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Jennifer Love Hewitt vs Eliza Dushku

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Offline qwerty123

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Jennifer Love Hewitt vs Eliza Dushku
« on: February 26, 2022, 12:22:29 AM »
Jenny Love Hewitt was on top of the world. Her movie career was taking off and she was on everyone's list of the hottest young stars in Hollywood. Her 'sweet, good girl' image was the talk of the town, even though she took every chance to teasingly show off her oversized rack. Today was no exception.
She was participating in an afternoon fund raiser featuring various competitions between rising young stars of TV and the movies. Jen arrived in tight dark blue jeans that hugged her sexy curvy rear and a blue bikini top designed to cause a stir by lifting her bust high pushing it together to emphasize her large, round bosom. She strutted around the crowd as reporters flocked to her side. She was sure she was the big draw for the afternoon.

Eliza Dushku had arrived earlier without making a show of herself. But the tough, sexy starlet still looked red hot in a pair of faded jeans and a light blue bikini top. She'd been quietly pleased to find she'd drawn Jen as her opponent for the day, and even happier that their competition would be arm wrestling. Eliza despised the perky, cocky Jen and was eager for a chance to take her down a few notches.

When a reporter told Jen she was facing Eliza in an arm wrestling match, he asked if she'd be the fan favorite against the tough star of Buffy fame.

Jenny just giggled, "Well I can take care of Eliza, no problem. As for the fans, oh sure Eliza is cute and all, but I mean, she's no Jennifer Love Hewitt."

Jen laughed, running her hands over her shapely breasts and then down her jeans so nobody missed what she meant.

Eliza fumed as she listened to the perky Jen boasting, "I don't know why, but I guess guys just love the Love. I mean, they sure talk about my - well, let's admit it, my breasts - all the time!" she giggled. "They're just attracted to me more than some of the other girls around here, who don't, well," and Jen cupped her big breasts together, "they don't have what the boys are looking for."

The sexy Jen gushed and winked, pretending to be embarrassed at her own comment as the reporters gawked at her awesome bod. But Eliza wasn't falling for it. As the conceited Jen turned around she bumped smack into Eliza, who had been standing right behind her with her hands on her hips.

"Oh, hi Eliza," smiled the surprised and slightly embarrassed Jen.

Eliza glared back, and the reporters, sensing the rising heat between the young brunette beauties, pointed the camera in Eliza's direction, "You heard what Jennifer had to say, Eliza. Is Jen right that she'll be the fan favorite because they want to see what she's got and you and these other girls don't?"

A wicked grin came across Eliza's face, "I think the only thing people want to see is this arrogant chick getting her butt kicked by a real fan favorite - a real girl who doesn't need a steel supported push-up bra to try and hold up her own chest!"

With a condescending glance at Jen, Eliza turned and stalked off. Jen was stunned. At first she was embarrassed, as all the reporters and onlookers laughed at how she had been put in her place by Eliza. But that soon turned to anger. Just who was this chick to talk that way about her!

As whispers ran through the crowd about the budding new rivalry between the young sexpots, the girls headed over to a table that had been set up for the arm wrestling match. Eliza looked mean and nasty compared with sweet Jen, and the competition had all the makings of a classic good girl/bad girl battle.

A large crowd of fans and reporters had gathered for the match after hearing about the catty remarks between the two sexy stars. The still cocky Jennifer waved to the crowd, eager to have them show they were behind her and not Eliza. Then Jen put her arm down on the table. A serious looking Eliza did the same. Their hands locked and the ref began the event. Jen's face strained as she struggled to push over Eliza's arm, but she couldn't seem to budge the strong girl's wrist.

Eliza just smiled, "Oh, you're real tough Lovey."

The comment angered Jen, who pressed even harder, her arm now trembling while she gritted her teeth, but still no success.

Suddenly, Eliza looked down to Jen's chest and gasped, "Oh no Love, one of your saggy boobs just flopped out on the table!"

Panicked and confused, Jen covered her bosom with her free hand as she looked down. Just then, Eliza slammed Jen's arm backwards to the table with a powerful surge, winning the match easily.

