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HEATHER B. Beautiful lady VS Self promoting Lady Gaga wet N wild at a party

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Offline stormbolt7

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I had been looking forward to my first meeting with Heather B.
Heather had been soft spoken, and enjoyable to speek to on the phone. Now I was going to spend some time with her over the weekend.
As I get to see her up close, and in person, I am nicely surprised with how honestly beautiful, and sexy this young lady was.
Heather had a beautiful face, dazzling smile, and attractive green eyes, with hints of blue to them.
Her hair was long, brunette and silky looking.
Heather was wearing a soft blue top, that tied behind her neck, sloped down, over her clearly nice sized breasts, in a half diamond or upside down pyramid shape.
The material pulled over her generous bosom, her sleek belly bare, as it ended slightly below her breasts, yet well above her shorts.
The top, tying in the back, to help hold it in place. The rest of her back bare.
Heather's shorts clinging to her nice legs, and toned ass.
Heather was dressed casual, yet looked breath taking, and able to fit into almost anywhere just as easy, as if she had been made up for a upper society event.
I had to admit, after seeing how drop dead gorgeous Heather was. I would have been honored having her with me anywhere.
Heather smiling, as she could tell by my eyes, her beauty had not gone unnoticed.
"Ready?" I ask, as she nods, and soon follows me to the car.
Tonight I had been given an invite to a private party. It was some upper class, yet for the most part was to be casual, and friendly to all.
The night was warm, with the threat of some rain before morning.
The house it was being held at was split level, in a more trendy neighborhood. Heather's eyes watching the other homes pass by, as we enter the long curving drive. I had been assured it was open to anyone on the guest list. Yet began having my doubts as I see they actually had valets parking the cars.
I had no doubt Heather could handle herself, yet felt it would be wrong to put her into a crowd, that might be looking down their noses at her.
Her pretty eyes finding mine, as Heather's hand lightly grasps mine, as the car is driven to be parked, while we head to enter.
I gently squeeze her hand, letting her know, with out saying anything, that no matter what I was on and by her side tonight.
The sound of music can be heard, as well as people laughing, yelling to each other. As they party inside, and spill out onto the large yard, in front but manily the back.
Some people nodding, and saying hi, as we pass and enter the house.
We begin to get into some traffic as people begin pushing into us. Heather being shoved by someone, knocking into me, as I grab her, and work my arm around her, to keep from being seperated, as I guide her behind me. Ready to push back hard if needed. Heather smiling behind me, as she was enjoying the fact that even though we had just met. I was willing to stand up for her.
The person I find myself suqring off very intoxicated, and holding up hands, to show they were not looking for a fight.
The situation defused, as Heather's hand finds mine again.
The feel of her hand, very pleasing, as I lead her through the main throng, and into some more open area.
I spot the hosts, and soon am introducing Heather to them. Heather blushing, as a few compliment me on the beauty of my companion for the evening.
I tell them to keep it civil, and they laugh, before telling us to enjoy, and help ourselves to the snacks, and drinks.
Heather is beginning to relax, as we move to the tables laid with food, and snacks. It is impressive everything from high end items like cavier. To simple tortilla chips, and salsa.
Heather picks out a few things, then I get her something to drink, and we begin to slip outside.
The back yard lit up, with a few extra bug killing lights to the very outside of the perimeter, helping to keep any unwanted pests away.
More speakers, and music pumping, as people roam or stand in large groups, talking and enjoying the party.
I recognize a few people here and there. Thoroughly enjoying getting to introduce the beautiful brunette with me.
Heather starting to relax, and feel more at ease, as the night goes on, and people seem to accept her, just as she is.
The night seems to be going very well, as I find out, Heather is very enjoyable company. The lady rising quickly, in the respect I had for her, as I enjoy chatting with her, and finding more out about her.
I also am loving it every time I make her smile, as it only ads to her beauty. A slight wind begins to pick up, as I wonder if things will have to move inside soon. The rain coming.
Maybe I should just get Heather out of there now, and maybe we could still take in a movie or something if she wanted.
When I begin to hear some woman, being very loud, and very verbal about something, as more heads turn to find her, and see what she was going on about.
"Great some drunk bitch." Heather says beside me, as I realize the crowd had shifted our way.
"What the fuck, which one of you skanks said that!!?" The voice asks, as some people part, and she stands wobbly, and before us.
Her hair was long, and a platinum blonde look. The bangs cut straight across her forehead, with the rest hanging down, slightly bobbed.
Her make up was overly done, yet she was still attractive.
She was wearing a bustier type top, some leather, and some of it sheer, as her breasts heaved partially visible, and firm from slits in it.
A few straps with buckles across it as well.
Her legs long, and ending in spike heeled shoes. The shorts she wore, skin tight, low dipping in the front, and slightly more material than a thong, over her ass.
The young woman attractive but her outfit overly trashy and gaudy.
"Storm you didn't tell me they were going to have whores here." Heather says calmly, as the woman moves closer, looking as if she was very intoxicated by the way she moved.
Lady Gaga moving closer, than deliberately bumping into Heather, as people begin to pass along, some chick was going to mix it up, with Lady gaga.
A few guys, and some ladies begin to press close, as they are with her at the party. In fact she had been crashing parties to be seen, for a good part of the night.
I step forward. "Look, let it go, she didn't mean anything by it." I say, trying to defuse things, as I had not brought Heather with me, to see hr maybe get ganged up on, by Lady Gaga and her crew.
"If the slut apologizes, I won't tear her tits off." Lady Gaga says, as Heather's body stiffens.
She turns to me smiling. "Thanks Storm, I'm okay."  "I can handle trash like this easy." heather says, as Lady Gaga's eyes widen, and she throws the rest of her drink onto Heather.
The almost full glass hitting Heather's face, and splattering all down her, as Lady gaga grabs Heather's top, and yanks it down.
The tie to the back of her neck releasing, as Heather's breasts fall free.
The smooth, tender skin glistening from the spilled liquid streaming over her breasts, and belly.
Heather's nipples hardening, as the cold liquid, as well as the night air hits them.
My eyes enjoying the view, as Heather's breasts were much fuller, and larger than I had guessed looking at her tonight.
It was also nice seeing how beautiful, and very firm they were, as they heaved, and heads turned, as Lady Gaga backhanded Heather's exposed breasts.
The slap of skin on skin drawing quick attention, as Lady Gaga began to perform for the crowd.
"That should teach you, you fucking cow." "I am Lady Gaga, queen of pop, and more than a match for some cheap, low rent whore like you." She says, as eyes watch, and people begin to pass along what is going on outside. The house beginning to empty, as nobody wanted to miss this.
Heather's breasts still quivering from the slap, as she tenses, her fingers curling slightly.
"You are a trashy looking, talentless, bitch that is about to go down." Heather replies, as people begin to chant for Lady Gaga to show the unknown brunette what she was all about. Some people beginning to place wagers, as Heather's hand shoots out, slapping the side of Lady Gaga's face hard.
Now the fight was on. 
"I will let you walk away, if you do it now you drunken whore." Heather says, as Lady Gaga's head snaps to the side with the slap, then comes back to face her.
Lady Gaga seeming to teeter on her high heels, as her hands grasp Heather's nice sized, and well formed breasts. The nails starting to dig into the tender flesh, as some blood appears. "Tear your tits of you cow." Gaga says, as Heather tries to free her tits, with as little damage as possible to them.
The crowd chanting Lady Gaga's name, fueling her ego.
"Heather kick this bitches ass, I don't care if we get thrown out." The full figured brunette hears from me, as a wicked smile appears on her face.
"I like you more already Storm." Heather replies, as she brings a knee up, into Lady Gaga's crotch. Gaga, releasing Heather's breasts, as she doubles up, trying to ease the pain between her thighs.
It begins to sprinkle, as Heather grabs a handful of platinum hair, and with Gaga's hair in her grasp, takes her down to the grass, as some people head inside. While most stay out in the light rain, to watch the show.

