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Repost: 'Orient Beach 3 x 3 Catfight: Prelude & Build-up' by Jenn Peccavi

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Offline Kayla

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Here is the repost of the classic Club Orient Catfight 3 x 3 Catfight by Jenn Peccavi that got lost from the Board. I’ll first post the Prelude & Build-Up and then in a separate thread, I’ll post the Conclusion which was decided by a Poll, mostly written by myself, but from the perspective of Jenn Peccavi.

Have made a few minor edits, but it’s not entirely polished of spelling & grammatical errors here & there – sorry!

But hope you enjoy & please comment – wink!  :D ;)



Sep 25th, 2006, 3:44pm  

I had decided: my life was going to change. I was going to change it. I had beaten that blonde bitch Kelly Cat in the car park, That was revenge for her humiliating me at the beach. It didn’t go far enough. People needed to see I had trashed her. They still whispered snidely about the pictures the bitch had on the net but that had been a bit of a nine day wonder it was changing now. It was almost stale. Fewer people noticed. It still bugged me that no one had seen the battle in the car park where I all but destroyed that blonde slut, leaving her slumped, trussed up and unconscious on the floor of the car park. But there was, I thought, another time. I was sure to see her again some day and then I would get my revenge in full.
Meanwhile my life was going well. I was still going to the gym. My job looked good. I had recently been assessed, I had got a pay rise and I was sure I was up for promotion soon. I still needed to settle with my supervisor. That fat bitch didn’t like me. She was insecure. I guess she knew I was after her job. I guess she knew I’d get it too. But that was enough of that. I could bide my time.
I had lost a boyfriend, but then somehow I had known for ages that Will was not the man for me. He was too laid back, not ambitious enough. And life without him was in many ways better then life with him. It was certainly cheaper. Without Will any more I had moved back home to my parents, I was helping out, Dad couldn’t do much any more after his injury at the steelworks. I found myself saving money, amazing what happened when you didn’t go out and party with a boyfriend but stayed in and helped your parents or went to the gym or maybe to the movies with a friend, but not out to dinner not out to booze a lot. There I was I could always say truthfully I was helping my parents and I was saving on rent and stuff too. But the real thing that had helped me with the money had been a real lucky investment. Someone tipped me about some shares, I bought them they rocketed and then I sold them. I made about $5,000 just on that. I decided I was going to spend some of that money. Mom said I should go on a holiday. She also said that I should look for an apartment in case Dad got worse and had to go into care. Well I thought that might be later on.
In the meantime I was going to take my Mom’s advice and splurge on a holiday. I was going to a resort for the rich and the wannabe rich, no budget accommodation for me this time. Club Orient in the Caribbean was my destination. And I had to have the outfit for it too. So a couple of dresses that looked more expensive then they were thanks to a friend from school who did her own ladies’ tailoring, for the first time I had dresses made for me. And not all that costly either. I tried one out in a club in central Chicago just off the Loop. I would never have dared to get into it in a normal outfit, I would have been rejected with my accent, my tats my general looks. But in the dress Margie made for me I not only got past the bouncer but got some guy from the Futures Exchange ask me for a date. I chatted to him for a while and got a couple of hot tips. I was very grateful to the man so grateful I told him where I was from and what job I had. I could have strung him along but decided to be honest. As I thought he wasn’t interested that much in a girl from the poor ‘burbs with a clerical job. He did stand me another drink but I could see his heart wasn’t in it any more. I slipped away. Oddly enough he asked me for my phone number as I went. I used his tips later that week by putting some of that money I had made on the stock exchange to work and again I made a pile.  
So I didn’t feel at all bad about spending a lot on the holiday. But I did feel bad when I got to Club Orient for there was a nude beach. I thought I would never be like the beautiful people parading along the shore or lying on the beach slim tanned bodies with expensive jewellery. Bah.
That evening I was astonished to see Kayla and her Heather. I didn’t know what to make of them. Kayla I admired, she was a great fighter, a sexy woman but Heather was a clinging nothing. I still can’t work out what Kayla saw in her but then the idea of a dyke relationship was beyond me. I had said that to Kayla once and almost got the shit beaten out of me. She told me I was a prejudiced redneck bitch, that if I used the word dyke again in her earshot I would be meat, that the word was either Gay or Lesbian and that anyway Heather was hot, sexy and can handle her self well in fights. "So" I thought to myself as I waved to them signalling that they should come over to where I was "I shall have to be careful not to let my attitudes show"  
But still I couldn’t help thinking. Sure it was fun to play with some little slut I had just beaten- I got a lot of pleasure out of that, making them squirm with pleasure and fear after I had trashed them. It was all part of showing them who was queen bitch, all part of making them sluts who would do what I wanted them to. I had done that a lot, smacking their tight little butts till they were red and begging me to stop and yet wanting me to go on or making them lick me out or using a dildo on them. And to my horror I found that that slut Kelly had made me wet wanton and needy the same way as I had made those little whores. But the idea of a relationship between two women, of love (Whatever that meant), of being a couple…just something I have never understood.  
So I was careful not to say anything like that to Kayla and Heather. We chatted in the bar where we met and agreed to meet later on at the Terrace bar. That was the spot to go to in the evening and look over the sea and the marina and watch the after glow of the setting sun reflected on the water. And there was one table which had the best view of all, the corner one on the balcony. I was so delighted to see people standing up from that table just as we came in together. "Ill get a table for us" I said and rushed over there but just as I got there another girl tried to claim it. I sat down, determined to stake our claim.
"Hey" the girl, a pretty little brunette whined. "I was here first, I am waiting for my friends."
"Too bad", I smirked, "I am sitting here first. Guess you were just too slow.. It’s just too bad for you."
"No its not. This is our table and you will just have to move. There are four of us, there’s only you."
"Oh so the four of you are going to gang up on little me are you?" I retorted, there was no way the brunette was going to get this table. "Anyway I’m expecting a couple of friends any moment now."
"Well what happens if we sit down here."
"There are only four chairs so unless you want to share maybe your boyfriend- I assume you got one- might have to sit in my lap. Maybe he would like that a lot more then you sitting on yours. After all your backside is just a tad large." I wanted to get the girl riled so she would go away. I knew from her face my plan was working. Then I thought, maybe I could get the girl so riled she would want a fight. I was sure I could do her down. Just the thing to show off to Kayla, and it would make me feel so much better too. It would let out some of those tensions seeing pretty things like her on the beach earlier had built up.
"No," she snapped at me "I might just sit on your lap bitch."
"Oh, like that is it" I couldn’t help smiling at her. She was so worked up. I watched her clench then unclench her fists a few times. Time to put the boot in Jenn, I thought then decided the stiletto was a better weapon now. I would just get her more and more angry and she would lash out at me and I would be just defending myself. I flashed my nicest smile and went on in a sweet voice "And does your boyfriend know that you would like to sit in another girl’s lap, I do so hope he is broad minded. Perhaps I might just tell him when I see him."
Just then someone called the brunette piece away and a moment or two later Kayla and Heather came up. We sat down and talked then had some dinner. Over dinner Kayla answered the question that had been on my mind ever since I saw them here: What were they doing here. And it was a sad answer too; she had just had too many losses in the catfight circuit. I knew she had lost a few because I had seen her at the start of the OPW series. But there had been more in particular she had lost to Marie again, the girl I had systematically thrashed three times.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2010, 09:56:54 AM by Kayla »
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Kayla