"Hey no fair! You tricked me!" pouted Jen when she realized everything was right where it was supposed to be.

Eliza, standing up to the wild cheers of the crowd she had now won over and snarled back, "Guess you shouldn't worry so much about your tits, girlie. Not that your weak ass ever had a chance against me anyway."

The crowed roared at the comment while laughing at how the conceited Jennifer had been put in her place. Jen was stunned by the humiliating way she'd been beaten, and angry at Eliza for her rude teasing.

"Well," Jen responded, trying to win back the fans. "Just be glad it wasn't a real wrestling match 'cause I'd sure win. I'd show everyone you're not the tough girl you play on TV!"

Jen stood up and walked away in a huff, struggling to maintain a little bit of her self-respect. The eager crowd then gathered around the victorious Eliza who was fuming at the arrogance of Jen's boastful challenge even after her defeat. A reporter quickly asked Eliza if she thought she could beat Jen in a real fight.

A determined Eliza gave a nod, "Oh, pul-leeze! Jenny?! Lets just say little Jenny should be careful what she asks for, 'cause before the day's done you'll all see she's just sealed her own fate."

Jen, meanwhile, moved to another end of the party but she couldn't hide from the questions dogging her about her humiliating loss to this new rival and about the brash girl's disparaging comments on the state of her precious chest! Jen decided it was a good time to escape to the bathroom to fix herself up.

On her way, Jen passed through a big tent where all the food had been set out for the lunch later in the day. She was halfway through the empty tent when she was startled by the site of Eliza waiting at the other end, leaning against the entrance with one hand on her hips, her fingers impatiently tapping the tent pole. Eliza glared menacingly at the suddenly unsure Jen, who looked around the tent and quickly realized she was all alone with the girl she'd been trash talking outside.

Eliza stepped forward towards Jen and the two gorgeous young brunettes in jeans and bikini tops were soon face to face in the empty tent. Jen's top could barely contain her huge rack, and her jeans were cut high and tight on her full curvy ass. Eliza's top was tiny and cut low, revealing much of her own sexy bust; not as big as Jen's but certainly sizable enough in its own right, and her jeans hugged her own lean and muscular body.

But it was the attitude that clearly contrasted the two now. The once pompous Jen was speechless, looking timid and self-conscious, while her rival had the confident mien of an angry cat preparing to strike.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, you little cxnt?!" screamed Eliza as Jen backed away.

"By the looks of it, I'd say nothin but a geek - and a scrawny lookin' geek at that! All you got are those fat ass dumpy tits, and everyone can see they're already saggin' down to your knees!"

Jen looked down defensively at her breasts, trying to hide her own long held fear that people thought just that about her prized chest. Although she was growing somewhat afraid, the haughty Jen was determined not to get pushed around by this younger challenger.

"Get out of my face you loser. I'm not buying into this BS reputation of you being the tough and nasty Faith, or Slayer, or whatever. Its just a loser part you play on TV, anyway, which was probably the only role an ugly skank like you could get!"

Thinking she had put the upstart in her place, Jen tried to walk on past her foe but Eliza was full of rage and she grabbed Jen's arm.

"Sorry honey, but you told everyone you wanted a real fight, now you've got one!"


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Jennifer Love Hewitt vs Eliza Dushku
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2022, 12:34:42 AM »
Great matchup.