Lady Gaga goes down, with Heather dropping onto her. Heather's hands tearing at the bustier Gaga is wearing, until it is gaping open, and Lady Gaga's tits are bobbling naked, and freely, as Heather's clawed finger nails, rake across the tender flesh, as Lady Gaga hits a very painful sounding note, as now some blood seeps from the skin of her own breasts.
Heather mounting her, and slapping Gaga's pert breasts, as the crowd begins to cheer for the unknown brunette.

The rain is coming down a little harder, as I love the way it glistens on Heather's smooth, bare skin, as she seems to be very in control of things now.
Lady Gaga trying to cover up, as open hands slap her face, and breasts.
Heather's chest heaving, her nipples fully distended as the rain water streams over her body, and drips from the engorged nipples.
Heather pausing in her attack, as she leans down to stare into Lady Gaga's face.
"Had enough pop, diva whore?" Heather asks, as several people begin to think the fight is over.
"Hope you enjoyed my POKERFACE bitch, as I am not as drunk as you thought I was." Lady Gaga replies, the pop star, acting up, and playing to the crowd as usual. Had been pretending to be drunk, to draw attention for herself.

Heather is surprised, as Gaga's hand streaks out, to backhand Heather to the side of her face hard.
Heather's head jerking to the side, as Lady Gaga bucks, and Heather falls off, onto the now very wet grass.
Lady Gaga begins to hit, and slap Heather, as she grabs Heather's shorts, and starts stripping them off.
"Did you really think a no name, no talent slut like you could beat me?" Gaga asks, as Heather tries to wriggle free, as Gaga smacks her buttocks. Yet Heather only manages to help Gaga strip her, as her shorts, and panties come off together, in Gaga's grasp.
Heather finally managing to get a leg, and knee posotioned as she rolls naked, to shove Lady Gaga off.

