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New Years Eve At The Penthouse! Prestige Pit Series- Alexa vs. Bridgette

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Offline #Bridgette#

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I throw my right kick and the top of my right foot sinks into the back of meaty part of your left thigh.
It cracks and once again the crowd erupts with approval. Gawd I luv that kick when I land it!!!! You instantly fall to one knee but react quickly.  Before I can attack you shoot forward wrapping my legs and driving your shoulder into my tummy. I stumble back before losing my balance and falling on my ass. Not the position I was going for but I'll make the best of it. I quickly wrap my strong thick thighs around your waist and try to control your body from the bottom position.  Yt


Offline ^Megan^

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Slapping the side of the pit ‘GET HER BABY!!!’ Mouthing ‘I love you too’


Offline *Alexa*

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I slam my shoulder into yer tummy and wrap my arms around yer waist driving you backwards and down onto the mat on yer back with me still on top of you. I quickly start to scramble up hoping to keep my advantage and straddle you to pin you down. But you move too fast and before I can make my move you wrap yer strong thick legs around my middle, lock yer ankles and start to squeeze. Both of us are dancers so I know how strong yer legs are and now I’m caught in yer vise like scissors. UNNNHHHHH!!! I moan as you squeeze and my bare feet thump on the matted floor. I know now that my tackle wasn’t the smartest move because it left me open for this. I wince and arch my back grabbing at yer thick thigh with my left hand trying to pry it loose. I grit my teeth and throw my head back as you keep squeezing. I move my right hand to yer face and push the bridge of my hand hard into yer chin trying to force yer head back. NGGHHHHH BITCH!!! Yt
(special thanks to "Katie")


Offline LyssaSue

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  • I'm a hot blonde in TexMex country!
It's a no brainer. I'm voting for the bigger stronger blonde to beat her brunette opponent again.
Don't Mess With A West Texas Blonde


Offline #Bridgette#

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Both of us sweating, panting and breathing hard as the fight moves to the ground. My thick strong legs wrapped tightly around your waist and I begin to pump my thighs as I slide my back on the mat as I attempt to strategically work my thighs up your waist to your ribs...I feel your hand go under my chin and feel my neck being cranked back. It causes me to lose sight of you so I fling both of my hands up and latch onto your arm in attempt to pull your hand off my chin. At the same time I thrust and turn my body to the side while controlling  you with my legs in hopes to fling you to the side and roll us so I can secure the top position! Yt


Offline *Alexa*

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You manage to work yer thighs up to my ribs and increase the pressure. RRGGGHHH this is so not fair! I’m supposed to be doing this to you!! I grit my teeth even harder to fight back a cry of pain as I feel my ribs grinding every time you flex and pulse yer strong thigh muscles. Not only does the scissors hurt like hell it’s also making it hard for me to catch my breath. You manage to pull my hand from yer chin and easily turn us both over onto our sides. The crowd noise is deafening, everybody is on their feet watching us on the mat in the middle of the pit. I get my arm free and start slamming my fists against yer thighs as you stretch out yer legs and increase the pressure. SONUVABITCH OWWWWW!!! I reach out in desperation and sink my claws into yer heaving titties and start to squeeze as hard as I can, trying to do anything to make you stop crushing my ribs! Yt 
« Last Edit: January 04, 2022, 07:35:53 PM by *Alexa* »
(special thanks to "Katie")


Offline "Katie"

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Calling the usher over again "See that cute girl...yeah her...uh huh....Okay dude, I get it, she's a hottie,  shut up already....Can you get me a Bud Light and some 'Shirley Temples' for her and her friends"  ... slip him another $20..."Be sure to charge that to my Daddy's tab"
Jumping to my feet  "C'mon Alexa!!" 
« Last Edit: January 04, 2022, 08:14:14 PM by "Katie" »
#PrettyLIttleLiars #CliqueBait