Offline qwerty123

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Re: Jennifer Love Hewitt vs Eliza Dushku
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2022, 12:16:56 PM »
With a sudden move, Eliza punched Jen in her tight bare stomach, doubling her over in pain. Jen was shocked, but before she could react Eliza had taken hold of her hair, spinning her around and around by her long locks before finally slamming her head down against the table.
Jen was dazed. As she slowly turned to face Eliza, she worried that she had found herself in a real fight and wondered if Eliza really was as mean a fighter as she played on television. With the small of her back pressed up against the table, the helpless looking Jen soon found out. Eliza wasted no time in getting nasty, as she began raining open hand slaps on Jen's bikini covered boobs!
Jen's big bouncing breasts went flying, Eliza almost knocking them out of her sturdy bikini top.
"Lets see how floppy those ugly ass tits really are!" cheered Eliza as she whacked away.
As Jen's tits were pounded mercilessly, she cried out begging for Eliza to stop.
Eliza's fists kept coming from all sides. Unable to protect her prized assets, Jen collapsed to her knees. She couldn't believe this witch would go after her tits like that! Her mind raced at what to do to prevent further abuse. With Jen kneeling on the floor trying to catch her breath, Eliza took the opportunity to grab a large punch bowl that was on the table above the fallen Jen. She lifted it over Jen's head and slowly poured the red, sticky liquid all over Jen's long hair. Jen screeched in protest and disbelief, reaching up to feel her suddenly soaked and sticky hair in tangles. Jen then looked down to see her bikini and chest also dripping wet.
"You bitch!" Jen screamed. "How am I going to go back out there like this?!"
She rose to her knees and tried to shake the punch out of her long hair and off her wet breasts.
"Oh don't worry Jenny-poo, you won't be going back out there in these clothes anyway!"
Jen panicked when she heard those words, but before she could react Eliza had grabbed hold of her bikini top and snatched it right off her body! Jen shrieked in disbelief and desperately tried to cover her bared breasts, shocked at the dirty conduct of this bawdy upstart and utterly embarrassed at her predicament; topless, drenched in red punch, and seemingly helpless to stop this new rival from working her over at will. She thought of trying to run, but leaving the tent in the sorry state she had been reduced to would bring sure public humiliation.
Eliza, meanwhile, was all business, and quickly got back to work by lifting Jen up to her feet. Jen tried to lift her hands defensively, but Eliza just slapped them back down to Jen's side to clear the way for another attack.
"This is too easy!" Eliza chuckled as she went back to work on her rival's showy bounty, this time with her tight fists pounding Jen's big bare breasts like punching bags.
Jenny's unprotected tits flopped all over - left, right, up and down - as Eliza's flying fists pounded them, each blow driving deep into Jen's soft tender flesh.

“Leave my big boobs alone you jealous flat chested bitch” Jen screamed backing off

" Jealous Ha I'll smash these floppy-ass tits flat with my own tits, you stuck-up slut!" barked Eliza.

Hewitt was just glad that her aggressive rival had slowed down her attack to catch her breath back. Now it was turning into a titfight, she was glad that now she would now be having an advantage of her less endowed opponent. Sticking out her big famous chest to unnerve Eliza.

“Cmon now Eliza let’s see these itty bitty tits you’re hiding under there I’m gonna crush…

Jennifer’s jaw dropped before she finished her sentence. Eliza Removed her Bikini top with so much confidence to reveal small but firm sexy breasts . “What’s the matter Love puppy? Cat caught you’re tongue?”

Hewitt self consciously looked down at her large wet boobies” I’m way bigger” Jen told herself “but why do I feel so intimidated by these small little boobies” Hewitt cringed drawing her chest back a little.

Eliza could sense the hesitation in Jennifer’s body language “ ready when you’re Overrated droopy tits are Love” she walked forward confidently grinning. With dangerous looking pointy nipples much bigger than Loves little nubs.

“Overrated” Love fumed. These are the most famous big boobs in America you tiny chested bitch. Everyone wants to have  what the “love machine” got up top. Jen screeched .

Ha! Ohh Jen C’mon you don’t really believe all the hype do you? Eliza laughed loudly. “Anyone can walk around in a wonderbra with their boobs pushed up to their chin. Eliza said grinning.

“That’s no true” said the red faced love. “I  don’t push these up she said covering her chest defensively .…There just so big they do it themselves. Jen cried out, Just thinking of something to say.

“Ohh Jenny you’re so delusional ” said Eliza bursting into laughter picking up Jennifer’s bikini top. Haha Jees.. feel the padding on this top. What’s the label say?? 36 B Push up Extra two cup sizes. This could probably fit me. Again the laughing Eliza was loving this moment and predicament she had the famous big boobed starlet in.