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Re: Repost: 'Orient Beach 3 x 3 Catfight: Prelude & Build-up' by Jenn Peccavi
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2010, 09:15:24 AM »
"Kayla" I said soothingly "No way, you lost because you are such a good person, you lost because you don’t want to hurt someone badly."
She shook her head "I just don’t want to talk about it and Heather’s not much interested in catfighting anyway so here we are, going to have a sexy, hot holiday together in a romantic, tropical environment!" Then Heather chimed in "Moreover, we’re unashamed nudists, not minding flaunting ourselves a little, flashing pussy, fondling each other in public a little; our fav motto: if you’ve got it flaunt it! We just love the attention we’re getting: the guys sneaking glances at us, and their girlfriends getting annoyed with the two us drawing their attention." I felt myself going red. To hide my embarrassment I turned away and heard Heather giggle. 
Then Kayla said "Jenn there’s nothing to worry about" I turned back to see her slip her hand under Heather’s sarong. I blushed hotly as I saw Heather do the same to Kayla parting her sarong and showing me that at least Kayla had nothing on underneath. I began to stammer something incoherently. Kayla smiled "Enough Heather, I don’t want to frighten Jenn off too much. But Jenn dear don’t be a prude there's nothing to worry about. Like Heather said we like doing this we like teasing guys and infuriating their girl friends. Consider us teases"
"No its not that- well not altogether" I blushed, swallowed nervously and went on "Its because I could never do that. I am just fat and plain and I would be hooted off the nude beach in no time. I just don’t look good."
"Nonsense" snapped Kayla, as her school ma’am, her trainer attitude erupted. She seemed furious with me as she whispered her face right up against mine "Never say that about yourself, it shows you have a poor self image. You don’t like yourself much do you? You’re an insecure person. And there's no reason to be. I know you completed college courses. I know you have got a good job. I have seen you fight: you’re one tough bitch when you do. But you still feel you’re not worth anything. But then I am not telling you anything" I nodded feeling that I just wanted to find a hole to hide in somewhere. At least she wasn’t speaking loudly. "Now look Jenn, there’s nothing wrong in being a bit plump, you’re better endowed with bosoms and you’re not really fat just plump and that makes you like many good looking women. Now tomorrow you are going to walk down that beach naked."
I must have shown how horrified I looked at the thought for Heather squeezed my hand saying "Give it a try, once you get used to it, you’ll love it! Be happy with your body. Its so liberating to be "au naturelle"’ She giggled a bit and went on "Kayla and I both think you’re very sexy, and have nothing to be ashamed of."
Before I left that night Kayla made me promise to meet her on the beach the next morning and jog. She said "great way of losing those kilos, you need to keep training here just as you are at home. Im glad you joined a gym. You don’t want to slack off, eat all the wrong food and get fat and slow and easy meat for some bitch to fight you again do you?"
Well there wasn’t much I could say; Kayla is a very forceful lady at times. So I met her on the beach at 6 the next morning- one thing living in Chicago does for you –if you commute you are used to getting up early. We jogged and jogged, every time I wanted to give up – which I did after the first few kilometres and then every kilometre after -Kayla would push me on and on. "You want to see the island – well this is the fastest way to sightsee on two legs". In the end we ran right round the island, though we had a few breaks for about the midpoint I couldn’t take it any more and challenged Kayla to a swim. My tired muscles felt so soothed in the water even though I swam fairly hard. I wanted to show Kayla I could swim well. We had another break a few more kilometres on where there was one of the resort bars open and we moved in for breakfast. I ate too much too and Kayla told me so. We finished the run about 10 am and I found to my amazement I had run 18 km in those 4 hours –with the swim and the breakfast taken out of that time too! 
After such an exhausting morning there wasn’t much I wanted to do that day. I sat on the beach, I read and in the evening went to the disco at one of the nightspots on the island.
I finally plucked up courage to walk naked on the Tuesday. I still felt awkward, but there was no way I was going to show it. I walked down along the beach to go swimming. I was relieved that no one stared at me that no one made fun of me. Then it happened. I’d got about half way along the beach to where I was going swimming and had just walked past this couple- a tall slim sexy stunning bitch with great body and a tan that looked like she never had to work, that she spent all her time at the tanning salon when she wasn’t here. Her man nudged her and whispered something – what it was I have no idea but the tart turned and stared and hissed at me " Some people really don't look good enough to walk on a nude beach."
That was all I needed, I felt myself turning red and I wanted to run and hide somewhere but the man smiled and I felt if I ran away now I would be running away for the rest of my life and I wasn’t going to do that any more. No this was the new me. I was going to dish out what I got in. So instead of cowering off somewhere I turned stopped and tried to make sure I wasn’t shaking. To get some time to work out what to say I replied "I beg your pardon?"
The bitch on the mat looked up at me again and responded "You heard me, fat girl." She sat up on the blanket, ran her fingers through her shoulder length brown hair and lent back on her hands, spreading her legs, so that I got an eye full of this sexy slut’s carefully trimmed pussy. "You should be over at the work out room." 
I wasn’t going to let my temper show. I said as calmly as I could. "Or else I could just flash my cxnt at every guy on the beach, like some cheap slut."
The man she was with I smiled to me and mouthed ‘you tell her."
But before I could say anything this beautiful girl hissed back at me "If we were somewhere else right now, I'd kick your ass."
"Now you’re talking sexy slut" I thought for there was no way that a bitch so sexy, with such a body would be a brawler; she had no scars, no marks of any kind. I was sure I could do her. And I wanted to, she was so superior, she looked good in a way I never would, she spoke better then me, I hated her and all those like her. But I wasn’t here to fight, I was, so I told myself, a changed person, so I simply replied "Maybe we'll meet again, bitch, if you're not afraid." I looked her man right in the eye, smiled, ran my hands over my tits provocatively and squeezed my nipples. I was trying to pretend I was as half as good looking as the slut on the mat. But however good she looked I knew I had won the verbal duel as I strutted down the beach trying to show myself as much as anyone that I was better then the bitch.
Normally I loved swimming at the beach, Chicago doesn’t give people much chance to go surfing and it’s only on rare holidays I got to body surf. I am a good swimmer, I went to inter school meets, and in the water it doesn’t really matter if you are big or fat, mostly its endurance- for I was a long distance swimmer. But today it was my misfortune to run into Debby Gold- or more correctly she swam into me. At first I had no idea who it was who came cresting a wave and swam straight into me. I was too surprised to do anything except cough up water. Then I saw her. The smart and pretty bitch I had worked with in my first office job and whom I had fought years ago in the office.
I even tried to be nice to her "You ok, Debby?" I asked
But all she could do was insult me "Don’t you know anything about surfing. When you see someone on a wave you get out of their way. What did you do you bitch? You just stood there helplessly."
I tried to explain I didn’t see her but that made her more riled. 
"Well look you stupid fat bitch…hey its bloody Peccavi. I should have known you’d be too stupid to look out. What are you doing here? This place isn’t for trailer trash. Are you a cleaner here or something?"
"I’m on holidays. Like you I guess." She was making me more angry by the minute. She was talking as if I had no right to have a holiday here.
"Look bitch just get your fat ass out of my way "
"Damn you Debby do you think you own the beach as well as everything else?"
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Kayla

