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Beginning The New Year With a Bang

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Offline GabiGrabsYou

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Re: Beginning The New Year With a Bang
« Reply #45 on: January 05, 2022, 01:34:34 AM »
Big Blonde Beefy Bella or whatever all those B's stand for has been less of a challenge than I thought. Not that I am going to take her lightly or get careless or overly aggressive, but she is showing signs of vulnerability. She's in the ropes, her legs looking weakened and look - she is holding out a hand(le). I take that hand and wrist and pull. I back up a big step, plant my feet, twist my hips and whip my blonde foe across the ring. Wow does she bounce when she moves! I take a step in her direction and when her back hits the ropes I move directly in front of her. A drop kick comes to mind but no - instead, I set myself for a back body drop. She is charging to me, out of control, so I bend, lead with my left shoulder and when her tummy wraps around it, I bend my legs, slap my hands into her hips and lift. I just hope I catch her right and don't end up on my a, err, I mean, butt.


Offline Thick_Dreams

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Re: Beginning The New Year With a Bang
« Reply #46 on: January 05, 2022, 01:35:17 AM »
I haven't had the chance to meet Bella yet, but I've wrestled Gabi before.  This should play out to be a great match in the end.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2022, 01:35:55 AM by Thick_Dreams »
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Offline destiny345

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Re: Beginning The New Year With a Bang
« Reply #47 on: January 05, 2022, 04:06:45 AM »
Gabi wins here!


Offline BellaBBB

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Re: Beginning The New Year With a Bang
« Reply #48 on: January 05, 2022, 08:32:06 AM »
This match started off quickly and has been full of big impacts and I'm feeling it. I'm in the ropes trying to buy time but my credit is no good. Gabi continues her assault by sending me across the ring. When she pulls, I am moving, sprinting toward the far ropes. I turn and take them in my back, wanting to use my momentum somehow but I can't corral my speed. I bounce and head back, seeing The Big Beauty in my path. I lead with my belly and breasts, hoping for a flying tackle, but when she bends and drives her shoulder into my midsection, my momentum works in her favor. We collide and up I go, so much higher than a body slam would take me. I sail over her shoulder, completely helpless, landing flat on my back. There is the sound the boards make and then my groan. My back arches, my eyes squeeze shut, my jaw clenches and the wind is knocked out of me. I settle on my back, my feet sliding up toward my butt pointing my knees at the ceiling. My reaction is completely natural, my body doing what it wants and I have no say in the matter. "huhhhh . . . huhhhhh . . . is what happens when I try to breathe. Recovery seems so far away.


Offline GabiGrabsYou

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Re: Beginning The New Year With a Bang
« Reply #49 on: January 06, 2022, 01:17:52 AM »
BANG!! I don't see Bella land but I hear it and I hear her. She is hurting and maybe even hurt. It's time to pour it on but I will not make the same mistake she made. I have her in the perfect position to wear her down and there is plenty of time - no need to rush. So I walk around to her right side, take in her wide open body and drop to my knees, slapping my hands into her tummy and applying a classic double ab claw. There is a surprising amount of muscle there but it will be no match for a claw hold that is certain to take a lot of the fight out of her. I dig in and work her middle, almost tempted to ask the ref to check her but I think better of it as I am in complete control and do not intend to relinquish it. "Hurts like hell, doesn't it Bella??" I shouldn't taunt her but it's just so easy.


Offline Undisputed_Holly

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Re: Beginning The New Year With a Bang
« Reply #50 on: January 06, 2022, 01:45:43 AM »
Hmmmm, I'm not sure here.  Gabi has the wight advantage, although it's on 27lbs and a 4 1/2" height  advantage, but it still looks to be pretty even.  I'm going with Gabi, but Bella may just prove me wrong.

But it did start the New Year with a BANG!! I felt it, lol
The one and only Undisputed Ebony Titfight Queen


Offline BellaBBB

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Re: Beginning The New Year With a Bang
« Reply #51 on: January 06, 2022, 02:11:35 AM »
That impact was huge and painful. I cannot even catch my breath, let alone move. I see Gabi moving around to my right side but I have no idea what she is thinking and I probably cannot stop her whatever it is. In a heartbeat, I find out what is on her mind. "EEEEOWWWWW!!" My legs come up off the canvas as do my head and shoulders but they all settle quickly. My air supply was driven from my lungs and the claw hold is preventing getting it back. The ropes are nowhere to be found and my body is pinned to the mat. I can feel my face redden and the perspiration is forming. There is a lot of time left and normally that makes me happy but not in this one. I'd be happy with a draw at this point, but even that seems impossible.


