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Another story request.

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Offline fasteddy44641

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Another story request.
« on: October 05, 2010, 02:51:50 AM »
The girl on the left is Maritza. She's about 5' 5", 135 lb, she's a very intelligent girl but not extremly tough.

The girl on the right is Shandra. She is about 5' 4" 110 lb, she on the other hand is pretty tough when she gets angry but she is prety ditzy.

They both don't like each other very much because Maritza stole a boy from Shandra's best friend. Shandra says she wants to break Maritza's nose and leave her bloody and looking stupid. Maritza thinks she could crush tiny little Shandra and prove that she's not as tough as she claims.

So if someone could write a good story out of this with a brutal ending (knockout preferabbly) and a clear winner that would be awesome and i'll write one if you have any requests yourself. So can guts beat size and toughness? You decide.



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Re: Another story request.
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2010, 05:23:31 AM »
Oh yah, it won't be long before Shandra & Maritza raise their fists up like 2 men ready to fist fight & slug it out.


PS-Did you get the stuff about Cindy & Mistress Kelly I sent you?



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Re: Another story request.
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2010, 07:57:40 AM »
Maritza has heard more & more rumors that Shandra & her girlfriend has been spreading, calling her a whore & threatening that she better watch her step because she might get jumped one of these days. Shandra's girlfriend is not tough at all & Miritza almost had to laugh if skinny little Shandra thinks that she is afraid of her. So Miritza called the two woman to tell them off, she just happened to catch them together & the call went onto speakerphone so Shandra & her girlfriend could hear what Miritza had to say. Miritza told them that she has heard what they have been saying about her & that it better stop. She warned them that if she heard one more rumor she was going to beat the shit out of the both of them right in front of everyone, but Shandra has an explosive temper & she couldn't believe that Miritza had the fuckin nerve to call them up after what she did, & before Miritza could finish what she was saying Shandra started screaming, "whore, you fat fuckin whore, I'm going to blacken your eyes, & break your fuckin nose & punch your teeth right out of that big fuckin mouth of yours & then after I knock the shit out of you, I'm going to sit right on that big mouth of yours & teach you a fuckin lesson you'll never forget." Miritza became even more infuriated and screamed, "I'll meet you at the handball courts in the park at 10PM you stupid little bitch, & I'll,"

but before Miritza can finish the sentence Shandra slammed the phone down. The handball courts at lit at night & just about everyone in town hung out there at night. It was a good place to hang out and even a better place for a fight because the cops can't get there by car, & they were too lazy to walk through the park. Rumors of the fight spread throughout the community and as rumors usually go they became exaggerated and both girls were getting angrier & angrier at what they heard the other woman has threatened to do to her. As 10 oclock approaches there is a large excited crowd at the handball courts. Mistitza showed up first and was bragging to everyone how she was going to throw that skinny, weak little big mouth onto the floor & sit right onto top of her & show everyone that she's not as tough as she thinks she is.

Shandra & her girlfriend arrive and the large crowd starts to form a semicircle around the two woman, everyone is really exited & they just can't wait for the two woman to start to fight. Shandra walked to the far side of the semi circle, a few feet from the hand ball court wall & she turned around facing the crowd & she puts her hands on her hips, standing there just like she did in the pictures as Miritza slowly finished talking to a couple of girls that she knows & turned around & slowly started walking toward the middle of the semi circle screaming, "you stupid little bitch, you fuckin big mouth, you think you're so fuckin tough. I'm going to knock you unconscious you big mouth & then I'll sit down right on you & I'll really teach you a fuckin lesson."

Shandra lost her temper & she balled up her right fist up hard & tight as she lunged right at Miritza & she sent her fist plowing "bang," right into Miritza's mouth, knocking her upper lip into her teeth & Miritza's lip splits open & blood starts rolling from her lips. Miritza got this shocked look on her face as first she could taste the blood & then she put her hand to her swollen, split lip & seeing the blood she cried out, "look what you did to me, I'm bleeding, stop." Shandra took the same right fist & she balled it "bang," right into Miritza's nose, swinging Maritza's head back & forth from the force of the punch. Shandra is laughing as she screams "I thought you were so tough. I thought you were going to knock me unconscious, & look at you cow, you can't even fight." The crowd is cheering Shandra

Maritza has tears welling in her eyes & her face was bright red both from the anger & the humiliation of being punched blood so easily by this skinny little bitch, & Miritza loses her temper and she starts screaming, "how dare you make me bleed, I'm going to kill you. I'm going to fuckin kill you." She pulls her right fist all the way back & she goes right after Shandra screaming how she's going to kill her, "i'm going to kill you bitch, I'm going to fuckin kill you." She sends her fist right at Shandra's face, but Miritza isn't prepared for how fast little Shandra is. Quickly Shandra manages to step to the side & out of the way, & as Miritza goes stumbling right past her quite off balance, Shandra quickly spins around & she runs right after Miritza. She wraps her hands through the back of Miritza's hair & she shoves her forward until "bang," she smashes her face first right into the concrete wall screaming, "you're not going to kill anyone you big fat cow." Then she grabs Miritza's shoulder & she spins her right back around to face herself again & with her right fist she plows it "boom," right into Miritza's stomach. "ooofff," she knocks the air out of Miritza & & Miritza's eyes almost bulge right out of her head as she puts her hands to her stomach & she doubles over in pain gasping for air.