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Re: Repost: 'Orient Beach 3 x 3 Catfight: Prelude & Build-up' by Jenn Peccavi
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2010, 09:19:58 AM »
She stood up in the water one hand clutching her surfboard the other on her hip. She sxxxxxxxed saying " yes as a matter of fact I do so take your skanky ass outta here"
I was furious. "Damn you. This is Club Orient and I paid my money to come here. You don’t own this place at all wake up to yourself slut. This isn’t home in Chicago with your rich mommy and daddy now." 
"You paid money. How quaint! I guess even you" she coughed a bit – I think more for effect then anything " girls from the inner city need too bath some where. Pity its here though, there might be a pollution problem" 
"Damn you bitch shut your face you rich snob or I'll shut it for you "
With an insufferable smirk she let go of her board which followed her because she wore a leg rope, waded through the water over to me and smacked me hard across the face with one hand. At the same time she kneed me in the gut. I just doubled over and to complete my humiliation Debby clutched at the back of my neck forcing my head under the water and holding it there for a moment. I lashed out but she dodged my blows only letting my head above the water long enough for her to say "Don’t mess with me again you fat bitch. As you said this isn’t Chicago. I can get you here." She kneed me again and then while my mouth was still open gulping for air, pushed my head under water deeper this time. I worked my way free of her grasp only to find as I emerged again spluttering and coughing that she was already paddling away on her board. I tried to catch her but she was way too fast for me. 
I swam to the shore vowing revenge on the snotty bitch and got out of the water fuming. I was so mad. It didn’t help that I almost walked into someone- yes it was my fault – but they didn’t have to say "watch where you are going you fat cow" I walked back to my cabin, thinking ‘some holiday this was, I should have gone somewhere else where I wouldn’t feel so out of place. No hell if I could look like I was some rich chick in my black dress and impress some futures dealer back home I could do it here." So that’s what I wore to dinner together with a pearl necklace I had bought with some of the proceeds of the future trading. 
I felt a lot better as I walked into the bar. I told myself "no one here knows you except Debby. Don’t let her spoil your holiday". I felt even better when some man stepped up behind me, slipped his arm round my waist, squeezed me tightly and said "hey sexy." 
I looked up surprised to see the man who I had seen earlier on the beach with that tall beautiful bitch. "Have you ditched that skank who likes showing her pussy?"
"Well no I haven’t really and I was hoping I could have a word with you about that. I think Maya got a bit het up this morning. Can I buy you a drink and apologise?"
I nodded and the man did so saying "I’m Danny" and leading me back to his table his hand in mine. "Here hun sit on the table, you look great like that". He smiled and ran his fingers through my hair. Suddenly I felt wanted, even as if someone wanted to be friendly. Happily I slowly kicked my legs over the table edge. We chatted quietly for a few minutes, I found he was from Toronto and we talked about our holidays – it turned out he was on some package tour at a special discount rate so he wasn’t as rich and swank as I first thought but more like me.
It had to happen, just when I thought I was getting on well with someone, his girl came back and immediately showed she wanted to fight saying softly "Glad to see you're covered up now. That nude beach was no place for you."
I bit back saying "I thought you'd be up on stage flashing your pussy, you love it so much" and pointing to where later there would be an amateur strip tease. I thought the bitch was going to slap me about and edged away from her. I wasn’t scared I just didn’t want my dress ruined. I saw that in edging away from her I had got within a few inches of Danny. "So what" I thought "I’ll just give the bitch something to think about."
She looked about to tear me apart but said "You know, fat girl, you and I have a problem." 
"Damn it she is going to get it with both barrels" I thought then turned to her saying "Yes, we do. And what do you propose we do about it? You could throw those drinks in my face, which I know you want to do. I could take your boyfriend upstairs and fuck him all night, which you know he wants to do. Or we could do what you and I both want do, and that is settle it privately, just you and me."
"I'll meet you on the beach, where we spoke this morning, at 10." she replied "The beach should be deserted at that hour, and there is a full moon."
"Fine," I smiled "And you can bring him", pointing at Danny, "as long as he just watches. Maybe he'll get turned on watching me kick your ass; maybe he'll come visit me in my room later."
The slut hissed at me "Now get the fuck away from this table before I rip that expensive dress from top to bottom."
I thought I would give Danny a bit of a show. He had been more then nice to me, even if he still didn’t know my name so I slowly slid off the table, cupped my tits and looked directly at Danny blowing him a kiss. Then I casually turned to face the bitch and stepped very close to her and touched myself between the legs, in a way that no one but the slut could see, and whispered ‘pussy’.
I walked away. A few tables on I saw Debby with some man. I stopped and said quietly "you are a coward, you ran away today. I will get you later somewhere you can’t run from me" 
She said, "No I didn’t run away from you. I don’t run from the trash, I just leave it out to be taken away." I felt my face flush at her contempt as she continued. "But yes fighting is the only way you know to solve problems. Pity you don’t know that it doesn’t solve problems at all. Anyway, I only gave you what you deserved; you had me in that fight in the office. Now get out of here." 
I almost grabbed her there in the dining room but was worried I would tear that dress or lose some pearls from my necklace, besides there was almost a week left in the holiday I was sure to see her again and then I would pay her back. Revenge is sweet.
I changed, went to the pool for a short soothing swim, more to set my mind at rest and get the tension out then anything else then back to my room and lay down, trying to get some rest in the two hours before 10. Revived by a short nap I stripped off, thinking the bitch would be surprised to see me nude, even though it is a nude beach. Any surprise I can give would be a bonus. I walked down to the beach and saw my opponent’s surprise at my nudity. She stripped off and I attacked. It was a good fight. I won. At the end I ripped out some of that oh so carefully trimmed pussy. For a moment or two as I sat astride my defeated enemy I thought of spanking her or making her lick me but decided that she wouldn’t be turned into a slut that easily. Rather my revenge on this bitch for being so beautiful, for being such a middle class bitch who thought she was better then me was going to last longer. Her boyfriend had already told me he liked my looks and I knew somehow that he would fuck me if I let him, all he needed was a bit of encouragement. And maybe he would be more then a casual fuck, maybe he and I could get a relationship going. So after a quick swim to freshen me up I walked up to him where he had stood watching his girlfriend get a hiding, knelt down unzipped his fly blew him and led him away to my room. He was a good lover too.
The next morning he went away to collect his belongings saying he would be back later. I had arranged to meet Kayla and Heather to tell them how I had got on baring all at the beach. But now I had much more to tell them. I sat with my back to the door idly reading while I waited for the girls but was disturbed by a bit of a commotion. I turned my head to see Kayla and Heather sauntering in, blowing kisses at some ogling guys, they were very much the centre of attraction. They sat down "Hey girl you look better today, but what’s with the scratches"
"Well I won a fight"
"That’s great and I can see winning has made you much more confident, you look happy again. Hey did I tell you confidence is the biggest part of sex appeal" Kayla looked pleased.
I couldn’t help smiling "well not only do I have Danny but some other man asked me if he could buy me a drink and after I got talking to him he also asked for my phone number just a few moments ago".
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Kayla

