I enjoy a good woman to woman fist fight. Its even hotter if both women are wearing blouses and attractive skirts during the fight. I have fantasized about two women in business skirts and blouses ging to happy hour after work, and after a few drinks, discussing which one might prevail in a fist fight. No nasty hairpulling or scratching. Both ladies are friends, and decide to go to a nearby park to give it a go. Both are wearing sexy blouses and short business skirts. At first they playfully raise their fists, circling eachother throwing jabs like they've seen boxers do early in a fight. One woman's jab connects with the other woman's chin, and the other naturally tries harder to even the score. She successfully lands a punch and the two women become more confident as they trade punches. Although later in the fight there is some clinching, there is no hairpulling or scratching because both ladies agreed in advance this would be a pure fist fight.