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Slave Fight in the Pit

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Offline donyman

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Slave Fight in the Pit
« on: September 27, 2021, 04:19:53 PM »

Girl: So what are you looking for?

man: that cavewoman-man fight really captured my  imagination
could we fight like that--perhaps in the woods
or in the gym or your place or mine

Girl: You're really looking for mixed? and rough?

Man: yeah
i like the vision of you in a skin skirt
and me in a loin cloth

Girl: Fighting slaves, matched against each other in a small fighting pit, both in loincloths

Man: you are a female and me a male
Girl: yep

Man: bare hands?
Girl: Yep, no weapons, a hard packed sand floor, and wall are hardwood, the whole pit is 10' across
Man: i strut out in the pit looking at this woman who would dare oppose me
Girl: I'm pushed down from the edge by my Owner, my feet hit the sand and i raise my fists to the spectators, wearing only a red rag to cover my sex, I face my opponent and raise my hands ready to

Man: we are both in the same boat---my misress demanded that I show her my manhood in the pit--but I didnt think my opponent would be a woman.
i charge at you and try to grab you by the waist

Girl: Your rush surprises, me and your hands quickly grasp me around the waist. My hands whip upwards grabbing your head, and I unleash a
brutal headbutt against your held
Man: wonk---my head splashes back--i have to release my grip and shak my head as i stagger back a step or two. I do recover and move toward you
to delive a fist to yur belly

Girl: I grin as you stagger back, and move to follow you, but you recover well and fire back with a punch to the stomach, I gasp as it hits home,
not quite winded, but in pain. I strike back with a left fist drawn back to my shoulder before being unleashed aimed for your
Man: wack! that female fist does its job---my face is knocked to the side and a welt appears on my chin
oooh Im mad now i kick you right between the thighs---kocking your flimsy skirt up

Girl: I clench as the foot comes in and it slams into my thighs, I stagger back, my leg numb from the blow, my hand instinctevly coming down to
rub it as i get my footing secure
Man: i charge at you and dive at you grabbing for your legs to push you down to the floor

Girl: You dive in to tackle my legs, but I use something called "sprawl and brawl", As you grab for my legs I lean forward, pushing down on
your back, and sprawling my legs out behind me, driving you face down onto the
Man: mmppphhh--i crash on my face to the sand---dammit---i am spitting sand out of my mouth as i try to get my knees under me to rise
Girl: My tits pressing into your back, I wewrap my arms around your belly and start to squeeze, bringing my legs up onto my knees, trying
to pin your head between
Man: she's on top---i can't believe this---i try to lift my body as i feel those female hands reaching around to my stomach.-
my head is caught between those knees---i grunt a manly grunt as i try to roll to the side to throw you off

Girl: I feel you straining under me, and don't resist, I go with you, rolling over onto our side and I lostraighten and lock my ankles,
increasing my pressure on your head and

Man: i elbow you in the ribs hard--1 time 2 times 3 times and thn in rapid succession--my face is beet red. I have to get her to release
that grip---i keep trying to get to my belly and off my back

Girl: I grunt in pain as the elbows hit home, the blows numbing me, I let go of you, trying to grab your arms, but it gives you a chance to wriggle free...
I throw myself away from your elbow, rolling to get back to my

Man: i manage to get to my knees---my face all red from embarrassment and sweat---i face you cautiously now----i bend my head down
like a bull and leap at you trying to gore you in the breast as i try toi knock you back

Girl: Your head slaps between my tits and I groan in pain, falling back with you on top of me, I wrap my arms around your hread and
squeeze you to my
8:25 AM
Man: mmpphhh--i am on top now--but i suddenly cant breathe as my red face is pressed into you surrounded by breast flesh--
i open my legs while I can to straddle you and try to lock my knees around your hips---but im having trouble breathing--
i punch at your ribs again to make you release my head

Girl: You straddle me, and your fists punch at my side, but the angle is poor for a good hard blow. I change my grip, my right
forearm across the back of your left in front of your head, and I start pushing with my left and pulling with my right,
bending your neck back as I smother you....then I try to throw us sideways, a 'death roll'

Man: oohhgawddddd--my head bends back painfully--i lose all my grip on you then suddenly--much to my alarm--i find myself rolled to my back
with this girl suddenly on top of me--i kick my legs like a boy having a tantrum and try to buck and squirm to get out of this

Girl: I move my left arm from your face and bring it out to the side, clenching my fist I hammer it home into your right ear
as my right arm holds you tight....pushing my knees up to get them under me as I raise myself off
Man: aaghhhhh--the pain has me dizzy now---i buck and squirm and as you rise i try to sneak out from you pushing to the side
but im trapped my your leg. i can't beleive this is happening---i find myself outclassed by a woman

Girl: I let you go. My legs loosen to let you squirm free, while I get back to my feet, the red cloth fallen to the floor, in our struggle,
facing you naked
Man: i look up at you much less cocky than before===but Im seething with rage--i get to my knees then slowly climb to my legs to face you---
my loin cloth has also been ripped away in the action and you can see the risen cock in a defeat boner position as i circle you cautiously--
arms up --knees bent
Girl: I step in fast, as we circle, my left hand slapping for your cock, with a grin on my
Man: I glance down at what you did to my cock--it sent an electirc shock wave through me. I charge at you i rage grabbing for your waist
to try to knock you down by sheer momentum. I scream as i run at you
Girl: Your charge catches me by surprise and I stagger backwards, stumbling and going to the ground under you, my hands grab your shoulders as we

Man: i push you onto your back laying flat on your body--belly to belly---my cock pressed against your inner thigh--you breast to my chest--
my face laying aganst yor neck--i open my mouth against the flesh of your neck--near your ear
Girl: My hands come up from your shoulders to your head, fingers reaching, and locking on as my thumbs probe for your eyes,
pressing on them to drive you away from my
Man: ggaaaa---the pain is intense---i try to grab your wrists to pull your hands away----this is an emergency---i struggle with you...
trying to tighten my grip around your hips..but it all seems futile if you destroy my face
Girl: We struggle on the ground, you trying to control my hands, me trying to take your eyes out...and then I bring my left knee upwards
as hard as I

Man: right in the balls---gaaathhhhh----i fall off you onto my side--my hands rush to cover my painful balls as i lay rolling back and forth
on my back---my hands between my thighs---dammit--i look up atyou in fear now
Girl: Getting to my feet I move in and raise a foot, stamp downwards trying to stamp on your
Man: I see what you are doing--i try to roll away---one hand still cupping my balls---i grab for you leg with the free hand gripping your calf--
to prevent you from crushing me but also a kind of subjugation.
Girl: I lean in, as you grip my ankle, then drop forward knees first to drop my other knee onto your stomach....the end
Man: i can't accept defeat at the hands of a girl---i roll to my belly and hide my face in the sand--also hiding my nakedness
Girl: I step over you and sit down, my bare ass and cxnt in the middle of your back....grabbing first one hand then the other I jerk them
up onto my knees, pinning them with my
Man: aggghhhhh--I submit I submit.

Girl: Good that saves me from the trouble of breakng your neck. tee hee
Mature man of 45. Love to cyber wrestle and role play. I love to wrestle girls and show them who is boss. Sometimes, men as well--especially jockstrap matches.

A Silent Membership
I belong to the village
of nameless fictions
and tales. They kno