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Re: Repost: 'Orient Beach 3 x 3 Catfight: Prelude & Build-up' by Jenn Peccavi
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2010, 09:21:02 AM »
"What did we tell you?" said Heather. "Those boys wanted to chat us up because we were just being our selves nothing more then that -but we are happy with ourselves." She giggled and lent over to Kayla and kissed her. The kiss got a bit deeper and some bystanders began looking on at the two girls who stopped and burst into a peel of giggles then Heather said "we raised a few eyebrows then"
"Anyhow do tell about the fight I want to know who you beat and how" Kayla said so I began to give the details.
Just then I saw Debby and that brunette who I had met the night Kayla Heather and I had dinner together walk in together. Debby said snidely "look at the white trash they let in here. Sarah this place is going downhill fast"
Kayla broke in "Friends of yours, Jenn?"
"I used to work with the blonde; rich bitch she was too. I fought her once and trashed her on the office floor."
Yes but tell your low life friends what happened yesterday" Debby interjected "tell them how it took only one punch to leave you floundering in the water"
"Only because you swam away you coward" 
"Jenn, I am worried about you," said Kayla "do you fight with everyone you know? I've seen that little brunette before, isn’t she the one from whom you stole the table on Sunday night?" she poked me in the ribs. "She was pretty angry I thought you were going to have a fight then."
" Well I didn’t fight her and no I don’t fight everyone. Only rich bitches who don’t know better or girls who can hold their own in the ring like you Kayla"
Heather smirked "So you beat a rich bitch on Tuesday" she continued in a voice so sweet it was coated with treacle "did you enjoy fucking Maya’s boyfriend?"
I saw the pretty brunette gasp, she said something to Debby I couldn’t quite catch it and thought ‘she must know Maya’ and turned to Heather and said loudly "yes he is a good screw and I think there's the start of something longer then just a holiday fuck too." 
Kayla chimed in with "it is really hot to fuck a guy in front of his defeated girlfriend– the ultimate humiliation of a snotty, uppity bitch." We all collapsed in giggles and then Kayla started telling me about the very similar fight and aftermath she had had with Anene concluding by saying "so you see I know exactly how you feel- what a turn on. First the fight then the fuck and watching the bitch watch you with her man. Oh yes give us five" Amid more giggles we high fived each other.
Debby stood up "I can’t listen to these gutter tramps any more. They have no morals, they are like animals" As we watched her friend and her stood up and walk off - holding hands. I started to wonder about those two. What was their relationship anyway?
After a great lunch the three of us left the café and sauntered down to the beach – I wanted the girls to meet Danny. As we walked along the beach I saw Maya and stage whispered, in a voice I was sure she could hear "Hey there’s that bitch I fought"
Kayla giggled and nudged Heather. "Hey, look at that. Jenn you should have completely balded the slut’s cxnt – as it would’ve looked better!"
"Ohh! You are so bad Kayla" I hooted giving her another high five.
Maya flushed red and rolled over on to her belly.
"Ohh wouldn’t I just love to tan that ass" hissed Heather.
Maya stood up, she seemed close to tears, or perhaps she was just angry. "Next time bitch, you’ll see who ends up with a ripped pussy"
"Words, mere words, just words" I sneered as we walked along the beach.
I had agreed to meet Danny at one of the discos on the island that night. Walking into it on my own dressed a bit more casually I almost literally ran into Debby. "Still freeloading are you, bitch?" she said.
"Slut I’ll get you!" I hissed
"Yes that’s all you know, fighting you cant do anything else it’s the primitive cavewoman in you most of us are a bit more civilized these days" She walked off in the crush of people just as I saw Danny come in.
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Repost: 'Orient Beach 3 x 3 Catfight: Prelude & Build-up' by Jenn Peccavi
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2010, 09:22:54 AM »
That night I lost a fight with the little brunette bitch who I found was called Sarah. The bitch set me up for the fight. She kept niggling me, wanting me to apologize for things that weren’t my fault like "jostling" her and she was just plain rude calling me a "low life man stealing bitch" and worst of all she made me worry about Danny. Hell I was worried enough without her snide comments! I wanted him! He was a great guy and we had hit it off so well, there was no way I was going to lose him to that bitch Maya. That Sarah slut- a friend of Maya’s as well as of Debby played on me. I was robbed in the fight. I would have won if she hadn’t fought foul and strangled me. I ended unconscious flat on my back on the floor amid the ruins of a table. And only came to again as Danny poured cold water over me.  
He wasn’t happy "Jenn you cost me $100 because I bet Scott that you were going to win and look at you, can you fight after all." His words made me burst into tears, which I had never done in any fight. Since then I have found that Danny helped set up the fight too. I am going to have that out with him one day.
Somehow that night I dragged myself back to my cabin and slept. The next day was Friday and all I wanted to do was hide but Kayla came to the door. "What happened to you? No don’t tell me. I know that girl you beat came and told me that her friend smashed you up. Its ok, Jenn, I lose too, remember that’s why I am here. And right now you are coming to the sauna where Heather is waiting already there is nothing like hot steam to get rid of the aching joints and the other pain of a fight."