“No…w..W way it can’t say that”Jen voice now as low as a whisper as her eyes were beginning to well up. She remembered how her management had been buying her clothes for years now. These sexy bra and tops she was bursting out off. Where the all a size to small? Making her feel bigger and more powerful than she really was.

“Ohh Dont cry little lovey” Eliza said Sarcastically as she was now trying on Loves famous Bikini. Love was now white as a sheep as Eliza actually could fit into her bikini. She didn’t overflow the top as well as love did sure. But it was filled non the less. And actually gave Eliza a nice sexy Cleavage.

“Ohh this must be so Embarrassing” smirked Eliza.  Eliza Dushku little tittes Filliing Jenny “loves her big tits” Hewitt’s big bra? Said Dushku loving the moment feeling and looking so sexy. “Imagine the world had to find out you’re nothing but a wimpy push up bra wearing fake. Hiding nothing but fat little floppy tits . Trying to intimidate smaller breasted woman for years.” With what? Now you’re topless  you’re nothing special no one would look twice at you now you pathetic attention seeking slut.”

“ Shut up I’m still B… B… bigger and better  than you”Jen burst into tears and covered her famous boobs. Walking backwards hitting the wall as Eliza took aggressive steps forward towards her intimated Rival.

“ Better?” Eliza said looking a like annoyed by the comment. She said removing Jenny’s bikini top and removing the petrified girls hands from her covered up famous boobs. “Let’s just find out shall we lovey dear”

She sank her firm tits into Jen’s  bigger inviting soft boobies “ ahh” what was heard upon impact. Was this one sided physical and physiological beatdown going to continue or was Jen going to prove she had some fight left?


Offline qwerty123

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Re: Jennifer Love Hewitt vs Eliza Dushku
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2022, 09:26:00 PM »
“Cmon Miss ‘big tits’ Eliza said sarcastically A’rent you’re big famous tits going fight back? As Jennifer was pinned against the wall. Or are you’re fat little tits nothing under that wonderbra?

Shut…Up .. you Jealous little tittles slut. Jen said with fire in her voice.

Ohh yeaaahh gonna make meeee, you push up bra wearing bitcchh? Eliza said with a smile on her face, looking at the pathetic delusional Hewitt eyes closed.  Who she wasn’t sure if she was in pain or PLEASURE?!! From the start of the titfight.

Hewitt fumed at her derogatory comment and seriously considered grabbing Eliza  stiff nipples and pulling them right off her firm little tits. On the other hand, Hewitt  was also eager to show the sexy little brunette  how good she really could be in a titfight - so she made up her mind to go for it! Accepting Dushku Challenge, Hewitt  pressed her tits into Dushku’s , rubbing them so the nipples rubbed together.

Jennifer’s softer, but bigger, tits immediately provoked Eliza’s  already stiff nipples to harden even more; bringing a satisfied grin to the Busty beauty's lips. "Seems like you're enjoying it, eh slut? Bigger and better! That's what MY tits are!"
Hewitt said eventually eyes open looking down at her tits dancing on Dushku firm boobs.

However, Jennifer’s smile proved short-lived as, reaching around and grabbing Jennifer’s ass, Eliza bent her knees and slid her tits down on Jennifer’s , then straightened up, driving her hard nipples up into the soft, sensitive flesh on the underside of Jens world famous jugs. When she slammed her rock-hard tits into Jenny’s  softer ones, the Sexy beauty moaned, clearly accusing Eliza  action. Noticing how quickly Jennifer’s nipples were responding to her rough treatment, Eliza repeated the move!

"Ohhhhhh….my….big …. Boobs." groaned Hewitt , allowing herself to be temporarily distracted from the fight by Dushku  tactics.

"You like it, uh titfight girl?" came Eliza  sharp retort. " Oh you’re big boobs?? Well, let's give you some MORE you delusional bitch!" Eliza stabbed upward again and although Jennifer tried to fight back, she discovered Eliza tits were far different from What she thought or like when she used to Boob bully her young/ older assistants from time to time . Not only were they larger and fuller than she ever imagined , they were definitely nowhere near as sensitive and a few blows weren't enough to turn the match as Jennifer  realized very quickly. Despite her tit-jiggling against Dushku , Jenny was the one MOANING in pleasure.

