.  She and Becky had finally saved enough for an off campus apartment.  No more crazy underclassmen waking them at all hours with their foolish pranks.  The brown haired beauty was almost ecstatic.  She thought of her roommate, Becky and how alike they were.  Both had long hair although Becky’s was blonde.  Their measurements were almost alike.  Myra had full 34C breasts and Becky’s were a slightly larger 36C.  Both had firm 35-inch hips and at 22 years old, looked forward to their final semester in their own place.  Myra had given Becky her half of the deposit money and waited for Becky to return.

Myra’s mood began to darken as her roommate failed to return.  By 5:00 PM, she was positively furious as the door opened and Becky bounced in smiling. 

“Hey Roomy, how ya doin?” gushed Becky.

“Where the hell have you been?” inquired Myra as she noticed the three large shopping bags Becky lugged to the corner. 

“Got a little carried away with the shopping, hon,” said Becky, positively brimming after a very expensive shop.

“Did you pick up the lease?” asked Myra.

“Ahhhh, actually, I’m going to take care of that on Monday.”  Becky said, beginning to squirm just a bit.

“You spent the deposit money on clothes, didn’t you, you stupid tramp!!!” screamed Myra

“I’ll take care of it and watch who you’re calling a tramp you little slut!!!” Becky screamed back.

Both women faced one another hands on hips.  Becky too was dressed in skirt and blouse.

Myra was furious.  Here’s this bitch that just spent our deposit money on herself and she’s mad? 

“Give me my money back now.  And you are a tramp!!” said Myra as she walked toward Becky until their breasts were touching slightly. 

“Only tramp I see in this room is you, bitch!!” spat Becky tilting her head to the side and smirking.

SMACK.  Myra let loose with a wicked slap to Becky’s smirking face, rocking her head back.

Becky kicked out, catching Myra in the shin and latched both hands into her foe’s hair.  Myra got in one solid punch to Becky’s belly and grabbed her hair in a wicked two handed pull.  Both totally enraged females began yanking each other about the room.  At first, they stood apart and just yanked, but gradually drew nearer and nearer until their bodies were mashed together.  Each had their arms around one another and had secured a fierce pull from behind.  Locked together and snarling, the shecats fell to the Becky’s bed and began a fierce side to side tussle.  Legs were flailing and knees were jerking as they lay side by side trying to tear each other’s hair out by the roots.

“Fucking whore!!!”  Screamed Myra

“Slut, bitch!!!” shouted Becky.

This battle had been building for years.  Although they generally got along well, there were the little incidents which only roommate’s experience.  Borrowing things they shouldn’t.  Keeping the other up when trying to sleep.  And now, it was all out as the two longhaired vixen’s let loose on each other.

Myra struggled on top of Becky, mashing their breasts together.  Becky ripped fiercely pulling Myra over to the other side.  Back and forth they rolled, closely entwined and moaning.  Each secured a leg lock on the other’s left leg and just ground their bodies together.  Rolling slowly but pulling hair fiercely, they rolled to the floor between the beds.  In this constrained space, they battled furiously.  They had been pulling hair for five minutes now in an incredible show of endurance.  Rather than slowing however, the battle continued to escalate as each new pain brought the battlers to the verge of utter hatred.

Suddenly, Myra launched a knee, which caught Becky squarely in the pussy.  The longhaired blonde howled in pain but released Myra’s hair.  Coming to her knees, Myra punched Becky hard in the cheek.  Becky yelped but quickly scrambled to her knees.  The two enraged women began a slapping battle that had their heads rocking.  Blood began to appear on their lips as the slaps hit home.  Myra and Becky slapped furiously for a full minute, screaming out and crying now.  They lunged forward at the same moment and ripped at their blouses, shredding the thin garments in a matter of seconds.  Both women wore lacy white bras, which were soon exposed, beautiful breasts bouncing beneath.

Once again, each grasped the other in a furious hairpull.  Somehow, they managed to pull themselves to their feet using the other’s hair as leverage.  The pain was so fierce, their eyes were shut and teeth totally bared in a snarling, grunting battle.  Once on their feet the women began kicking out at one another, leaving terrible red marks on their shins.  Their screams were unbelievable but their rage continued to grow.