(NOTE by Kayla: the little Sauna scene that follows below was written by me – from Peccavi’s perspective)  ;)
She overcame my anxiety and we trotted off together. Stripped off and lying in the sauna I felt better, Kayla was right - the steam did make my muscles relax and then there was the champagne and cocktails as well. I started to tell them about my loss and Heather smiled "I'm sure you’ll beat the bitch next time and make Danny proud of you. Perhaps when you haven’t had quite so much to drink" she nudged me.
Before I could protest that the drink had nothing to do with me losing she was tickling me under the arms and I was giggling uncontrollably. Next moment Kayla joined in too and I was soon rolling around trying to ward them off. A few moments later when I was begging them to stop the two girls high fived, then French kissed and began touching each other’s breasts. After a few moments of this Heather sighed deeply and slid one of her hands down just below the dark, trimmed bush at the apex of Kayla’s long, athletic legs probing them further apart. Kayla’s eyelids fluttered and she gave a little moan of pleasure. I’d never seen two women making out before, and started feeling uncomfortable and got up to leave the two alone.
But the next moment the two bi girls were all over me, their hot, slick bodies pressing me back down. Heather whispered sultrily: "Tch, tch, Jenn … now where do you think you’re going? The fun is only starting now."
Heather’s ruby lips quickly encircled my nipples, gently kissing and sucking them, her tongue alternatively flicking and teasing them. I felt myself blushing hot as my nipples immediately stiffened almost painfully in response – one part of me wanted to run away, but the other felt helpless and seduced. In fact I was helpless - I was still panting from being tickled so much but now the pants seemed to come for another reason. As Heather’s lips and tongue continue to play with my nipples, Kayla starting licking my belly button, and I felt myself getting more and more aroused. Gawd! It felt so good; ripples of pleasure circling out from my nipples and belly button. Kayla and Heather certainly knew how to get me horny – I’d never have thought it possible!
I shuddered involuntarily as I felt Kayla’s tongue slowly slither from my belly button to the top of my bush, and then back up again. After repeating this a few times, Kayla looked up and, fixing me with her gaze, said ' Don’t you dare move from here. Don’t you dare pretend you don’t do this sort of thing! I know better. I know your bad wannabe Domme ways. I know what you have done to little fluffy blondes as you call them. You just toy with them. It is time for another lesson. But it might be a bit nicer then the one I gave you last time. You are going to learn there's more to sex then power there’s love and affection too." I felt my thighs parting Kayla pushed them open slightly but it seemed they were opening mainly by themselves as if under the spell of Kayla's power. If ever there was someone who Dommed me by sheer force of character it was her! What ever her magic was, it worked on me and I knew I was inviting Kayla into my pleasure valley. – I couldn’t help myself any more! I wanted the beautiful dyke bitch to tongue fuck down there, to do whatever she wanted. I was horny and aroused and at her command. And she knew it. And that she knew it just made me more aroused. I could feel the wet heat pooling in my pussy!
I gasped and breathed deeply as Kayla’s tongue slowly ran round and around my stiff clitoris, bringing me incredible sensations of warmth and well-being, further enhanced by Heather’s attention to my erect nipples. Having another woman explore between the folds of my own femininity touched unknown horizons. Kayla lifted her head "this is different to having your way with someone isn't it Jenn?" She was right it was heavenly, consuming lust, and more then that a feeling of contentment of almost gentleness I had not experienced before. At the same time it was like what that slut Kelly Kat had done to me at the beach those months ago. Just like then, so now I felt I had no control any more. The two lovely dyke sluts seemed to eat and lick away at my very soul, sucking and teasing out all my ability to reason!
Soon I was a quivering, orgasmic wreck, been taken higher than ever before, so high it rendered me semi-conscious. When I came round, I found myself lustily eating out the drenched twats of the two irresistible, writhing women.  
Still I was so puzzled so confused – could it be that I was really a closet lesbian all this time, and that only another woman could bring me true sexual and emotional satisfaction? Or was this just because Kayla was so forceful. Or maybe I was just bi like Kayla and Heather? I really didn’t know!
For the moment, however, I simply didn’t care! I just enjoyed the totally new experience of making love to, and being made tender love to by two luscious women. Finally, all three of us collapsed still faintly shuddering, entwined with each other – our warm, slippery and smooth bodies hugging each other -totally happy and content in our mutual satisfaction and new-found intimacy."
I couldn’t work it out as I left the sauna. My body felt so good, my muscles which had been sore from the fight with Sarah soothed, my bruises subsiding and more then that a warm glow of love and affection. But I was sure I wasn’t bi or lez, I am Jenn Peccavi and I am not kinky like that. I ran that over and over in my head walking back to my cabin.  
Danny and I had sex that night. It was great: passionate, wild and uninhibited. But I couldn’t help thinking even as I rode him and he played with my cxnt sending me to screams of ecstasy that it wasn’t like what Kayla and Heather had helped me experience that afternoon.
(My thanks to all my friends who helped me with this story. There’s more on its way. As they say sometimes: watch this space!)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2010, 09:55:22 AM by Kayla »
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Repost: 'Orient Beach 3 x 3 Catfight: Prelude & Build-up' by Jenn Peccavi
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2010, 09:24:14 AM »
The next morning I was still as confused as ever. I decided to clear my head with a run. I got up early, left a scribbled note for Danny and set off.  
I had run a couple of miles and was starting to breathe a bit heavily when I saw Debby come out of the water; her long blonde hair streaming wet down her back, her bikini barely able to contain her big tits.I altered course. I didn’t want to fight her; I was worried that I was still suffering from the fight with that bitch friend of hers. Two fights in a week were more then enough for me, especially when I was throttled unconscious in the second one.  
She yelled out "Peccavi, you bitch, you call people cowards and say I ran away but who is running away from me?"  
I looked round, it was still early morning, it wasn’t 8 am yet but there were people on the beach, joggers like me or swimmers like Debby or people just lazing in the early morning sun. "Damn bitch! I am not running away. Any way, you bitch, you can’t talk. What the hell did you do the other day when you attacked me in the surf? You ran off then!"  
"Oh no! That was in the water, that’s different. You got in my way. I taught you a lesson! You won’t get in my way again after I almost drowned you."  
This was starting to get out of hand. People were looking at us. There was no way I wanted people to think that I was a coward or that this slut had beaten me so badly. I tried a peaceful approach "You told me that fighting didn’t solve anything. Maybe I am agreeing with you."  
"You’re only saying that because my friend Sarah destroyed you on Thursday night. Tell me, how did it feel to be unconscious to be put out like the trash you are, to have that cheating Danny wake you up by pouring water over you?"  
People weren’t just looking at us I could hear muttered comments. Some joggers had stopped. I overheard them. They were talking about the fight I lost with Sarah. Debby was going over the details of the fight. She had gone far enough. I wasn’t going to take that insulting shit any more. I turned and jogged over to her standing right in her path. “I don’t want trouble and I am trying to avoid it so just be quiet and leave me alone. And don’t talk about things that don’t concern you.”  