“ ooh… ahh …” Jenny Said in pleasure
“Wha… Wha..What are you…ohhh… do…doing… to….My…My.. Boobies?

"You think you're Miss Big tits , bitch? Well, what do your So called Big tits think about THIS?" grunted Eliza as she abruptly stopping Hewitts feeble Pathetic counterattack by ramming her tits hard up into Jennifer’s tender undersides.

As she thrust upward, Eliza lifted her arms behind Hewitts back. Jenny tried to copy her move but her arms felt weak and instead dropped to her sides. As Eliza  continued her grind, Jennifer realized she wasn't even fighting back! Dushku shifted her action, and resumed her up and down scrubbing movement over Jennifer’s famous tits. Unable to respond to the treatment, Jenny rested her head on Eliza shoulder, holding her hips and straining to get support from her legs as they started to buckle.

"I KNEW IT!!" Eliza shouted triumphantly. "YOU LIKE IT…" Then she hissed in Jennifer’s  ear, "….you cheap slut… What’s the matter ugh?… My little Tits to much for the great Jenny Love Hewitts ..ugh?? ..tell me you Pathetic little slut.

 Jenny was whining in pleasure. ….Ohh no you’re to much for me…. You’re…. Too much… I .. Can’t… Noooo…. I’m…..B…B..bigger

Eliza just Laughed.. ohh Jenny are you Embarrassed??? Are my woman tits gonna make you’re little Push up girl boobies cum??

Yess!!… ohh Yess!!! Hewitt Screaming in pleasure.. and embarrassment the thought of her famous Big boobs been controlled by these firm little tits was actually TURNING her on massively..

Her mind was Racing….” No…No..Noooo she thought, eyes closed head moving side to side. I’m the big Boob Queen around here…Everyone wants…These…My Tits….my big…big boobies not. Little bittle Eliza’s ….but… but she’s good..real…good. She’s Dominating me…me…my tits, famous big tits….If anyone…Could see this.. I’d never live it down….nooo..

She couldn’t keep the words escaping her lips now. Nooo..Nooo… My Tits…My big…Tits…. You’re Bumbs…you’re little Bumbs…

Eliza laughing loving every moment of Hewitt predicament.. “ohh yes Jenny ohh yes say it say it” said the proud Dushku moving her tits all around the soft defencelessness  Jugs of Hewitt. “ say your little girly tits are nothing compared to mine”

Jenny could never admit this her TITS and LITTLE had never been in the same sentence.
 No…Never….I’m Big…Hugeeee…everyone says it… Y…Y…You’re Jealous..ugh…ugh..You’re…Che…You’re Cheating…says Jenny on the verge of an Embarrassing Orgasm from a titfight.

Ha! Eliza Roared “ You delusional bitch you’re not huge you were never were. I filled you’re bra remember?”  Little me little Eliza Dushku is beating you and you’re girly tits like no one could ever imagine.” Now Say it.. say it you Worthless fake push-up bra wearing stuck up slut…”

Ohh…ohh…Nooo…. You’re… to..much…you’re…to much… for…my little girl…noo my BIG  little tit…  O..Okayyyy…as the orgasm was approaching and quickly. Love clearly enjoying being dominated physically and mentally.

I…I… HAVE  …LITTLE GIRIL BOOBSSSSS…I have  little  Tits like…you..oooghh…she finally admitted it as came. falling into the gloating and delighted Eliza Dushku..

"Well, too bad for you my dear, you clearly enjoyed it.. maybe a little to much.  but I won't waste my precious tits subduing your useless udders!" cooed the victories sexy brunette . Stepping back a few steps, Eliza chuckled as Jennifer Love Hewitt  collapsed to her knees, her trembling hands clasped over her tits as to shield them from any more of Eliza attacks. "I actually wanted you to go DOWN! Well, let's give you some MORE!"