“Give me the money now, you fucking cxnt!! Myra raged.

“You’ll never get it now, slut!! Screamed Becky.

The women secured double front headlocks, which just mashed their bra-clad breasts together.  Nipples rubbed harshly against one another through the thin material.  Their nipples had grown wickedly since the fight began and carried out their own battle sandwiched between the enraged women.  Bearhugging fiercely, the women struggled mightily in the cramped area.  Myra shoved mightily and the now sweating brawlers crashed to Myra’s bed, Myra on top.  Spreading her legs for leverage, Myra managed to hold Becky momentarily.  Becky however, released the bear hug and once again began savaging Myra’s hair.  Myra moved down Becky’s body and bit her breast.  Becky screamed at punched at Myra’s face.  Myra punched back.  Body to body, they pummeled one another.  Becky suddenly kneed upward, catching Myra in the pussy and Myra rolled to the side, holding her cxnt, doubled up in pain.

Becky leapt up, “That’s what you get bitch” and leaned toward Myra intending to go for yet another hairpull.

Suddenly, Becky screamed as Myra’s foot lashed out and caught her squarely in the pussy.  She fell to her own bed and the women lay there a moment almost blacking out from the incredible pain.

Both swung their legs over their beds until they were facing one another in sitting position just feet away from the other.  Breathing heavily, their eyes made glaring contact and they stared hatred at one another.   Their large breasts heaved on their chests as the women gulped mouthfuls of air. 

“Damn, I hate you!” screamed Myra and she leapt toward Becky

“Fuck you, cxnt!” and Becky launched herself at Myra. 

The snarling females met in a wild tangle, closely entwined.  One hand went to their hair while the other went around the other’s back.  Their curled fingers clawed and their screams began anew.  Becky pushed Myra to the desk by the window.  Myra’s ass slammed into it but they retained their grips on each other.  Myra trying to get back up and Becky pushing forward.  Their breasts were beginning to hurt as they scrapped against each other.  Furious close in female fighting.  Myra finally got enough leverage to toss Becky to the side and regain her feet.  Bam.  They crashed together once more.  Both women thought the hairpull was their best move and they continued to pull hair long after other women would have tried something else.  As they pulled, they would release and regrab in another area.  Sometimes toward the neck area, other times from the top of the head.  Always pulling and yanking in direct counterpoint to one another. 

Myra suddenly reached down and ripped at Becky’s skirt, which was barely hanging on to her body at this point.  Becky screamed furiously and punched at Myra, knocking her back to the bed.  As Becky launched herself, Myra rolled out of the way.  Becky landed face first on the bed and Myra leapt on her back like a panther.  With her legs on either side of Becky, Myra pulled Becky’s long blonde hair until Becky thought her neck would snap.  With incredible difficulty, she managed to roll until she was on her back.  She reached up and grasped Myra’s full breasts and twisted furiously.  Myra grasped Becky’s breasts and tore at them unmercifully.  Then one hand back in each other’s hair, they had a hair pull tit twist session that last several moments.  Both sweat-covered battlers were in a death struggle, each able to absorb incredible amounts of pain.  Large red welts appeared on their upper breasts as they continued to tear at one another.  Hair was all over the bed and floor and yet they raged on. 

Myra released Becky’s hair, leaned back and punched her hard in the face.  Becky yelped but continued to claw at Myra’s now exposed left breast.  Myra reared back again and punched Becky on the lip.  Unable to punch back, Becky continued mauling Myra’s 34C’s, twisting them in horrible shapes and scratching.

Finally, about out of breath, Myra managed a hard punch to Becky’s temple and Becky’s body slumped.  She was out cold.  Gasping huge lungfuls of air, Myra just sat there on top of Becky and twisted her tits for awhile.  She reached back and grasped a handful of Becky’s pubic hair and pulled till the hairs came out.  She ravaged her blonde opponent for several more moments, then slowly got to her feet and began tossing Becky’s stuff out into the hall. 

“Definitely time for a new roommate,” she thought as she dragged the half-naked girl into the hallway and dumped her there.  Locking the door, she lay on her bed and comforted herself until she fell into a deep sleep.