“So if you don’t want trouble why are you standing there? You’re a coward and a bully Peccavi. You haven’t changed. You never will cow! Except that you got fatter and slower. My friend took you apart. Now let me past you.” She took a step around me .  
“Not so fast bimbette. You will apologise to me.”  
"Get stuffed, you stupid woman. You're full of it. You need exlax” she made to walk straight past me.  
“No, you don’t, bitch." I shoved her back with my hands on her shoulders. "Stay right there till you apologise to me.”  
Debby responded with a sudden punch to the midriff that almost winded me. The bitch must have been planning that! I staggered back gasping as she followed up with a few more punches to my tits and face. I started to pant for breath and knew that I had to get back into this fight in a hurry. All I was doing so far was trying to defend myself. And I had to do that for a while yet as her flurry of punches continued. A crowd had formed and most were cheering Debby on. I could hear them yell out “go blondie!” and “get the fat scrag.” But I was determined not to go down even though Debby’s punches were taking their toll. My face would be a mess of bruises tomorrow.  
I dropped back a bit. Debby, now supremely confident, let her guard down and waltzed in to finish me off.  
I launched a punch that landed in her right tit. She moaned in pain and I followed with a kick to her tummy that sent her staggering back. Those two blows bought me badly needed time and I stood my ground breathing hard waiting for the blonde bimbette to attack again. She did.  
Still cocky she launched a kick at my pussy but I remembered this as one of her favourite moves from our office fight almost two years ago and was ready for it. I leapt back and sideways. Debby was committed and the miss, throwing her off balance, gave me the chance I need to sail in with a heavy punch to her tummy.  
Before she fully recovered she foolishly attacked me, trying to claw my tits under my top. But she left herself open to my attacks. I lashed out, jerking my knee into her already weakened gut. She went down heavily on her back still clutching at my top. I heard it tear, felt it being ripped from me, exposing my tits to the crowd. But as she landed her tits bounced for all to see under the cover of her bikini.  
Some of the guys whistled some of them cheered some yelled out. “Great hooters big girl” “Rip off blondies top” were just two of the comments.  
I moved in cautiously for she was already kicking strongly with her feet high in the air. Deciding she wasn’t weakened sufficiently for me to try to stomp on her belly, far less to straddle her, I tried to seize her kicking legs. But it was too hard and I would have copped too many kicks had I tried. And I still needed some time to recover from that flurry of punches that had so mauled me in the first few minutes. So I waited till she stopped kicking and started to get to her feet.  
When she was on her knees I lashed out kicking her under her chin. She went down again and again her tits bounced. One or two of the mainly male crowd sxxxxxxxed as they saw this but most were still keenly cheering for Debby to get up and take the fight to me. And this she did. She rolled away hissing defiance at me and got to her feet some distance away.  
I had changed my tactics. I had thought my normal brawling would win this. But after that had failed against her friend Sarah I saw I had to plan better. Now I wanted to wear Debby out. She wasn’t as resilient as me. I was sure with my long distance swimming I would have more stamina then the blonde party going rich bitch. She couldn’t stand punishment like I could. But she was faster and would go all out to beat me quickly.  
So I kept my distance just defending myself against her punches. Some got through my guard and hurt me. But I kept away from her strong legs jumping back whenever I saw her try a kick. The crowd got frustrated and booed me. But it was more important to get Debby frustrated and worn out. I was sure she was tiring for she was beginning to pant and I saw her taut belly -so unlike mine- heave as she sucked air in her lungs. I was also sure I had more patience then she did. I started taunting her. "You're not in the water now. And even when you were you swam away. But you won’t run away here. If you do all the people here will know just what a coward you are."  
I was right, for she launched herself at me in a wild charge her hands clawing for me. Whether she did so because she had lost patience or because I had taunted her or because she knew she was running out of time, I still don’t know. But I did know then it was the wrong thing for her to do. I sidestepped her and she went crashing past me. Furious she screamed at me and leapt in the air trying to drop on me. But I raised my fist and she all but impaled her tummy on it.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2010, 09:53:58 AM by Kayla »
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Repost: 'Orient Beach 3 x 3 Catfight: Prelude & Build-up' by Jenn Peccavi
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2010, 09:27:14 AM »
That was all I had hoped for. I chuckled as she crashed to her knees before me clutching her tummy sobbing for breath. I kicked and my foot caught her just under her chin, her back arched and she fell back on the sand. I heard cheers for me and jeers for her- bah they would cheer even more if the sexy blonde were winning. 
I rushed over to stamp on her belly but the bitch grabbed my foot, and jerking, it brought me crashing to the sand next to her. 
Stunned for a second, I rolled into her, grabbing her long blonde hair, and pulling her close to me. I planned to headbutt her and roll her onto her back. “But I should have remembered her favorite tactic, for she brought her knee up and crashed it into my pussy.” 
"Finish the fat slut, blondie" yelled a guy. I felt sick as I saw Debbie loom up over me. But she was tired, weakened, her face red, sweat pouring off her. She misjudged her step. I kicked out and it caught her she went crashing down to the sand again. I lay there on my back recovering my strength for a moment and looking up saw Debbie on her knees shuffling over to me. I got to my knees as well and slammed a punch into her already weakened tummy. The blow gave me enough time to get to my feet before she did. We were sore, weakened and tired. Stamina would decide this match! 
Debbie moved slowly toward me. The b*tch was running on empty! I still had a few scanty reserves. I knew she had none. I proved it by seizing her hair and smashing a punch into her tit. She doubled up just in time for me to raise my knee to her face. She turned her head and so dodged the full force of the blow- it missed her nose and mouth landing instead on her cheek but it was enough to knock her to the sand below. 
I grinned and dropped to my knees. Moving over I rammed a knee into her tummy. She moaned and scrabbled her hands and kicked her legs feebly. "Finish the slut" one of my supporters yelled. 
I hastened to obey. Straddling her, hoping she was indeed finished for if she had punched my cxnt, I would have all but collapsed. But Debby just lay there, her hands slapping weakly at my face. I yanked on her nipples, clawing my nails into the soft tit flesh. 
”Give in bitch, give in!"
Debby moaned. 
"What's that bitch?"
”Yes I give” the beaten blonde whimpered. 
I stood up. “OK Debby, don’t insult me again. Tell your friend Sarah what happened and stay out of my way. We can both have a good holiday.” I bent over, stretching out my arm to help her up. 
“Oh shit look at the blonde!” I heard as Debby slammed her fist into my belly as soon as she got to her feet. I staggered back winded. She followed it with another punch and I went down sprawling on my back. But she was too tired to capitalize on her cheating move. She was shaky on her feet and moving slowly. When she closed in on me I managed to kick her hard enough to drop her to the sand. She crashed forward. I wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. I yanked at her hair while sticking my foot in her back arching her spine. She moaned. I slapped her ass with my free hand. Then I shoved her face down on the sand hard. She whimpered. After a few seconds her movements ceased. I rolled her over to make sure she was still breathing. She was. I yanked off her bikini pants and left the unconscious slut on the sand naked.