Offline #Bridgette#

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We are fighting like wild animals in the middle of the pit and the crowd is absolutely loving it as the crowd noise is as loud as I can remember! I try to quickly glimpse over at Megan but everything is moving so fast I barely get a glimpse at my baby. Keeping my thighs wrapped around  your ribs I hear your whales and crys as I continue to try to crush your ribs. My goal is to break them and make you suffer for months but you're like a desperate  trapped animal and you start wildly and violently slamming your fists into my thighs.  You might be a little bitch but fighting you four times I know better then anyone how powerful and dangerous you are with your fists... You hit as hard as any bitch I know so when your fists start pounding my thighs I let out a moan with each violent thud! UHHH GAWD UHHH GAWD! but I attempt to do what I can to keep them wrapped around you. I try to roll you onto your back where I can ground and pound you but get stopped just short. That's when I feel you latch onto my titties and start uncontrollably squeezing, twisting and trying to tear my titties off. I wildly squeal and squirm. Not even realizing my legs come unlocked and start flailing about and my hands instinctively grab your hands trying to pull them off!  LET GO OF MY TITTIES YOU FCKN BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yt
« Last Edit: January 04, 2022, 08:54:16 PM by #Bridgette# »


Offline #Bridgette#

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Heya All, Alexa and I have been pretty wrapped up with the New Year and all and couldn't get our schedules in rhythm to fight! We have extended the voting for three more days while we exchange and fight it out! Hope ya'll enjoy! It's a battle! As expected close AF!


Offline #Bridgette#

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Lookin' at the cute ballerina Alexa, I smile, knowing she's cheering for the eventual winner Alexa.  "C'mon Alexa!!  She got nothing on ya!!"  trying to shout over all the  Brigette fans.

Someone is crushing hard on my nemesis and rival!!! My question is why in the world would anyone crush on that weak little piggy!?  :P :P :P :-*
« Last Edit: January 04, 2022, 11:57:22 PM by #Bridgette# »


Offline *Alexa*

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Lookin' at the cute ballerina Alexa, I smile, knowing she's cheering for the eventual winner Alexa.  "C'mon Alexa!!  She got nothing on ya!!"  trying to shout over all the  Brigette fans.

Someone is crushing hard on my nemesis and rival!!! My question is why in the world would anyone crush on that weak little piggy!?  :P :P :P :-*

You have a perfect fan girl in Chelsea! I kicked her sad pathetic butt and now it's yer turn!!  :P :P :P :-*
(special thanks to "Katie")


Offline *Alexa*

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I’LL CLAW THEM TO SHREDS IF YOU DON’T GET YER THUNDER THIGHS OFF ME BITCH!!! I keep squeezing yer titties as hard as I can, flattening yer hard nipples with my palms and digging my nails into the tender flesh. Until finally yer ankles unlock and yer legs start flailing wildly allowing me to escape the vise like scissors before you played snap crackle and pop with my ribs! I let go of yer titties and quickly slide out from between yer spread legs and scramble to my knees next to you. Gasping in air in short breaths, taking a deep breath right now hurts too much. I reach out my hand and push you onto yer back before you can move and start to tear off yer baby blue bikini top to expose those already clawed and hurting titties. I move in to try to straddle you to keep you on yer back so I can pay you back for all the hurt you put on me so far! Yt
« Last Edit: January 05, 2022, 04:38:14 AM by *Alexa* »
(special thanks to "Katie")


Offline "Katie"

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  • Barbie wants to be like me!
Lookin' at the cute ballerina Alexa, I smile, knowing she's cheering for the eventual winner Alexa.  "C'mon Alexa!!  She got nothing on ya!!"  trying to shout over all the  Brigette fans.

Someone is crushing hard on my nemesis and rival!!! My question is why in the world would anyone crush on that weak little piggy!?  :P :P :P :-*

Someone is a little jelly!  *giggles* My question is why wouldn't ya crush on her?    Hope your girls like their "Shirley Temples"....*blows a bubble n' twirling a finger in my hair* 
#PrettyLIttleLiars #CliqueBait


Offline Doug S & Wife

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Great poll and two of the best poll fighters here. Alexa looks innocent but she fights like a beast and that makes me a fan. Pin her down Alexa and take her!!!


Offline #Bridgette#

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Lookin' at the cute ballerina Alexa, I smile, knowing she's cheering for the eventual winner Alexa.  "C'mon Alexa!!  She got nothing on ya!!"  trying to shout over all the  Brigette fans.

Someone is crushing hard on my nemesis and rival!!! My question is why in the world would anyone crush on that weak little piggy!?  :P :P :P :-*

Someone is a little jelly!  *giggles* My question is why wouldn't ya crush on her?    Hope your girls like their "Shirley Temples"....*blows a bubble n' twirling a finger in my hair*

Oh sweetie you really are so adorbs...Why would I be Jealous? Have you seen my little wifey? I own the hottest most desired and lusted after little girl here at fcf.  :P