Offline GabiGrabsYou

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Re: Beginning The New Year With a Bang
« Reply #52 on: January 06, 2022, 02:29:24 AM »
Control of another person, especially when competing with her, is intoxicating. It seems I could use this hold for as long as I want and believe me, I am going to use it for a while. Bella seems like she is fading. Her eyes are no longer focused. There is no glare, more glaze. Watching parts of her turn red and sweat makes me want to pour it on all the more. I shake my hands into her tummy and dig deeper, the muscles I felt initially seeming to soften. I find myself beginning to think ahead about the finish, then bring myself back to reality, considering just my next move. Let's see . . .


Offline BellaBBB

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Re: Beginning The New Year With a Bang
« Reply #53 on: January 06, 2022, 02:46:07 AM »
This is so frustrating! She's right there - right there. But when I try to reach up, that claw hold seems to multiply in pain by three. The spots begin to form around the periphery of my vision. I am in trouble. I try to remain calm. It's just one match, right? But what else may I have to endure? I look at the clock and cannot believe it has not yet been eight minutes - it feels like eighteen! I try to roll to my left but it seems impossible. It all seems so impossible . . .


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Re: Beginning The New Year With a Bang
« Reply #54 on: January 06, 2022, 02:48:44 AM »
Gabi all the way!!!!! Sorry Bella but Gabi is my shexy choice!


Offline GabiGrabsYou

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Re: Beginning The New Year With a Bang
« Reply #55 on: January 06, 2022, 02:58:06 AM »
A lot of time has passed, at least a couple minutes. Bella has really slowed down and I don't think she's trying to fool anyone. I should keep things moving, so I pull my hands out of her body and toss them in the air, watching her reaction, still not 100% sure she cannot strike back. She does not, so I stand and think about the follow-up. It's really not nice and probably arrogant, but I place my right foot on her gut, step up and over her to her left side. I love the classic kind of match and I think this is going down as one of those. Let's see what else I can come up with.


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Re: Beginning The New Year With a Bang
« Reply #56 on: January 07, 2022, 01:37:12 AM »
This one seems to be getting away. Gabi releases the ab claw only to step up onto my stomach using a classic dirty move. I have been breathless for a few minutes now and my body is starting to react. I roll to my right and flop onto my front, hold out my left arm but the ropes are still out of reach. I slide on my belly closer to a break, wondering where Gabi may be lurking. Finally, I toss my left arm out an my wrist lands on the bottom rope. I hear the ref say, "Ropes - clean break!" and I almost collapse. Then she starts counting. I just can't get a break here! She goes to four . . .six . . . and I start to drag myself up. At nine I get my right knee off the canvas and get my feet under me. I hang on the top rope, trying to breathe and wondering when round whatever of punishment will arrive. She can't be far away!


Offline GabiGrabsYou

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Re: Beginning The New Year With a Bang
« Reply #57 on: January 07, 2022, 02:44:26 AM »
"Come on ref, how much time does she get? Can she even continue??" The ref sheepishly heads over to visit with Bella and all I see is Bella's head shake and then nod. I stand a couple steps back with my hands on my hips, waiting not so patiently. I begin to pace back and forth, watching Bella hang her heavy curves on the ropes for support. Finally the ref says something else to the curvy blonde and she nods her head, beginning to turn away from the ropes. I cannot and will not wait. As she turns, I charge, leading with my right knee. I want that tummy again, but I'll take whatever my knee makes contact with and enjoy it immensely.


Offline BellaBBB

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Re: Beginning The New Year With a Bang
« Reply #58 on: January 07, 2022, 03:13:17 AM »
The ref comes over and asks if I wish to quit. I shake my head "no". Then she asks if I can continue and I nod "yes". Finally she asks if I am ready and again, I nod yes. But when I turn to face my opponent she is already on me. Her knee gets me right at the sternum and the sound I make is unlike any other I have ever uttered. I feel sick, weak, dizzy - I cannot exactly to describe my condition but my legs give up and I crumble off the ropes and to my knees, arms across my damaged gut. If the ref were to ask me right now if I want to quit, I would say "yes" in no uncertain terms. I look up but not very far to see Gabi's imposing legs in front of me. I place my right hand on her left thigh and it looks so tiny by comparison. I give it a little push, pointlessly and now my thoughts are all about what she is going to do next, not how I can escape or fight back. I'm in survival mode.


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Re: Beginning The New Year With a Bang
« Reply #59 on: January 07, 2022, 07:19:24 PM »
Dear Sweet Baby Jesus this is hawt!!! And with two of my favorite ladies!