Based in part on a fight with the lovely Debby from the rooms. Changed though because my puter crashed and I lost the text.
Not sure that I like the changes that make me use * instead of vowels for some words. But it seems we have a sanitised board.
All I can say to Debby is "the bigger bitch won."
And to you all: continue watching.
Soon there will be a poll. 

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Repost: 'Orient Beach 3 x 3 Catfight: Prelude & Build-up' by Jenn Peccavi
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2010, 09:30:41 AM »
“You let that midget Marie beat you," Danny glared at me. "And that Sarah beat you the other night! Maybe beating Maya was just a fluke. I burst into tears at his accusations. He had stood watching the fight and now when I wanted a hug and reassurance had his arms folded, his face set.
Danny continued, "Jenn, you’ve got to show me that you can really fight. And no, I don’t want to hear how you beat that blonde on the beach this morning. I want to see you take a bitch down for myself. And I want to see you do this on this holiday."
I looked at him, "Danny, I am worn out. I’ve already had a fight today. I’ve beaten that little girl four times. It’s just that I am still sore and tired from the fight this morning."
He shrugged turned on his heel and strode off. "No, please don’t go away. Danny please!"
I raced after him panting with exhaustion. He turned and smiled, but it was not a smile of happiness, it was a smile that told me he liked being in control. I didn’t know what to make of him. "Alright Jenn. Let’s go to the spa."
I did as I was told and followed him. Hell I didn’t want to lose him, but I had already fought too much on this holiday and now he wanted to see me fight again and what’s more he was demanding that whatever the odds I had to win. It’s not as if I go looking for trouble, like I did at school. It’s not as if I go looking for trouble, it is that trouble seems to find me. Like this morning with Debby. Or at other times, I have no choice but to use my fists
The spa was good, all my aching bones and bruised muscles relaxed. Danny sat next to me sipping a beer. "You told me you were a fighter Jenn. Yes, I saw you beat Maya, but often you get beaten too easily. I don’t want to hear how you’ve won fights before. That was then, this is now. I lost $100 when Sarah beat you and what’s more it was so embarrassing when everyone there saw my girl beaten… you don’t know what its like."
I sat there blinking back the tears, listening to him complain about how bad the situation had been for him. I said nothing. Then he went too far. "Maya never embarrassed me like that."
"Stuff you Danny I beat her. You saw that." "
"Yeah but you haven’t had much success since"
I felt like shit and snapped back  "You ought to try seeing things from my point of view! Maybe you’d like to get beaten down in a fight in front of a crowd Maybe you like to be choked till your cold in front of your girl. Then she wakes you up by pouring cold water over you. Then you would know the true meaning of the word embarrassment. " I couldn’t stop the tears any more they poured down my face.
"Well you’ll just have to fight better wont you girl"
"Danny don’t do this to me."
"But there's one thing you are good at". He tugged on my arm pulling me closer to him and with his other hand began to roll my nipple .
"Hey not here Danny !"
"Why not its no one is here and you want it don’t you?"  
"But what happens if people come?"
"Are you really worried?" He dropped my arm and stroked the inside of my thigh. Despite being in public, or maybe because of it, I felt a wave of warmth rushing from my pussy. His hand caressed me higher and higher until I was breathing heavily. My mouth moved to his as he filled me with desire. My hands went to his pants and freed his throbbing cock. As I touched him I heard him sigh and moan. He grabbed me and ripping off my panties pulled me onto his lap. I shivered as I felt his hard cock sliding into me. "Baby, I am gonna cum inside your tight cxnt right here in the spa." He hissed into my ear.
IT was good sex, he was almost tender. But he spoilt it by saying as we left the spa "I meant it. You got to fight and win here at the resort. I want to see it."
"Well, Danny, I need some time. Fights don’t happen just like that. If I want to ensure a win, I have to plan and set it up properly. And, I have things planned. Right now I am going to meet my girlfriends." I had arranged to meet Kayla and Heather for cocktails- why not all the drink was part of the price at the resort.
Kayla's first words were "what the shit happened to you today? You got a bruise on your face, scratches every where I can see. No don’t tell me. You were in a fight today. Heather, what are we going to do with Jenn she just can’t control herself"
. I shook my head "I was in two fights. There was that bitch Debby from work. I told you about her. I beat the blonde and then…guess who is here?"
"Marie and she took you down. We know. We saw it remember, IF you hadn’t been so busy cuddling Marie afterwards and then running off with that guy you would have seen us" smirked Heather. ". Wish I had a video cam. I’d have sold it Pecca loses big. The midget strikes back. Just think of the titles Kayla." The mouse that roared'. We could have a series 'The Poolside Perils of Pecca'"
Oh you are so bad. Heather" Kayla giggled as the two hi fived "OK that’s enough" Kayla continued." And how’s that guy of yours. You got him under control yet? I didn’t look like it from where we stood after the fight"
" Hes ok" I wasn’t going to let on about the problems. We sat sipping cocktails and chatted for a while and watched the boats come in to the marina.
Suddenly an accusing voice interrupted us "Hey you messed with my girls friend today. Do you want a rematch so Sarah can remind you just what a trashy bitch you are?"
I turned flushing red; yeah it was Sarah’s boyfriend.
Kayla saved the day "Um hun, why be rude like that. Come and have a drink with us." That was the last thing I wanted and tried to say so till Kayla kicked my shin. "I’m sure a guy like you wouldn’t mind sharing drinks with us-specially when they are free- and telling us what the problem is."
The man stood there staring at Kayla and Heather clearly confused. "Come on, join us  we are really nice you know," Heather giggled. "Come on get a drink and then sit down. I’m Heather this is Kayla and you seem to know Jenn already. Can’t guess how" Heather giggled again. "Come on, I don’t bite…well
not unless you want me to."
"I’ll make some room for you " Kayla stood up and bent forward. The guy goggled as he looked right down Kayla's front. I knew she wasn’t wearing a bra. "Now you can’t refuse an offer like that" she went on turning round to pull up another chair again bending over her skirt tightening as she did so. "Let’s get to the bottom of this trouble"