The crowd has gone silent, they can't beleive how quickly & easily little Shandra has beat up big tough Miritza. Tears start to roll from Miritza's eyes & Miritza cry's out, "alright, enough, you win," but Shandra is really still infuriated & she's lost her temper & she's not going to fuckin stop." She grabs Miritza by her fuckin hair & she jerks her head up, then quickl she shoves her head back down as she raises her right knee & "bang," Miritza's jaw smashes hard right against Shandra's knee. You can hear Miritza's jaw bounce off of the hard bone of Shandra's knee as her head swings up & back & "bang," right into the concrete wall. Miritza is just standing there, her eyes are swimming around in her head, & Miritza is seeing stars, fuckin stars, she's so fuckin dazed, but Shandra is crazed now & she wraps her hands right through Maritza's hair again & she shoves her head back, "bang," right into the cement wall. She holds Miritza's head still, screaming right in her startled face, "you're not so tough cow, & now I'm really going to knock some sense into you." Insanely she starts "bang, bang, bang, bang," hammering Miritza's head against the concrete. She's throttling her fuckin head over & over again against the hard cement, cracking her skull against the concrete again & again & now Maritza's eyes were really swimming around in her head & her legs become all robbery, & then she goes limp like a rag doll right in Shandra's hands & her eye sroll right up in her head, & Miritza is unconscious, Shandra has knocked Miritza out cold & Miritza's legs just buckle under her & when Shandra lets go of Miritza's hair, Miritza just goes sliding down the wall out cold.

Now the crowd is really cheering Shandra, & that inspires Shandra to really give everyone a good show. She stands over Miritza & she starts taking her clothes right off of her. She pulling, yanking, ripping her clothes right off of her body. Miritza starts to come to, & when her eyes blink open she doesn't even know where she is any more. Then she realizes that she has no clothes on & that she has just got her ass kicked by little Shandra, & Miritza is totally embarrassed & she starts crying & begging for someone to help her, but no one would move a fuckin inch to help this fat helpless cow, they all just stand there & watch as Shandra grabs Miritza by her hair & pulls her standing strait up on her wobbly, rubbery legs, & Shandra is laughing as she screams, "no one is going to help you you stupid, fat cow, everyone is enjoying watching me knock the shit out of you over & over again, & everyone is really going to enjoy when I humiliate you & show everyone just what a stupid, pathetic fat cow whore you really are.

Shandra pushes Miritza up against the concrete wall again screaming, "now you're going to tell everyone that you're not as tough as you thought you were. you're going to tell them that you are a worthless whore, & you steal men from other woman. Miritza is crying & crying & finally she cry's out, "stop, please stop." Shandra takes her right fist & she starts "bang, bang, bang, bang," hammering Miritza's nose. She's knocking Miritza's face in with her fist again & again until you can hear the fuckin bone of her nose break, & blood is gushing from Miritza's nose, rolling down her chin & spotting on her sexy white bra. Miritza is crying even harder & she starts sputtering blood & spitting blood out of her mouth, but she's so fuckin shocked & startled, she can't say a fuckin word. Shandra steps back a step & she raises her fist up like a man screaming, "now i'm going to use those pathetic little golf ball sized titties of your black & blue you fat whore bitch."
Shandra starts pummeling Miritza's breasts, right fist "bam, left breast, left fist "bam," right breast, "bam, bam, bam, bam," back & forth & back & forth she's using Miritza's breasts as punching bags. Maritza is crying & begging Shandra to stop, "stop, please I'm begging you, please stop." Shandra pummels Miritza's tits until her tits are all swollen & red & black & blue.

Shandra screams, "alright cow, you want me to stop beating you up, then  tell everyone that you're not as tough as you thought you were. Tell them that you are a worthless whore, & you steal men from other woman. The crowd is really cheering now. Miritza is crying & she starts crying out, "help me, someone please help me," but not even one of Miritza's own friends moved an inch to help her, & now Shandra is really infuriated. She grabs Miritza by her hair with her left hand & she pulls her right away from the cement wall & she spins her right around & with her right fist she hits her. She sends it plowing "bang," right into Miritza's chin. Miritza is seeing fuckin stars again as she falls right over onto her back on thee ground quite dazed.

Shandra lowers her shorts & she's not wearing panties. Then she lowers herself down so that her wet, hot pussy is only inches over Miritza's face & she screams, "you see this cxnt, you see it. this is the cxnt that you're going to lick, this is the cxnt that you're going to suck, this is the cxnt that you're going to worship. She lowers her cxnt right onto Miritza's face screaming "now lick jy pussy you fat cow. Miritza wouldn't lick her. so Shandra grabbed her hair & starts "bang, bang, bang, bang," bashing her head in, smashing it over & over again against the hard concrete, & Miritza started screaming, "I'm not so tough, I'm not so tough, & I'm a worthless whore that steals men from  other woman." Shandra hods her wet hot pussy right over Miritza's face again screaming, "now lick my pussy cow." Miritza is scared & she's totally submissive to tough little Shandra now & she sticks her tongue out & she starts licking Shandra's wet, hot pussy over & over again, feverishly like a dog licking its master. The crowd was going crazy as Shandra had an explosive orgasm right in Miritza's face.

Yah Ed, Shandra looks like she's really tough & that she can really fist fight, & I don't think Miritza can fight at all. Perhaps one of the sisters might be more of a challenge for Shandra. Shandra reminds me of Valerie, small, tough & she knows how to fist fight & I think that if they raise their fists like men it would be a really good fight.