Heather was now soaking wet, naked, and breath taking. Head to toe, her body was beautiful.
Her hair now darker, clinging to her wetly, as the platinum blonde tries to attack again. Her fist, landing lightly against Heather's sleek belly.
Yet the angle wrong, as it slaps against the wet skin, and  slides past. Not doing the damage intended.

I happen to see some blood, by Heather's mouth, part of her lip possibly split, as she rolls again.
As Lady Gaga shoots to her knees, trying to grab Heather's slippery naked body.
A few more people have gone in. As one passes I ask them for something and they agree.

I smile, as Gaga tries to punch Heather's nice ass, as she rolls. Only to lose her balance on the grass, and Heather's legs now reach out to wrap around Gaga's torso to wrench her to the side, and onto the ground.
Heather quickly slipping and sliding in the grass, to begin grabbing Lady Gaga's shorts, to finish stripping the platinum haired diva.
Soon Lady Gaga is naked, and soaking wet, as she tries to retreat from Heather's hard slaps, as the sexy brunette begins to mount her.
Breasts, belly, and face hurting, as Lady Gaga again tries to claw Heather's pert breasts.
Heather slamming her body down onto Gaga's naked form, knocking some of the wind out of her, as Heather lays prone on top of her.
Heather's body pinning her onto the wet grass, as they writhe naked together.
"Give up yet slut?" Heather asks, as Gaga tries to buck her off.
"Fuck you whore!!" Lady Gaga replies, as she manages to grab Heather's wet hair. Tearing some out, as she brings an elbow to the side of Heather's head, as she forces Heather to shift, from the hair pull.

Lady Gaga begins to roll onto Heather laughing, sure of her triumph now.
Heather trying desperately to clear her head, from the ringing in it, as Lady Gaga mounts her, rubbing her breasts against Heather's and even pressing her exposed sex to Heather's own.
"Now you fucking unimportant skank, yell to everyone here, how Lady Gaga owns your slut ass." She says gleefully, as I am ready to move in and shove her off.
Yet I can tell by the way Heather is wriggling, the full figured beauty, was maybe not finished.
Heather very important as far as I was concerned.
Lady Gaga pushing herself back up slightly, as she is certain of her victory now.

Heather usually not one for throwing fists, curls her fingers, sick of hearing the platinum blonde, and wanting to end this, before she maybe did lose to this made up bimbo.
As Lady Gaga is gloating, her guard down.
"Just shut the fuck up." Heather replies, as her fist shoots out. Heather not having her full strength anymore, yet it connect with the point of Gaga's chin.
Lady Gaga's eyes roll up slightly, as she pitches to the side, as her head whips from the punch.
Lady Gaga landing with a wet splat, into what was now becoming a puddle, in the yard. Gaga landing, and laying barely moving, as Heather gets to her knees.
Heather's beaufiul body, aching, soaking wet and bruised.
Her chest heaving, as she breathes rapidly, yet her heart pounding joyfully, as she had won the fight.
"Eh, eh.. nothing else I can say .... Except you LOST bitch!!" Heather says gleefully, as Lady Gaga's entourage begins to come to her aid.

I move to Heather, making sure none of them try to make a move against my companion for the evening.
I help Heather to her feet, wrapping the towel around her, that had been brought at my request.
A few others staying to make sure like me, no reprisal was going to be tried, as Lady Gaga had started it all, just to promote herself as usual.
Heather's body is trembling, as I gather her things, then let her nestle close to me, as she hugs the towel to her, as we head back inside.
"You really know how to show a lady a interesting evening." Heather says, as we enter the house, as I say a few goodbyes to the hosts.
A few people stopping to ask Heather for her autograph, as we leave.

Soon I have her in the car, the heat turned up, as she sits drenched, yet still beautiful.
Her greenish blue eyes gazing at me, as I ask her if she wants to get something to go, on the way back in, as she had not had much chance to eat anything at the party.
Heather shivers again, as she smiles.
"Sounds great, but only if you promise to maybe let me snuggle up to keep warm later." She replies smiling slightly.
I would stop wherever she wanted, and I did not know if maybe she meant on a couch watching a movie or more.
I mainly knew at this point in time. Heather had won her catfight with Lady Gaga.
She was very beautiful, and I was very pleased to be getting to know Heather B.

The end.   


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: HEATHER B. Beautiful lady VS Self promoting Lady Gaga wet N wild at a party
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2010, 05:24:57 AM »

Glad you liked it .. One thing  as usual it was not Lady Gaga's party. She was crashing it herself, and not the host, to once again say to everyone look at me.

Still I am sure she would be pissed, being stripped and beaten in front of her entourage.