The man blushed. ". "You ladies are very persuasive. How can I say no? I will be right back with a drink, can I get you anything?"
Kayla smiled "that’s so nice of you, I’ll have a planters punch after all this is one of the old sugar islands, Heather will have a gin and tonic and Ms Morose Jenn will have a rum and pepsi’ As she said this she stamped on my foot.
The guy went off to the bar.
What the hell is that for I don’t want to talk to him." I rounded on Kayla.
"Jenn you are such a goose. I’ll bet his girl is around somewhere near and when she comes past and sees us with him all hell will break loose …for him. Not for you"
He returned with a tray of drinks. Patting the tight place between them, Kayla said "Here, sit between Heather and me, cutie. Hmm, now unless you want me to call you cutie all the time, what is your name?"
"Scott" he half smiled
"So Scott what happened that you are so mad with Jenn here?" Kayla stroked his arm softly "She really is a lovely girl when you get to know her."
"She fought Debby."
"Yeah and beat her too but didn’t you hear the full story." Kayla went on to give a glowing story of how restrained I was how Debby picked the fight and how she got her deserts. Kayla finished by saying ‘Its all Debby’s fault. You know she just hates Jenn -has done for years and years. You know they used to work together and even then Debby thought she was too good for Jenn". By now her arm was pressed against his and I am sure her thigh was too. Scott was flushed, he seemed embarrassed but also – like all guys- loving the attention. . "So Scott there are always too sides to the story. Don’t you think what you said to Jenn was maybe just a wee bit uncalled for?"
I had to bite my tongue hard to stop myself laughing as he smiled as if embarrassed and said "err yes maybe I was a bit overbearing."
"Yes" smiled Heather "If you were my guy I’d be impressed" she kissed him roundly on the lips "takes a big man to apologise. and I like…big…men."
"Hey Heather this hunk is mine" Kayla retorted smiling at Scott and sliding her arm round his waist pulling him closer to her.
Heather winked secretly at me.
"What the fuck are you doing sitting with those sluts. You know who they are " Sarah appeared.
 "Oh we were just having a quiet chat with him."smiled Heather sweetly.
"You come with me. Don’t hang round with that trash. And as for you girls if there was only one of you here then I’d pulp you."
A very shamefaced Scott stood up and followed his fuming girlfriend from the room. As usual Kayla had the last word as she called out,"And I thought you said fighting didn’t solve anything. Yet here you are ready to pulp me. Dear me."
Heather and I just managed to keep from breaking into peels of laughter till the angry couple left the bar.
 Heather said "I know where he’ll be sleeping tonight- on the couch’ which only made us giggle more. "Well where is your guy?" asked Heather.
I thought I’d be better off getting their advice and so I told them what had happened ending ""I like him, he is a lot of fun to be with, but he wants me to fight."
Kayla summed it up, "There are some guys who want a women to do two things fuck them and fight another woman. Danny sounds like one of them are you sure you want him around?"
I talked on but really there was no answer to that for the moment I would just have to see how it went. That night back in the cabin Danny turned on the charm. There were flowers chocolates when I came in and he was very attentive. Perhaps he had thought better of his comments.
The following day was spent lounging on the beach enjoying the sun and each other.
The day after….. – only 2 days before I had to go back to Chicago- however, things changed. Danny and I were walking on the nude beach. I wanted him to meet Heather and Kayla and I knew they would be there.Danny was prattling on about something and suddenly blushed fell silent and then said "oh look there's Maya."
"Yeah and look who is with her Scott Sarah Debby her guy and some other man. Come on lets ignore them I want you to meet my friends, don’t think about that trash." I almost pulled him along the beach. The other group walked along a bit ahead of us. I tried to steer Danny away from them.
Sarah suddenly sprinted up the sand yelling. Surprised I looked to see what had got into her and I saw she was yelling at Kayla and Heather who were lying in an embrace.
"You sluts you leso sluts." Sarah screamed. "You think you can steal my guy do you? Well you can’t! Don’t even think about it. "
"Oh if we are leso sluts – as you so elegantly put it Sarah dear" sneered Heather, ‘what makes you think we would be interested in stealing your guy."
"As it is he –and for that matter those men your friends are with- are looking our way. Why attract attention to your own problems. " Kayla went on .
"I've had you, I'll rip you to shreds slut."
"Tough words bitch" Kayla smiled as Danny and I came up.
Sarah’s foot flashed out and sent a shower of sand cascading over Heather and Kayla’s naked bodies. Getting to her feet,
Kayla hissed, "That’s it whore, we do it right now."
"Gladly cxnt," Sarah glared, her chest heaving with anger.
"Look you lot" Danny broke in. " if you all want to fight here you will never get anywhere. They don’t mind one girl on one girl fact they get more business." he smiled sheepishly " yeah we like watching girls fight and it makes for better takings I am sure. But an all in brawl between the six of you? Forget it"
As Scott grabbed her wrist, Sarah hissed at Kayla "I want your ass, you South African slut."
"Danny is right this isn’t the place. Tonight at 10 PM". The man with Debby spoke for the first time.
"Damn straight" I smiled "we can smash these bitches I already have taken you down Maya remember." I giggled.
Debby hissed "You and your sluts will get yours right then. 10 p.m. it is. See you there bring your guys with you. We want them to see you on your backs being worked over by our guys...that is of course after you have made us cum after we thrash you.”

TO BE CONTINUED - WITH THE CONCLUSION IN A SEPARATE THREAD ... (which was decided by a Poll) ...

Please comment about the pending Final Showdown!  ;D ;)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2010, 09:52:22 AM by Kayla »
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline peccavi

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Re: Repost: 'Orient Beach 3 x 3 Catfight: Prelude & Build-up' by Jenn Peccavi
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2010, 10:46:26 AM »
I rewrote a lot of this story myself, its one reason the 3 x 3 took so long to be posted; I kept tinkering with it.In the end Kayla rightly got annoyed and posted this (with my permission).

Should I post my rewrite- no fight, just a lot of Jenn being broody and a lot of history connecting some of my other stories together.

What do you think?
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!